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Attack On A SWAT Team

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:58 pm
by MSimon
Attack On A SWAT Team

I saw the link on a report on the government’s desire for a backdoor for all encrypted communications. That backdoor would be easy to get around. There is lots of good crypto around for free. I’ll let you do your own research.

The way government works today is the control of many by the few. If the population gets sufficiently annoyed there are not enough of them. History shows there never are. The trouble for the controllers is that the USA is a nation of misfits. We are rebellious by nature. That is danger. It is also opportunity.

What is even worse for the powers is that Drug Prohibition has spawned a whole cadre of people who are familiar with elementary trade craft. Those people already have the right mindset in every respect. Some advanced training and they can be really good.

Estimates are that there are 30 million involved with Drugs in America. Let us assume .1% are pissed enough to do something. That is 30,000 potential active enemies. Hiding among 30 million. The signal (perpetrators) to noise (potential perps) is poor.

Re: Attack On A SWAT Team

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:22 pm
by MSimon
This link discusses the governments problem.

Short quote. Emph added.
Trends in domestic intelligence are driven by the same trends** that are against the current organization of government. The internet, web and Youtube, have shifted the cultures of the world to ‘try it all’ mode. There is no way to resist, any attempt to control information flows will put a country permanently behind all the others.

There are no longer editors to frame public understanding, to keep society on the same page. The attempt is failing, MSM is less and less effective at the same time the government’s story is less connected to facts about events. Peer-to-peer information flow on the network means it is easy to find alternative views, and videos of ordinary people have the huge advantage of giving the viewer a person to evaluate.