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Blowing hot and cold on fusion

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:20 am
by tomclarke
Dr David Nagle wrote: Sixty years of research work and $20 billion has been put into the hot fusion experimental reactor being built in France as a joint venture between the European Union, USA, Japan, Russia, South Korea and India,” he noted. “But the world will have to wait for 40 years to see this reactor become commercial and start powering our homes.”

Compared to ITER’s hot fusion reactor, cold fusion or low energy nuclear reactions has had only 20 years of research and spending of just $ 0.2 billion. “This is just 1 per cent of the amount spent on hot fusion
Navy Research Lab, George Washington University, Feb 2011

$200M seems to me a lot spent on CF research. Consider, hot fusion has incontrovertial evidence that nuclear energy is released, and understood theory about how this happens. Cold fusion has not one experiment that proves nuclear reactions take place, and no theory that is understood and predicts deifnite results. (W-L makes no definite predictions about when CF will happen).

Compare this with Polywell, or DPF, or even colliding FRCs. In each case there is strong doubt that the method will ever allow high Q, but known theory provides some wiggle room and a case can be made. (I am less sure a case can be made for colliding FRCs, but still).

Most here will know that I get annoyed by CF enthusiasts proclaiming the dawn of the age of aquarius. I accept that CF (LENR or CMNP if you prefer) is currently undergoing a resurgence of interest.

The smoke

The case as I see it. Many groups have been reporting anomalous heat from [H or D] / [Ni or Pd or Pt] systems for 20 years now:
[many, many CF people]
Recently fashionable:

There are some other results reported (Japan) of nuclear transmutations.

the gun
There is a half-baked (much better than nothing) theory (W-L) which claims low energy neutrons can be generated in metal lattices by extraordinary high local electric fields acting on electrons and protons.

There are some other (Hagelstein) quarter-baked hypotheses hinting at how LENR could happen. These are so flimsy they don't really count, but because the hypothesis contains some useful ideas it is publishable. The problem is not the useful ideas, but the fact that going from these ideas to LENR is completely speculative and unsupported.

Now I have a decent background in math & theoretical physics, fields, though not QED. I can (at least in theory) do QM, tensor calculus. I have never properly learnt nuclear physics and so I don't have the background properly to judge these theories. On the other hand I can read reports from those who do (e.g. Chubb on W-L), and I know enough to see where there are gaps.

That leaves me reckoning that the theories are valiant attempts to create a CF mechanism, none of which succeed. That does not make a CF mechanism impossible. But it means that as far as theory goes it is completely unproven.

The judgement here is subtle. If W-L theory predicted something else which had been observed the gaps in it could be forgiven, because it would be joining together previously unexplained observations.

But in reality W-L was clearly devised to try to justify the CF hypothesis. Its one apparent success is that it simultaneously claims to predict a gamma shield that would explain the general lack of high energy gamms from LENR. The point being that W-L predicts high energy gammas will be produced. No way out of it.

Now the difficulty with this prediction - gamma shield - is that it removes the one absolute and clearly testable result from nuclear reactions.

It is rather as though I am claiming an invisible friend with whom I can communicate telepathically. He tells me that he is blind and deaf. So the standard test (I win at poker because he looks at my opponents cards, etc) will not work.

The problem with my invisible friend theory is that there is no way anyone else can disprove it. There is a plausible reason for that, but still it is unfortunately convenient.
No smoke without fire
So far we have a collection of evidence which can properly be put together in two different ways.
(1) The LENR people have some mysterious not-understood effect which is real, probably some variant of W-L theory explains it.

(2) The whole area is a result of wishful thinking. W-L was worked out specifically to justify CF, it makes no new testable predictions. CF experiments all produce results within the bounbds of experimental error.

When I read stuff on the web I find it very hard not to believe (1). When I look more carefully at the evidence, and reflect on it, I come down stroingly on the side of (2).

I am myself a natural CF enthusiast. I would like free energy to exist. I like weird non-standard ideas. I loved the ultra high density deuterium experiments, and you don't get weirder than that. But then I put my own enthusiasm through the tough examination recommended by Thomas Huxley:
Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every conceived notion, follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses nature leads, or you will learn nothing.
I ask who is doing this, the scientific mainstream, or the LENR community.

It will be strange to many here, but I believe the LENR community singularly fails in this necessary humility. Specifically, they are just not curious about their own experiments.

When a positive result is found it is trumpeted, and efforts are made to engineer a larger more impressive result.

That would be exactly right were this an engineering problem, with proven LENR and a matter only of optimising things.

It is exactly wrong if there remains the strong possibility that LENR is not proven and all positive results are in fact experimental error.

To prove LENR you need to do the opposite. Take a repeatable postive result and examine it minutely to determine possible errors etc. The result is a decent scientific paper. You don't have to mention LENR, just call it "anomalous heat generation in a Pt/H system etc".

More people then pile on the band wagon and we either have proven heat anomaly, or discovered error.

In 20 years, and $200M, of experiment, THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE.

