Phony Numbers

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Phony Numbers

Post by Jccarlton »

The unemployment numbers are faked. Now that's a surprise.: ... bs-report/
How do we know just how bad things really are if the government collects phony statistics to make the numbers looks better.

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by choff »

They've been adding the $85 Billion/month QE to the GDP growth figures, without it this would be a full blown depression.

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by Diogenes »

choff wrote:They've been adding the $85 Billion/month QE to the GDP growth figures, without it this would be a full blown depression.

This is what I think too.

A full blown depression will not be so benign as it was last time. It will turn the nation into a killing field i'll wager.
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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by Jccarlton »

Diogenes wrote:
choff wrote:They've been adding the $85 Billion/month QE to the GDP growth figures, without it this would be a full blown depression.

This is what I think too.

A full blown depression will not be so benign as it was last time. It will turn the nation into a killing field i'll wager.
This has been a disaster in the making. I said so in '08, and trading tokens around doesn't create anything. To add the problem the top people are looking at garbage: ... re-garbage
Just like the AGW crowd replacing reality with models and working from garbage data. It's going to be ugly.

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by Jccarlton »

The thing is that lots of decision are made on these kinds of numbers. If the government loses it's credibility, what's left?: ... lity-shot/

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by Jccarlton »

Five big lies the government has been telling us: ... elling-you

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by choff »

A case made for basic minimum income for all citizens, no worse than QE for Wall St., when automation makes the workforce redundant there will be no other way to sell what the robots make, would replace many pre-existing social programs. ... AxFmee1oSA

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by hanelyp »

no worse than QE for Wall St.
Is not much of an endorsement from my perspective, where QE is a distortion on the market and indirect theft.
The daylight is uncomfortably bright for eyes so long in the dark.

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by choff »

Fed being sued for at least $7 Trillion within statute of limitations by whistleblower. ... AxFmee1oSA

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by GIThruster »

I have never heard of any time in our nation's history, when corruption in the federal government has been so pervasive and severe. There are all the NSA violations of our civil rights, and those of the free press. There are the hundreds of documented frauds, extortions and other extreme violations wrought by the IRS for political purposes. There are the four separate scandals at the EPA, complete with spy-thriller type details of how those in power there violated the law, by concealing how they were deliberately persecuting Americans for political purposes, using phony email addresses inside the EPA to thwart the Freedom of Information Act; the distributing of confidential information for political reasons, etc. The end runs around the Constitution with all the "Czars" who never passed through congressional approval simply by changing their titles; the 5 separate scandals at DOJ; the series of Benghazi perjuries in Congress by the State Department; the scandals surrounding how the TARP funds were distributed to irresponsible agents and how those agents were never screened as the law requires; and of course the Affordable Care Act scandal with a broken $500 million web site that still has no security and still does not work. POTUS still claims he doesn't know about any of these things. He still has never said where he was and what he was doing when the Benghazi shit hit the fan, and the press has let him not answer the question. Fast and Furious still never answered. Had we known when that story broke, that 15 other full scandals would follow, do you think the press would have been so quiet? Now look at that list again. 5 separate scandals at the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Who is watching the watchers?

Then there are the things POTUS does claim to know about. There are the conflicts in Libya and Syria where we haven't had national interests since the Cold War STARTED--more than 60 years! Launch missiles at Libya to secure the French oil supply--and lie about it--pretend we had a reason to be involved despite the Libyans all hate us. Threaten to go to war with Syria and put arms in the hands of the same Islamo-fascists who have sworn to kill us, all to serve the vanity of a POTUS who thought threatening worlds leaders was a good idea a couple years earlier, and escalating a situation the only way to save face (until the next news cycle.)

Honestly, when you dig, the problem is always that there is too much corruption to put handles on it. One doesn't even know where to start. Never, NEVER has there been corruption on this scale in DC which is why we are now for the first time at the top of the list of most corrupt governments in the world, finally edging out Somalia who had had the honor for five years, despite they technically do not have a government at all.

And now this (and great thanks to choff), that has for some reason gone without response even in this crowd: ... AxFmee1oSA

Apparently, there is evidence that the Federal Reserve has been raided for $7 TRILLION, by Ben Bernanke and his cronies. Yes, the Federal Reserve Chairman appointed by OBama. . .you know, that guy who forgot to pay his taxes all those years?

