Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

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Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by mvanwink5 »

Make some money. A lot of other Gubbermant property could be sold.

Sell Airforce 1 (they can fly commercial as well as all the other Gubbermant lords and Tsars)
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by hanelyp »

As I see it, any federal government held real estate not serving a near term purpose enumerated in the constitution should be divested, whether by transfer to the States, auction (over time to not collapse the real estate market), or homesteading/development claims. Auctions could go a long ways towards paying down the debt.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by mvanwink5 »

Looks like Trump is sucking the air and money out of the Repub straggler gaggle. Only a matter of time before his razzle dazzle prunes the neocon Bush, too.

The press fawns over Hollywood style, ad generating candidates and Trump is a publicity adept who brings in the bacon with 'World Wide Wrestling' type entertainment. And, ideals and ideologues can't compete with promises of massive regeneration of real jobs. Then, finally, the Democom party of Chavez-Moduro style socialism brought to dreamy eyed leftist voters by Obama has rapidly taken its economic toll and in the general election will deservedly earn a landslide loss in 2016 for his protege wannabes... iff voters can't be swayed with fears of fire breathing Baptist clansmen.

Moreover, his position on dividing issues is political waffle, bob-n-weave shuffle, then redirect to jobs, which he gets away with as everyone is willing to believe he is really on their side of every controversial issue (think MSimon vs Diogenes). Tough to beat for the normal divide and conquer Democom strategy. Pin the tail on the Donald will be their dance from here on out.

Prediction: Short of a Romney choke, at this point the only question is how cheap will Trump get the White House 8 year lease for?
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by MSimon »

mvanwink5 wrote:Looks like Trump is sucking the air and money out of the Repub straggler gaggle. Only a matter of time before his razzle dazzle prunes the neocon Bush, too.

The press fawns over Hollywood style, ad generating candidates and Trump is a publicity adept who brings in the bacon with 'World Wide Wrestling' type entertainment. And, ideals and ideologues can't compete with promises of massive regeneration of real jobs. Then, finally, the Democom party of Chavez-Moduro style socialism brought to dreamy eyed leftist voters by Obama has rapidly taken its economic toll and in the general election will deservedly earn a landslide loss in 2016 for his protege wannabes... iff voters can't be swayed with fears of fire breathing Baptist clansmen.

Moreover, his position on dividing issues is political waffle, bob-n-weave shuffle, then redirect to jobs, which he gets away with as everyone is willing to believe he is really on their side of every controversial issue (think MSimon vs Diogenes). Tough to beat for the normal divide and conquer Democom strategy. Pin the tail on the Donald will be their dance from here on out.

Prediction: Short of a Romney choke, at this point the only question is how cheap will Trump get the White House 8 year lease for?

Trump argued in 1990 that the only way to win the War on Drugs was to legalize drugs and use the tax revenue to fund drug education programs. As he put it, "You have to take the profit away from these drug czars." In his 2000 book, The America We Deserve, he stated that he'd never tried drugs "of any kind."
Source: Tim Murphy in Mother Jones magazine , Apr 20, 2011
But I do agree with your general point - he will blow with the wind.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by mvanwink5 »

But I do agree with your general point - he will blow with the wind.
He equivocated, said he is rethinking his previous position. So, you'll just to have to elect him to see what you are getting. :mrgreen:

Well you know what you'll get with Jub & Hillll (one and the same), they could be each other's VP.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

Hmmm, Hillary versus Donald. I think I'd have to vote for Hillary. And then maybe leave the country for four years.

Webb tossed his hat in the ring today. Not a bad guy, in my opinion, except for a rather unfortunate party affiliation. Probably has a snowball's chance in heck of being elected, but he is smart and, I think, honorable.

When making a comparison of, say, Hillary versus Jeb, do keep in mind that the office makes people do what they have to do regardless of what they said. Obama, for example, was all for pulling out of Iraq, but when you look at what he actually did in the first few years, he pretty much followed the plan George Bush had put in place. And now he's got several thousand troops back in there ... we are assured that there are no boots on the ground so I presume he has them wearing Birkenstocks. There are some actual differences, of course. Romney would never have gone for Obamacare ... oh, wait, Obamacare was largely modeled on Romneycare. And Obama vowed to close Gitmo ... wait, uh, aren't there something like 46 still there, deemed too dangerous to release or transfer to other countries? McCain, himself a former POW, is unlikely to have tolerated "enhanced interrogation techniques."

