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Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:32 pm
by sdg
paperburn1 wrote:Correct me if I am wrong but under normal circumstance they can not take his home, and if he does not have the money/assets to make full restitution he will just "owe" them. It is then entirely possible he may avoid jail time if he agrees to that.
Except that the State of Florida has laws against "organized fraud", and newly released evidence in IH's motion for 60-day extension is pretty damning in terms of falling under these laws.

This criminal activity would need to be prosecuted by the State of FL. There's no evidence, yet, that FL has any interest in pressing charges against Rossi, but given the evidence that is leaking out, I think it's a distinct possibility. Again, this is independent of who is suing who, and the outcomes of this suit/counter suit, and doesn't relate to his 'real estate holdings'.

But as a felony 'level 6 offense' in FL, he could be charged with any combination of up to 30 years in jail, 30 years probation, and $10K in fines.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:51 pm
by ladajo
In a surprising move from the court, Fabiani and Bass are off the hook as of today, and pending possible IH appeal. The court ruled on the Motion to Dismiss from Third Parties and dismissed the portions (Counts IV & V) of the Counter-suit which cover them, and Johnson remains on the hook. I find this surprising, and after having read the ruling, it appears that the Judge did so on the technical angles of the associated paperwork filed by IH. I agree that they still remain at risk for criminal charges, and possibly may be returned to risk under the civil suit if IH pursues an appeal on the ruling. It does not make much sense to me how the court can hold they are not complicit in damages. The court seems focused on the move of the 1MW to Doral, vice the plant operations (at this point). However, all that said, Rossiclown and Johnson are still fully on the counter-suit table with the ruling. And, it may be that Bass and Fabiani are rolled back in later, or become part of a new suit from IH directed specifically at them. And, again, the criminal option remains fully on the table as well.

And, in another surprising move, the court also denied the 60 day extension requested by IH given Rossiclown's delay in producing discovery materials. She in effect, let him get away with it. He apparently supplied material over the weekend, and squeaked in. That said, she might have made this ruling anticipating that he is dust anyway. Who knows... we will see. I am thinking that IH will seek to induce further pain on Rossiclown. While a good day for Bass & Fabiani, it remains a dark day for Rossiclown & Johnson in the aggregate.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:50 pm
by ladajo
This weekend's Giggle Comment from the Rossiclown:
Alessandro Coppi
January 22, 2017 at 5:12 AM
Hi Andrea,
I have a question: if you will win in Court, will you lose the ip on e-cat?

Best regards
Alessandro Coppi

Andrea Rossi
January 22, 2017 at 8:21 AM
Alessandro Coppi:
No: the IP has always been of Leonardo Corporation. IH was a licensee.
Warm Regards,
Apparently he doesn't read his own contracts... which makes sense in the larger picture of how he has portrayed by actions and words for decades how he sees things... Prison (again), is going to suit him.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:03 pm
by paperburn1
Or maybe not, you'd also have to differentiate between intentionally being a bad engineer and also intentionally being a bad spokesperson.And being active part of intentionally defrauding an investor. Intent would be very hard to prove by law. They could've just been incompetent :roll:

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:19 am
by ladajo
A fair statement, however one that should be moderated by the concept of a 'reasonably competent person'... at least that is how the courts look at it.
Rossiclown doesn't get to play the well meaning dummy in this. Especially if it goes criminal, which again, I think there is a decent chance it will.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:53 am
by paperburn1
.Most definitely he cannot claim a lack of knowledge led him down this path. With his secret formula that only he knows all the ingredients to his statements regarding how he is necessary to learn how the process works all lead to the fact that he definitely was in knowledge and control of his product. I think you're correct is most probably will go down the path of being a criminal suits after the civil stuff is done.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:16 pm
by sdg
Especially if it goes criminal, which again, I think there is a decent chance it will.
Although from what we've seen I do think Rossi has committed crime(s) based on FL laws, and from my point of view I think he should be prosecuted, I'm actually doubtful that he will be prosecuted. The main reason is that the one party who has been materially harmed is IH, and they are already engaged in the civil suit. So I'm not sure a prosecutor is willing to pick this up with only one well-financed and represented victim. I think it would be different if there were multiple harmed parties, or if, for example, some new party is materially harmed from his Quark claims.

At least now his "business credibility" is shot, so that he'll never be able to find any investors moving forward.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:57 pm
by ladajo
It would not surprise me if they go after him on Tax and Fraud, given the scale of the issue. It could also be federal, as he did cross state lines in his efforts. Rossiclown is an example waiting to be made.
We shall see. As things stand, it looks like the civil process he started is going to have a really ugly and financially ruining outcome for him. I suspect he and Johnson are already seeking ways to complicate collections.
We won't know until we know (to quote an old friend of mine).

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:39 pm
by JoeP
Well, the best evidence on fraud has to do with the recent emails submitted to the court showing Rossi put together JM Products as a completely fake company set up by Rossi and controlled by him. This supports the necessity of sending the heat output through a wall to hide that fact. If there was a real process there, why not have the 1MW plant on a real customer's property and show it off as to how great it all is?

Based on that, I am revising my opinion and no longer think that there will be a settlement. Rossi will have to return the original investment and perhaps fines and interest. I think he will also burn all his chances at any other large investment. Maybe he will sell shares or something to his internet fans for QuarkX and never actually deliver anything.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:13 am
by ladajo
As I understand, the QuackX IP is covered under the E-Cat IP agreement, at least according to Rossiclown's many posts about how it came to be, and what the magical blue light is based on. Thus, if he sells shares, he is selling for IH. Maybe he will find some prison shower buddies to buy in.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:52 pm
by ladajo
For more Rossiclown fun, the group over at LENR Forum found the mystical original 1MW E-Cat rotting outside a warehouse in NC.

North Carolina 1MW Plant performing beautifully!

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:42 pm
by hanelyp
ladajo wrote:For more Rossiclown fun, the group over at LENR Forum found the mystical original 1MW E-Cat rotting outside a warehouse in NC.

North Carolina 1MW Plant performing beautifully!
What should we be looking for in that street view?

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:29 am
by ladajo
Blue 1MW unit sitting next to building. You can also see it from overhead satellite view.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:55 am
by paperburn1
I was there in march 2016 and did not see it there. and it does not show up in my 2017 sat view of the area.
fo course I may have missed it :D
you know one MW of steam and all.

Re: LENR Is Real

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:31 am
by ladajo
I am not sure of the street view image . Dewey Weaver did confirm the images. He also said it has fuel in the modules. Since it doesn't work, maybe IH moved it outside to get it out of the way.