Public Policy Paper for Congress

Discuss funding sources for polywell research, including the non-profit EMC2 Fusion Development Corporation, as well as any other relevant research efforts.

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Public Policy Paper for Congress

Post by Mike_P »

Hi All,

Maybe you all can answer a question for me.

I'm going to DC the week of June 14th and will be speaking to a number of members of congress as well as the Heritage Foundation about alternative energy policy. In particular I'm going to be pitching for more funding for the polywell research. Is there someone that I can talk to about preparing materials to present or give to these congress members? Hopefully I'll be able to get the interest of some members to divert some of the DOE money towards polywell research.

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Post by KitemanSA »

Were I you I would check with Dr. Nebel regarding requests for more money. The eddress on the EMC2FDC web site will get to his attention.

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