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Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:30 pm
by Carl White
A disappointing statement from Canada's perspective. Something like this could lead Canada to the forefront of a major new industry. Instead it sounds like this CEO would be quite happy to do what nearly always happens to Canadian companies with good ideas; they're sold out to the U.S. (or whoever else has the cash now).

Also disappointed that he's underselling GF itself in the sense of stating it's only going to be one of several viable approaches. We really don't know that.

Nevertheless, just the prospect of creating a practical fusion reactor is such a huge plus that I'll be happy even if Canada ends up being a mere buyer of its own technology. (I feel entitled to call it Canada's technology because it's being funded in large part by the government).

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:51 pm
by mvanwink5
Also disappointed that he's underselling GF itself in the sense of stating it's only going to be one of several viable approaches.
I too thought that the new guy seems like a technical light weight politically (kiss the feet of ITER) connected "green" VC money raising only type guy. I doubt he has the first clue that there are other fusion efforts than ITER or that other big budget government make believe laser fusion project. I think he is just there to raise **big** money. Of course, my view is that there are real prospects as listed i the Trifecta thread.

Canada may be where the work is going on, but Bezos is not Canadian...

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:16 pm
by jcoady
Here's an article entitled "VCs' Strange, Instinctual Need to Replace Founders" from Harvard business review. ... -instinct/

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:23 pm
by mvanwink5
Experience with energy from compost, yes, that must be valuable from a VC's point of view!!!!
Mr. Gilliland comes to General Fusion from Harvest Power, where he was President and co-founder. He grew Harvest, which turns organic waste into electricity and compost, into an industry leader with over 600 employees in the United States and Canada. In 2013, Nathan also served as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the leading venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield and Byers, helping portfolio companies and developing new ideas in energy, sustainability and agriculture.
I wonder what Bezos is thinking about that move... It sounds like KP is off its nut, or is hoping to protect its solar businesses from death by fusion.

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:25 pm
by Skipjack
jcoady wrote:Here's an article entitled "VCs' Strange, Instinctual Need to Replace Founders" from Harvard business review. ... -instinct/
Which is why venture capital is shit. I just saw a venture capitalist completely kick the two founders out of their own company. They made the mistake to make him CEO and he watered down their shares until he and the other investors held the majority, then had them removed. Several other people I know say the same thing. Quote: Whenever I did business with venture capitalists, I ended up having less afterwards than I had before. These top one percenters will keep ripping people off until there is no one left to rip off. Only then, when it is too late, they will realize that money does NOT make money. That is why I see this news as a bad sign. The line
entrepreneurial companies that are a little chaotic and making them a bit more productive
particularly is a big warning sign for me. This means that some investor wants to make the company more "corporate" to be more "marketable" to other investors. For some reason being corporate is considered a good thing by these types. I see it as slow moving, uninnovative and stiff. Sorry, but most engineers don't care about wearing ties.
I predict the founders leaving within 2 years from now, at most.

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:33 pm
by mvanwink5
Funny how we are back to talking about compost. This management move smells like an old mackerel. Maybe Bussard was wiser than I thought in the ways of shifty VC crooks.

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:40 pm
by mvanwink5
Another thing he thinks he can bring to the company is confidence.
What in the world is that supposed to mean? It takes guts and the ability to sell based on sober eyed proven technology, and so far GF has done that. So what in the world does Gilliland mean, lie like a Texas snake oil hawker?

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:59 pm
by zapkitty
mvanwink5 wrote:
Another thing he thinks he can bring to the company is confidence.
What in the world is that supposed to mean?
The confidence of other vulture capitalists that this target is ripe to be picked clean?

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:02 pm
by mvanwink5
It does give me the creeps... I hope EMC2 doesn't get ensnared.

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:10 am
by mvanwink5
Mr. Gilliland received a B.A. in Accounting from the University of California-Berkeley.
VC shill, no experience with the power industry. Really good at green BS.

General Fusion.... run from KPCB as fast as possible.

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:48 am
by asdfuogh
On the other hand, all wallets open with strings attached. You work for venture capitalists, you'll have to watch out for their own financially self-centered interests. You work for the defense department, you'll have to watch out for "national-security-centered" interests. You work for the government, you'll probably lose funding after getting less than a third of what you promised because of politically centered interests. Is there any place to get money that isn't motivated ulterior motives?

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:21 am
by polyill
asdfuogh wrote:On the other hand, all wallets open with strings attached. You work for venture capitalists, you'll have to watch out for their own financially self-centered interests. You work for the defense department, you'll have to watch out for "national-security-centered" interests. You work for the government, you'll probably lose funding after getting less than a third of what you promised because of politically centered interests. Is there any place to get money that isn't motivated ulterior motives?
Sure, rob a bank.

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:01 pm
by happyjack27
...or exploit a malleability bug in a young crypto-currency.

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:02 pm
by happyjack27
...or be wealthy enough to buy some republicans on capital hill.

Re: General Fusion in the news

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:50 pm
by choff
The thing I get from it is that the system wants to bury breakthrough fusion research because they know it's starting to pay off, too disruptive.