LENR Is Real

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ladajo »

As I recall, Rossiclown bought a U.S. Diploma Mill (Kensington University of California, now closed due to law suit) "Chemical Engineering" degree (Bachelor's???) but now no longer claims it in his Bio. Apparently, he realized it made him look more like a crook.

In addition, I did find that Rossi does have a Master's in Philosophy from Milan, and graduated in 1975, per the following letter from the University of Milan.

http://www.nyteknik.se/incoming/article ... _Milan.pdf

The key words from the letter are "Dottore Magistrale" which indicates clearly it is a Master's degree. If it was a true Doctorate, it would have said "Dottore di Ricerca".
Of note here is that Rossi was 25 when he graduated. It would appear he had some screw off time in there somewhere that is not accounted for.
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ladajo »

Okay, slow day...
Here a post by Rossiclown confirming control of Ecat by IH. I am sure there are others, but I am not that curious to look for them right now.
Andrea Rossi
October 24th, 2014 at 12:30 AM
To the Readers:
I report a communication released today from Industrial Heat:
“Recently we become aware of information being distributed offering ownership,shares or prepurchase agreements for Energy Catalyzers (E-Cat) with request of money in the following Territories: North America, Central America, South America, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Emirates. As the lawful holders of the E-Cat rights and Intellectual Property in the above specified Territories, we want to clearly state that no such agreements are being offered to the public. If you receive a solicitation, we strongly encourage the public not to respond, provide personal information, or commit any resources.
John T.Vaughn, Vice President
Industrial Heat”
What is interesting is the IP being associated to specific "Territories". I assume that means to the lawyers that IH does not hold royalty rights to areas outside of these designated areas. It looks like an interesting legal fight is going to blow up on Rossiclown given his latest "I control all IP for Ecat".

I might have to buy more popcorn. I am also going to guess that the SEC may get involved soon...
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

Title: 'The IH/Rossi ERV Report'
Doug Marker (dsm). Sydney Australia.

This author has have held off commenting on the awaited IH/Rossi ‘ERV’ report as it has seemed to me there is a clear unreality in expectations as to what would be reported, what could be reported and just what level of success the report might disclose.

What we know is that the 12 month test was with a Rossi 1MW Ecat device claimed to produce anomalous heat where the source of that heat appears to defy known science and for which no adequate scientific theory exists. Is it nuclear ?, is it isotopic-shift ?, is there a combined chemical/nuclear process taking place ?.

No one really knows. The critics fall back on existing understandings of the energy required to break the Coulomb barrier and say this ‘LENR new energy’ is junk science. Most LENR supporters promote descriptions of processes that allow atoms and their nuclei (i.e. as in muon catalyzed fusion) to be forced so close together that the strong force recombines the nuclei particles releasing energy. Some see Neutron capture (Lundin&Ligren), Widom & Larson see a result from SPPs summarized as ‘neutron formation from electrons and protons/deuterons, followed by local neutron absorption and subsequent beta-decay processes ‘. There are other LENR theories.
By contrast, the Randall Mills' process is said to exploit an atomic state where the electron in an H atom can be made to drop to lower than ground state and in doing so release large bursts of light energy within a particular spectrum band. Mills states that unlike LENR, his process is non nuclear. The Mills process and theories are certainly interesting as too are the other various LENR ideas.

Many general observers of the stories seem to believe that both parties in the IH/Rossi test *owe* it to them for IH or Rossi to disclose the full results. That is IMHO (and from a business perspective) unrealistic, and something of a fantasy. If this author were IH, I would never disclose *any such detail* beyond the bare minimum information required to meet legal obligations to all parties involved. The disclosures only need to be such that other businesses could draw their own *business* conclusions and consider entering into secure discussions with IH on future ventures in the countries that they have secured rights for. It is no secret that ‘Energy’ is a multi trillion dollar business. IH did not enter into this venture to entertain the expectant the public.
So, IMHO, any other expectations (or demands) of IH and Rossi, are unrealistic and somewhat self serving. IH only owes disclosure of results to itself and in a broader sense, to its investors (they do not even need to disclose the blow-by-blow detail to them). Rossi would have a very strong desire to have his technology endorsed as that would elevate his position in the 'new energy' stakes and would give great credence to any other claims he makes (and he makes many). Any serious investors with significant existing energy portfolios would want a swift yes/no answer as to if ‘new energy’ is real and if yes, then *time* to re-organize their investments and positions.

