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Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:38 pm
by Randy
hanelyp wrote:A major effect of winding a coil like that is increased distributed capacitance between windings.
Got some shut-eye last night and reread your post this morning. I now think what you may have meant is that if you took a long parallel plate capacitor, added another dielectric layer on top of it and rolled it up like a jelly-roll then you would effectively double its capacitance. If so then I understand. I think that doing that nearly doubles the capacitance.


Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:17 pm
by Randy

The ribbon coil needs an additional 'helper' coil wound around it and connected in series with it to help properly align the magnetic field lines passing through it for most efficient operation.

The 'helper' coil is just a standard wire wound solenoid (use the least number of turns as possible in order to correct the magnetic field shape as required).


Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:44 am
by DeltaV
I've only skimmed through Woodward's book/papers (over a year ago) and I'm too sleep-deprived right now to remember flux capacitor/M-E drive details, but from a geometric viewpoint the spiral ribbon configuration does not seem suited for continuous rotary motion (though it could work for static torque).

A rotary motor might be doable with an alternate coil geometry, consisting of a disk of sheet copper with one radial cutout (C-shaped) for each turn, like a Bitter coil but with no twist/overlap (outside jumpers to connect the flat coil turns). The dielectric rotors would look something like a Tesla turbine rotor, with one coil turn filling each gap (small clearances to avoid friction). Since alternate dielectric layers would have opposite rotations, some sort of gear mechanism would be needed to combine the outputs. One thing to consider is, can the dielectric materials take the torque of a motor giving useful output power?

Sleep-deprived engineering. Often leads to a dead end, but sometimes you get lucky and walk in front of a truck.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:54 am
by Randy
Get some shut-eye, I'm working on a response that I'll post later tonight/tomorrow.


Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:24 pm
by Randy
DeltaV wrote:from a geometric viewpoint the spiral ribbon configuration does not seem suited for continuous rotary motion (though it could work for static torque).

A rotary motor might be doable with an alternate coil geometry, consisting of a disk of sheet copper with one radial cutout (C-shaped) for each turn, like a Bitter coil but with no twist/overlap (outside jumpers to connect the flat coil turns). The dielectric rotors would look something like a Tesla turbine rotor, with one coil turn filling each gap (small clearances to avoid friction). Since alternate dielectric layers would have opposite rotations, some sort of gear mechanism would be needed to combine the outputs. One thing to consider is, can the dielectric materials take the torque of a motor giving useful output power?
I have no doubt that someone could come up with a scheme to reorient the conductors and hook-up some type of planetary gears to the feeble dielectrics in my flux capacitor; but that all seems too unnecessarily complicated to me. My flux capacitor design is the simplest idea I could come up with in order to determine if the Woodward-effect even exists at all. I’m not cutting-down Woodward’s flux capacitor design (in fact I think it’s a brilliant concept). But my design has no piezoelectrics, load cells or complicated timing schemes like Woodward’s does. It’s just dirt simple, cheaper and a heck of a lot easier to fabricate.
DeltaV wrote: I've only skimmed through Woodward's book/papers (over a year ago) and I'm too sleep-deprived right now to remember flux capacitor/M-E drive details
Woodward’s ‘flux capacitor’ paper predicts that mass fluctuations may occur in the dielectrics of capacitors subjected to large, rapid voltage fluctuations. Capacitors store energy in dielectric core lattice stresses as they are polarized. Now, as the ions in the lattice are accelerated by the changing external electric field they are also subjected to a changing external magnetic field oriented at right angles to the electric field thus resulting in the commonly known Lorentz force acting on the ions at right angles to both the electric and magnetic fields. Some people call this the right hand rule for motors. Hold out your right hand and orient your thumb, index finger and middle finger at right angles to each other. If you point your index finger in the direction of the magnetic field and your middle finger in the direction of the electric field then your thumb will be pointing in the direction of the Lorentz force acting on the ion as it is accelerated in the direction of the electric field. Now here’s the neat part, if you reverse the directions of the electric and magnetic fields then the direction of the Lorentz force acting on the ion will not change. The Lorentz force acting on the ions will always be in the same direction. I believe this phenomenon is called force rectification, and it is critical to the operation of any flux capacitor design. The ions will be Lorentz stressed in the same direction twice every AC cycle and the lattice stresses will restore the ions back to their unstressed positions between each Lorentz stress. If Woodward’s mass fluctuations do indeed occur then the idea here is to provide a Lorentz PUSH on the ions when they’re heavy and let the lattice-stresses PULL on them when they’re light. If such behavior can be confirmed then it would obviously be a major break-through with profound implications.

