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Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:20 am
by Giorgio
When they say that a picture is worth a thousand words.....

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:10 am
by choff

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 12:39 pm
by ladajo
That made my day!


Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 3:14 pm
by Axil
Dear Andrea,

Thanks for sharing the picture of the doctor with his patient. Is it possible to share a sample of what you are hearing through your stethoscope?

Many thanks,

Andrea Rossi

May 27th, 2015 at 8:27 AM

Frank Acland:
Many well distincted sounds, each of them being important to us. I cannot disclose further. Like a physician with the human body, multiple information is given by a stethoscope, not just one.
Depending on the position I put the stethoscope, I can compose a spectrum of information that T probes, P probes, Flowmeters cannot give. I learnt this about 10 years ago, when I was working in the oil refinery of ENI of Sannazzaro Dei Burgundi ( Italy) on a Diesel generator (GENSET). Their chief mechanic, a very experienced one, teached to me to use the stethoscope to listen all the internal sounds of the engine, associating a specific information to any sound. I discovered this way problems otherwise hidden; so I am doing now with Her.
Warm Regards,

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 3:49 pm
by ladajo
Many well distincted sounds, each of them being important to us. I cannot disclose further.
You just can't make this stuff up!!! This is priceless!

Now we can add "secret sounds" to the secret list of secret stuff!


Thanks Axil! Didn't think it could get any better today!

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:22 pm
by parallel
You really are a prize idiot. Apart from it becoming more obvious day by day that LENR is real (that you got wrong), you are apparently too dumb to understand that the E-Cats are boiling water, or on the the point of doing so. Hence it is perfectly reasonable to learn what is going on inside the reactor by listening to it. You appear to be wrong about everything connected to LENR, but of course as a troll you don't care. I don't recall that you have ever added a single useful comment to this thread.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:42 pm
by Axil
ladajo wrote:
Many well distincted sounds, each of them being important to us. I cannot disclose further.
You just can't make this stuff up!!! This is priceless!

Now we can add "secret sounds" to the secret list of secret stuff!


Thanks Axil! Didn't think it could get any better today!

A MOTTO for ladajo

O Lord, help me not to despise or oppose what I do not understand. (William Penn)

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 5:22 pm
by GIThruster
I grew up working in my father's automotive garage from age 9, and I can tell you that yes indeed, there is a great deal you can learn and diagnose with a stethoscope. The trouble here however, is that we're looking for warrant for belief, and this is not the time to note the arcane art of diagnosis, but rather the nuts and bolts issues of hard data. It does indeed look like a con, when you post stuff about unlocking the secrets of the universe with a stethoscope. And lets please note, we still have no explanation how we could possibly have a true nuclear reaction of any sort, and no neutrons.

It is asking a lot to respond with what amounts to artsy-fartsy rhetoric when one is asked for hard data. You are not making the case by posting up such stuff. I have to wonder, what you were thinking to post this above about the stethoscope. It does indeed make you look like a prize idiot. Using a stethoscope is not necessarily wrong, but you are certainly wrong to call our attention to it.

And insulting others is not really helping your case either.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 5:47 pm
by ladajo
You guys are so blinded by your need to seek justification where there is not, you again miss the fact that I remain open to LENR, and closed to the Rossi Clown Show.
If you think that an obviously staged picture of that idiot Rossi holding a stethoscope against his magic box grants him any measure of credibility, you really need to reconsider your ideas of what critical thinking is.

BTW, I like how you are now back-pedaling Parallel;
the E-Cats are boiling water, or on the the point of doing so.
So, are they? or are they not? And, how do you really know?

I surmise that it all goes back to a "Rossisaid". That, my friend, is not defensible evidence. Something that the Rossiclown has lacked greatly while bilking money out of folks with his hand waving and theatrics.

Rossi is full of shit.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:10 pm
by Axil
I have no case to make. The Rossi reactor is close to release. It will be the first of many new designs. The Chinese manufacturing deal to produce the Rossi reactor is in place. The E-Cat production in China is being setup. The world will have to cope with LENR on it own terms. China will disrupt the energy industry world wide. Over time, old energy will be replaced with new energy. If you cannot adjust, accept, learn, adapt, you will be left behind like so many before you in a world rampant with emerging technology. In this new world, only the agile of mind and spirit will survive.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:12 pm
by ladajo
You seem to have some confusion regarding not having a case to make, then making a series of statements to be accepted as truths.
Where are your proofs?

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:37 pm
by Axil
Idiom Definitions for 'Sputnik moment'

A Sputnik moment is a point where people realise that they are threatened or challenged and have to redouble their efforts to catch up. It comes from the time when the Soviet Union launched the first satellite, the Sputnik 1, and beat the USA into space.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:43 pm
by ScottL
Axil wrote:I have no case to make. The Rossi reactor is close to release. It will be the first of many new designs. The Chinese manufacturing deal to produce the Rossi reactor is in place. The E-Cat production in China is being setup. The world will have to cope with LENR on it own terms. China will disrupt the energy industry world wide. Over time, old energy will be replaced with new energy. If you cannot adjust, accept, learn, adapt, you will be left behind like so many before you in a world rampant with emerging technology. In this new world, only the agile of mind and spirit will survive.
Please define "close to release." So far virtually every year since I've joined this board, he has announced that the release of the reactor would be the following month, 6 months, etc. He has yet to hit any of his release dates at this point, so I'm curious if you can define close. Personally I'd like a concrete date of release, a go or no go so to speak. Release it or don't, let us judge based on what we observe it to do or fade into failed obscurity..

Para-phased: Put up or shut up.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:58 pm
by Axil
Now, Rossi is just a hired hand. Tom
 Darden calls the shots. ... erview.pdf

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 8:02 pm
by JoeP
ladajo wrote:You seem to have some confusion regarding not having a case to make, then making a series of statements to be accepted as truths.
Where are your proofs?
Great question! I think he answered you as his last statement, "In this new world, only the agile of mind and spirit will survive."

Agility of mind & spirit must mean:

Take Rossi's claims as incontrovertible truths

Discount valid issues with his statements, demos, so-called independent 3rd party (Rossi handled the fuel insertion & removal, and started/stopped the reactor!?) tests and preprint papers

Making a a leap of faith