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Dear EMC2 - Coil Inductance

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:49 am
by Keegan
Dear respected engineers @ EMC2. Could you please tell me the inductance value of one of WB6's coils ?

How does the geometry of the coils together (in tetrahedral form) influence the inductance of a single coil ?

It would really help me out with the polywell im building right now. The scientific community/government will take much more notice with repeatable results.

best regards, Keegan

(well its worth a shot) :)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:44 pm
by MSimon
You could figure the inductance by looking at coil resistance and then at the time it takes to charge up the coils.

time constant = L/R

If you are running DC through the coils the inductance shouldn't be of much concern.

Yes, the other coils will have an effect. Relative to other uncertainties it shouldn't be much.

The best way to find the answer easily is build and measure.

Why do you need to know the inductance?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:48 am
by tonybarry
The "cold" value of coil inductance (i.e. with no polywell in effect) will not bear much resemblance to the "hot" value. As you dump more electrons into the polywell, the rate of addition of electrons will alter the coil inductance (in the same way that putting a steel slug down the middle will alter it). Also, if the electron field (polywell) is pulsed, the inductance will vary with the pulsing. Also, if alphas exit through the coil centre hole, this will approximate a current which will vary the inductance.

Conclusion:- do what Simon says. Build the device and measure. Otherwise it gets too hard.

Tony Barry