Repeat Offender

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Repeat Offender

Post by ScottL »

Generally I have pretty thick skin for myself and can handle my own, but I have noticed one member repeatedly violating the very clearly labelled rules on this forum. While I'm asking for a review on their behavior, I'm not asking for a ban, but a standard warning.

GIThruster has repeated engaged in ad hominem attacks on other board members, some person attacks, and has apparently graduated to veiled threats.
Barff. . .

Skippy again granting idiot skill opines with other people's money.

Such a douchbag.
Seriously Skippy, you're a moron wishing he had a clue.
Tell you what, next time you are in the states, go to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in DC, stand in front of the orbiter there, and declare in a loud voice that "the Space Shuttle is crap, idiocy! It was a failure!". Have the family take pictures as the nearest red blood puts his knuckles where your nose belongs.
...and these are all from the same thread, let alone some of the attacks in the "General" forum.

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Post by GIThruster »

Scott, we've recently had many of these sorts of attacks, including direct threats made by our moderator to myself. Maybe you should look around the forum and examine what's going on before making such remarks.

It's been obvious for more than a year that this forum is abused daily by its moderator in order to push his pro drug agenda. How then are there supposed to be "rules"?
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Post by ScottL »

GIThruster wrote:Scott, we've recently had many of these sorts of attacks, including direct threats made by our moderator to myself. Maybe you should look around the forum and examine what's going on before making such remarks.

It's been obvious for more than a year that this forum is abused daily by its moderator in order to push his pro drug agenda. How then are there supposed to be "rules"?
So you're saying because other people do it, you get the right to do it as well? I'll be honest, that's a three year old's logic if ever I've seen it. Civility and patience are neither your strong suite nor a virtue instilled in you. About now my father would've said had this been me "if everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you do it too?"

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Post by GIThruster »

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that personal abuse has become widespread throughout the forum and includes the moderator you want to police others. The system is broken and you're not going to fix it by such whining.

I'd also say Scott, that it's obvious you've made this personal attack against me, as opposed to others who have participated in far more egregious behavior, because you disagree with my political views.

I've been taking abuse from half a dozen people here in the forum for ages, and for you to single me out for my responses is obviously not the justice you pretend it to be. We have several people who deliberately focus people by antagonizing them and abusing them, in order to get a strong emotional response. Do you want to claim you didn't know this was happening?

The forum is moderated by a drug addict, Scott. What did you think the outcome would be?
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Post by ScottL »

I haven't personally attacked you and if you think me bringing this up is due to political disagreement.....then man, Diogenes and MSimon would be much larger targets on my radar. I've called you out and instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you've pointed at everyone else, and then made a feable attempt at putting me on the defensive.

Grow a pair, be a man, take responsibility, apologize for belittling others, and then discuss if you so desire in a civil manner.

*Note - There is more than 1 moderator and as far as I can tell MSimon hasn't resorted to ad hominem attacks in the threads I've read. Even Diogenes who vehemently disagrees with me hasn't resorted to such behavior.

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Post by GIThruster »

Okay Scott. You're right.

I have crossed the line half a dozen times now, of what is proper etiquette and protocol. I have lost my patience and demonstrated a poor attitude on several occasions.

I'll discipline myself to do better in the future.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Post by Diogenes »

ScottL wrote:I haven't personally attacked you and if you think me bringing this up is due to political disagreement.....then man, Diogenes and MSimon would be much larger targets on my radar. I've called you out and instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you've pointed at everyone else, and then made a feable attempt at putting me on the defensive.

Grow a pair, be a man, take responsibility, apologize for belittling others, and then discuss if you so desire in a civil manner.

*Note - There is more than 1 moderator and as far as I can tell MSimon hasn't resorted to ad hominem attacks in the threads I've read. Even Diogenes who vehemently disagrees with me hasn't resorted to such behavior.
Just so you know, the Owner of this website has expressed an opinion related to a similar issue before.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Post by ladajo »

The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Post by vernes »

ladajo wrote:Ouch.
That post is 3 years old. Doubtful if it hurts that much.
Dig deep enough and you have people wearing diapers.

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