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Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:05 am
by KitemanSA
seedload wrote:He, and apparently you, are incapable of understanding that hundreds of probable lies are basically the same as one definite one.
No, they are not. And another thing you seem to ignore is that your feelings about the slime ball (personal opinion, not fact) does not lend "probability" to the situation. Your pre-judgment makes YOUR opinion about the probability of his lying have ZERO weight. We KNOW your judgement is impaired.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:23 am
by ScottL
How many "forward-looking statements" and misspoken quotes does it take before you decide the guy is probably full of it? You've made it abundantly clear so far that no amount of suspect comments or claims will ever add up to a lie, so color me curious. What's your tipping point? Clearly we've all hit ours.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:25 am
by GIThruster
I hit mine when I learned he had paid for a phony sheepskin. If someone can give me a plausible explanation of how that isn in any way an honest thing to do, I might reappraise that opinion.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:24 am
by KitemanSA
ScottL wrote:How many "forward-looking statements" and misspoken quotes does it take before you decide the guy is probably full of it?
Full of what? Hope? Optimism? Self confidence? I'll grant you all of those, and opine that he may very well have them to excess.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:34 am
by KitemanSA
GIThruster wrote:I hit mine when I learned he had paid for a phony sheepskin. If someone can give me a plausible explanation of how that isn in any way an honest thing to do, I might reappraise that opinion.
Some agencies require contractors to be degreed engineers. Some smaller but basically legit institutions will give a degree based almost entirely on examination and years of professional experience, assuming you have a degree in related fields. Did he "buy a degree" or did he just think he was paying for an evaluation of professional experience leading to a degree? I don't know, and frankly, I suspect neither do you.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:47 am
by KitemanSA
ScottL wrote:You've made it abundantly clear so far that no amount of suspect comments or claims will ever add up to a lie, so color me curious. What's your tipping point? Clearly we've all hit ours.
Show me one instance where he knowingly made a false statement about what IS rather than what he hopes WILL BE. Please be aware that I will not take general statements amount "my somethingorother" as such proof since I went to my grocery store the other day... but I don't own a grocery store. The English word "my" does not always mean ownership. It can also mean having a relationship with.

Find me one.

You do realize the term suspect as you use it above is a prejudgment that basically demonstrates that you are not a neutral observer. I feel no need to prejudge.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:56 am
by ScottL
KitemanSA wrote:
GIThruster wrote:I hit mine when I learned he had paid for a phony sheepskin. If someone can give me a plausible explanation of how that isn in any way an honest thing to do, I might reappraise that opinion.
Some agencies require contractors to be degreed engineers. Some smaller but basically legit institutions will give a degree based almost entirely on examination and years of professional experience, assuming you have a degree in related fields. Did he "buy a degree" or did he just think he was paying for an evaluation of professional experience leading the a degree? I don't know, and frankly, I suspect neither do you.
What we do know is he is a convicted criminal and repeat offender to boot. He has a history of criminal activity (documented fact), a history of not delivering (documented fact with U.S. military), and some impressive claims now with regard to eCat. His blog is one giant repository of claims and counter-claims of his own. Either he has 0 grasp of the english language (worse than Joseph, which I doubt) or he's lying through his teeth. Hell, I even got a response from him once after I asked for clarification. He has actually personally lied to me in my own correspondence with him. I asked targetted questions to settle a bet and instead got a gem of a claim only to watch that claim reversed a month later. You's all "translation" errors right? hahaha right....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:10 am
by KitemanSA
ScottL wrote:What we do know is he is a convicted criminal and repeat offender to boot.
Do we? Doesn't Italy's Appellate Court disagree with you? Wasn't he exonerated 6 months later? Aren't you spreading libelous lies? Should I start a "ScottL is a proven liar" campaign? There seems to be more proof there than on Rossi. :wink:
Wikipedia wrote:In the 1990s, following the collapse of the company, he was jailed for environmental crimes and tax fraud, serving six months in prison. He was later acquitted.
See? According to Wikipedia, available with the easiest of searches, you ARE a liar. :P

