ITER Newsline Mention of Pollywell

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

Moderators: tonybarry, MSimon

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Post by JCee »

Much as it pains me to agree with Liberals/Progressives/Leftists I do agree that politics should be kept in the General Section.

Furthermore I wouldn't mind if the General Section is subdivided into Science&Technology, Environment, Politics/Economics, and Miscellaneous but kept inside the General Section so I can quickly look through it and read what currently interests me. If I'm feeling bored and there is no real Fusion News I'll burrow deeper into the General Section.

Too much Non-Topic drift can hurt a Forum particularly for Newbies and the Curious. I'm not really worried about the long timers but about the first impression that new people get when they come here.

With the addition of a FAQ's and better self moderation I could start referring curious people here more often as it is I only refer people who are deeply curious about Polywell Fusion.

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Post by TDPerk »

"You guys really need to take your own agitprop a bit less credulously."

After 200 years of screwing up, taking themselves seriously is all they've got. With Rousseau, the Enlightenment became the Endarkenment. The American Revolution is the one that worked, the French and it's get not so much.

All this whining about "topic drift" ignores who started this "drift" and who's now basically whining, "not in the face!".
molon labe
montani semper liberi
para fides paternae patria

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Post by AcesHigh »

TallDave wrote:By my count we have about half a dozen lefty commenters in this thread denouncing and bemoaning rightwingers and their crazy extremist uninformed ignorance. :cry: Cry me a river, guys. :cry: Most of us not on the left suffered your favored views all through our education and still get them daily from the MSM. If you don't want to read them, :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: on by. We've learned to do it, you can too.
again, my problem with the AMERICAN rightwingers is that they are in the same side of all the anti-science guys. You may be pro-science, but when your extremist side wins, people who dont believe in evolution, who believe in a 6000 yr old world, who believe LITERALLY in the bible... they also win.

and I cant accept that people who defend science take the side of such people.

anyway, to you teapartiers, EVERYTHING is left wing. Is laughable. There is hardly socialists or communists in the democratic party. Its quite moronic to consider democrats communists for being for public health care. WHO are the capitalists then? Surely no other first world country.

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Post by KitemanSA »

AcesHigh wrote: There is hardly socialists or communists in the democratic party. Its quite moronic to consider democrats communists for being for public health care. WHO are the capitalists then? Surely no other first world country.
Read the Communist Party platform of 1932. Read the Democratic Party Platform of today. Show me the difference. Should be a fairly short list. Was last time I looked.

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Post by Enginerd »

KitemanSA wrote:Read the Communist Party platform of 1932. Read the Democratic Party Platform of today. Show me the difference. Should be a fairly short list. Was last time I looked.
Cool. Now that we are solidly into discussion of totalitarian regimes, I believe the next step is somebody pointing out that <group they don't like> uses tactics that are just like the genocide, propaganda, eugenics, racial superiority, or other mainstays of Nazi Germany. Since discussion will then have then sunk to reductio ad Hitlerem, perhaps we can then end this thread and get back to the topic, which incidentally happens to be news about fusion...

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Post by TallDave »

You may be pro-science, but when your extremist side wins, people who dont believe in evolution, who believe in a 6000 yr old world, who believe LITERALLY in the bible... they also win.
Well, people's personal beliefs about evolution and geology generally have zero impact on my life. It's not like they're burning heretics or tearing down the observatories. "Harmless nonsense" is my take. It's the Islamic extremists, who actually are killing heretics, that scare me, and their apologists tend to be on the other side.

What bothers me more is being on the same side as the coercive moralists who want to legislate what I can do with or put in my body as well as (veering back on the original topic of Penthouse) what I can read. But over time I expect society to liberalize, as has been the rule for decades now.

Another interesting aspect to this story is the slow death of private basic research. Before the massive expansion of government in the 30s and 40s, nearly all basic research was done by private companies. IBM had a gigantic campus. But, unfortunately, once one country starts subsidizing something, other countries have to follow or risk losing competitive advantage. So nowawadays private companies generally focus strictly on productization, which may be a net loss to humanity overall as government is consistently inferior at allocating resources.

I can guarantee no private consortium would be funding ITER at 2 orders of magnitude over Polywell when we know the former isn't going to produce any eocnomic benefit.
n*kBolt*Te = B**2/(2*mu0) and B^.25 loss scaling? Or not so much? Hopefully we'll know soon...

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Post by chrismb »

TallDave wrote:What bothers me more is being on the same side as the coercive moralists
So why do you think it is alright to carry on coercing me to read this tripe when I want to read some FUSION news.



Moderator, please delete the thread posts after the 1st page (including MSimon's post on page 1 that started this shyte.)

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Post by rcain »


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Post by Giorgio »

chrismb wrote:Moderator, please delete the thread posts after the 1st page (including MSimon's post on page 1 that started this shyte.)
The forum moderators are tonybarry and MSimon. Tonybarry is maybe 2 years that is not posting anymore, so the only active moderator we have is MSimon.

I think we need some new apolitic moderators here to keep at least one of the forum sections clean.

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Post by Betruger »

I don't think MSimon is incapable of impartiality as seems to be implied. He's an engineer first, just needs clear blueprints.

Ivy Matt
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Post by Ivy Matt »

chrismb wrote:Moderator, please delete the thread posts after the 1st page (including MSimon's post on page 1 that started this shyte.)
MSimon's post on page 1 (#15) consisted entirely of a quotation of a previous post on the thread (#13) and a link responsive to the link included in said previous post.

I would be fine with the moderator deleting and/or redacting certain posts in this thread (i.e., everything but 1-12 and 14), but as I think it unlikely, I recommend that the entire thread be moved to General.

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Post by Giorgio »

Betruger wrote:I don't think MSimon is incapable of impartiality as seems to be implied.
I never implied that and I am sorry if I gave that impression.
On the contrary, I never saw him abusing about his moderator status during these years.

My point was just that to keep politics out of a non politic area you need someone who doesn't care about politics, otherwise it gets a tough job and it can also be the start of endless discussions between the forum political factions on the moderator actions.

If the moderator is apolitical his work will be much easier and discussions will be minimal.

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Post by vankirkc »

Giorgio wrote:
Betruger wrote:I don't think MSimon is incapable of impartiality as seems to be implied.
I never implied that and I am sorry if I gave that impression.
On the contrary, I never saw him abusing about his moderator status during these years.

My point was just that to keep politics out of a non politic area you need someone who doesn't care about politics, otherwise it gets a tough job and it can also be the start of endless discussions between the forum political factions on the moderator actions.

If the moderator is apolitical his work will be much easier and discussions will be minimal.
So what we need is a trained dog to do it. Any human is going to have a political view.

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Post by Betruger »

That's how I read your post. My bad, Giorgio. Extra mods couldn't hurt, if they were at least as efficient as those we have.

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Post by Giorgio »

vankirkc wrote:Any human is going to have a political view.
Any human has a view on a subject, but this does not mean that he is marrying a political faction. The two are very diferent things IMHO.

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