10KW LENR Demonstrator?

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

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Post by parallel »

Curious what happened to the argument that this can't possibly be a scam because Rossi is only using his own money

As you know, because it has been stated several times and confirmed by Defkalion, Rossi does not get paid by Defkalion until after the delivered 1 MW unit is shown to work to specification.

How many times do things have to be repeated for you before they sink in?

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Post by ScottL »

Parallel you silly fool. I provided direct references for Hanno and Sven showing that they are neutral on Rossi's device and said they don't know what is happening if anything.... you just lost 2 physicists.

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Post by polyill »

This house of cards is about to fall, Oh well I guess we may not make 300 but who knows.
We could easily hit four hundred discussing who was it to kill the energy revolution - the CIA, the Petroleum Magnates or the Elders Of Zion...

Have hope :wink:

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Post by Giorgio »

We say that all of Hyperion products are "plug and play".
I wonder if one day they will state that it was a typing mistake as in reality they wanted to write "Plug and Pray" :wink:

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Post by polyill »

Curious what happened to the argument that this can't possibly be a scam because Rossi is only using his own money.

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Post by ladajo »

parallel wrote:seedload,
Curious what happened to the argument that this can't possibly be a scam because Rossi is only using his own money

As you know, because it has been stated several times and confirmed by Defkalion, Rossi does not get paid by Defkalion until after the delivered 1 MW unit is shown to work to specification.

How many times do things have to be repeated for you before they sink in?
I think it is very presumptuous to state irrevocably how Rossi gets paid. You are basing this on his statements. You do not know the full extent of his financial arrangements. On that note, I would assume he is collecting a substantial "salary" funded by his investors (which according to him previously did not exist).

I remain skeptical. I hope it works, but he is doing a bad job of objectively supporting his case. Thus, my inclination is towards scam, but I am not yet fully seated there. However, that said, every new "release" and "Statement" from Rossi tends to push me towards scam.

He could settle this quickly and effectively and still make his billions. It is curious he does not. His history speaks to being repeated more so than not. Whether it is Italian pride, or his pig headedness and greed, who knows, but at the end of the day he seems to be alienating those that could support him (and thus get more money busses faster) and further his financial goals. Cancer treatment my a$$. I listen to him (in Italian and English), I read what he writes (in Italian and English), and I can tell you he smells like a professional used car salesman. It does not surprise me that his primary funding sources are Greek. It is not like Greek businessmen are not known for selfish corruption and greed. Watch the news any given day. The paragons of virtue, they make a fine pairing IMHO.

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Post by seedload »

parallel wrote:seedload,
Curious what happened to the argument that this can't possibly be a scam because Rossi is only using his own money

As you know, because it has been stated several times and confirmed by Defkalion, Rossi does not get paid by Defkalion until after the delivered 1 MW unit is shown to work to specification.

How many times do things have to be repeated for you before they sink in?
I was referring to the argument that it can't be a scam because only Rossi's money is at risk. There is other money at risk. A lot of it.

Assuming that it is a scam, you can't trust Rossi or Defkalion as a source for information about how Rossi gets paid. Fact is that you don't know Rossi's stake in this newly formed company at all, do you?

Can you tell me what the other company Praxen DefkalionGreen Technologies (Global) Ltd. is? What is Rossi's stake in that? Do they pay Rossi?

FYI, I find it really funny that the 1 MW plant that Rossi keeps saying will be delivered to a 'customer' in Greece apparently is being delivered to Defakalion Green Technologies production plant in Xanthi. They are their own customer. They even say that it is only going to partially heat their facility. We will surely know then, won't we?

Your arguments amount to this. It can't be a scam because Rossi says it is not a scam. Rossi isn't getting paid because Rossi says he isn't getting paid. It works because Rossi says it works.

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Post by ScottL »

parallel wrote:seedload,
Curious what happened to the argument that this can't possibly be a scam because Rossi is only using his own money

As you know, because it has been stated several times and confirmed by Defkalion, Rossi does not get paid by Defkalion until after the delivered 1 MW unit is shown to work to specification.

