Lunar Bombing, Far Left Insanity, and Polywell

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Post by chrismb »

KitemanSA wrote: Don't like it? You think of something better. :P
Forwardist. I like that.

I guess more dimensions are needed. Here stated are 'personal' and 'economic'. What about 'social'. And how about my clarion-call subject; 'human endeavour', or something to the effect of trying to make the world of humans more sophisticated and refined. Perhaps that latter one would differentiate Nazis and Commies, as I would admit they would otherwise score similarly in the other 3 categories. Regretfully, the Nazis saw fit to 'refine' the people themselves, rather than just the industry and technology achievements they excelled at.

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Post by chrismb »

KitemanSA wrote: Why would you expect a rise from folks who agree with you? :lol:
Then I feel in rewarding company. It normally gets an annoyed reaction from Brits who seem shocked that I'd suggest we lost the war. Of course, now it is well-known that the British Govnernment had been utterly inflitrated by the Commies by their ingenious abilities to 'play chess'. They converted many of the impressionable young chaps at Oxford and Cambridge in the 1910's, knowing full well they'd be establishment figures in a couple of decades. The Commies are artists at playing the long-game. The very concept of a 5-decades strategic plan to Western powers is so far above their heads they cannot conceive of it. Commies play strategies that are aimed to continue after all who started it are long-gone. The Berlin wall came down, that's a fact. Which way did it fall?

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Post by Diogenes »

chrismb wrote:I guess I didn't succeed in getting a rise out of anyone with the observation that the Brits lost WW2 (and, of course, the Amercians were therefore on the loosing side).

Of course, right-minded folks like us know that no wars can be won in this age. It is like asking 'so, who won that earthquake'. But the reality that WW2 was declared to liberate Poland, and we failed. We lost fighting men, civilians, money, for no improvement nor gain of wealth or territory. By any measure, we lost things that we didn't need to loose. We declared war on the Nazis, the Americans joined in, but the Commies won. How do you figure that one? Such is the uselessness of warfare these days. Just look at the objectives of Afgahanistan and Iraq - none of the [stated] objectives met. Pointless loss of life and money, then?

I noticed that you had said that, but I thought you were speaking metaphorically, and had some philisophical point you were making. (That I didn't quite grasp.)

It appears lately too me, that Britain IS losing a war. ( or not even really fighting one.) Britain is being taken over by Muslims on the one hand, and Nannystate socialist bureaucrats on the other hand. ( or so the rumor goes.)

Any truth to this?

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Post by Diogenes »

chrismb wrote:
KitemanSA wrote: Don't like it? You think of something better. :P
Forwardist. I like that.

I guess more dimensions are needed. Here stated are 'personal' and 'economic'. What about 'social'. And how about my clarion-call subject; 'human endeavour', or something to the effect of trying to make the world of humans more sophisticated and refined. Perhaps that latter one would differentiate Nazis and Commies, as I would admit they would otherwise score similarly in the other 3 categories. Regretfully, the Nazis saw fit to 'refine' the people themselves, rather than just the industry and technology achievements they excelled at.

I operate on the belief that Humans are what they are, and what they have always been, and attempts to create utopia of any kind will always fail because of the nature of humans. This is not to say that humans can't change, but they respond only to evolutionary pressures, and the changes happen at an evolutionary pace.

Humans are basically evil, but the same genes contain altruistic tendencies as well. As long as you work on the assumption that people are instinctively evil, but mostly overcome it through conditioning (being raised to behave better.) then you won't go too far wrong in predicting and understanding their behavior.

This pretty much precludes the creation of a refined society (where EVERYONE is refined), and i'm pretty sure that such a thing would run contrary to evolution.

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Post by Diogenes »

chrismb wrote:
KitemanSA wrote: Why would you expect a rise from folks who agree with you? :lol:
Then I feel in rewarding company. It normally gets an annoyed reaction from Brits who seem shocked that I'd suggest we lost the war. Of course, now it is well-known that the British Govnernment had been utterly inflitrated by the Commies by their ingenious abilities to 'play chess'. They converted many of the impressionable young chaps at Oxford and Cambridge in the 1910's, knowing full well they'd be establishment figures in a couple of decades. The Commies are artists at playing the long-game. The very concept of a 5-decades strategic plan to Western powers is so far above their heads they cannot conceive of it. Commies play strategies that are aimed to continue after all who started it are long-gone. The Berlin wall came down, that's a fact. Which way did it fall?

A lot of people refer to the phenomenon as a "meme". The communist/socialist Meme is as resilient as it is destructive. To the uninitiated it is seductive. The problems with communism are not obvious to most people upon first looking at it. Indeed, much of what is wrong with it doesn't become apparent until it is actually implemented.

As I mentioned earlier, Briton seems to be set upon by two memes which I believe are destructive to it. Socialism and Islam. (which is rather amusing, because socialists tend to be Athiestic, yet their policies have been promoting the takeover of the nation by a VERY religious group of people who will brook no nonsense about tolerating athiests or other religions. )

The same thing is going on here in the United States, but we are currently not so far along at being absorbed into the "Borg Collective." Hopefully, enough of this country will wake up and start pushing back. For Briton I fear it is too late.

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Post by chrismb »

Diogenes wrote: It appears lately too me, that Britain IS losing a war. ( or not even really fighting one.) Britain is being taken over by Muslims on the one hand, and Nannystate socialist bureaucrats on the other hand. ( or so the rumor goes.)

Any truth to this?
jeeezzz... you're gonna get me into trouble now! :?

Well, I must already be a rash all over the UK security services' computers anyway, in-for-a-penny-in-for-a-pound, that's me. If you stick your foot in it then wiggle it about a bit!

"Nannystate socialist bureaucrats" you say. If only that is all they were. Add in a few adjectives like idiotic, bungling, corrupted, self-interested, hypocritical, hypercritical, expensive and dangerous, overlayed with layers and layers of imposed administrative burden on the general populus, and you get a little closer to the truth. I kid you not, a straight, regular guy cannot get by in this country any more. You've either got to be a) well-over paid to the average (prob means you are a civil servant of some description) or just rich to start out with, b) in some way crooked, c) a lay-about sponging scumball. If you're just a regular Joe trying to raise a family, you're stuffed and skewered. As far as I am concered, the EU is an absolutly brilliant thing for any right-thinking Brit because it means we can theoretically push of at a moment's notice and go live in another country. And many have.

What can I say about Islam without enflaming anything!? Is there anything that doesn't enflame them? The 'Religion of Peace' was recently examined here in UK by a visiting Iraqi foreign minister or other. He headed off to have a nose around the mosques of our northern cities. He came back to London and apparently said something along the lines of "gee, you guys really do have this extremism thing real bad here, don't you!?!" Suffice to say, there is now a large percentage of the islamic community here that feels the country is at least Aljama, if not already Dhimmi, and if you don't know what that means you'd better look it up 'cos it'll likely be "coming to a town near you" real soon!...

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Post by chrismb »

Diogenes wrote:For Briton I fear it is too late.
For Britain it is already here.

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Post by chrismb »

Just by way of example: ... r-ruck-gag

at least 'the web' came to the rescue to defend UK's supposed probity: ... cle/72341/

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