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Book w/BFR Punch Line for Kids age 8-13

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:44 pm
by classicpenny
Go to
Click “Download the book” – lower right
On download page, click “EarthsBigProb3.pdf”

Earth’s Big Energy Problem and How to Fix it (age 8-13) begins with many pictures demonstrating the extent of our dependence on carbon-based fuels. Molecular models show how the burning of each different carbon-based fuel produces carbon dioxide. The greenhouse effect, evidence for global warming, and other problems with carbon-based fuels are summarized. There is some discussion of the number of wind turbines, extent of solar installations, and money required to replace fossil fuel energy. The fallacies of bio-fuel are explained. Uranium fission, D-T fusion and p-B fusion are outlined; then fission reactors, D-T fusion reactors, and the Bussard Fusion Reactor are described,

Several people have already pointed-out that the title (Earth’s Big Energy Problem and How to Fix it ) needs work. Suggestions for a better title will be much appreciated. And -as always- any other comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc are more than welcome as well! Let me know what you think.

There have also been a few other changes to the rest of the site –most notably, the wind, solar energy, and transportation pages, in the “alternatives” section- that you may want to check out while you are visiting.

Bill Flint

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:40 pm
by Mike Holmes
I checked out the kids version (I have an 8 year old myself). Some suggestions:

It starts out very simple in reading level, but gets much more complex later on. A more consistent level throughout would be better.

As man-made global warming is somewhat contentious, I'd suggest presenting the "problem" a bit more generically. Skip the theory on greenhouse gasses, and just say something like, "And this might have other, unforseen, bad effects on the environment as well."

And then I'd focus more on the peak oil and security problems. Give them all about equal time. Basically all bullets to show why dependence on fossil fuels is bad. If one bullet isn't convincing to somebody, another should be. There are plenty of reasons at this point to get off of fossil fuels.

For a title, just call it, Fixing Our World's Energy Problem.

Also, it ends a bit abruptly. You give the p-B fusion description, and then say in the same paragraph that it might be the best solution. Instead, after giving the solution options, have a summary at the end where you conclude that p-B fusion is the best solution, when comparing all of the options.

Similarly, you should have an introductory paragraph at the beginning. As always, "tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them." Introduction, body, summary. Especially for kids.

Also, it's not really laid out. It's not a book at this point, it's an essay or article. If you want it to be publishable by, say, a POD printer so people can order them, send this to someone who does layout. Speaking as somebody who has published a couple of books in his time. Otherwise it's fine as just a printable essay.


Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:56 am
by Yitzhak
I think you should talk about fission and then fusion, instead of introducing fusion at the same time. Keep the topic in their minds and such. Also, it might be worth putting in that in 1kg of water, there's enough deuterium to make as much power as 300kg petrol (might want to verify that first though... just something I heard that seems relevant).

More "fun" diagrams around the fusion bit would be good. Like a picture of the reactor pumping up a helium balloon or something.

And yeah, needs more of a conclusion.

Overall it's good, I reckon. I'd have loved to read this instead of some of the other kid-science books around when I was 10-13. They were hinting at information, but never actually gave it.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:43 pm
by classicpenny
With the much appreciated help of Mike's and Yitzhak's comments (above); with the equally appreciated help of a Montana writer friend, a Bay Area engineer friend; and with the especially appreciated help of my wife, the kid's book with the BFR punchline has been upgraded to version 4. If you are interested, or you know a kid (age 9–13) who might be interested, please download it, take a look and -again- let me know what you think.
Go to
Click “Download the book” – lower right
On the download page, click “EarthEnergProb4.pdf”

Bill Flint