The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

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The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by Jccarlton »

Progressives never seem to be able let things go. Some slight or event that would have long been forgotten must be the REASON for the opposition against all those wonderful things the Progrsive wants to do, er for, us Here's a case in point. ... party.html
It seems that Cass Sunstein believes that the Alger Hiss was the reason for the opposition for the great Progressive ideas that he was forwarding.:
"Chambers’ broader charge -- that liberalism was a species of socialism, “inching its ice cap over the nation” -- polarized the nation. His attack on the patriotism of the Ivy League elite reflected an important strand in American culture, and it helped to initiate suspicions that persist to this day. "
The delusions of the left never cease to amaze me. Does Sunstein rally think that most conservative TEA Pary type really care vary much about Whitaker Chambers or Alger Hiss. I guess he doesn't understand that it isn't some nebulous charge from a once prominent conservative, who unfortunately has been mostly forgotten, a reaction to what Sunstien and the Administration have been doing right now. The angst of the TEA Party has a lot more to do with TARP, the stimulus, the ACA and the whole structure of rules, regulations and taxes that most of us suffer under rather than some long forgotten Communist.
Walter Russell Mead expands this:
"This is a surprisingly lame ending to the piece. After all, if Chambers’ attack on the Ivy League “reflected an important strand in American culture,” then the Tea Party must have deeper roots than one half-forgotten cause célèbre. It’s also not clear what he means by the reference to false accusations against liberals for holding positions that they abhor. Is that what Sunstein thinks the Tea Party is about? That if those unfortunate and paranoid folks understood liberals better, they would oppose them less?"
And more:
"The Tea Party is mostly something much more conventional: a libertarian, small government protest against the centralization of federal power, and a populist resentment of snooty Ivy League professors who think the common people aren’t very smart. We’ve had these movements in America ever since colonial times; when Andrew Jackson defeated John Quincy Adams’ re-election bid in 1828, the 19th century forerunners of the Tea Party were in full cry.
We aren’t seeing a right-leaning populist surge today because of Alger Hiss; we are seeing it because many Americans believe that President Obama’s liberal and technocratic agenda represents a threat to a way of life they value. We are seeing it because many Americans blame the establishment of both parties both for the financial crisis and for the vast transfer of resources to the wealthy that came after the crash. We are seeing it because whether you look at foreign or domestic policy, the technocratic suggestions of the Great and the Good have not been helping ordinary Americans much for the last 20 years." ... lger-hiss/
Look, we Americans can think for ourselves for the most part. We don't need the Koch Bros., Heritage, or Rush to tell us that the Progressive agenda and it's technocratic elite doesn't work. We get our faces rubbed in it every day. The TEA Party has far to do with people like Sunstein and their trying to nudge us into places we don't want to be and limiting our choices as free people than it does any connection to a central authority figure. The problem is that Progressives are trying to use early industrial thinking and massive bouts of delusion and illogic to try to cope with a world that has moved on. Sunstein has spent too much time in the comfortable of the Ivy Covered Snob Factories and not enough time in the real world the rest of us live in.

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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by Schneibster »

So, this is just like the Procols of the Elders of Zion or whatever, right?

Or Area 51?

Or the lizard-people taking over the government?
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by GIThruster »

Jccarlton wrote:The angst of the TEA Party has a lot more to do with TARP, the stimulus, the ACA and the whole structure of rules, regulations and taxes that most of us suffer under rather than some long forgotten Communist.
The entire plan from the left for coping with the Tea Party has always been to malign them and ignore what they stand for. Cast them as "radical" for wanting fiscal responsibility. Call them "extreme" for thinking the federal government ought to balance the budget. Call them "racist". Call them anything that masks the single, simple message they represent--that government needs to act in a fiscally responsible manner.

The Republicans likewise have masked the message of the Tea Party by pretending they are against higher taxes. That was never a part of the original Tea Party platform. Most Tea Party people would be happy to see higher taxes if what this compromise meant was far less spending.

Odd as it may seem, both sides mask the message of acting responsibly so they can continue to act irresponsibly. Thing is, most of the common folk agree, the feds should not run a regular deficit, they should not have $17T in debt and they need to stop spending money they haven't got or we will end up like Greece.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by Schneibster »

The teatraitors are a bunch of Republicans who have decided to totally give their souls over to Satan and advertising; the flacks. The ones who have parties in their New York and LA skyscrapers with cocaine in the side offices. Those are the ones who are getting elected.