As mentioned above, some of the IH & Woodford investors are very likely to have significant need to know as to if new energy has been discovered and would in no way want 'everyone' to know this ahead of their own ability to re position their enterprises and to adapt to an expected dramatic shift in global energy supply and the energy supply-chain processes.

A hypothetical illustration: (*not* tendered as a supporting fact), take the recent decision by the Saudis to sell off Aramco !. If anyone doesn’t see great significance in that announcement late last year, then it would be worth doing some homework. Add to that the heirs to the Rockefeller oil fortune have issued statements (repeated in today's international news) that they are diversifying out of fossil fuels (in 2 years down from 7% to 3.5% of their holdings, and going lower). Whatever conclusions one comes to, the moves are dramatic and interesting.
What if (and this bit *can* be assumed to have real substance) the Saudis are among the investors in IH/Woodford and let us speculate that they (various Saudi oil interests) have been investigating ‘new energy’ potential for some years. Accepting this scenario, how are they likely to react if IH via the ERV report, publicly broadcast resounding success of the IH/Rossi test. Think about it !.
Add to this that IH as part of their deal with Rossi obtained certain rights to the main parts of the Middle East including Saudi Arabia.

So if IH were to release too much unnecessary or sweeping details of their progress, some investors might decide IH is not really acting in their particular investment interests and IH is just grandstanding. Also, if the test were considered a failure, why would IH want to trumpet that ?. But, either way, they might be tempted to let the broader community think there was failure in order to gain greater time to position their own and their investors interests. It is naive in the extreme to think IH would broadcast resounding success of the IH/Rossi test and that Rossi would quickly open a working factory in a few months. This is in the author's opinion, very naive but what so many observers seem to expect. Yes Rossi has hinted at himself doing just this (he has mentioned an announcement in Sweden later this year) but Rossi hints at many similar things that later don’t take place. His history is littered with claims to open robot factories . Andrea Rossi is a grand Ringmaster and deserves credit for his shows. However, no matter what one thinks of this behavior, Rossi is still the Ringmaster in charge.

In the recent IH/Rossi 12 month test. It is (as commentators have so often said) unreal to accept that the testers and Rossi, did not have a pretty good appreciation of energy in - energy out, even in broad terms, during the test, perhaps even before.

It is also somewhat incredible for anyone (and plenty have) to claim that there was no ERV entity or sanctioned report being produced from the claimed test. It must be painfully obvious that IH and Tom Darden were seeking a convincing test that would produce very strong evidence that the reported anomalous heat was real, and that the device has a usable lifespan, and that there were no discernible dangers from radiation or other potential hazards. The energy theory can come later. It also seems that Rossi’s constant presence in the test device was a statement of safety that had meaning for the overall test 'he bet his life on the safety aspect'.

The IH 'test' initiative was a very valid and a very useful one even if it actually proved the Rossi process didn't deliver. Some critics of IH and Woodford clearly fail to grasp the significance of what IH undertook and what the answer means to many of the investors. They shared the risk as the answer good or bad has great value to them. One may even ask if this 12 month test and any more delays, bought another 12+ months for savvy investors with energy portfolios, to plan their futures and realign their portfolios accordingly. Is this what the Saudis and the Rockefellers are doing ?. Time will tell, but when it does, the party and re-positioning may already be over in the investment sense.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ladajo »

What we know is that the 12 month test was with a Rossi 1MW Ecat device claimed to produce anomalous heat
Really it did? Where? Show me something other than a Rossisaid.

Is not Doug Marker affiliated with a "licensee" for Ecat? If so, it would seem to be some shaping action on his part in the above editorial, as in an attempt to protect his interests. Maybe he doesn't want to go to jail...
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ScottL »

What a long winded, speculative waste of a read. The article presents no new information, no old information, but instead speculates on what-if scenarios. Holy hell a toddler could write a better article.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ladajo »

I remember him now. Doug Marker was the guy that ran the eCatNews website.
As I recall, he gave up on Rossi, but remained interested in LENR. I am not sure what he is really getting at in the above editorial piece. I read it again, and it is hard to track what he is really trying to say. Seems like, 'Rossi may or may not work, but IH was/is right to give it a whirl. And neither of them have to tell us much about what happened.'