So why the resurgence of interest now? I claim because of Rossi. In spite of his clear duplicity, and the fact that respectable LENR people would be very cautious about any of his claims, his PR offensive has an effect. It is now easier for people to believe other LENR claims than it was before. No smoke without fire...

But that is not because of additional scientific evidence.

I would like to be proved wrong. All it needs is (for example) for Miley to get off his back side and subject his claimed repeatable MIT demo experiment to standard science:
(1) Write it up in detail so we can see what it is
(2) Perform additional tests to try and quantify all possible errors. (Extra controls, extra measurements, etc).
(3) [He would want to do this] Write the scientific paper that will gain him a Nobel and set the world on a different path.

He shows no sign at the moment of doing this, and seems instead to be asking for money to commercialise the experiment. But he is capable (I think) of writing papers, doing experiments. So he could do this, if the results were as clear-cut as he appears to claim.

As could any of the many other LENR reserchers getting positive results over the last 20 years. For example, Piantelli's claimed astonishing results would be easy to duplicate and check for error.

Anyone wonder why we hear nothing of these checks? Does this sound familiar?


This thread - just to differentiate it from others - is for discussion of the current LENR interest, is it scientific, popular, etc? Which of the two divergent views of LENR over the last 20 years is most plausible and why do you think that. It is not for discussion of Rossi.

Re: Blowing hot and cold on fusion

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:19 pm
by djolds1
tomclarke wrote:As could any of the many other LENR reserchers getting positive results over the last 20 years. For example, Piantelli's claimed astonishing results would be easy to duplicate and check for error.

Anyone wonder why we hear nothing of these checks? Does this sound familiar?


This thread - just to differentiate it from others - is for discussion of the current LENR interest, is it scientific, popular, etc? Which of the two divergent views of LENR over the last 20 years is most plausible and why do you think that. It is not for discussion of Rossi.
Personally I don't doubt that something nuclear has been going on in the mass of LENR cells. There are just too many reports of nuclear ashes and high helium isotope percentages in the electrolyte solutions to discount as persistent experimental error, and Dr. Bussard's hydrogen-metal reaction hypothesis is convincing. OTOH, going from saying "something nuclear is happening" to saying "we have net energy!" is a HUGE leap. IMO, LENR is nuclear, interesting, and probably of no more technical importance than sonofusion -i.e., a nice toy for the undergrad physics lab, and nothing more.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:24 pm
by Torulf2
Clear is that there are lots of interesting results and that “cold fusion” have been treated unfair. But the proposed explanations (including VL) are so far out odd that there I’m not convinced the phenomenon is real. The measurement of the D/Pd cells gives heat and He, best explained with 4D> Be8> 2He4. Not by neutron abs. But the alphas should give X-rays how not are detected in sufficient amount.
Its require more than bad calleometry and wish full thinking for getting the experimental results. Its require extra ordinary flaws. But if the result is extraordinary the flaws may be extraordinary.
The Rossi thing shows strong sign to be a fraud. The only hopefully in that case is the interesting result by Francesco Celani. But a Rossi fraud will harm this research incredible.
I’m no believer or no unbeliever but I think most likely there is no LENR phenomenon. I have no scientific honor to defend so I can make a chance by making some own experiments at home.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:39 pm
by tomclarke

If you believe the He ash observations then the problem is that they don't work with W-L or anything like it.

So you can't put interesting observations and interesting vague theory together. In fact if yoiu go for W-L it eliminates a lot of the LENR work.

I don't agree with the "results can't be experimental error". I wonder on what that idea is based? When I've looked at specific experiments it takes a lot of work to get to the bottom of what could be the errors. How can anyone be so sure the results are significant without that?

I certainly don't know enough to rule them out, and very few of the LENR write-ups do a full error analysis.

