ITER Newsline Mention of Pollywell

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

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Post by AcesHigh »

MSimon wrote:
I am not talking about Ron Paul. I am talking about stomping the woman. There are simply no excuses to it.
Are you paying attention or just following a script?

It is RAND Paul.
and? What do I care? The issue here was never Rand Paul, but the stomped woman.

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Post by AcesHigh »

MSimon wrote:Well thanks! You have cemented my vote. I'm a TEA Party Idiot.
great. Now go vote for your creationist candidate. Maybe you guys will even be able to send that foreign commie nazist nigga back to Africa! :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Post by TDPerk »

"Maybe you guys will even be able to send that foreign commie nazist nigga back to Africa! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes"

Out of the four adjectives you use here, only one accurately describes the common feeling of the Tea Partiers about Obout Obama, "commie", and he is that exactly. The other three barely figure.

That's why a "stomping" which is metaphorical--but nevertheless more real that what that "lady" in the video "suffered" will happen Tuesday--the United States is a center-right nation. In the US, unlike in other places, the "right" in the US derives from the natural law attitudes which inhered to the American Revolution; it comes from Locke and not from Burke.

That's why the long march of the left through the intelligentsia organs in society will ultimately be the whiff of an airball, nowhere near the net. The Left derives from Rousseau and Marx, and they are fighting the misapprehensions and success of Burke. Burke isn't here.
molon labe
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Post by chrismb »

...the forum title is "News". It's too early for a thread drift, so a bit more discipline with the posts please, ladies.....

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Post by AcesHigh »

yes, unfortunatelly, its the conservatives, GOP and Teaparty supporters who have taken hold of this forum and deviated every single thread into politics.
Out of the four adjectives you use here, only one accurately describes the common feeling of the Tea Partiers about Obout Obama, "commie", and he is that exactly. The other three barely figure.
the common feeling, maybe. But a large part of teaparty supporters have feelings described by those other adjectives and why some of you teapartiers here may be thinking ONLY in economic terms, teaparty victories embold ALL those other feelings. I dont understand how anyone supporting science can support a movement dominated by christian conservatives who are in favor of teaching creationism in school and consider evolution a myth.

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Post by KitemanSA »

AcesHigh wrote:yes, unfortunatelly, its the conservatives, GOP and Teaparty supporters who have taken hold of this forum and deviated every single thread into politics.
Except that it always seems to be some liberal, DNC, slanted media swilling, well, you get the idea, who casts the first barb.
zbarlici wrote:You, my friend, have bigger worries than nebel sucking on a few measly million; America is imploding due lack of principle.

:twisted: ... debate.php

Perhaps the harper govt has a secret army of jedi`s they can deploy at the 49th parralel? No? well then we`re screwed too.

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Post by rschaffer8 »

As the person who started this topic, I confess that I am deeply disappointed that it so quickly veered off into a completely unrelated political rant. You guys have totally tunred me off to this forum. The forum appears to be dominated by political crack pots who do a real disservice to what I thought was the fundamental purpose of the forum, i.e. to share information and promote a wider understanding of the Polywell concept. Practically every topic on the News forum rapidly devolves into some non technical diatribe. There maybe some good scientists and enginners participating in this forum, but the bizare, political/economic ideas that infiltrate so many posts, makes me question the validity of many posts. Clean it up or this forum will soon become a freeking joke and take the Polywell concept into the realm of cold fusion.

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Post by TDPerk »

"yes, unfortunatelly, its the conservatives, GOP and Teaparty supporters who have taken hold of this forum and deviated every single thread into politics. "

That reality is conservative to the goals of the American Revolution, and that in America that is libertarian, is pervasive and inescapable. Too bad you don't want to live in the real world.

"But a large part of teaparty supporters have feelings described by those other adjectives and why some of you teapartiers here may be thinking ONLY in economic terms, teaparty victories embold ALL those other feelings."

The other three you mention are only vanishingly in evidence--barely there at all. Your need to exaggerate them is evidence of your self delusion.

You don't really want the worst of the Endarkenment and Progressivism--Rousseau, Marx, Gobineau, Fouccalt--whom you represent, compared to the worst of the Enlightenment and actual progress--Locke, Smith, Madison, Jefferson--do you?

