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Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:58 pm
by parallel
ScottL wrote:
As of right now the argument would be the rest of the Physics/Engineering world vs. Rossi and his paper mache doctorate, nothing more.
I must have missed the bit where the Physics/Engineering world went on record saying the E-Cat was a fake. I am an engineer and I don't recall voting. Perhaps you are confusing real scientists with chattering bloggers?
I suppose half a dozen professors like Hanno Essén, Sven Kullander, Levi or Focardi, plus the NASA Chief Scientist Bushnell or Nobel prize winner David Josephson are real lightweights compared to the skeptics here.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:05 pm
by chrismb
parallel wrote: Funded to the tune of 200m Euros (Google Translated Announcement)
Who is Paul Burns?!

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:08 pm
by chrismb
parallel wrote:I suppose half a dozen professors like Hanno Essén, Sven Kullander, Levi or Focardi, plus the NASA Chief Scientist Bushnell or Nobel prize winner David Josephson are real lightweights compared to the skeptics here.
Never heard of them before. What have they produced in the past that I would recognise as a piece of technology or theory-concluding experiment? And once over that hurdle - are they really supporting the Rossitron, or are these people interested in LENR and you've got all this whole bang-shoot all mixed up together in your confused statements?

Edit; other than Josephson, who for the last 40 years is now on his own path to some odd places in 'phizziks'.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:14 pm
by Bob UK
x-ref to another thread: viewtopic.php?t=3168 re Brillouin Energy Inc

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:26 pm
by parallel
ref Hanno Essén, Sven Kullander, Levi or Focardi, plus the NASA Chief Scientist Bushnell or Nobel prize winner David Josephson

chrismb wrote:
Never heard of them before.
I don't know if you're just ignorant or if your memory is shot.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:42 pm
by chrismb
parallel wrote:ref Hanno Essén, Sven Kullander, Levi or Focardi, plus the NASA Chief Scientist Bushnell or Nobel prize winner David Josephson

chrismb wrote:
Never heard of them before.
I don't know if you're just ignorant or if your memory is shot.
Both. But what has that got to do with these people being equally incapable of proving LENR as anyone else?

Big names in science don't impress me much anymore. Just look at what science has become in recent years, and it's the 'big names' in 'high positions' that have done it. It's all high-priests, smoke-and-mirrors. Just like Lord May, then president of the Royal Society who, in regards AGW, said 'the debate is over'. Yeah, so is the age of rational science, matey.

Don't care who you think you are or who else in your clique of self-appointing, self-congratulatory types slaps you on the back with a 'what-o, chap' kinda gravy-training attitude they have, wihth an attitude like this you're no scientist. It lives on in people like us who are prepared to discuss things, even when we don't agree with it. LENR converts are NOT prepared to discuss the possibility it doesn't exist. Every ounce of their being rejects the idea that there is any way of disproving LENR. Hence, it ain't science.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:10 pm
by ScottL
parallel wrote:ScottL wrote:
I'd like to know where you got the $200 million figure from. I can't find any such evaluation of the company nor stock related information. This appears to be a number either you or someone pulled out of your ass.
Funded to the tune of 200m Euros (Google Translated Announcement)

So it rather looks like the brown sticky fingers are yours.
Fortunately for me, not so. I checked the link you gave me as well as the translated link and yet all I read is that "they have 200m Euros" but nowhere do I read where this money came from and so I'm afraid I can't believe this bit of information.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:14 pm
by ScottL
parallel wrote:ScottL wrote:
As of right now the argument would be the rest of the Physics/Engineering world vs. Rossi and his paper mache doctorate, nothing more.
I must have missed the bit where the Physics/Engineering world went on record saying the E-Cat was a fake. I am an engineer and I don't recall voting. Perhaps you are confusing real scientists with chattering bloggers?
I suppose half a dozen professors like Hanno Essén, Sven Kullander, Levi or Focardi, plus the NASA Chief Scientist Bushnell or Nobel prize winner David Josephson are real lightweights compared to the skeptics here.
As far as I've read NASA Chief Scientist Bushnell said no such thing. He said and I'm para-phrasing here, that if it works it might be described by WL Theory. As for hanno and Sven, neither has had full access and at best can say....well at a distance it looks like it might be producing heat, but did not go so far as to say it worked. Levi and Focardi on the other hand are part of the Rossi-Trio and after seeing Levi's antics on video, I get the "used-car salesman" feeling anecdotal as that may be.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:23 pm
by ScottL

Please do watch Sven and Hanno's response inwhich they state the experiment is not repeatable and therefore not scientific in nature due to Rossi's unwillingness to disclose anything.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:23 pm
by sdg
parallel wrote:ScottL wrote:
I'd like to know where you got the $200 million figure from. I can't find any such evaluation of the company nor stock related information. This appears to be a number either you or someone pulled out of your ass.
Funded to the tune of 200m Euros (Google Translated Announcement)

So it rather looks like the brown sticky fingers are yours.
Except that that's not what the original article stated, parallel.

If you had bothered to check the original translated source it says (grammer errors due to translation): stated by the company told the newspaper "The World of Investors' brought to disclose the matter, Mr. Simeon Tsalikoglou the productive capacity of the plant will be 300,000 units per year, destined for the Greek and Balkan markets. The investment will reach 200 million. of which approximately half of paying royalties. It is estimated that by 2012 will create 215 direct permanent jobs and about 2,500 people will be employed and then the sales network - support in Greece.
These are the hopeful projections of who exactly? Oh, right, Defkalion. No statement that they actually have received this funding, just that they project that by 2012 they will be pumping out 300,000 per year and funded to the tune of 200 million (no units actually given but we can presume euros - if drachmas then we're only off by more than 2 orders of magnitude).

The actual press release is from DGT and it says nothing about current investment. But hey, it was commented on by a guy from ecatnews, so it must be true.

Looks like the brown sticky fingers are back on parallel and the ecatnews guy.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:25 pm
by sdg
Wishful thinking has a remarkable way of twisting even very intellegent minds.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:29 pm
by ScottL
Parallel referenced some physicists whom I linked a video of their response. Although the response seems semi-positive for Rossi, they continue to restate that they are working with the information given to them by Rossi. Both state they don't feel its a pure scam, but I think it's easily read that they feel something else is up and therefore do not currently side with Rossi. Until some meaningful scientific data is released, Rossi is still an ex-scam artist with an unaccredited degree in chemistry.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:31 pm
by sparkyy0007
Crawdaddy wrote:sparkyy0007

Nice calculation!

don't you also have to account for the energy of the liquid water heat transfer to the bucket?

That is to say that the 1.5kg of transferred steam also contributes to the temperature of the bucket once it condenses...

a minor difference to be sure.
Minor stuff I avoided for simplicity (7 minutes of radiation, convection and conduction loss) . I probably wouldn't do that if we didn't have 8kw and a bathroom scale, but that depends if its 2am or not.

I think the longer the math, the less it gets read. :cry:

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:15 am
by parallel
brown fingers wrote:
I'd like to know where you got the $200 million figure from. I can't find any such evaluation of the company nor stock related information. This appears to be a number either you or someone pulled out of your ass. As of right now the argument would be the rest of the Physics/Engineering world vs. Rossi and his paper mache doctorate, nothing more.
I told you where the figure came from even if you don't believe it. The major source of the money is reported to be nine wealthy Greek investors living outside of Greece.
How about proving your statement that the Physics/Engineering world disagree with Rossi?
I gave you a list of scientists who have witnessed the trials and believe it is a nuclear reaction of some sort, so your statement is not proven.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:03 am
by sparkyy0007