EM Drive

Point out news stories, on the net or in mainstream media, related to polywell fusion.

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Re: EM Drive

Post by RERT »

Strikes me as ludicrous delay, if they think it’s real.

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Re: EM Drive

Post by Giorgio »

Indeed I agree.

But from what they said, they are using their own money and do not have any external investors/grant, so they probably need to balance their economic possibility with their wishes.

The good point is that they got lot of publicity in the last few months, so maybe someone else will step in and offer them an earlier ride to make this test and prove/disprove the QI theory.
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Re: EM Drive

Post by ladajo »

Interesting note, the vehicle has gained a little altitude over the last few days, with a slight drop in velocity.
If its dead, I would expect it to start losing speed and altitude as the atmosphere drags it down.
That is of course if the tracking data is good.
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Re: EM Drive

Post by RERT »

The data on celestrak which was referenced as Norad data on page 51 above shows no sign of that behaviour. Semi-Major Axis altitude continues to fall, as does eccentricity (erratically).

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Re: EM Drive

Post by charliem »

Almost 5 months already and Barry-1 keeps losing altitude at a constant rate: https://celestrak.org/NORAD/elements/gr ... ATNR=58338

It doesn't look good. :(
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Carl White
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Re: EM Drive

Post by Carl White »

charliem wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 7:04 pm
Almost 5 months already and Barry-1 keeps losing altitude at a constant rate: https://celestrak.org/NORAD/elements/gr ... ATNR=58338

It doesn't look good. :(
Barry-1 itself is done. They were having power problems and never reached the point where testing of the IVO devices (two are aboard) began.

Carl White
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Re: EM Drive

Post by Carl White »

A new contender has appeared in this dubious field:

https://thedebrief.org/nasa-veterans-pr ... s-gravity/

A veteran of such storied programs as NASA’s Space Shuttle, the International Space Station (ISS), The Hubble Telescope, and the current NASA Dust Program, Buhler and his colleagues believe their discovery of a fundamental new force represents a historic breakthrough that will impact space travel for the next millennium.
“Essentially, what we’ve discovered is that systems that contain an asymmetry in either electrostatic pressure or some kind of electrostatic divergent field can give a system of a center of mass a non-zero force component,” Buhler explained. “So, what that basically means is that there’s some underlying physics that can essentially place force on an object should those two constraints be met.”
tests performed between early 2022 and November 2023 resulted in a rapid climb, moving from one thousandth, one hundredth, and even one-tenth of gravity all the way up to one full Earth gravity. This means that their current devices, which Buhler told The Debrief “weigh somewhere between 30-40 grams on their own” without the attached test equipment, were producing enough thrust to counteract the full force of one Earth gravity.
Another unusual result from their tests was that sometimes the tested devices did not require a constant input of electrical charge to maintain their thrust. Given that the device already appears to violate the known laws of physics by creating thrust without propellant, this result even stumped Dr. Buhler and his team.

“We can see some of these things sit on a scale for days, and if they still have charge in them, they are still producing thrust,” he told Ventura. “It’s very hard to reconcile, from a scientific point of view because it does seem to violate a lot of energy laws that we have.”

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Re: EM Drive

Post by kurt9 »

The linked to article is weak on the underlying theory as well as technical details of how this propulsion technology is supposed to work. I found the website of the people who developed this drive and it too has no technical details as well.

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Re: EM Drive

Post by JoeP »

Yeah, more of a popular science news article. Seems like a throwback to T. Thomas Brown's Asymetric Capacitor thrust and that is discussed a bit and listed as a probably related effect in a slide in the article along with the Em Drive and Quantum Drive. (I know Brown's effect is real, but it is ion-wind, so no good for space. if I remember...but it does work in thin atmospheres so quality of the vacuum is probably important..) Buher says they are using asymetric plates and not capacitors and using vacuum chambers in tests. On that slide he also tosses in Casmir effect and some other things like Mach Effect Thruster which already have completely different theories that explain those from what I understand.

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Re: EM Drive

Post by Diogenes »

Carl White wrote:
Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:43 am
A new contender has appeared in this dubious field:

https://thedebrief.org/nasa-veterans-pr ... s-gravity/

I came here to post this very article, but I see you've beaten me to it! :)
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Carl White
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Re: EM Drive

Post by Carl White »

From X:
Richard Mansell wrote:@ivo_ltd is excited that we are on track for our next space test being launched with @RogueSpaceCorp in NET Q1 2025! More details will be shared as we get closer to the launch date.

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