Sure hope this time the GOP picks a candidate that people will actually vote for in the general election. Said candidate may not make some of you guys happy, but you'll be happier than you would be if Hillary is the next prez, which is exactly the result to expect if they pick a nutter like Trump.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Tom Ligon wrote:Hmmm, Hillary versus Donald. I think I'd have to vote for Hillary. And then maybe leave the country for four years.
Sure hope this time the GOP picks a candidate that people will actually vote for in the general election. Said candidate may not make some of you guys happy, but you'll be happier than you would be if Hillary is the next prez, which is exactly the result to expect if they pick a nutter like Trump.
If it shapes up to be a Hillary vs Jeb Bush contest and Hillary wins, an outcome that wouldn't surprise me...what exactly do you fear most that she would be able to do? Given the American electorate's long standing penchant for electing divided governments, likely if Hillary win the POTUS than expect the Republicans to retain control of both Houses of Congress; possibly even gaining seats and/or state governorships’. In such a strongly divided federal government she wouldn’t be able to do much to advance her “leftist agenda” as most of you probably fear. She would either have to work with the republican controlled Congress to get laws passed and say for instance more moderate judges appointed, or get used to lots of unfilled vacancies. A gridlocked “dysfunctional” federal government would further strengthen the hands of the States to more run their own affairs, like say on ending the WOD; it might also limit the opportunities for more foreign adventurism on the part of the Feds.
IMHO a Republican (like Bush or Trump) elected with an all Republican Congress is much more dangerous/worrisome than a Democratic President (Hillary) checked/stymied by a Republican controlled Congress.

Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

I've learned to appreciate the value of a divided and dysfunctional federal government. They can't pass anything without a strong consensus. When one party is in charge, Democrat or Republican, it invariably goes to their heads and the controlling party pushes thru programs that are so bad they lose power on the next election.

Remember Newt?

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by hanelyp »

Recent events have had me thinking about the Donald. I really like that he is completely fearless in speaking his mind. Dig into what he says (not what is reported by the leftist media) and he is usually correct in a profound way. But it disturbs me how artless he is saying it. He really needs to take a breath and think about what he's saying, and how it can and will be twisted. We need someone in the White House who is not just fearless but who can actually communicate.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by JoeP »

williatw wrote:...Given the American electorate's long standing penchant for electing divided governments, likely if Hillary win the POTUS than expect the Republicans to retain control of both Houses of Congress; possibly even gaining seats and/or state governorships’. In such a strongly divided federal government she wouldn’t be able to do much to advance her “leftist agenda” as most of you probably fear.
Meh, B.O. is getting pretty much most of what he wants over time and it is only accelerating.

I view the GOP as the Democrat-Socialist-Lite party. It is even more disingenuous than the opposition, since they often talk the talk to get elected, but cave in completely when the rubber hits the road.

Plus is looks good to have someone/some group to always blame. B.O. loves this and Hill also want the GOP to retain control over the Congress if she wins. It is a pre-made foil.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by JoeP »

hanelyp wrote:Recent events have had me thinking about the Donald. I really like that he is completely fearless in speaking his mind. Dig into what he says (not what is reported by the leftist media) and he is usually correct in a profound way. But it disturbs me how artless he is saying it. He really needs to take a breath and think about what he's saying, and how it can and will be twisted. We need someone in the White House who is not just fearless but who can actually communicate.
Yep. He should take a second before be starts the mouth motor. That alone would do much more for his chances than anything else.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