What I would strongly expect, if the results are significant, is that one of the replicatable experiments can be written up really well and investigated. Why would LENR people not do this? But I have not yet seen this, which makes me doubt that anything that is replicatable is real.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:11 pm
by billh
tomclarke wrote:What I would strongly expect, if the results are significant, is that one of the replicatable experiments can be written up really well and investigated. Why would LENR people not do this?
Greed, perhaps? If they truly believe their experiments have produced energy through nuclear fusion maybe they are hoping to get rich and don't want to let anybody else in on their secret formula. That would explain the greater interesting in "engineering" than in "science". Greed has driven people to do many foolish things. Such as succumb to wishful thinking.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:16 am
by ScottL
billh wrote:
tomclarke wrote:What I would strongly expect, if the results are significant, is that one of the replicatable experiments can be written up really well and investigated. Why would LENR people not do this?
Greed, perhaps? If they truly believe their experiments have produced energy through nuclear fusion maybe they are hoping to get rich and don't want to let anybody else in on their secret formula. That would explain the greater interesting in "engineering" than in "science". Greed has driven people to do many foolish things. Such as succumb to wishful thinking.
Greed also pushes individuals to production to substantiate their claim. It's what I call the "ME FIRST!" effect. Just like a child if they have what they claim, they will raise their hand waving it with a big smile and all the evidence ready to go. If they do this publically, noone can deny what they have or that they went public first with proof. Unfortunately, none of these groups will ever, ever, ever do this. Greed? Not likely. After making claims, I bet the critiques lead to some doubt, because they very well should.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:04 am
by tomclarke
ScottL wrote:
billh wrote:
tomclarke wrote:What I would strongly expect, if the results are significant, is that one of the replicatable experiments can be written up really well and investigated. Why would LENR people not do this?
Greed, perhaps? If they truly believe their experiments have produced energy through nuclear fusion maybe they are hoping to get rich and don't want to let anybody else in on their secret formula. That would explain the greater interesting in "engineering" than in "science". Greed has driven people to do many foolish things. Such as succumb to wishful thinking.
Greed also pushes individuals to production to substantiate their claim. It's what I call the "ME FIRST!" effect. Just like a child if they have what they claim, they will raise their hand waving it with a big smile and all the evidence ready to go. If they do this publically, noone can deny what they have or that they went public first with proof. Unfortunately, none of these groups will ever, ever, ever do this. Greed? Not likely. After making claims, I bet the critiques lead to some doubt, because they very well should.
If you look at technological breakthroughs, they start with good science, published, which is then commercialised. Commercialisation takes money, and the clearer is the science on which the product rests the easier it is for a company to get money. No-one should underestimate the importance of money in developing ideas to commercial reality.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:57 am
by KitemanSA
What I find interesting about this whole issue is how drawn folks are to strawmen. "If you accept W-L, it invalidates much of the other data".

Personally, IF these anomalous results are ever determined to be anything other than measurement / experiment artifact, then the MOST likely explanation would be some form of nuclear interaction. Anything else would REALLY be new physics.

But remember, one is a ridiculous number. If there is one example of something, then surely somewhere in this vast universe there is a second. So if there is one LENR process to explain some results, it seems almost absolute that there are two or more.

Now for the GUT folk, this could be interpreted as many paths in the "one theory". I know how passionate some folks get about GUT.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:07 pm
by KitemanSA
billh wrote:
tomclarke wrote:What I would strongly expect, if the results are significant, is that one of the replicatable experiments can be written up really well and investigated. Why would LENR people not do this?
Greed, perhaps? If they truly believe their experiments have produced energy through nuclear fusion maybe they are hoping to get rich and don't want to let anybody else in on their secret formula. That would explain the greater interesting in "engineering" than in "science". Greed has driven people to do many foolish things. Such as succumb to wishful thinking.
This is an interesting observation and may derive directly from the current general antipathy toward LENR research in academic circles.

If one can't get grants to research this then making it pay becomes more important.

If one might lose ones acedemic position over such research, making it pay becomes SUPREMELY important.

Seems those that bitch loudest about lack of acedemic rigor may be those causeing it in the first place. Hmmm.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:14 pm
by tomclarke
KitemanSA wrote:
billh wrote:
tomclarke wrote:What I would strongly expect, if the results are significant, is that one of the replicatable experiments can be written up really well and investigated. Why would LENR people not do this?
Greed, perhaps? If they truly believe their experiments have produced energy through nuclear fusion maybe they are hoping to get rich and don't want to let anybody else in on their secret formula. That would explain the greater interesting in "engineering" than in "science". Greed has driven people to do many foolish things. Such as succumb to wishful thinking.
This is an interesting observation and may derive directly from the current general antipathy toward LENR research in academic circles.

If one can't get grants to research this then making it pay becomes more important.

If one might lose ones acedemic position over such research, making it pay becomes SUPREMELY important.

Seems those that bitch loudest about lack of acedemic rigor may be those causeing it in the first place. Hmmm.
Of course you may be right about this, but do you have any evidence to support people losing jobs through doing LENR research?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:31 pm
by KitemanSA
tomclarke wrote:
KitemanSA wrote: If one might lose ones acedemic position over such research, making it pay becomes SUPREMELY important.

Seems those that bitch loudest about lack of acedemic rigor may be those causeing it in the first place. Hmmm.
Of course you may be right about this, but do you have any evidence to support people losing jobs through doing LENR research?
Pons and Fleischmann? And didn't Miley effectively have to wait until he was retired? As to how many were warned off with "tenure" threats, it is anyone's guess.

This is not a major study area of mine so I don't have lots of ready examples.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:51 pm
by tomclarke
KitemanSA wrote:
tomclarke wrote:
KitemanSA wrote: If one might lose ones acedemic position over such research, making it pay becomes SUPREMELY important.

Seems those that bitch loudest about lack of acedemic rigor may be those causeing it in the first place. Hmmm.
Of course you may be right about this, but do you have any evidence to support people losing jobs through doing LENR research?
Pons and Fleischmann?
They called a press conference prematurely. Bad idea.
And didn't Miley effectively have to wait until he was retired?
It would seem not:
[see ref dates]
As to how many were warned off with "tenure" threats, it is anyone's guess.
My point is that there is no evidence it does happen. I can't see why institutions should care, as long as high quality papers get published.