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:20 am
by KitemanSA
ScottL wrote:He has a history of criminal activity (documented fact)....
Liar! :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:22 am
by KitemanSA
ScottL wrote:... a history of not delivering (documented fact with U.S. military), ....
Yup, and so did Edison, until he did.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:25 am
by KitemanSA
ScottL wrote: Hell, I even got a response from him once after I asked for clarification. He has actually personally lied to me in my own correspondence with him. I asked targetted questions to settle a bet and instead got a gem of a claim only to watch that claim reversed a month later.
So you say you have PROOF? Well bring it out! No, wait, you are that liar guy. :wink:

Ah heck, bring it out anyway.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:50 am
by cgray45
Rossi is a fraud, or mentally ill. He swindled the DOD, and never came back with his magic boxes when they didn't work. He stuck the Italians with a magic oil making process that...didn't.

Fortunately for rossi, as this board demonstrates, a sucker is, truly born every minute.

Even more fortunately however, is that the vast majority of groups are now not giving him any money and soon he shall vanish off-- until we hear about Rossi's newest "invention." Which shall again oddly not produce any results when being observed by scientists and will also, softly and silently vanish away.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:17 am
by GIThruster
KitemanSA wrote:
GIThruster wrote:I hit mine when I learned he had paid for a phony sheepskin. If someone can give me a plausible explanation of how that isn in any way an honest thing to do, I might reappraise that opinion.
Some agencies require contractors to be degreed engineers. Some smaller but basically legit institutions will give a degree based almost entirely on examination and years of professional experience, assuming you have a degree in related fields. Did he "buy a degree" or did he just think he was paying for an evaluation of professional experience leading to a degree? I don't know, and frankly, I suspect neither do you.
Oh stop. Kennsington was run by one man, who awarded people PhD's after 4 months of reading magazine articles. No one in their right mind could possibly have thought a "university" could be run by one man. The only people who ever sent Kennsington money were people who wanted a phony degree. What did you think degree mills were? This is the arch-typal example of a phony degree. That's what Rossi paid for, received and conned people with, and honest people don't do that sort of thing.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:04 pm
by Ivy Matt
ScottL wrote:What's your tipping point? Clearly we've all hit ours.
I'd argue that, when someone claims to have a great new energy solution, an evidence threshold is of more service than a tipping point, and I never felt Rossi met that threshold.

That said, I suppose there was also a tipping point when I felt that it was no longer possible to give Rossi the benefit of the doubt or take him at all seriously.That happened last January or thereabouts, when someone brought up Swartz's demonstration at MIT, and Rossi responded with a remark about how he was aware that other people were copying his patent application; when the Florida BRC report appeared in which Rossi claimed that there was no factory in Florida, and his E-Cat doesn't produce nuclear reactions anyway; and when it was discovered that Rossi's 1MW E-Cat, which he supposedly sold to an unknown customer, was still sitting in the same place where it had been on the day of his big demo.

It's not too hard to come up with logical excuses for the above and similar occurences. Making excuses that aren't incredibly lame (i.e. violate the law of parsimony), on the other hand....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:39 pm
by KitemanSA
GIThruster wrote:Oh stop. Kennsington was run by one man, who awarded people PhD's after 4 months of reading magazine articles. No one in their right mind could possibly have thought a "university" could be run by one man. The only people who ever sent Kennsington money were people who wanted a phony degree. What did you think degree mills were? This is the arch-typal example of a phony degree. That's what Rossi paid for, received and conned people with, and honest people don't do that sort of thing.
It is rather amusing, given how much you lambaste the man, how omniscient you seem to credit him with being.

Did Rossi know that, and how do YOU know that he did? Don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity or laziness. And of the two, I think laziness (overly busy-ness?) is the more likely.