How many times do things have to be repeated for you before they sink in?
What would it take for you to believe this is either a scam or miscalculation of the data?

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Post by parallel »

ScottL wrote:Parallel you silly fool. I provided direct references for Hanno and Sven showing that they are neutral on Rossi's device and said they don't know what is happening if anything.... you just lost 2 physicists.
Rossi 6-hour demonstration convinces Swedish experts

April 2011, updated May 2011
On March 29, 2011, a test of a smaller Rossi device was performed. It was attended by two new observers: Hanno Essén, associate professor of theoretical physics and chairman of the Swedish Skeptics Society, and Sven Kullander, chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' Energy Committee. They agree with other independent observers that the device must be producing a nuclear reaction. See NyTeknik: Swedish physicists on the E-cat: "It's a nuclear reaction."
ref http://lenr-canr.org/News.htm
(You can add Christos Stremmenos to the list too.)

How does this support your statement:
As of right now the argument would be the rest of the Physics/Engineering world vs. Rossi and his paper mache doctorate, nothing more.
Once your fingers are covered in crap does it makes it easier to reinsert them again to get some more?

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Post by parallel »


I am skeptical and say wait and see if it works before jumping to conclusions with too little proof.

You are a pathological skeptic who is certain that it is a fraud.

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Post by kurt9 »

I just read Krivit's report #2. It is quite damning. If Krivit is correct (and I see no reason to doubt him), Rossi is clearly a con-man. The following facts suggest such a conclusion.

1) The bogus engineering degree from the diploma mill.

2) The attempt to sell to the U.S. military a thermoelectric device that turned out not to work properly.

3) Rossi appears to have "lifted" Piantelli's patent application and used it as the basis of his own patent application. Krivit brought this issue up in January when he discussed the first Rossi demonstration.

4) Rossi's obfuscation of performance data that in no way compromises the proprietary details of his devices.

What I don't understand is why Focardi and Levi are associating with this guy. Focardi is retired and may have little to loose by participating in such a scam. However, Levi is a respected professor at a respected university. He has a lot to loose if this goes bad.
Last edited by kurt9 on Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ScottL »

[quote="parallel](You can add Christos Stremmenos to the list too.)

How does this support your statement:
As of right now the argument would be the rest of the Physics/Engineering world vs. Rossi and his paper mache doctorate, nothing more.

Hey Parallel, if I write an article on a blog that says you believe in the Easter Bunny, does that make it official? Ny Tek has twisted the words of these two men and its pretty clear from the video they've said nothing of the sort. Watch the video please. They stated they only have what Rossi says himself and if he is to be believed, then it is possibly nuclear, if he's lying or misinformed, it is not.

Not a single scientist outside of the Rossi Trio has come out and said officially "This thing works!" Ever single one so far has said if Rossi is to be believed, then it might work, however; they have no proof either way.

Your lack of reading comprehension astounds me.

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Post by ladajo »

They agree with other independent observers that the device must be producing a nuclear reaction. See NyTeknik: Swedish physicists on the E-cat: "It's a nuclear reaction."

I have watched the video, and this is a clear misrepresentation. They did not say it must be nuclear. They said they do not know. They also said they base a lot of E-Cat's credibility on Levi and Focardi, and other "independant" tests. They believed it warrants a further look. They also said specifically that circumstances would indicate it is not a "total scam", and I thought use of the word "total" was very interesting. In context, for me at least it idicated that they think something could be going on, but they are not saying it is doing what Rossi says it is doing.

The message I got was, "this is worth a closer look, but Rossi won't let us".

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Post by breakaway »

ScottL -
I am not defending Rossi but defending Ny Tek. The video of Essén and Kullander you mention was done way before their visit and demo in April.

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Post by kurt9 »

The effect may be real. Lots of other people, including Piantelli, have been working with Ni-H fusion processes and there is a credible theory to explain it, Widom-Larson theory. However, Rossi is coming across more and more as an outright con-artist.

ScottL, are you the Scott Little of EarthTech? If so, how are things at Earthtech these days?

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