I guess we should not be surprised. The media refused to carry most of these stories for more than 3 minutes, and gave POTUS the same love, support and adoration as was reserved for Hitler when he took power--support that turns a blind eye to corruption. We The People, let the media do what it did, and I guess well, if the Chair of the Federal Reserve can be let go with having committed tax fraud for years and no one cared, why would anyone care that he and his cronies defrauded the nation of $7T ?

It is interesting to note the scale of the thing. That's more money than any government in history has ever operated with. It's about 40% of our national debt. It's many times our entire defense budget. It's twice what the federal government spent in 2012, and that was far more money than it had collected. It's an almost unfathomable amount of money. I doubt anyone reading this truly appreciates how much money that is. It's so much money, that most people in the business world consider Ben Bernanke the most powerful person in the world.

And no. . .I know. I know the verdict is not in yet and just because someone filed a law suit doesn't mean Bernanke really did steal $7 TRILLION. But I can tell you this: we'll never know. We'll never know if he and his cronies stole that money because the press in this country doesn't want to know. They want it hushed up. And this is why a free press is so important--because when the press is not free and motivated to investigate the Federal Government, people like Ben Bernanke are free to not pay their taxes, take the job he has, and steal us all blind. Mark my words, America has entered into her last days as the City of Lights, and moved into her steady, debauched decline into the greatest horror this planet has seen since Stalin. Sometime soon, people are going to start dying, and I won't be surprised if at the top of the list, will be those bringing this lawsuit.

How do I know we'll never know the truth about this issue? Look at the link. The first version of this law suit was filed back in July. Had you heard about it? Had anyone you have ever met heard about it? The single largest theft in all human history, filed against in Federal court half a year ago and I'll bet no one reading this has ever heard a single tiny peep about it.

Be ashamed America, that you let this happen on your watch. We all did.

A good friend who happens to be a liberal black man asked me the other day, "do you think America is kinda' a bully?" I didn't know how to answer. I knew something was wrong, but "bully" didn't seem to cover it. I'm still not sure what to call it but it feels like being inside Nazis Germany in the late 1930's, and knowing there is something terrible coming and yet not knowing what to do about it.

Just remember, in the years leading up to when the Nazis began to march Polish and German Jews to the gas chambers, they quietly collected all the elderly and infirmed and gassed them. The Lovejoy bus ran around German roads for years in the name of Progress, and Social Justice. Not just synagogs but thousands of churches were closed by the government with only small murmers from The People. There were a few who tried to intervene--even at least one attempted assassination--but it wasn't enough. "Progress" does what The People allow it to do, and our skies are filling with drones unchallenged. We the People, are too busy to bother.

Hey, did you hear about the latest game console, and isn't the new Grand Theft Auto about to come out? And don't worry about the drones. If you like your privacy, you can keep your privacy. Period.

BTW, who's minding the store?
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by Diogenes »

GIThruster wrote:I have never heard of any time in our nation's history, when corruption in the federal government has been so pervasive and severe. There are all the NSA violations of our civil rights, and those of the free press. There are the hundreds of documented frauds, extortions and other extreme violations wrought by the IRS for political purposes. There are the four separate scandals at the EPA, complete with spy-thriller type details of how those in power there violated the law, by concealing how they were deliberately persecuting Americans for political purposes, using phony email addresses inside the EPA to thwart the Freedom of Information Act; the distributing of confidential information for political reasons, etc. The end runs around the Constitution with all the "Czars" who never passed through congressional approval simply by changing their titles; the 5 separate scandals at DOJ; the series of Benghazi perjuries in Congress by the State Department; the scandals surrounding how the TARP funds were distributed to irresponsible agents and how those agents were never screened as the law requires; and of course the Affordable Care Act scandal with a broken $500 million web site that still has no security and still does not work. POTUS still claims he doesn't know about any of these things. He still has never said where he was and what he was doing when the Benghazi shit hit the fan, and the press has let him not answer the question. Fast and Furious still never answered. Had we known when that story broke, that 15 other full scandals would follow, do you think the press would have been so quiet? Now look at that list again. 5 separate scandals at the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Who is watching the watchers?


Hey, did you hear about the latest game console, and isn't the new Grand Theft Auto about to come out?


Theft of 7 Trillion? Nazi America? Fraud? Extortion? Corruption?

But what about the really IMPORTANT issues, like Drug legalization?
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Re: Phony Numbers

Post by choff »

The Fed lawsuit is very much like the Comer vs Ministry of Finance lawsuit over the Bank of Canada in my country(up for appeal Dec. 10th), total mainstream media silence.

I remember something Gore Vidal said, 'everytime you peel away the layer of corruption, you always find another layer of corruption.'

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