school closed in mid november due to snow

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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by williatw »

Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth


With nasty cold fronts thrusting an icy and early winter across the continental U.S. — along with last winter described by USA Today as "one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record" — climatologist John L. Casey thinks the weather pattern is here to stay for decades to come.

In fact, Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, is out with the provocative book "Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell," which warns that a radical shift in global climate is underway, and that Al Gore and other environmentalists have it completely wrong. [Get "Dark Winter" with Free Offer — Click Here]

The earth, he says, is cooling, and cooling fast.

And unless the scientific community and political leaders act soon, cold, dark days are ahead

Casey says the evidence is clear that the earth is rapidly growing colder because of diminished solar activity.

He says trends indicate we could be headed for colder temperatures similar to those seen in the late 1700s and early 1800s when the sun went into a "solar minimum" — a phenomenon with significantly reduced solar activity, including solar flares and sunspots.

If he's right, that would be very bad news.

"Dark Winter" posits that a 30-year period of cold has already begun. Frigid temperatures and the food shortages that inevitably result could lead to riots and chaos.

Casey tells Newsmax, "All you have to do is trust natural cycles and follow the facts, and that leads you to the inevitable conclusion that the sun controls the climate, and that a new cold era has begun."

Casey is president of the Space and Science Research Corp., an Orlando, Fla., climate research firm.

His new book debunks global warming orthodoxy. For more than a decade, he reports, the planet's oceans have been cooling. And since 2007, the atmospheric temperature has been cooling as well.

"The data is pretty solid," Casey says. "If you look at the 100-year global temperature chart, you look at the steep drop-off we've had since 2007. It's the steepest drop in global temperatures in the last hundred years."

So how can the media and scientific elites make a case for global warming when it's actually cooling?

Casey suggests climate-change theorists have simply wedded themselves to the wrong theory — namely, that global temperatures respond to the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Any scientist suggesting otherwise is castigated as a heretic, though there are other prominent scientists who support Casey.

Noted Russian astrophysicist Habibullo I. Abdussamatov has argued that a new mini-ice age has begun, though Casey doesn't go that far.

He does agree with Abdussamatov that the real driver of global climate is solar activity, namely sunspots. These correspond to shifts in global temperature with a greater than 90 percent accuracy, he says.

The environmental left focuses instead on ever-rising greenhouse emissions, suggesting nature is just taking a bit of a breather before the upward march in temperatures ineluctably resumes.

"There are two fundamental flaws with that," Casey says. "No. 1, the greenhouse-gas theory, and the global climate models that they produced, never permitted a pause. As long as CO2 levels were going up, the only thing that could happen was global temperatures could go up. That has not happened.

"No. 2, there could absolutely be no cooling, much less a pause. And yet we've been cooling for 11 years now."

The recent polar vortex that sent temperatures across the Midwest plunging to sub-zero records is not an aberration, Casey says.

If "Dark Winter" is right, that means the nation is busily preparing for the wrong calamity.

"We don't have 10 years," Casey warns. "We've squandered during President Obama's administration eight years ... and we didn't have eight years to squander."

The worst of the cooling cycle, Casey predicts, will hit in the late 2020s and the early 2030s.

Food riots will break out, demand for heating oil will spike, and the failure of the corn crop will put the squeeze on ethanol.

He even predicts the United States will ban agricultural exports to feed its own citizens.

When Casey developed his theories in 2007, he emerged with several predictions.

Rising temperatures would begin to reverse themselves within three years. The sun would enter a phase of reduced activity he called "solar hibernation." And oceanic and atmospheric temperatures would enter a long decline.

Special: Get John Casey's "Dark Winter" With Free Offer — Click Here

So far, all of Casey's predictions have come true. He says, "My theory tells you when it will be cold ... and it is the cold that kills."

Casey also suggests that a long-term cold spell will have dire effects on the earth's geology.

As air and ocean temperatures cool, the earth's crust begins changing, leading to more volcanic activity and earthquakes. Casey notes that the worst earthquake to strike the continental U.S. in modern times was in 1812 in New Madrid, Missouri — during the last great solar minimum.

The climate changes also will affect human activity and may be a prelude to revolutionary politics. He says the French Revolution took place at the beginning of the last solar minimum in 1789.

