Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

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Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Munchausen »


No information whatsoever given. Partners with the Royal School of Technology. According to their site.

But let´s have them registered and kept under surveillance. The adress doesn't look like a place where you can do any more serious experimenting. There are however a few large warehouses some 4-500 metres away where you can possibly do something.

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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Skipjack »

No idea what they are doing. Could be interesting. Most likely humbug, but you never know. They claim to disclose their tech by the end of the year. So we will see.

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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Giorgio »

The guy behind it has a pretty good background with inventions that become commercial products, including in plasma controlling field.
I am going to keep my eyes open on them.
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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Munchausen »

https://www.innoenergy.com/discover-inn ... on-plasma/
Novatron is a new technology for commercial fusion energy production. The team behind it has found one of the final pieces needed to quickly make clean inexpensive base-load energy a reality and eliminate our reliance on fossil fuels.

There is an equation in the illustration.

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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Giorgio »

Munchausen wrote:
Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:21 pm


There is an equation in the illustration.
I would say that the formula seems a solution of the Grad-Shafranov equation for the electric induction field (D).
The Grad-Shafranov is frequently used in the study of the magnetic flux surfaces in Tokamaks or the Sun or other MHDs, but it is the first time that I see it solved for the electric induction field.
The first part "-2e/rB3" seems to define the direction of motion of the field, while the last part of the equation "[ B V ]B" is the magnetic tension of he field line (the curvature of the line), so it looks compatible with the illustration.

Additionally I noticed that the field lines in the picture resemble the logo of the company.
Judging from this, from the company name and the owner previous expertise, I am inclined to think that they are planning to use a Magnetron generated field to trap the particles and induce fusion.
If by any chance I am right, than I also wonder if they will go for a 2D planar setup or a 3D (Polywell style) set up.

A picture with a formula is always worth posting! :wink:
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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Munchausen »

The Royal School of Technology is building a research facility dedicated to this technology.

https://www.nyteknik.se/energi/kth-i-st ... ng-7041507

I have had a look at the translation in google translate. Should be understandable.

Press anouncement will be on the 6th of december.

"KTH in major fusion investment – ​​building a new facility


Together with two companies, KTH is making new investments in fusion research. A new research facility is to be built in 2023.

Fusion has long been seen as the energy source of the future and many research facilities around the world are trying to solve the remaining problems. Now KTH together with the companies Novatron Fusion Group AB and EIT Innoenergy will take on one of them.

EIT Innoenergy is partially funded by the EU and works to drive the development of innovations in the sustainable energy sector.


Exactly what the collaboration will look like and what kind of facility will be built at KTH will be presented on December 6. According to the press release, however, the new initiative could enable fusion on a large commercial scale."

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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Giorgio »

Hopefully they will disclose some details about the idea and the road they intend to explore. Looking forward to it.
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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Munchausen »

New homepage disclosed but not so many details. Only simulations done.


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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Giorgio »

A mix of older ideas with a twist of innovation, so I would not hold my breath for exceptional plasma stability.
Unless they discovered some unique self stabilizing behavior in this "convex" configuration they will suffer from the same issues as everyone else.

Anyhow is still nice to see newer ideas being explored.
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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by RERT »

Found this, patent application from 2020


Added: the diagrams seem to me to be MIA. Maybe someone familiar might find the patent application at USTPO: the site is greek to me.

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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by RERT »

Also this, his self publicity from linkedin:

Jan Jäderberg
CTO at Novatron Fusion Group
Novatron Fusion Group ABKTH Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverige

I have been active in various high-tech areas and, among other things, invented new methods to control plasma in PVD-equipment and developed hardware and processes for production of thin-film solar cells.
In 2006 I invented and patented the magnetic configuration (Lagrange patent) for controlling plasma in a sputtering magnetron, that enables a significant increase of performance, material utilization and uptime of production system. The configuration is now standard for magnetrons worldwide.
Around the same time, I invented a system with electromagnets combined with permanent magnets for dynamic control of shape and intensity of the plasma in sputtering device, that resulted in world record uniform sputtering (+/- 1 atom on sputtering thickness deviation of 10 nm over a Blu-ray disk).
For several years, I worked with inventing and developing process and hardware for what became the basis for the TC-technology (thermal-cyclic technology). In 2011, TC Tech Sweden AB was founded based on my patents. TC Tech is now a listed company, producing and selling production equipment for the medical and display market.
Since 2018, I have dedicated my work to magnetic confinement of high energy plasma and founded JFP in late 2019

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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Giorgio »

RERT wrote:
Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:34 am
Found this, patent application from 2020


Added: the diagrams seem to me to be MIA. Maybe someone familiar might find the patent application at USTPO: the site is greek to me.
Nice finding.
The PDF of the patent with drawings is available here.

As I was mentioning in my previous post it is a mirror machine with a couple of interesting new ideas, but the main point is that the simulations they made was with coils at 23 Tesla.

As we was discussing in another thread, coils over 20T will smooth out instability issues for almost any type of machine enabling a quick route to demonstrate Q>1 fusion results. The important points than become simplicity of construction and economy of power extraction/generation.
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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by Munchausen »

Reaching out for fusion relevant conditions in the first machine seems to be a truly bold undertaking. But the hardware is procured and the initial series of experiment funded.

I guess no one hear is eager to start an argument with the Royal School of Technology to make them cancel this spectacle.

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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by RERT »

Actually these are two different patents, as the URLs seem to imply:

Mine above is ...patent/20220367069 call this patent A
Yours is ...patent/WO2022101356A1..... call this patent B

and leaving aside the reference numbers, the text is different!

Annoyingly, I can't find patent A on Google patents, at least not yet. I did find (one) diagram from A at freepatentsonline, but I gave up when it asked for a credit card number (what part of 'free' don't I understand...).

Patent B discusses superconducting magnets. Patent A has a different arrangement of coils, not superconducting. It looks much more like the 3D cad on the website.

Patent A is listed as filed Nov-20 and published Nov-22. Patent B is listed as filed Nov-21 and published May-22. I don't know if the different patent offices confuse things or not.

Anyway, more to chew on.

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Re: Jäderberg future power - Swedish fusion startup

Post by RERT »

Can't find anything in Google Patents with a publication date after 11-Nov-2022.

The publication date on Patent A (application) is 17-Nov-2022.

The internet seems to think Google patents is updated every few months, so might be a while to wait.

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