I do agree that it lacks meat and intent. A wandering opinion piece at best. Shame, I remembered liking a good bit of his work on eCatNews.

On another note, I took a look at the Rossiclown blog to see what his latest focus is, and it appears he is pressing hard to move on to the next iteration of Ecat, "Quark" while saying nothing of depth, and acting almost like the 1 year test didn't happen. Kind of like all the previous iterations of Ecat. Hmmm.

That said I just looked again and he claims today to have received the "ERV" report, and is hoping he can release it soon.
Andrea Rossi
March 29, 2016 at 1:44 PM
While I cannot release the report publicaly at this time, I can state that I am very pleased with the results.
I hope that Industrial Heat and I will be able to release the report publicaly in the near future.
May God help us for the hard work waiting for us all.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi, CEO of Leonardo Corporation
I love how he is now signing as "Dr." Rossi. What a fraud.

Ross is full of shit.
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by JoeP »

I know English is not his native language, but automatic spellcheckers are ubiquitous and easy to use in web blogs. I suspect he lets these mistakes through on purpose.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

The ERV's report on the one year trial of the 1 MW plant provides indisputable evidence that not only is LENR real but so were Rossi's claims. Even group-think academia will now have to take notice.

The ignorant trolls like ladajo, Scott. paperburn & Giorgio have shown such poor judgement on what is likely to be one of the most important discoveries of the century, one can deduce that their opinions are worse than valueless.
If they had any integrity or shame, which they don't, they would slink away never to pollute these pages again.
Expect more ad homs: lafajo, Rossi has a PhD, he is a Dr.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ScottL »

Keep drinking the kool-aid Parallel. Btw, he's not a doctor, he does not have a Phd. He has the equivalent of a masters in philosophy if I"m not mistaken according to Georgio who is in the know when it comes to Italian academic processes and degrees.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

ScottL you and Giorgio are wrong again, as usual. I have seen a copy of Rossi's PhD.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ladajo »

Show me Rossiclown has a Doctorate.

Bet you can't find a real one.

If you are in doubt, then see my post on his degree at the top of this page.
Last edited by ladajo on Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ladajo »

And, as usual you jump to conclusions, this time on a report that is even released. Do you have a copy to back up your above claim about what it shows?
Thought not.
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by ScottL »

parallel wrote:ScottL you and Giorgio are wrong again, as usual. I have seen a copy of Rossi's PhD.
BS show me. He has exactly 1 degree from the University of Milan and it is not a Phd.

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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by Giorgio »

parallel wrote:ScottL you and Giorgio are wrong again, as usual. I have seen a copy of Rossi's PhD.
I have seen it too.
The difference between me and you is that I can actually read it, understand what is written inside, and identify it.
That's why when I say it is not a PHD but a "bachelor's degree in philosophy" I say it with competence, while when you say it is a pure PHD you do so by wishful thinking.

It's plenty of Italians in the various "believers" boards supporting MR. Rossi. I am sure you can find someone that can educate you on the Italian academic system and explain to you why MR. Rossi can't legally use in Italy (nor probably in any country of the world) the title of DR.
Maybe if the explanation comes from one of your own creed it will be less painful for you to accept it.

On a funny note, the link to MR. Rossi Degree is now 404... :roll:
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Re: LENR Is Real

Post by parallel »

Call the nurse. The children are out of bed again.

Why not change the subject to whether his degree was on parchment or paper, or what color ink was used?

No matter how successful the E-Cats in the 1 MW plant turn out to be, the new E-Cat Quark X is a further major advance that will obsolete it overnight. Some details are expected in June both from an interview with Mats Lewan at his Conference and a news conference Rossi is planning around the same date. If the E-Cat Quark X can indeed produce half its energy as electricity directly, implementation on a wider range of applications will be faster. It is also to be the basis of the domestic unit.

Of course the usual trolls will not believe it, but they didn't believe the 1 MW plant even existed, let alone performed well.

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