Woodward effect mass fluctuations should be proportional to the time rate of change of the instantaneous power delivered to the capacitor dielectric. What this means to flux capacitor design is the higher the voltage and the higher the frequency then the greater the chance that mass fluctuations can be detected. A simple high voltage and high frequency design is what my flux capacitor design is all about, especially more so if you can resonate it like a Tesla coil.

But, to quote Woodward himself: “Note that the assumption that all of the power delivered to the capacitors ends up as a proper energy density fluctuation is an optimistic, indeed, perhaps wildly optimistic, assumption. Nonetheless, it is arguably a reasonable place to start.” I agree with him, it’s a good place to start.


Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:53 pm
by Randy
Now, think about what would happen if one of the dielectrics was a vacuum...


Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:34 am
by Randy
I'm not done... Will post important/simple Power-Supply details soon.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:46 pm
by Randy

The image above depicts a hacked-together induction furnace which can inductively heat a steel washer to incandescence. It is made from one half of the secondary of a 120 VAC, 60 Hz line powered 15 kV - 30 mA neon sign transformer = 7.5 kV (the green box), six poly propylene capacitors, a spark gap made from two steel nails, a small hand-wound induction heater coil, a terminal strip and some hook-up wire. It heats the steel washer using high-frequency induced eddy-currents. The point here is to show you how simple it is to create a high-energy Tesla coil power supply that resonantly delivers it’s output to a load – in this case, the heating of a steel washer.

This forum isn’t the place to explain how Tesla coil power supplies work. But you do need to know some Tesla coil basics. If you don’t know how they work then I highly suggest that you visit Richie’s Tesla Coil Page: before proceeding. Richie’s site will get you up to par quickly.

Simple flux capacitor wiring diagram:


Connect the AC leads of the ribbon coil to a neon sign transformer. Break the bilaminar ribbon coil midpoint connection and connect both ends of it to a split version of the helper coil. Centrally locate a spark gap between the split helper coils as shown. This connection allows the capacitor part of the flux capacitor to charge up to the breakdown voltage of the spark gap with no current flowing through the inductor parts. When the air in the spark gap breaks down (sparks) the capacitor will discharge through the flux capacitor’s inductors and the helper coils and will oscillate back and forth at the natural resonant frequency of the flux capacitor and helper coil system until the energy is dissipated by losses and the spark gap opens. At this point we simply wait for the next half cycle voltage peak coming from the neon sign transformer to trigger the spark gap again – and the process repeats at 120 alternating sparks per second. Typical Tesla coil stuff…

I haven’t built one yet, but this is how I’d start.


Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:33 pm
by Randy
If you read Tesla’s 1894 patent 512,340 on the bifilar magnet coil you will see that the purpose of the bifilar winding midpoint connection is to dramatically increase the amount of capacitive energy stored between each consecutive winding.

Consider a single wire pancake coil with 1000 turns and 100 volts applied. There will be 0.1 volt difference between each consecutive layer in the coil. The capacitance of the coil will be mainly determined by the geometry (plate spacing) between each consecutive coil layer and is constant for a given coil. The capacitive energy stored in such a coil will be ~ E1 = 1/2 C V^2, or 1/2 C (0.1 ^2).

On the other hand if you wind a similar bifilar pancake coil with 1000 turns (same total length of wire) and again apply 100 volts then the midpoint solder connection will be at 50 volts. Now the voltage difference between each consecutive layer in the coil has been increased from 0.1 volt to 50 volts. The capacitance of the coil determined by the geometry hasn’t changed; However, the capacitive energy stored in such a bifilar wound coil will be ~ E2 = 1/2 C V^2, or 1/2 C (50 ^2). Or 250,000 times greater than the single wire wound coil of the same inductance.

