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New patent application, similar to polywell.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:22 pm
by chrismb
You may be interested to note a new publication has appeared; ... 32+&d=PG01

and they have a, curently empty, URL;

I was still reading through it, but thought someone else might like to comment before I do (for a change!....). Looks like an attempt at describing a magnetically shielded fusor. No indication of any physical build, though.

Re: New patent application, similar to polywell.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:00 pm
by Giorgio
chrismb wrote:I was still reading through it, but thought someone else might like to comment before I do (for a change!....).
Like if we don't know that you like it ;)

I am trying to download the quicktime plugin to be able to view the full patent images, unfortunately downloading a 36.5Mb file at 3kb/sec is going to take a while.....

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:33 pm
by chrismb
go to and enter the application number, "20110085632".

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:34 pm
by Giorgio
I am looking at pictures now. It looks like they actually built a test model and made some measurements.

Octahedral type polywell with the mention of a "double well"

I am going to print it and read it.
I suggest everyone to give it a look.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:18 pm
by crj11
The CEO of FP Generation can be found at:

He previously ran a "dirty fuel" to hydrogen company that went bust in 2008.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:26 pm
by crj11
It seems that FPGeneration was covered in the 2007 time frame on Talk Polywell. Here is an external link to a good description of their methodology. They talk about adding POPS RF modulation to compress the ions trapped at the center of the device. ... power.html

The fact that they are still around after 4 years is encouraging.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:51 pm
by Skipjack
Awesome find Chris!
Now that is exciting! The question I inevitably have to ask though, with all the public discussions on here and other Polywell related platforms (mostly on here though) about the potential arrangement and shape of the coils, wouldnt there be a problem with "prior art"?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:10 pm
by kurt9
These guys (FP Generation) have been around for several years. Yes, they are pursuing IEC polywell fusion using POPS enhancement to the plasma. I have no idea of their current status. I think they were looking for money several years ago.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:26 pm
by Giorgio
kurt9 wrote:These guys (FP Generation) have been around for several years. Yes, they are pursuing IEC polywell fusion using POPS enhancement to the plasma. I have no idea of their current status. I think they were looking for money several years ago.
Didn't see any mention of POPS here.
The main idea is to use trapped electrons at magnet level to behave (among the other tasks) as "Gabor lenses" to focus the ion beam and facilitate its recirculation.
It also looks like in section 8 they are actually stating that they have proved this experimentally.

What i wrote is of course just an extremely condensed simplification.
The patent is much more broad and covers a lot of constructional, theoretical and operational aspects. Quite a well written patent for my personal experience.

Is also nice to see that they have a working prototype. I wonder if we will be able to see in the short future some of their experimental results.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:55 pm
by Giorgio
Regarding POPS, actually in section 7 (Additional improvements that may (but need not) be implemented) they are discussing formations of virtual anodes and cathodes.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:50 am
by hanelyp
Taking a quick look I note 2 large variations from the WB-6 method:
- a negatively charged magnetic grid, as opposed to the positive grid on the WB-6.
- No gaps between magnets for recirculation.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:48 pm
by rschaffer8
I'm surprised this effort has not received more attention. The patent shows an experimental setup that seems to me to be of the same or greater size and level of sophistication as the EMC2 and Focus Fusion efforts. This is not an amateur operation.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:04 pm
by Giorgio
Most people are probably still reading it and giving even a second and a third read. I am reading it again now after the first read of yesterday.

Also keep in mind that unfortunately there is not much to talk about as it is a patent application and not an experimental report. There are some small info that can help to speculate, but there isn't really much inside to discuss about.
Well, at least not much that I deem worth of.
Others might find something interesting, in that case you can be sure that they will post about it. Just wait.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:44 pm
by chrismb
rschaffer8 wrote:I'm surprised this effort has not received more attention.
They're keeping low 'til they've got someting real to talk about. Sounds like proper research to me!! You've gotten too used to all this Rossi and Bussard trumpet blowing.

Why would anyone pick up on this patent and give it attention, if they weren't looking for it?

The inventor(s) are clearly still 'at work' on it and know better to sound off over it and generate too many questions they don't have the answers to.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:30 pm
by KitemanSA
chrismb wrote: You've gotten too used to all this Rossi and Bussard trumpet blowing.
Jeez, first he doesn't blow his trumpet enough, now he's trumpet blowing. Goose, Gander, sause?