"It could be one of the reasons Putin is so eager to get Ukraine," Casey says. "For many decades before Ukraine became independent, it was the primary source of wheat for the Soviet Union during cold weather times. Putin must have the wheat of Ukraine for the new cold era."

Casey has a worried look as he talks about the revelations in "Dark Winter."

"There is no human on earth, much less here in the U.S., who has experienced the depth and duration of cold we're about to experience — it's that serious," he says. ... id/607672/

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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by Diogenes »

...and that Al Gore and other environmentalists have it completely wrong.

Al Gore and other socialist idiots have it completely wrong?

Yup. Pretty much. Throughout all of history, the socialists always get it wrong. They are nearly perfect in their degree of wrongness in about everything they think and believe.
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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by ohiovr »

Stubby wrote:
ohiovr wrote:
MSimon wrote: The GMO foods get rather a LOT more testing than the results of "natural" plant breeding do.
Can natural plant breeding produce an invasive species? Anyone besides MSimon want to chime in?

Imagine the havok that would be played on a new species that got away that had no natural predators, or was naturally superior in some way in the environment. A new alien species is what it is, and it could make kudzu look like crab grass.

Super bacteria created by over use of antibiotics. We killed all the competition that was keeping MRSA in check through faster proliferation. Now it is out of control in many hospitals. We gave it the room it needed to grow unimpeded.
Interesting... I hadn't thought of it like that.

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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by ohiovr »

williatw wrote:Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth

I hope he's wrong

While I was looking at average temperatures though out the years I saw for myself that cold temperatures have a chilling effect on the economy. There is a correlation at least that is fairly strong in my short memory of the economy. I only went back to 1995 when I was an adult. Average temperatures were colder before I was born it appears. But I think the economic relation is based on relative temperature changes. I could go back further.

Climate science seems kind of grim. Not a lot we can do to change it with politics (telling the Chinese to stop building coal plants), or technology investment (like biofuels, which are taking bread out of the mouth of the poor and putting it into a fire). And there IS a lot of discussion still despite certain people trying to shut it down with name calling. So If it is really is cooling, and idiots try to cool it further by dumping iron into the ocean, or other screwy measures, it could more harm than good. Or if really is warming (if I am wrong, its just my opinion, not truth), and people all of a sudden get a burr up their asses to "do something" they might try stupid ideas like setting coal mines on fire. Excess CO2 is causing environmental problems in the oceans at least. But we do our part in research. I think fusion energy would finally decouple our energy products from the environment. I say if there is a problem with CO2, then fusion could eventually cure it. Unless 200 years from now, we give up and say fusion power can't be economical due to some horrible principle of nature.

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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by paperburn1 »

Let's see if I can address these things on a subject by subject basis. Lunatic fringe , no. Very extensive background in agriculture, yes. As per the hog problem the South ,I too like barbecue but the question posed was, was ever an example of something that is domestic having cause problems.The trouble with transplanting a species before the local indigenous population has a chance to adapt is that it overruns the local population. For example the zebra mussel brought in by shipping has virtually decimated the local mussel populations because there are no natural controls. This is obviously a bad thing. It did have a good side effect that most people don't notice but because the preponderance of muscles now living in our Great Lakes waters much cleaner.

On the subject to BT corn both you and I agree that it is not been to enough testing. But the latest. Articles on agriculture are indicating that pesticide use is increasing because of pest adapt into in becoming more pesticide resistant. This is causing new combinations of pesticide to be used of even stronger and more potent in its effects.
article from WSJ
BT corn was supposed to eliminate the cocktail of pesticides of farmers were previously applying but they are going back to that cocktail because of the plants becoming adapted to the pesticides are using..Monsanto’s Bt corn was supposed to reduce pesticide use. The Environmental Protection Agency said as much when the corn, which is genetically modified to resist the crop-ravaging rootworm, debuted in 2003. Sure enough, as more farmers sowed their fields with Bt corn, fewer of them needed to spray pesticides to protect their crops. The share of U.S. corn acreage treated with insecticides fell from 25 percent in 2005 to 9 percent in 2010.

