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Voluntary income tax

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:01 pm
by Nanos
Perhaps as some religions do, everyone who wants to help can pay a percentage of their income towards the project, perhaps say 1% ?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:51 pm
by Zixinus
Perhaps as some religions do, everyone who wants to help can pay a percentage of their income towards the project, perhaps say 1% ?
Idea has merit, but we are too few and too poor for that to be effective. What we really, really need right now is to get the word out, and verify EMC2's claims best we can.

If we have enough people, and we make an convincing enough arguments, people will donate by themselves. Most donations won't be enough to buy much more then a lunch, but with enough people we could get enough for a reactor.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:01 pm
by Nanos
Having watched over the years previous attempts to get people to donate, none of them have done very well at that.

Sadly I think the word has gone out and been forgotten, speaking with joe public they see it as yet another fusion claim, which over the years have come and gone.

Starting a grass roots approach might enable large enough numbers to slowly build up funds, it is after all, how religions begin, and they are rather good at fund raising :-)

A friend of mine says that doing by example works best in getting people to copy you.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:07 pm
by Zixinus
Sadly I think the word has gone out and been forgotten, speaking with joe public they see it as yet another fusion claim, which over the years have come and gone.
And we need to prove him wrong. Not convince him wrong.
Starting a grass roots approach might enable large enough numbers to slowly build up funds, it is after all, how religions begin, and they are rather good at fund raising
They are also very good at getting new members.

Also, I'd refrain from associating Polywell and religions. They don't mix too well.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:14 pm
by Nanos
I was using religon as an example of a group that expands its userbase with the aid of an income tax on its members, they also have local meeting places and network with each other to help each other economically.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:18 pm
by Zixinus
I was using religon as an example of a group that expands its userbase with the aid of an income tax on its members, they also have local meeting places and network with each other to help each other economically
Not gonna work with Polywell. You must understand that what would work with religions might not work with an open-source, scientific project.
Having watched over the years previous attempts to get people to donate, none of them have done very well at that.
That's because too few people know about it.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:22 pm
by Nanos
One way to get more publicity would be to establish local groups, like they did in England in the 1800's, pooling resources would be more efficient than everyone working in their own backrooms trying to replicate each others work.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:36 pm
by Zixinus
One way to get more publicity would be to establish local groups, like they did in England in the 1800's, pooling resources would be more efficient than everyone working in their own backrooms trying to replicate each others work.
That's why there is a forum to discuss things, and results. The only reason why someone would do something that was already done is because the person in question doesn't know about it.

Beyond that, the idea of asking for income tax has a snake-oil smell to it.

Not that forming local groups is a bad idea. With the help of the internet, a network can be formed. However, that is going to need allot of organizations.

But that would require finding founding members. In my case, most likely some physic teachers. Before I do that, I'd like to see a little more data from EMC2.