The ones voting for them are the stupids, who've been convinced by the propaganda.

They're the same ones who voted against "them [black people]" in the Southern Strategy.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by TDPerk »

The reason the TEA Party exists is that the surrender of the GOP to FDR and his ilk has left us with 200 to 220 trillion in unfunded liabilities in this country.

Lochner was correctly decided, Filburn was a SCOTUS screwup.

Keynes was a fool, Bastiat and the Austrian Economists (who speak German, unlike what the Won thought while in the 57th state), they have economics correct.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by Schneibster »

TDPerk wrote:Keynes was a fool,
Nutjob alert.

Bye nutjob.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by TDPerk »

"Bye nutjob."

Is that a promise, or are you lying again?

BTW, Keynes recovered from his temporary insanity before his death and came out with the opinion that that tax cuts--not government spending--were a better way to stimulate the economy in a recession.

Keynes saw the light and supported supply side economics...
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by Schneibster »

TDPerk wrote:BTW, Keynes recovered from his temporary insanity before his death and came out with the opinion that that tax cuts--not government spending--were a better way to stimulate the economy in a recession.

Keynes saw the light and supported supply side economics...

You even have lies about Keynes.

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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by TDPerk »

"Nor should the argument seem strange that taxation may be so high as to defeat its object, and that, given sufficient time to gather the fruits, a reduction of taxation will run a better chance than an increase of balancing the budget." -- John Maynard Keynes, when discussing what came to be known as the Laffer Curve.

You're not only a liar, you're deeply ignorant.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by Schneibster »

TDPerk wrote:"Nor should the argument seem strange that taxation may be so high as to defeat its object, and that, given sufficient time to gather the fruits, a reduction of taxation will run a better chance than an increase of balancing the budget." -- John Maynard Keynes, when discussing what came to be known as the Laffer Curve.

You're not only a liar, you're deeply ignorant.
I'm not the one in favor of balancing the budget in the middle of the Great Recession.

You're lying again.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by TDPerk »

I'm not the one in favor of balancing the budget in the middle of the Great Recession.

You're lying again.
You just make up what ever you need to, don't you?

But unbalancing the budget in the direction of a surplus and letting the creators create would be an excellent thing.

Nothing holds the economy back more than over-regulation, and the punishing of the creators and innovators--claiming "they didn't build that".

And that 220 trillion in liabilities hanging like a Sword of Damocles over everyone that the Democrats success has created.

The ignoring of that and AGW are their favorite fake maths.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by Schneibster »

TDPerk wrote:
I'm not the one in favor of balancing the budget in the middle of the Great Recession.

You're lying again.
You just make up what ever you need to, don't you?
So how come there's no more stimulus?

All the responsible economists have been calling for it for four years.

Speaking of making things up.
We need a directorate of science, and we need it to be voted on only by scientists. You don't get to vote on reality. Get over it. Elected officials that deny the findings of the Science Directorate are subject to immediate impeachment for incompetence.

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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by TDPerk »

You are ignorant!

Q3 has become unending, to hear the Fed tell it.

That's an ongoing attempt at stupid Keynes style stimulus.

The stimulus hasn't ended.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by TDPerk »

But it's becoming obviously unsustainable.
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Re: The TEA Party Was Caused By The Hiss Case, Really?

Post by Schneibster »

We told you QE wasn't enough, that we should give out lots of food stamps and lots of welfare.

Now you whine.

It's your fault, idiots.

Don't be asking for any cops to protect your stupid asses paid for with my tax dollars.

Outsource it. Snicker. Maybe you can hire the Mafia. That's about fair for your national loyalty. You stopped the US Attorneys from following the Mafia and sent them after "voter fraud" that didn't exist instead. Now the Mafia wants your money and you wasted your US Attorneys so they got cut by Congress. Good luck.
We need a directorate of science, and we need it to be voted on only by scientists. You don't get to vote on reality. Get over it. Elected officials that deny the findings of the Science Directorate are subject to immediate impeachment for incompetence.

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