It’s a super slick way to change an inductor into a combination inductive and capacitive energy storage device.

A bilaminar wound metal foil tape and wax paper coil (bilaminar insulated ribbon coil) would greatly increase this effect because doing so dramatically increases the capacitance as well.



Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:45 pm
by Randy
You could use a battery powered high voltage DC power supply and connect about a 3 mH ballast inductor on its output and feed the flux capacitor with that. Put the whole thing in a sealed bowl and float in a container of water, then watch for rotation...


Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:38 am
by birchoff
Hedi Fearns paper that is being presented at AIAA ... t_Thruster

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 2:11 am
by AcesHigh
SpaceShow interview with Dr Woodward about Mach Effect

"We welcomed back Dr. Jim Woodward to the program to discuss the Mach Effect, Mach thrusters and drive, and breakthrough propulsion. During our discussion, Dr. Woodward mentioned his book, "Making Starships and Stargates which you can order at as this allows SSI to get a royalty payment on the sale of the book. If you buy the book through Amazon using TSS/OGLF portal, The Space Show gets a percentage of the sales price of the book. In addition, the Charles Platt article, "Strange thrust: the unproven science that could propel our children into space" can be found here: ... ess-s.html. Finally, Dr. Woodward mentioned the paper written by Dr. Heidi Fearn, "New Theoretical Results for the Mach Effect Thruster." You can download this paper at ... t_Thruster. Note that in the final minutes of our program, Dr. Woodward spoke very softly and we were unable to get some of what he said as part of his final comments. While the 1 hour 56 minute program was divided into two segments, this summary will be in one segment only and short as the papers above tell the story. I urge you to read them and become familiar with Dr. Woodward's work either before or after listening to this discussion which was at times very technical and heavy in the theoretical physics fields for gravitational forces, electromagnetic forces and more as he described the Mach Effect. In addition to the physics, since Dr. Woodward's work is dependent on funding so he spent a good amount of time in both segments answering questions and telling us what it was like trying to get funding, approved proposals, etc. for cutting edge work or even work considered to be out of the box or on the fringe. His realistic assessment of the challenges posed by his and similar work goes to the point of why we don't see more out of the box science & advanced projects being financed. In addition to the physics and funding discussions, we talked timelines for his having commercial uses for small Mach thrusters which would start off servicing satellites. This discussion covered both segments. Please post your comments/questions on TSS blog above. You can contact Dr. Woodward through me at or his Cal State Fullerton website."

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:54 am
by birchoff
I caught the last part of the live show. The most interesting thing Woodward said was that two labs have replicated his work so far, and there is an update to the book in the works. One only hopes that he includes this information about new replications in the book.

Another interesting piece of news is that they are looking at newer designs to increase thrust after doing some modeling with the data and theory they have so far to reduce wasted resources.

Finally, he also talked a little bit about not doing kickstarter.

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:48 pm
by AcesHigh
in the beginning of the interview, he also talks about Paul March and Dr White, which he says something to the notion they are pursuing impossible science, because of White's QVF theories.

he then said to the host (Dr David Livingstone) that he would give Paul March's personal telephone number, so he could invite him to a show, because David Livingstone was saying NASA was making it very difficult for the Space Show to contact Paul or Sonny...

Re: Mach Effect progress

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:20 pm
by birchoff
Not surprised that NASA has slowed the public declarations down to non existent. After how the media mis represented the work EW was doing. As for impossible science, count me as one of the guys that isn't completely sold on that conclusion just yet. It is looking more and more like the lion share of the effect being observed is experimental artifact. But I am willing to hold out for an official confirmation of that suspicion with experimental protocol and results.

That said, the one thing I really really like about ME is the theoretical underpinnings seem to valid to this on looker. Do you know @Aceshigh if the work showing Woodwards theory emerging from HN's theory will be published in a journal? I remmeber Woodward saying something about heidi publishing in a Physics Journal but that part wasnt too clear to me.