But now, Bt corn has become, basically, too successful: Rootworms are starting to develop immunity to this prevalent crop, driving farmers to return to insecticide use. The Wall Street Journal reports:

Syngenta, one of the world’s largest pesticide makers, reported that sales of its major soil insecticide for corn, which is applied at planting time, more than doubled in 2012. Chief Financial Officer John Ramsay attributed the growth to “increased grower awareness” of rootworm resistance in the U.S. Insecticide sales in the first quarter climbed 5% to $480 million.

The frustrating part is that rootworms’ resistance to the Bt corn gene was entirely predictable — so predictable that some companies seized it as a financial opportunity:

American Vanguard bought a series of insecticide companies and technologies during the past decade, betting that insecticide demand would return as Bt corn started losing its effectiveness. In the past couple of years, that wager has paid off.

The Newport Beach, Calif., company reported that its soil-insecticide revenue jumped 50% in 2012, and company earnings climbed 70% as its stock price doubled. Its insecticide sales rose 41% in the first quarter to $79 million, with gains driven by corn insecticide.

Scientists say that so far, rootworms have only developed resistance to seeds engineered to include just one rootworm trait, and Monsanto says it plans to phase out that seed and replace it with a multiple-trait variety. But the EPA cautions that rootworms resistant to the first seed are more likely to develop resistance to other traits, too. And although Monsanto recommends crop rotation to “break the rootworm cycle,” historically high corn prices are driving more farmers to plant corn every year — and that has also increased the presence of other pests besides rootworm.

I understand were bussness are coming from. like Monsanto, cargil and others need to protect their investment on the crops that they have invested large amounts of money in development. But they've also been caught suing farmers who do not use their product because of the possibility that pollen has altered their crop that they are selling seed from. In other words Monsanto has sued farmers for allowing the pollen from Monsantos crops to pollinate the farmers plants. That's just crazy, As I stated before there is a place for GMO but we have to be very careful how we proceed. aka Monsanto protection act.
I am not a nuclear physicist, but play one on the internet.

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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by GIThruster »

paperburn1 wrote:I understand were bussness are coming from. like Monsanto, cargil and others need to protect their investment on the crops that they have invested large amounts of money in development. But they've also been caught suing farmers who do not use their product because of the possibility that pollen has altered their crop that they are selling seed from. In other words Monsanto has sued farmers for allowing the pollen from Monsantos crops to pollinate the farmers plants. That's just crazy, As I stated before there is a place for GMO but we have to be very careful how we proceed.
That story was circulating from the beginning of the use of GMO's but at least at first, it was pure fabrication. The fact is, that almost no farmers keep their seed. They purchase new each year. When farmers plant Monsanto products that are GMO's, the farmer who purchases it signs a contract that they will NOT keep the seed and replant, because Monsanto wants to be paid for each season, just as is the practice by almost all farmers. The issue then comes when the farmers don't want to pay more for the seed that is genetically modified. . .but the cost of the modification needs to be paid somehow. Farmers signing the contract and then violating it have been sued successfully, but farmers have made vacant claims that Monsanto was suing based on natural pollination and originally that was shown to be false. I do believe however that recently they did make such a suit because a guy who had the seed had never purchased from Monsanto, and yet showed up with their corn. It's anyone's guess who the villain is here.

But what's wrong with European hogs in the wild? I still don't get that. There's a nice mount of a 600 lb. boar with about 10" tusks as you enter Clint Eastwood's bar, The Boar's Head, IIRC; in Carmel. Has the 44 mag he took it with mounted right under it. I hear wild boar is excellent eating and haven't heard of there being trouble from it. So what is the trouble? I have actually thought of hunting boar someday.
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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by paperburn1 »

You are correct about most farmers buying seed from big company now , but this is more of a result of family farms now being the minority and seed reuse it no longer a standard practice outside the small farm. (labor intensive).
The hogs taste good and are fun to hunt but they tend to tear up an area they claim as their own. Ripping up water ways and fencing as they roam looking for food. damaging large amounts of cropland in the process. A 400 pound hog is one mean S.O B. when it wants to be. I think the ideal solution to the wild hog problem is just make a ready good barbecue sauce.

