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Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:01 am
by ladajo
My curiosity is peaked regarding the SRI work. My initial take is 'interesting, worth a closer look'. My immediate question regards the separation of Church and State between SRI and Brillioun.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 5:30 pm
by pbelter
ladajo wrote:My curiosity is peaked regarding the SRI work. My initial take is 'interesting, worth a closer look'. My immediate question regards the separation of Church and State between SRI and Brillioun.

This is indeed very interesting.
One thing that intrigues me is that of the physics is there then it is more likely that both Rossi and Billioun have something, or that they both don't if the physics is not there.

Those 2 scenarios are more probable each, than a scenario where Billioun has got a working tech but Rossi does not.
At the same time IH works with Billioun and fights Rossi in court.
Very puzzling.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:47 pm
by ScottL
parallel wrote:Brillouin reactor confirmed to work. ... echnology/

Rossi's QuarkX still on track for a demo in a couple of months.

BLP's SunCell about halfway through 2017

Should be a good year to see the trolls scurrying for cover.
Parallel, you say this every year and it still hasn't happened. It's like a gambling addiction for you or something. You lose and then double down again. Perhaps you should actually research all of this starting from the skeptics side. I mean, you can't really argue your point until you understand the other side, so hop to it.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:56 pm
by parallel
At the same time IH works with Billioun and fights Rossi in court.
Very puzzling.
Rossi took IH to court, not the other way around.
Maybe IH didn't have $89 million

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:41 am
by ladajo
Well genius, according to the latest court filings, IH had immediate access to another $150 million via Woodford. So, there goes the "they couldn't pay" conspiracy nonsense.

Too bad, so sad for you.

On another note, closer look at the SRI press release indicates some concerns over error bands and power input harmonics possibly creating an illusion of the low excess power they thought they saw. In my own experiences, when dealing with highly distorted wave forms, harmonics can be a monkey on your back, especially if an inadvertent reactive power loop is created. Can make for some erroneous readings.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:25 am
by JoeP
To be a bit pedantic, even having access to $150 million of funds to invest doesn't mean that you "can pay" almost 60% :shock: of that on a tech that just doesn't seem to work without the direct hand of the inventor controlling/operating/regulating the device.

Couldn't pay sounds about right, even for a company dumb enough to have entered into such a contract with Rossi from the beginning. :wink:

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:55 pm
by paperburn1
They are an investment broker so could not pay is not really a likelihood. They are investing other peoples money.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:06 pm
by ladajo
I think we are getting a little semantic here.
Part of Rossiclown's argument was that IH had no more money to pay the 'promised' $89 million.
The discovery hearing filing showed that IH did actually have access to (at least) another $150 million.
Thus, given a worthwhile product (which Rossiclown doesn't have), they could have completed the contract using the $150 million sourced by Woodford, and then gone on to make probably $ Billions with a world changing revolutionary energy source.
However, it is a scam, and Rossi is full of shit.
And, Rossiclown is probably soon to face criminal charges for fraud (again), and tax evasion (again).
My money thinks he will run (again).

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:57 pm
by ladajo
The SS Rossiclown now has a serious list. Documents posted in court filings this week show him telling Bass, the supposed Director of Engineering for JM Products what to say at meetings with visitors to Doral. Bass's comments in the emails seemed to indicate he had no idea what was going on with Doral or JM in general. Also, we see Rossiclown directing the invoicing and transferring of funds to JM in order to give the appearance of financial transactions, and doing this via his lawyers' offices (Annessor and Johnson). It also turns out that Rossiclown and Third Parties have been dragging their collective feet on submitting for discovery. As of Friday, Rossiclown has not submitted ANYTHING, while Third Parties have submitted a limited amount. The court ordered them this week to cough it up. The Third Party Motion to limit discovery to IH was also Denied in Full. And, last but not least, it appears that Fabiani has flown the coup. IH was notified as of 3 January, he has relocated to Russia. He has apparently agreed to appear via video conference for a hearing, and the court will alllow it. however, with his physical presence now in Russia, he can cut response with ease at any time. In my own opinion, I am guessing he did not jump on the Real Estate buying bus with Rossiclown and Johnson (and now it appears Annessor).

Things are shaping up quickly that Bass is probably going to flip on Rossiclown in an attempt to limit his liability. It does not look good for Johnson or Annessor either at this point. More and more mud being smeared on their doors for knowledgeable involvement in the scam.

