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To Fly from Folly: Saving the Polywell

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:46 am
by classicpenny
My new SF/Political Action novel, To Fly from Folly: Saving the Polywell, is available on Amazon in Kindle format at The name of the book is To Fly from Folly: Saving the Polywell. The book has been improved, expanded, and upgraded as of Nov 20, 2013.

Here is the (updated) description:
Jane Wright is clone who suddenly acquires the passions and memories of her donor parent when she is 14 years old. Coming to terms with this change leads Jane into a long series of traumatic and sometimes life-threatening events that finally ends in her freshman year of college when she rejects her donor parent. On a single day in October of 1993, after she has graduated from college, Jane Wright and Nadia Samoilova begin their life-long relationship, Jane begins her twenty year career of developing the Polywell fusion reactor, and Nadia begins her career as a high school physics teacher. By the fall of 2013, Jane is the director of a top secret Navy fusion project that has successfully constructed a safe cheap working Polywell fusion reactor capable of powering a large ship or a community of 30,000. This Polywell leaves no carbon footprint, releases no radiation, uses processed borax and water for fuel, and releases only helium and electricity as products. But coal producers, other energy companies, the Department of Energy, and ignorant but powerful environmental groups feel threatened by this new development. They successfully lobby congress to force the Navy to shut down the Polywell and hide all details of its construction. Covertly, these same groups attack Jane through Nadia who experiences both a deadly physical attack and a talk-radio attack on her personal reputation. Nadia and Jane are determined to fight back. With the help of two of Nadia’s high school students, and Sergei, the Russian flight engineer on a giant Antonov-124 cargo plane, they attempt to rescue the Polywell from certain bureaucratic death. During the Polywell rescue attempt they are financially sabotaged by the Bank of America and detained by the Russian FSB; their aircraft is attacked by a US F-16 interceptor, and later experiences total electrical failure.

Re: To Fly from Folly: Saving the Polywell

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:21 pm
by hanelyp
They can't suppress a tech well once how to implement it becomes public knowledge. Working from what is covered on this site a working polywell shouldn't take more than a few years for a foreign government to reproduce given a credible word of proof that it works.

Re: To Fly from Folly: Saving the Polywell

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:57 pm
by AcesHigh
Do you have a free chapter available so we can see if we like your writing style?

is the book more on the tech side, political side, investigative side, adventures and action?

Re: To Fly from Folly: Saving the Polywell

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:51 am
by classicpenny
AcesHigh wrote:Do you have a free chapter available so we can see if we like your writing style?

is the book more on the tech side, political side, investigative side, adventures and action?
Yes. Click the link in my first post. It will take you to Amazon. They will let you read the first Chapter - no charge. Lots of tech (my wife says too much :-). Lots of nasty politics (is there any other kind?). Little bit of investigative. Fair amount of adventure and action.

Re: To Fly from Folly: Saving the Polywell

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:12 am
by hdonk
Not bad so far. Have read about half. Probably didn't need so many pictures or URLS :)
Also feels a bit forced.

Re: To Fly from Folly: Saving the Polywell

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:30 pm
by classicpenny
hdonk wrote:Not bad so far. Have read about half. Probably didn't need so many pictures or URLS :)
Also feels a bit forced.
I just did an extensive rewrite which is already on Amazon Kindle ebook. (I also edited the above description - taking the rewrite into consideration.) If Amazon/Kindle thinks the changes are significant, they will auto download the changes gratis to those who already purchased - however I understand that the process takes some time. One of my other critics already read the new version and thought the changes were a vast improvement. Hope you like them as well.

William W Flint