It Is The Sun

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Re: It Is The Sun

Post by GIThruster »

MSimon wrote:Well since you know nothing of the subject I will enlighten you.

I asked for that. Begged even. The people giving the test would not do it. Those things have risk. Maybe they decided the risk was not worth what they were getting paid. I dunno. Maybe they were afraid I would sue them.

What I do know is that the American public has decided that the humiliation of being watched taking a leak is worth it to get a job. That test was the last straw for me. I have decided that sucking at the government teat is my best alternative. It gives me lots of time to study and rail against Prohibition. To some effect I might add.

The only drug habits I have are tobacco and coffee. Entirely legal.

BTW how does it feel being a shill for mass murder?

Cannabis cures cancer. Cancer kills 586,000 Americans every year. Every Prohibitionist is complicit in mass murder.

I am embarked on a campaign to make that meme part of the lingua franca. I expect it will take me about 6 months. Maybe less if I can get the lefties on board from the beginning. "Mass murderers" should be a bit more effective than "racists". And with more truth. I get tingles just thinking about it. You do have a defense. Obummer is one of the mass murderers. Have at it.

Have a nice day.
When you read stuff like this, anyone else here get that same feeling they get when being lied to by a 3 year old? Like we're not supposed to be in on the secret and don't know how to tell the liar they're unconvincing?

How can you live your entire life as one big excuse for utter failure? You are a drug addict. Your entire life is characterized by your failure to cope with reality because of your addiction. Doesn't anyone who cares about you ever tell you this or are they all drug addicts too?
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Re: It Is The Sun

Post by Diogenes »

williatw wrote:
Already aware that minority youth commit more violent crime per capita that wasn't the issue it was pot possession/use; it is roughly equal between whites and blacks but minorities are arrested/charged/convicted/jailed at much greater numbers than whites who use pot roughly the same,.

Well see here, I don't understand the need to separate the two things. I think they both fall into the category of criminal behavior. I think people who haven't been taught better than to do wrong, will do wrong, whether it be drug usage or assault.

Diogenes wrote: If more Minorities are getting arrested for pot than are whites, I have this question to ask. Is it at a higher rate than are getting arrested for murder, rape and robbery?

I would assume it would be about roughly the same as arrests for those offenses.
williatw wrote: You may suppose assume whatever you wish; the data supports that minority youth commit more violent crime than whites per capita not that they smoke/use pot more, which is what is getting them arrested.

I see the two things as related. I would expect rough correlation between the two.

williatw wrote: Doubtful if murder/rape are getting plea bargained down to possession of pot; possible that someone jailed for such (pot possession) isn't also guilty of more serious crimes (like murder/robbery/rape) that law enforcement doesn't know about when he is arrested for pot possession. My answer to that is do a better job of catching people for murder/rape/robbery by diverting police resources back to that rather than going after pot users.

I think they catch easy fish because they are easy. There might be a racial component involved but it is damned difficult to ferret out cause and effect sometimes. If they are patrolling certain areas because of other crime, they will certainly catch more people in those areas they patrol.

williatw wrote: I don't feel sorry necessarily for someone of any race who does something stupid that gets themselves arrested by police; showing his Cajuns to his chums or some chick probably; but that doesn't mean I support the WOD, still don't.

I don't support everything regarding the way it is being waged. My central argument (which might be wrong) is that no nation can afford to allow unfettered access to drugs. It is based on the premise that drug addiction will increase exponentially with proximity and availability to drugs.

Again, the real world experimental example of this is China.

The operative questions here are "Will pot legalization lead to wider legalization? And if so, will that lead to a China like Collapse?" I think the answer is "Yes." Therefore it is clear from my perspective that it is a threat to our national existence.

williatw wrote: Sure lots of murderers/rapist/robbers drink to excess (probably more than pot smokers frankly); which of the two makes people more prone to risky/violent behavior like murder/rape pot or alcohol?

Alcohol is the horse that has already left the barn. Pot is the horse that is trying to get out. We know alcohol causes much death and disruption (85,000 people per year, I think.) We should want more of this? Possibly leading to even more of this still from other drugs jumping through the opening pot made in the barn?

williatw wrote: Bet alcohol would win hands down but we don't mass arrest/charge/convict/jail the alkies do we? Probably one of the biggest reasons for the violence in the inner-city is gangs fighting to control the drug trade; add to that people driven (in their minds) to steal to get money to support their habit.

I've known people who were in gangs in New York and Boston back in the 1950s and 1960s. Killing people was not their normal "thing." Rumbles and fights, controlling turf, etc, but they generally didn't go in for gratuitous killing.

