Tokamak Energy news

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by RERT »

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

50% of what though? I mean it is a relative number. What are the power requirements now that they have this (in Watts)?
That would be the interesting number to see.
Still good for them. The cryo plants will likely be one of the bigger power drains on a HTSC Tokamak.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by RERT »

Well, yes. They do say cryoplant power is a leading power consumer, but don’t elaborate.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

Recent presentation by Tokamak Energy at the Fusion Power Associates Meeting in December: ... ingham.pdf

They keep inching towards 100 million degrees. I assume that COVID played a number on them as on everyone else, hence the delays with that.
More magnet progress:
Quench tests seem to have worked really well (lots of people were worried about quench behavior when this first came up a few years ago).
Going to build a small magnet test Tokamak called Demo4.
Interesting: Demo4 is conduction cooled and cryogen free. If that works, it could potentially make the plant a lot more efficient, more compact and cheaper.
I suppose that the Demo 4 machine is too small to achieve anywhere near break even conditions (would be happy to be wrong though). Seems like an intermediate step to test magnet and cooling technology before the Q>1 machine? Maybe required before funding is available for that? I hear they are going to have another funding round this year.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

After a few delays, Tokamak Energy has finally achieved 100 million degrees:

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Thanks Skipjack for the video. It is good to see Tokamak Energy progress with their path to fusion. The corresponding press release about this milestone is this one: ... al-fusion/

It will be interesting to see how much new funding this will generate for Tokamak Energy during the coming months.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

crowberry wrote:
Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:50 am
Thanks Skipjack for the video. It is good to see Tokamak Energy progress with their path to fusion. The corresponding press release about this milestone is this one: ... al-fusion/

It will be interesting to see how much new funding this will generate for Tokamak Energy during the coming months.
I hope they get a good amount of funding. I like them better than CFS tbh. At least they HAVE a working Tokamak and a team that is experienced with operating it.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by RERT »

From a worker at Tokamak Energy, video 'The challenge of erosion of plasma facing surfaces in Fusion Energy', I think a talk to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in South Yorkshire.

Long, lots of stuff I didn't know about sputtering, some basic stuff about fusion. Speaker is a cure for insomnia, and a natural pessimist...

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by RERT »

Two new press releases: ... onference/ ... rly-2030s/

Both are brief. The first says that ST40 achieved 6×10^18 keV.s.m-3 triple product at 100 Million degrees.

The second states ST80-HTS will be built by 2026, to inform the design of a 200Mw pilot plant ST-E1 in the '30s.ST80-HTS will of course have HTS magnets, and is aiming for long pulse control (15 mins).

Also this

but adds nothing but pictures and music.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by Skipjack »

Find it funny that they claim to be the first private company to achieve 6 x 10^18 keV s /m3...
Helion did better than that back in 2018 with Venti at 10^19 keV s/m3 and that was published at TOFE that same year. And an earlier result (6.4 keV s/m3) had also been published in the JASON review paper.

Maybe Tokamak Energy could claim that they are the first private company that achieved a combination of 100 million degree temperature and that high of a triple product.
That is mainly because Helion never published the nTTauE for Trenta which should have already been much better than that back in 2020...

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by RERT »

OK, incorrect as stated. Maybe 'private tokamaks' record? Don't know, and if so not so much competition.

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by crowberry »

Tokamak Energy has constructed a set of HTS magnets that will be built into a tokamak configuration for testing: ... t-testing/

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by sdg »

Tokamak Energy's spheramak is making news by passing the 100 Million degree C milestone, which they claim is a first for spheramaks: ... -milestone
Congrats to them. I believe that the more progress with more approaches to Fusion the better it is for the industry!

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Re: Tokamak Energy news

Post by RERT »

Tokamak Energy signs collaboration agreement with Sumitomo Corp... ... on-energy/

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