An upcoming book on IEC

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An upcoming book on IEC

Post by crowberry »

There is a book on IEC: Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) Fusion: Fundamentals and Applications by
George H. Miley and S. Krupakar Murali that will be published on the 26th of December 2013. ... 1379917931
Hardcover: 300 pages
Publisher: Springer; 2014 edition (December 26, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1461493374
ISBN-13: 978-1461493372

From the text at Amazon:
"From the Back Cover

This book provides readers with an introductory understanding of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC), a type of fusion meant to retain plasma using an electrostatic field. IEC provides a unique approach for plasma confinement, as it offers a number of spin-off applications, such as a small neutron source for Neutron Activity Analysis (NAA), that all work towards creating fusion power. The IEC has been identified in recent times as an ideal fusion power unit because of its ability to burn aneutronic fuels like p-B11 as a result of its non-Maxwellian plasma dominated by beam-like ions. This type of fusion also takes place in a simple mechanical structure small in size, which also contributes to its viability as a source of power. This book posits that the ability to study the physics of IEC in very small volume plasmas makes it possible to rapidly investigate a design to create a power-producing device on a much larger scale. Along with this hypothesis the book also includes a conceptual experiment proposed for demonstrating breakeven conditions for using p-B11 in a hydrogen plasma simulation.

This book also:

Offers an in-depth look, from introductory basics to experimental simulation, of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement, an emerging method for generating fusion power

Discusses how the Inertial Electrostatic Confinement method can be applied to other applications besides fusion through theoretical experiments in the text

Details the study of the physics of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement in small-volume plasmas and suggests that their rapid reproduction could lead to the creation of a large-scale power-producing device

Perfect for researchers and students working with nuclear fusion, Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) Fusion: Fundamentals and Applications also offers the current experimental status of IEC research, details supporting theories in the field and introduces other potential applications that stem from IEC."

This looks like a very interesting book. The text shown above does not mention the word polywell, but it sounds as if that is covered in the book also because pB11 is described as a possible fuel and simulation of IEC breakeven conditions are mentioned.

Does anyone know something more about this new book?

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Re: An upcoming book on IEC

Post by mattman »


George Miley is nearing the end of his time as a college professor. He has always been a fan of "alternative" (ie. not laser fusion, not tokomaks and not Z-Pinches) paths to fusion energy. He was willing to listen to the cold fusion crowd in the early nineties - and he took lots of criticism from some quarters within the academic community for it. His lab has done quite a bit of fusor work. But he has also published on material related to the Periodically Oscillating Plasma Sphere (POPS) work done at LANL in the nineties and the Penning Fusion Experiment (PFX) done at LANL around 2000. Miley actually published a paper supporting the polywell and penning trap idea with L Chacon in 2000. This was directly contradicting William Nevins 1995 work which ripped the polywell a new one.

I am excited to read this book. This guy has spent a long, long time studying these topics. He will probably have allot of insight - and I will want to buy the book. I am sure with his advanced age (80) he probably is using a co-writer to help get the words out. This will be allot like FF Chens book which came out last year. The two men are of the same generation and spent a great deal of their lives studying nuclear fusion energy.

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Re: An upcoming book on IEC

Post by crowberry »

mattman wrote: This will be allot like FF Chens book which came out last year. The two men are of the same generation and spent a great deal of their lives studying nuclear fusion energy.
The book "An Indispensable Truth: How Fusion Power Can Save the Planet" by Francis F. Chen was published already in May 2011. It was a good book to read, with the first part about energy in general and the second part mainly about tokamaks. There were some minor inaccuracies and he does not consider pulsed fusion reactors, but overall it was fine.

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Re: An upcoming book on IEC

Post by crowberry »

Some of the contents of this book can be viewed here ... 614-9338-9.
The table of contents is available here ... -9%2F1.pdf and the index is availble here ... -9%2F1.pdf. The book is a nice summary of IEC research over many years and will surely be useful to the field.

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