Simon sees the drug war as the cause of all this violence. I see fatherless families (caused by the war on poverty) as the cause of most of this violence. I see the government forcing religion and the teaching of morality out of the schools. I see the influence of television (and nowadays other distractions such as this internet stuff) as taking away the real life experiences people would otherwise acquire. I see the consequences of World War II and changes to the male female ratio as contributing to this.

I see dozens of factors all of varying influence blending together to produce the resultant mess with which we are currently dealing. The War on Drugs is only a small part of this in my opinion.

williatw wrote: People are just as addicted to booze (and cigarettes), but booze and tobacco are legal (and more harmful than you think pot is) & cheap so folks don't seem to feel the need to steal to support their habit. People addicted to prescription meds feel driven to rob pharmacies to feed their habit (or steal to get the drugs to sell to the addicted users); not like they have the alternative of simply buying it legal without a prescription at a reasonable price. Love the idea of how a person not in pain gets to decide how much pain meds you need to deal with the pain only you can feel; a health care professional pressured by law enforcement to cut you off or run the risk of him (the doctor) being labeled a enabler of the alleged "drug abuser", or maybe arrested for being a "pusher".

Anyone who thinks he has all the answers is a fool. I don't claim to have all the answers, nor can I comprehend all the dynamics involved to arrive deductively at the conditions we see.

I do know this. Humanity has been down this road before. We don't have to do complex math to figure out what will happen, we have examples. I think this concept is the very defining characteristic of social conservatism. We develop morals and traditions because of events which have happened in the past in an effort to preclude the recurrence of a disaster which our people have already faced before. And then we write them down.

In fact, our morals and traditions are pretty much a product of evolution. We enshrine ideas that have worked before (such as quarantine) and we eschew ideas which didn't. (such as promiscuity. Well, at least which didn't work before birth control pills and anti-biotics.)
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Re: It Is The Sun

Post by williatw »

Diogenes wrote:
williatw wrote:
Already aware that minority youth commit more violent crime per capita that wasn't the issue it was pot possession/use; it is roughly equal between whites and blacks but minorities are arrested/charged/convicted/jailed at much greater numbers than whites who use pot roughly the same,.
Well see here, I don't understand the need to separate the two things. I think they both fall into the category of criminal behavior. I think people who haven't been taught better than to do wrong, will do wrong, whether it be drug usage or assault.
That may be your belief "D" but the facts speak otherwise...I concede that middle class white youth don't murder each other in nearly the same per capita amounts minority inner city youths do you need to accept they (the whites) smoke pot in about the same number.

Diogenes wrote:
Diogenes wrote: If more Minorities are getting arrested for pot than are whites, I have this question to ask. Is it at a higher rate than are getting arrested for murder, rape and robbery?

I would assume it would be about roughly the same as arrests for those offenses.
williatw wrote: You may suppose assume whatever you wish; the data supports that minority youth commit more violent crime than whites per capita not that they smoke/use pot more, which is what is getting them arrested.
I see the two things as related. I would expect rough correlation between the two.

Expect what you will...I am only interested in the facts....they (the whites) smoke pot in roughly the same per capita no. as blacks but don't get "pinched" at nearly the same level.

Diogenes wrote:I don't support everything regarding the way it is being waged. My central argument (which might be wrong) is that no nation can afford to allow unfettered access to drugs. It is based on the premise that drug addiction will increase exponentially with proximity and availability to drugs.
Again, the real world experimental example of this is China.

The operative questions here are "Will pot legalization lead to wider legalization? And if so, will that lead to a China like Collapse?" I think the answer is "Yes." Therefore it is clear from my perspective that it is a threat to our national existence.

Does it really? Love how you choose to ignore that Opium (in this example not pot) was legal in Britain and the United States at the time, had been for centuries prior and hadn't produced the deleterious effects in anywhere near what they had in China in a much shorter period. Difference is that Britain and the US weren't conquered by a hostile outside power who rammed the Opium down their throats like it was in China.

Diogenes wrote: Alcohol is the horse that has already left the barn. Pot is the horse that is trying to get out. We know alcohol causes much death and disruption (85,000 people per year, I think.) We should want more of this? Possibly leading to even more of this still from other drugs jumping through the opening pot made in the barn?
Accept that deaths seem to decline when pot is substituted for alcohol not increase.

Diogenes wrote: Simon sees the drug war as the cause of all this violence. I see fatherless families (caused by the war on poverty) as the cause of most of this violence. I see the government forcing religion and the teaching of morality out of the schools. I see the influence of television (and nowadays other distractions such as this internet stuff) as taking away the real life experiences people would otherwise acquire. I see the consequences of World War II and changes to the male female ratio as contributing to this. I see dozens of factors all of varying influence blending together to produce the resultant mess with which we are currently dealing. The War on Drugs is only a small part of this in my opinion.

