Seeking assistance with a plan for well-funded polywell R&D

Discuss funding sources for polywell research, including the non-profit EMC2 Fusion Development Corporation, as well as any other relevant research efforts.

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Re: Seeking assistance with a plan for well-funded polywell

Post by ladajo »

My apologies.
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
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Re: Seeking assistance with a plan for well-funded polywell

Post by MSimon »

ohiovr wrote:Hi Tyler,

How do you know it will work? I am kind of skeptical that it will work. First of all, next year will be EMC2's 30th birthday. No power fusion yet. They've had 30 years. That's only 20 years younger than Tokamac. Sure there aren't nearly as many researchers in Polywell as there is in Tokamac. But I think the general principle of the machine should have been established by now. Whats the hold up? Whats the answer? If we only had more powerful magnets? Nigh on that; why do the magnetic fields have to be so blasted gigantic? In fact, they should know exactly how powerful, large, voltages, etc, etc, need to be by now. If they don't then something is very wrong. And do they? I don't think so.
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Tyler Jordan
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Re: update

Post by Tyler Jordan »

The plan I started with has evolved a fair bit and we've actually stepped-up the schedule. There are going to be many surprises. What we are aiming to do is a full open-source polywell consortium with specific aims. The plan goes much further than that as well - three stages through commercialization. All will be made public soon and open to critique and adjustment.

There are now three of us who will be publicly associated with the project, however there are others who, for the time being, do not wish to be named that are facilitating as well.

To be frank, I'm pinching myself. I didn't believe it would get this far this fast and I'm struggling to keep up. This is a massive undertaking, which is one of the reasons why we are forming this as open-source consortium - we need everyone's help. Just remember, when eating an elephant, we must take one manageable bite at a time. The patience of the community is greatly appreciated.


Tyler Jordan

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