IH has also filed for a 60 day extension on discovery in order to account for the lack of produced documents finally coming in from Rossiclown & Co. It would seem that they are covering their butt to the apparent Rossiclown tactic of delaying delivery so IH has no time to process them properly.

Any bets on when Rossiclown runs? I am becoming more convinced he will. It is an established pattern in his past scams. He plays brinksmanship to the edge and then bolts. If I was IH, I would be thinking about filing for an injunction on Rossiclown, Johnson, and Annessor's abilities to move money and property. I am unclear on the law as to when they can do this, however I believe they should do it as soon as possibly. Looks like the next weeks are not going to be pretty for Rossiclown & Co. ... rden_et_al

For another reference: a Moderator (Walker) over at LENR Forum has created a library, and is updating it, with the court documents for those who don't have access to PACER. ... TF6c2NtZkk

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:53 pm
by paperburn1
the United States lacks extradition treaties with Russia

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:10 am
by Giorgio
Let's send parallel there so that he can ask Fabiani to kindly come back and defend the virtue of LENR in front of the IH heretics.
I wonder how much was actually his share of profit in all this scam.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:46 am
by DancingFool
ladajao -

While the news from the Rossi/IPH lawsuit is fascinating, I suggest that you may have overlooked a possibility, If Rossi concludes that the suit is going against him (and I suspect that the documents he is so reluctant to produce will be quite damaging), there is nothing to prevent him from simply dropping the lawsuit just before the judge is due to issue a ruling. On the one hand, his JONP site will loudly complain that the judge was obviously biased against him (and under the influence of the Einsteinian physics conspiracy) so he refuses to be part of this injustice, and his fans will simply eat it up. The record shows that the fans will suck up almost any demonstration of dishonesty by Rossi, refuse to address it, and continue with their support. On the other hand, Darden/IPH will then be left with the choice of whether or not to double down on legal expenses by bringing suit themselves, and the prospect of going through the whole dreary process again may cause them to decide to write the whole thing off. Certainly, the possibility of this happening would encourage Rossi to withdraw his suit. Plus, of course, the duration of such a new suit would provide plenty of time for Rossi to liquidate his assets, which in turn would discourage IPH from spending more legal bucks with the prospect of little or no return.

While Rossi obviously has experience with the Italian criminal justice system, he seems to have little concept of what's involved with a competent American civil suit. This is not surprising, since his previous harrassment suits were brought pro se, and as far as I can tell were all tossed out due to his incompetence. The old adage that, "He who represents himself has a fool for a client" seems to apply, and Rossi's unsubstantiated claims and determined evasions seem unlikely to make a dent on judges when properly opposed. He does not seem to realize that he is in the big time now.

So that's my guess as to what will happen.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:48 pm
by ladajo
Fair comment overall, I also believe his biggest enemy is hubris.
On the other hand, Darden/IPH will then be left with the choice of whether or not to double down on legal expenses by bringing suit themselves, and the prospect of going through the whole dreary process again may cause them to decide to write the whole thing off.
Rossiclown is already in the pot for cooking, as part of the civil suit he started, IH filed a counter-suit. Thus, even if he thinks he can cut and run (I also think it likely his suit will get dismissed when the time comes, via probably a summary judgement request from IH), he must still answer to the counter-suit filing created by IH in their Answer to Rossiclown's complaint. If he has not yet figured out that he is royally screwed, he will soon. And, of course it will all be a conspiracy driven by aliens, government, and the CIA to deny the world LENR, and he his Nobel Prize (as he stated he could get in one of his recent filings...)

At the least, the entire story <saga> is amusing to follow. I really do suspect he will bolt soon. Poof! gone. He may believe he still has control over his real-estate purchases using IH's money, and boy is he in for a surprise...
I also think the chances of criminal charges grow exponentially with each filing/disclosure. The JM Products stuff alone is enough in itself.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:13 pm
by paperburn1
Correct me if I am wrong but under normal circumstance they can not take his home, and if he does not have the money/assets to make full restitution he will just "owe" them. It is then entirely possible he may avoid jail time if he agrees to that.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:00 pm
by ladajo
I believe they can put a lien on his home (residence, as he is the owner). The real money is in the Real Estate investment empire he has been trying to build with Henry Johnson as his partner, and I think possibly the Annesser's (the other attorney & accounting office he uses) are as well. There is a real estate holding company that they set up, and bought condos around Miami using the IH funds. All of that is directly accessible and subject to seizures or liens by the court, not to mention any other holdings he may have. Rossiclown is screwed.