DiCaprio's Little Speech And My Response

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DiCaprio's Little Speech And My Response

Post by Jccarlton »

http://www.upworthy.com/leonardo-dicapr ... dont-exist?
There isn't a logical fallacy he doesn't use.
This requires a response, so here it is.:
I am a mechanical engineer, not a celebrity actor like Mr. DiCaprio. He comes to NY on his private jet and Chauffeured limousine. I come to NY on the 8:13 out of Norwalk and the #6 train. He talks about the need for immediate and aggressive government action against climate change but is demonstrably unwilling to make changes in his own lavish lifestyle. Mr. DiCaprio makes an empassioned plea for action against the climate crisis, but as he says, he pretends for a living. I make what people imagine real for a living. Mr. DiCaprio has made a variety of claims, but you know what, he doesn't seem to relate very well to the realities that face the world today.
If you look at the world form space you see two worlds actually. The world of light and the world of the dark. Looking at the planet from space at night you can see the march of lights and civilization across the land. But you can also see the places without any lights. Many of those places are dark because nobody lives there. But others are dark because the people living there do not have access to light and all that that means. These are the people I make a plea for. The people, who for whatever reason do not have access to the basic standards of living that many of us take for granted. I want to grow the light.
Unfortunately the path that Mr. DiCaprio would have us take will only spread the dark and misery. I think that he thinks that the real world is like a movie set where the only consequences for wrong decision and actions is CUT! and short walk back to his air conditioned trailer. Unfortunately in the real world there is no such thing as another take and the consequences of a wrong decision can have titanic consequences.
I am an engineer and not to use my expertise in such matters, the energy path Mr. DiCaprio would like to force the rest of us to take does not work. This is not conjecture at this point. A recent report on the experiment Spain shows clearly that renewables do not have the energy density to support a prosperous civilization. Most knowledgeable engineers will tell you this. This is the real world where you don't get something for nothing. before you advocate for a course of action consider the consequence for you and your children. We have a choice of the kind of future we want, choose wisely.

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Re: DiCaprio's Little Speech And My Response

Post by Diogenes »

We should not be listening to people who play "make believe" for a living.

Thomas Edison's invention has simply turned gutter trash into movers and shakers, much to the subsequent detriment of society.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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