Forum quality.

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Forum quality.

Post by chrismb »

I've once before said I was going to leave discussing polywell until something happened, but came back to answer some questions on my threads that appeared and kept posting bits and pieces.

However, in the last few months there has been no 'substantial' physics discussed - all 'conventional' physics is subject to 'opinions' rather than being a properly informative and educational discussion, whilst speculative ideas (not even qualifying as, but purporting to be, theories) have reigned supreme.

But this is - perhaps - the nature of such a forum that likes to discuss experiments at 'the edge' [and if any exp is at the edge, polywell well-exemplifies it!]. So this in itself is not the reason for this statement.

However, what I was not anticipating was such a lack of moderating that the board could get as ragged as it has in recent times. Even if the recently performing clown decides it is the end of his act (or is escorted away), the lack of moderation has already had its 'tiring' effect on me and I'm done here.

'Light touch' moderation is one thing, but permitting people to swear at forum member's mothers is disgraceful. That is a light touch far too far, and shows what happens if you don't act on warnings for moderation earlier.

I hope you guys might follow my experiments on my website, For your information, my patent was granted in UK on 12th July '11. Some recent improvements to electrode geometry have produced some fantastic results far better than expected, so I need to investigate a little further before spilling the beans as there might be some more IP in that.

I'll PM key folks who are still here when I start filling up that website with stuff, and hope you'll find it interesting. At least some of you guys are worthy sparring partners for discussions (even the ones I don't agree with - oh, OK, so that's probably most of you!! ;) )

Best regards,

Chris MB.

(PS In the event of sea-changes putting this forum on an even keel and eventful polywell news in the distant future, I do not exclude the possibility of reversing this.)

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Post by Giorgio »

I understand what you mean and I hope you will change idea.

If you don't, than I'll wait you back here in October, once Rossi results of the 1MW plant are out ;)

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Post by seedload »

Good luck

Ivy Matt
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Post by Ivy Matt »

Too bad. If I were a mod I wouldn't have hesitated to give our Caucasian friend the boot after that FYM comment (a clear violation of guideline #1 that no one else even approached), but then I'm not MSimon, and I wouldn't expect him to ban someone for that.
chrismb wrote:For your information, my patent was granted in UK on 12th July '11. Some recent improvements to electrode geometry have produced some fantastic results far better than expected, so I need to investigate a little further before spilling the beans as there might be some more IP in that.
Good news, and good luck! I will be monitoring other channels of communication for further news.
Temperature, density, confinement time: pick any two.

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Post by hanelyp »

I have noticed this forum taking on a resemblance, in the last couple weeks, to sci.physics.fusion in the declining days of usenet. There are long running threads I avoids entirely for lack of useful signal, and some recent users I wouldn't mind ploinking. (ploink: the sound of being put in a killfile.)

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