JoeP wrote:Meh, B.O. is getting pretty much most of what he wants over time and it is only accelerating.
Wouldn't agree with "accelerating" more the cumulative effect of his earlier results. The "Obama Care" was passed by a democratically controlled Congress & the two SCOTUS appointees critical in the subsequent upholding against the Court challenges of such, approved by a Democratic Senate. Like their votes on the gay marriage thing as well (not so sure that even counts as an Obama victory he only becomes so pro gay marriage after the fact). He hasn't done very well with either gun control or Climate treaties in spite of his pushing hard for both. Solyndra support failed miserably & to some degree his general push for renewables; the current emission reductions (& economic boom in the energy sector) are caused by the huge fracking boom that he clearly hates; not much he can do about that. As far as foreign policy his greatest success is killing Osama Bin Laden along with the policy of assassinating terrorist in general. Hardly think there is much Republican opposition to that. And also leaving a solid majority republican National Congress along with many republican majority state legislatures (& Governorships) free to Gerrymander there way to years of power is hardly the advancing of Obama's "agenda"
JoeP wrote:I view the GOP as the Democrat-Socialist-Lite party. It is even more disingenuous than the opposition, since they often talk the talk to get elected, but cave in completely when the rubber hits the road.
They do what they have to get/keep power (same as the Dems). For instance knowing the difference between giving people what they say the want and what they really want; like sucking up to the pro limited federal government slashing spending tea party that somehow doesn't seem to quite get that Medicare & SS are big government spending, some of the biggest in fact. Never hear the tea party talk about ending curtailing Medicare or SS; some of them seem in denial that either is actually government. Far as I am concerned people here get the government they deserve.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Would have to agree with most of this:

Do I think Trump would actually bar entry to the US of all Muslims? Of course not; no more than he could actually “build a wall” on our southern border and make Mexico pay for it. He’s already backed off on that statement by acknowledging that Muslim US citizens who travel abroad should certainly be permitted to return. But he is forcing the country, and especially the spineless political class, to face the reality that there is a real problem with Islam and domestic terrorism is a serious manifestation of it. I think he’s right that we need to exercise far more caution in permitting Muslim immigration (including supposed “refugees”, most of whom do not meet our statutory definition of the term) and issuing travel visas to people from Islamic countries. (The whole visaless entry process needs to be re-examined, too, thanks primarily to you Europeans who are permitting wholesale migration of Muslims into the Eurozone; you’re likely to lose your visaless travel privileges here as a consequence.) And we should be closely monitoring the movements of Muslims entering the country on tourist and student visas, and aggressively acting to be sure they don’t overstay their welcome. Today we do none of that, which is simply insane.

Trump is a consummate negotiator (as well as a showman), and among the basic rules of negotiating are to ask for more than you expect to receive and to include some things in your offer which you are prepared to abandon. (Someone I know refers to his income tax filing as “a first offer toward a negotiated settlement”, and he always includes a few deductions he knows will be disallowed so he has some bargaining chips to give away.) Trump is asking for the moon and he knows he won’t get it. But he’ll get far more than he would by taking a more measured approach. ... /#comments

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by mvanwink5 »

Prediction: Short of a Romney choke, at this point the only question is how cheap will Trump get the White House 8 year lease for?
So far, he is $30 million under budget and no PAC money.
Criticize his delivery, but it seems to be effective.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Russian President Vladimir Putin Praises Donald Trump as 'Talented' and 'Very Colorful'


Russian President Vladimir Putin offered praise for GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump today, telling ABC News, "He's a very colorful person. Talented, without any doubt,” and that he believed Trump was “absolutely the leader in the American presidential race.”

Speaking after his annual marathon news conference, Putin said it wasn’t Russia’s place to determine Trump’s “worthiness” for the presidency, but said he believed Trump wants to “move to a more solid, deeper level of relations” between Russia and the United States.

“How can Russia not welcome that? We welcome that,” Putin told ABC News.

Despite the apparent character recommendation, Putin did, however, seem to question Trump’s populist methods and often inflammatory statements.

“As for his internal political issues and his turns of speech which he uses to raise his popularity, I repeat, it’s not our job to judge them," Putin said.

Even so, Putin’s words were swiftly taken up as an endorsement for a Trump presidency from the inscrutable Russian leader, known for his remorseless foreign policy and his ability to manipulate the Russian public.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest, asked by a reporter later whether he thought Putin’s comments qualified as an endorsement, cut short the question to say, “It sounds pretty close.”

Earnest added: “It’ll be up to Mr. Trump to decide whether to accept it.”

Trump himself has repeatedly said he thinks he would get on well with Putin, in part because of what he says is a shared dislike of President Obama. ... d=35816611

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