Tokamak Energy news

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by paperburn1 »

I am not a nuclear physicist, but play one on the internet.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by NotAPhysicist »

That's interesting, thanks for sharing :)

I was lucky enough to take a tour around CCFE, home of JET and MAST, recently. In the entrance lobby they have a huge picture of the inside of JET - it is fascinating how KSTAR looks so similar and yet somewhat cleaner and more futuristic. I suppose given the physics of what is being done and the time difference in construction that shouldn't be surprising but I still found it striking.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Tokamak Energy has grown significantly in terms of manpower during 2016 from ten people to thirty.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Tokamak Energy is featured in a World Nuclear News article. David Kingham gives a nice summary of the short and long term plans of Tokamak Energy. It will be very interesting to see how their ST-40 spherical tokamak performs once it becomes operational later this year. ... 11702.html.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Tokamak Energy has published a paper:
Overview and status of construction of ST40


A new generation high field spherical tokamak, ST40, is currently under construction at Tokamak Energy Ltd (TE). The main parameters of ST40 are: R0 = 0.4–0.6 m, A = 1.7–2.0, Ipl = 2 MA, Bt = 3 T, κ = 2.5. It will have power supplies based on ultracapacitors, liquid nitrogen-cooled copper magnets, up to 2 MW of neutral beam injected (NBI) power, and a pulse length of ∼3 s when operating at full power. To stabilize the highly elongated plasma, in addition to active vertical control, liquid nitrogen-cooled passive plates will be installed. ST40 is aimed at demonstrating burning plasma condition parameters (nTτE) and may also be suitable for DT operations in future. The main physics and engineering challenges are caused by the high toroidal field, relatively high plasma current, and wall and divertor power loads.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by wizz33 »

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

And they have a new video too:

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Daniel Clery has written in Science a short (paywalled) article Private fusion machines aim to beat massive global effort covering an overview of Tokamak Energy, General Fusion and Tri Alpha Energy comparing them to ITER

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Tokamak Energy has updated their web pages with a new look and structure.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Tokamak Energy has published a presentation on their plans in this PDF-document ... gy-TTP.pdf.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

So Tokamak Energy is planning for break even by 2020. Still a while out, but AFAIK it is the closest date for Q>1 of any competitor that has been published recently.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Tokamak Energy has published a set of pictures of their ST40 device as a status update. The structure of the tokamak can be seen quite nicely. Soon they will cover everything with the outer vacuum chamber and connect all services to it. ... sing-well/. More details on their future plans are available from this press release: ... n-reactor/.


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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by ladajo »

Looks like a Fabergé Egg...

In any event, all plasma work is good plasma work!
Hope to see some good science as they press on.
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

Their approach is interesting as far as Tokamaks go because they hope that their reactors can be relatively small due to the use of high temperature super conductors and spherical tokamaks instead of the more traditional shapes. I am also excited by their quite aggressive schedule. They plan to have a break even campaign in 2020.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

2017 ARPA-E Alpha Meeting presentation: ... INGHAM.pdf

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