I think people are getting out of tune with their food source Let me relate a story, this summer I took my granddaughter and daughter to the Philippines with me to see our wife's relatives. My daughter also wanted to see what was left of Clark airport as she went to high school there.
The bottom line was I turn my granddaughter into a vegetarian. We decided to hold a traditional luau and one of the things that you do is you have a greet and meet with the guest of honor. In this case it was at 250 pound sow. We went up petted the animal in my granddaughter wanted to give her a name so we christened the pig Wilbur. The next step was to start butchering of the pig. For the life of me never occurred to me that my granddaughter had never seen an animal butchered live before. :oops: Let's just say things went downhill from there and she became a vegetarian. This brings up the purpose of the story I don't feel that most people are in touch with where their food comes from anymore or even how their food is raised or harvested. I feel this is important whether you raise your some of your own vegetables or hunt your own meat that you have an idea were your produce or meat comes from and the difficulties that surround raising it or harvested or hunting it
I am not a nuclear physicist, but play one on the internet.

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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by hanelyp »

ohiovr wrote:
williatw wrote:Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth
I hope he's wrong
Indeed, but I wouldn't count on it. At this point a cooling period seems a lot more likely than a resumption of heating.
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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by paperburn1 »

I remember reading somewhere that one of the first steps of global temperature increasing would be that the Arctic zone would get larger, in the temperate zones they would become smaller. This would result in a overall global cooling. Kind of a self-regulating effect of the overall temperature.

So in an off-the-cuff with no factual data maybe this is what's happening. The Arctic area expands covering more area with snow, reflectivity and by consequence is lowering the overall global temperature.

A simple feedback loop
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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by williatw »

paperburn1 wrote:I remember reading somewhere that one of the first steps of global temperature increasing would be that the Arctic zone would get larger, in the temperate zones they would become smaller. This would result in a overall global cooling. Kind of a self-regulating effect of the overall temperature.

So in an off-the-cuff with no factual data maybe this is what's happening. The Arctic area expands covering more area with snow, reflectivity and by consequence is lowering the overall global temperature.
A simple feedback loop
But I thought the Arctic sea ice was at an all time low...wouldn't that counteract the effect of the expanding Arctic ice? Also just a couple months ago they were saying that 2014 was on tract to be the warmest year ever recorded.
Last edited by williatw on Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by hanelyp »

paperburn1 wrote:The Arctic area expands covering more area with snow, reflectivity and by consequence is lowering the overall global temperature.

A simple feedback loop
Nope. There is a net heat input near the equator, and a net heat output near the poles. More ice cover near the poles reduces the effectiveness of the poles as radiators. At the same time, it's been observed that cloud formation over tropical oceans is strongly temperature dependent, clouds forming quickly when the temperature rises past a certain point.

Cold poles, less heat loss.
Warm equator, less heat input.

Expanded polar regions due to "warming" is bunk.
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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by paperburn1 »

I have not looked into it, just something I read.
hanelyp wrote:
paperburn1 wrote:The Arctic area expands covering more area with snow, reflectivity and by consequence is lowering the overall global temperature.

A simple feedback loop
Nope. There is a net heat input near the equator, and a net heat output near the poles. More ice cover near the poles reduces the effectiveness of the poles as radiators. At the same time, it's been observed that cloud formation over tropical oceans is strongly temperature dependent, clouds forming quickly when the temperature rises past a certain point.

Cold poles, less heat loss.
Warm equator, less heat input.

Expanded polar regions due to "warming" is bunk.
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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by MSimon »

Yup. Pretty much. Throughout all of history, the socialists always get it wrong.
If you look at the election results the socialists on the right are having their own problems. Florida was especially instructive given that a ballot measure was more popular than the winner of the election - who opposed it. Lucky for him it didn't get enough votes.

The left wing socialist are very likely to run on this issue in 2016. We will know in another year to year and a half.
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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by MSimon »

hanelyp wrote:
paperburn1 wrote:The Arctic area expands covering more area with snow, reflectivity and by consequence is lowering the overall global temperature.

A simple feedback loop
Nope. There is a net heat input near the equator, and a net heat output near the poles. More ice cover near the poles reduces the effectiveness of the poles as radiators. At the same time, it's been observed that cloud formation over tropical oceans is strongly temperature dependent, clouds forming quickly when the temperature rises past a certain point.

Cold poles, less heat loss.
Warm equator, less heat input.

Expanded polar regions due to "warming" is bunk.
During the last ice age Chicago was covered by 2 miles of ice. How does that fit?
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Re: school closed in mid november due to snow

Post by prestonbarrows »

Thanks Obama.

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