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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:08 pm

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:12 pm
by Giorgio
RERT wrote:
Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:25 pm
Actually these are two different patents, as the URLs seem to imply:

Mine above is ...patent/20220367069 call this patent A
Yours is ...patent/WO2022101356A1..... call this patent B

and leaving aside the reference numbers, the text is different!
You are totally right, I didn't notice that their original application of 2019 (EP19208258.4) was branched into 2 different patent applications.

1) The original application (EP19208258.4) become your patent (US20220367069) with international WIPO number : WO2021094372A1

2) The branched application (EP19208258.4A) become the patent I linked with international WIPO number : WO2022101356A1

The one I linked (WO2022101356A1) is the expanded version of the original application with extra data and claims.

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:25 pm
by Giorgio
RERT wrote:
Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:25 pm
Patent A is listed as filed Nov-20 and published Nov-22. Patent B is listed as filed Nov-21 and published May-22. I don't know if the different patent offices confuse things or not.
The publishing date is referring to the US publication only.

Patent A:
Application: EP19208258.4 of Nov. 11, 2019
WIPO Publishing: WO2021094372A1 of May 20, 2021
US Publishing: US20220367069A1 of Nov. 17, 2022

Patent B:
Application: EP19208258.4A of Nov. 11, 2019
WIPO Publishing: WO2022101356A1 of May 19, 2022
US Publishing: ??? of ??? (still to be published)

What counts is the WIPO publishing date as original application was submitted to WIPO and extended to US only after WIPO approval.
Patent B does not have a US number yet because WIPO publishing was made only few months ago and the process takes some time.

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 10:50 am
Reading the patent A: quite impressed that they simulate confinement of 3.5 MeV alpha particles in quasi-stable orbits in their containment device, as well as 100 keV deuterons. Don't know plasma simulation enough (at all) to know if what they have done is reasonable.

Less impressed that it is 25M diameter, 35M high, with coils square metres in cross-section at 10 A/mm^2: perhaps 2x10^7 Amps. They also glide over the symmetry disruption inherent in beam heating devices.

Using superconducting coils and scaling down seem like good ideas.

Perhaps they will produce some smaller, cooler, very stable plasmas in a prototype soon. Not really holding my breath for a monster as specified.

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:49 pm
by Munchausen
A little new information has been added to their homepage:

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:03 am
by mvanwink5
The NOVATRON fusion design is the only concept with this property of increasing magnetic field outwards everywhere in the confinement region.
They do not address cusps, which all open field topologies must have. Claims are just claims.

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 9:25 pm
by paperburn1
Wellat least we have something to talk about,

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:36 pm
What is amazing is the ‘classical’ feel of this stuff. I don’t really see why this couldn’t have been designed in 1955. So OK, simulation would have been minimal, but it could have been tried.

Is there any critical tech which is enabling this now?

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:32 pm
by Munchausen
Is there any critical tech which is enabling this now?
Fancy homepages and videographics to enable funding?

However, the team behind this has given a few interviews with some additional information. See below. It is in swedish so the sources are of little interest to you.

-Phase one is fully funded.

-The parts are ordered and being delivered and assembled as we speak at the Alfvén laboratory at the Royal School of Technology in Stockholm.

-Conclusive results on whether this will work as expected or not will emerge no later than 2024.

-Next phase will cost 50-100 million dollars. Funding is not yet secured.

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 9:29 am
by Giorgio
RERT wrote:
Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:36 pm
Is there any critical tech which is enabling this now?
As I wrote before the critical tech is the high Tesla fields of actual (and coming) generation. They will enable to overcome a plethora of past limitations and there will be a renaissance of many older designs.

Of course this does not mean that they will be successful in principle, but there will be lot of new discoveries of plasma behavior under high fields in these different configurations, and this will in the end benefit everyone in the industry.

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 6:53 pm
by Munchausen
A british delegation has paid the project a visit.

"The meeting between the two leaders followed the meeting Novatron Fusion Group and KTH Royal Institute of Technology had with Andrew Bowie, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Nuclear and Networks), last week when he paid a visit to our NOVATRON laboratory in Stockholm" ... ergy-talks

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 6:53 pm
by Munchausen
A british delegation has paid the project a visit.

"The meeting between the two leaders followed the meeting Novatron Fusion Group and KTH Royal Institute of Technology had with Andrew Bowie, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Nuclear and Networks), last week when he paid a visit to our NOVATRON laboratory in Stockholm" ... ergy-talks

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:38 pm
by Munchausen

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:08 pm
by Munchausen
This thing is starting to take up a lot of place at the KTH site in central Stockholm with around 100 employees and a world wide net of engaged expertise. Their website is swelling but somewhat too nebulous in my opinion.

Here is a fresh interview with the founder: ... n-jderberg

Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 6:24 pm
by crowberry
Novatron has published a poster about their device. It will be interesting to learn about the results from their first prototype, which is supposed to be ready later this year. They will soon submit three papers for publication. ... ma-physics