There are good reasons we laugh at you.
Last edited by TDPerk on Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
molon labe
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Post by TDPerk »

rschaffer8 wrote:As the person who started this topic, I confess that I am deeply disappointed that it so quickly veered off into a completely unrelated political rant.
What you brought up was discussed in as much depth as what there was of it warranted, I think.
You guys have totally tunred me off to this forum. The forum appears to be dominated by political crack pots
Sorry about those leftist extremists.
who do a real disservice to what I thought was the fundamental purpose of the forum, i.e. to share information and promote a wider understanding of the Polywell concept.
You shared, we appreciate it. What are you really looking for then?
Practically every topic on the News forum rapidly devolves into some non technical diatribe.
You are aware there is are technical fora here?
There maybe some good scientists and enginners participating in this forum, but the bizare, political/economic ideas that infiltrate so many posts,
It strikes me that someone who thinks the goals of the American Revolution and the political mechanisms which derive from it, and the free market which necessarily evolves from liberty and creates prosperity
are bizare political and economic ideas
...someone who thinks these things are bizarre is the crackpot.
makes me question the validity of many posts. Clean it up or this forum will soon become a freeking joke and take the Polywell concept into the realm of cold fusion.
No question of politics can alter physics. Do you have a problem with that proposition?
molon labe
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Post by Skipjack »

rschaffer, yes I agree that this forum is doing a disservice to Bussards work. IMHO the attitude shown by some people on this board harms Polywell more than it helps. If I was looking for some serious research and results, I would be quickly turned away by the political attitude some people here constantly press into every topic. I have not looked into "General" for months now, because it pissed me off. Unfortunately they are now carrying their political crap into "News" as well.
If this continues, I will leave this board.

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Post by TDPerk »

Skipjack, that's funny.

I believe to an exclusive degree, the least informed, loudest, and most pedantic critics without a clue of the concepts represented by Polywell--and for that matter the Mach Effect--have been persons arguing for the left. The boosters of these ideas have been on the right.

The support of persons on the right here for the program continues even if the Obama administration gets the "credit" for it in the "court" history of it, which will for the foreseeable future continue to be written by the left. Thankfully, the internet will prevent the MSM from having the only public word on it.

We do Bussard no disservice, we're his biggest fans and the best friends of his goal.

Those leftists here who need a helmet and who are fundamentally aligned with the fraction of humanity who are greens and who want humans to be as near-extinct cavemen, they are these idea's enemies here.
molon labe
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Post by Betruger »

It doesn't matter. It's a Polywell forum. There needs to be a minimum of respect for that "founding principle". Not meaning censorship or PC-ness, but an exacting respect for the General/News boundary, and to a slightly lesser degree a bit less random topic drift.

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Post by Skipjack »

I believe to an exclusive degree, the least informed, loudest, and most pedantic critics without a clue of the concepts represented by Polywell--and for that matter the Mach Effect--have been persons arguing for the left.
Ah, really?
I am not so sure about that.
Anyway, you missed my point. The problem is that if Polywell got associated with a certain political direction, it might miss out on opportunities. The political environment can change either way, one day it is more left, the other it is more right. It would be in the best interest of the supporters of Polywell to make sure that the science does not get associated with a political color of any kind (that means NEITHER LEFT NOR RIGHT).
Personally, I think that science HAS TO BE unpolitical and politically neutral. It will otherwise end up suffering from discrimination one way or the other.
This board however, does look more like a tea party and religious right forum than a science (and this kind of fusion research is science) related board.
If I was running this board and if I had the best interest for Polywell in mind, then I would not tollerate that, neither would I tollerate leftist propaganda to be spread, btw.
IMHO science should stay out of politics. It is the job of politicians to make use of scientific research and its results. It should not be the job of scientists to lobby for a certain political direction. What can come out of that, is what we have all witnessed with the whole global warming scandal thingy. Whether the global warming guys were ultimately right or wrong with their research does not matter. They brought it upon themselves by associating their science with a political direction.
Never a good thing. That is my oppinion. Hope I was more clear now.
I know that I often appear to be more left than right, but this is not really true. I am for what is the correct approach to a problem based on the available data at a certain point in time. E.g. I was a big fan of Ronald Reagan and I think he was probably the best US president of all time, certainly within my lifetime. Whether you are left or right also depends on the point of view of the person judgeing you. There are many people that would call me right wing (especially in my home country).

Ivy Matt
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Post by Ivy Matt »

This wasn't topic drift. This was an almost completely non sequitur topic derailment by a Canadian aiming the latest juicy American media headlines at a Briton who he presumably assumed was an American, but whose politics he (again presumably) didn't know. I'm almost inclined to believe the derailment was unintentional; or, at least, that it was supposed to turn into a US vs. Canada and the rest of the world sort of discussion, not an intra-US political discussion. Let's not mistake the political campaign process, as reported—fairly or unfairly—by the media, for the state of the nation in general.

Anyway, it makes just as much sense to say that Guccione failed Bussard as that Bussard failed Guccione. Or that the market failed Guccione, who in turn failed Bussard, if what Tom Ligon says is correct. The point is, the thing didn't get built, so Bussard turned his attention to other, smaller and (presumably) cheaper things. Which is why we're all here. Presumably. :)

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Post by chrismb »

The 'news' section used to be good on this site and motivated me to come here.....

...and then.... one day... it turned into something that wasn't very good......

Some stronger moderation here is required to keep this site worth visiting, I think.

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