And in addition to those other ill conceived gov interventions add your beloved WOD. A product of the same state that produced the other ills you don't like; if gov kicking religion out of schools is bad, kicking fathers out of their homes by welfare/ no fault divorce is bad, then not surprisingly the gov effort at Prohibition 2.0 is equally f*%ked up.

williatw wrote: People are just as addicted to booze (and cigarettes), but booze and tobacco are legal (and more harmful than you think pot is) & cheap so folks don't seem to feel the need to steal to support their habit. People addicted to prescription meds feel driven to rob pharmacies to feed their habit (or steal to get the drugs to sell to the addicted users); not like they have the alternative of simply buying it legal without a prescription at a reasonable price. Love the idea of how a person not in pain gets to decide how much pain meds you need to deal with the pain only you can feel; a health care professional pressured by law enforcement to cut you off or run the risk of him (the doctor) being labeled a enabler of the alleged "drug abuser", or maybe arrested for being a "pusher".

Diogenes wrote:Anyone who thinks he has all the answers is a fool. I don't claim to have all the answers, nor can I comprehend all the dynamics involved to arrive deductively at the conditions we see.

I do know this. Humanity has been down this road before. We don't have to do complex math to figure out what will happen, we have examples. ] I think this concept is the very defining characteristic of social conservatism. We develop morals and traditions because of events which have happened in the past in an effort to preclude the recurrence of a disaster which our people have already faced before. And then we write them down.
Too bad your side didn't "write down" the historical experience of alcohol prohibition then maybe we would have been spared the WOD; Of course maybe your side did, the WOD has lasted 40 yrs to alcohol prohibition's 12 years because you did learn one lesson from it. Only mass jail minority youth while largely ignoring the the massive drug use of the wider white population.
Last edited by williatw on Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: It Is The Sun

Post by williatw »

USA freeze grips UK: Temperatures will plunge to -7C as Britain is gripped by arctic blast
WINTER will blasted in today as the entire country prepares to shiver in the COLDEST autumn temperatures so far.

Temperatures have plummeted in Britain overnight

As the mercury plunges LOWER THAN MOSCOW virtually all parts of the UK woke up to a bleak and frosty picture this morning.

In an unusual twist it is the south which is set for the biggest plunge although it will turn much colder widely with even the chance of snow on the northern hills.

Met Office forecaster Michael Lawrence said: “Sunday night is expected to be the coldest night of autumn so far with -2C (28F), -3C or even slightly lower possible in rural areas with Monday night still chilly.

“The southwest will get the lowest temperatures due to light winds allowing cold air to pool in the region, it is going to feel very different from the recent mild weather which brought overnight lows in double figures.”

James Madden, forecaster for Exacta Weather, said: “This cool theme is likely to progress into the week as a colder easterly flow begins to establish itself.

“This is likely to bring more in the way of developing frosts and dense fog patches throughout next week and there is also the increasing risk of some snow across parts to the north of the UK at the very least.

“Some of the snow is also likely to make it to lower ground at times in parts of the north within this period and there may also be the risk for some wintry showers to develop in some other parts of the country too.”

The chilly forecast comes after parts of the UK are drenched by heavy and persistent downpours triggering a raft of flood alerts.

Up to an inch (20mm) of rain has fallen in the southeast amid warnings rivers around the country are close to overflowing after weeks of wet weather.

The Environment Agency has issued 15 flood alerts across virtually the entire country with rain on saturated ground raising the risk of flash floods and travel chaos.

A spokesman said: “Persistent, locally heavy, rain falling onto saturated ground…could lead to localised surface water flooding impacts.”

Airports and local authorities are being urged to prepare for the plunge in temperatures.

Even the currently mild south is braced for chaos with widespread ice and frost on the cards from Monday when thermometers are set to plummet by an almost unheard of 24C in 72 hours ... it-Britain

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Re: It Is The Sun

Post by palladin9479 »

Don't you know, when the earth warms due to CO2 it cause's everything to get colder!

AGW logic at it's finest. Can't wait for them to start trying to explain how CO2 is responsible for the series of cold winters we've had across the globe.

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Re: It Is The Sun

Post by Diogenes »

To williatw. I don't think your responses addressed my points. It seems like you simply dismissed them without due consideration. Your response sounded more like "Rah Rah my team!" than a cognitive effort to discuss the topic.

There are times I feel like arguing just for the sake of arguing, and there are times that I don't. This is one of those times that I don't. Maybe later. Peace. Out.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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