Sincerely @ G.W. Johnson

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Sincerely @ G.W. Johnson

Post by TDPerk »

I must delurk in this long period of nothing substantive to hear about the Polywell, to comment on the vapidity of GW Johnson.

The Dangers of Extremism in America
"As one of a series of writings debunking some of the viral nonsense sweeping this country, I wrote a piece exposing the right-wing extremist takeover of the US that has been in progress for some time."

The only taking over that's been done lately is the misrule by design of the leftists recently elected, who invented from whole cloth a mandate to outdo George Bush in deficit spending by a factor of four and to show less for it, and to ram down our throats a sort of healthcare reform a majority emphatically did not want--and the leftists knew we didn't want it before they voted for it without reading it.

"Here is the piece in its entirety, just as I submitted it to the Waco "Trib". What you have to remember is that I am a centrist independent politically. However, the crowd that I expose to scrutiny here considers me (and all like me) "liberals". And that's crap. Read on..."

Sir, no, you are no centrist. The tea partiers are far more centrist than you. You too are an asymptote of the sinister.

"The Dangers of Extremism in America 9-5-10

Over the last 3 decades, the extremist conservative movement has made our lives far worse by deregulating everything. This removed governmental controls that (at least sort-of) functioned, which let the corporate giants take over everything."

Doing the regulation in the first place without a trace of authority for it in the constitution is a far larger problem than any inconveniences the freedom the deregulation affords in the first place may bring about. Fraud could be prosecuted before, as could burglary, arson, mayhem, and all manner of actual crimes. Because free men cannot be ruled, and the regulators want to rule, they seek to make criminals of us. There is a reason why corporation giants give more to the Democrats, its because they get more out of them--competition stifling, rent seeking, not the least of it.

"We are now economic slaves to the super-rich giants, the same as about 1890. That time is known variously as “the gilded age” or “the age of robber baron capitalism”."

Oh we are are far more slaves now than then, Washington besieges us with trivialities and absurdities given the force of law, and if lawsuits won't do for now they have a greater ability to concentrate and support firepower in the field. The robber barons then couldn't bribe the government to take our land for more taxes--the votes for Kelo were your "centrists", sir.

"These giants outsourced our highest-paying jobs overseas, and converted this country to a third world-style service economy by offshoring most of its manufacturing-for-export. They did it for profits which they just pocketed. “Trickle-down” economics was a lie."

Unions forced those jobs overseas as much as they were forced, and be damned with them. Many always were going to go overseas once WWII post politics were settled, and so they did. Inevitabilities are no one's lies.

"Ever since, we have had jobless recoveries, precisely because it takes industrial production-for-export to drive an economy forward regardless of conditions. Ours was gutted decades ago."

And we'll keep on having jobless recoveries until the feds are taking only a spare 10th or less of the GDP in total, and they commonly borrow none, and they don't act like a rich man's dollar is worth more than poor man's, and get off the backs of small businesses like this idiocy CPSIA, aiming to break every toy maker smaller than Mattel and every publicher smaller than Random house. That's some of the regulation you claim to love. And so's this One tiny shred of Sarbanes-Oxley. That $100,000.00 a year or is a high paying job that won't profitably or productively exist, instead it will go creating bits in a database which do nothing for us. Your god the well sheepskinned Keynes having us dig holes to fill. We may as well break windows.

"This same politically-extreme movement intermingled itself with the extremist religious movement. Combined, they now preach that extremist-conservative political action is a religious duty, which is exactly why I call them “America's Taliban”."

Yes, that same "extremist" religion birthed what was best in this sorry species' history, a high water mark in freedom which could only be bettered by it's more broad application that what was reached in 1776. Name what walls they are likely to push down on "the gays", what women they will stone and what garments they will require of the atheists. They want you not to beat them with a stick, so stop it.

"I see no difference in goals between this movement in our country, and the ones we fight overseas. The only real difference is scale and scope of the evil done in God's name: our “Taliban” isn't yet into mass killings."

You see no difference because you have no powers of perception. If you had one ever, you have thrown away a moral scale. The administration now in power, which these moderates oppose...the killing fields will be theirs, they will look like hospitals. Research will not be funded and new drugs not approved for purchase under federally mandated "retirement", I mean congressional slush funds. I am cheered your number may well be up before mine is, and perhaps in time to benefit from Obamaism.

"In the 8-20-2010 issue of "Science", a refereed professional journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, there was a little news article about what's on a web site named "conservapedia".

This site describes itself as “an encyclopedia written from a conservative viewpoint”. According to the "Science" news article, that site has links to things like black holes, dark matter, and the theory of relativity listed under "liberal pseudoscience"."

So. What's your point? There is nothing there that will prevent a correct reckonning of sums whether arithmetical or Riemann, or what Riemann leads to. Bridges won't fall, and it is certainly an open secret the standard model is a two legged stool.

"In other words, politics trumps facts-as-best-we-know-them!"

Again, so? It doesn't break your bones or pick your pockets--but that's very much what your SIEU union goons are about!

"All scientists and engineers have doubts about some proposals in current science thinking, but these doubts lie in what the truth actually is, not its "political worth". Outfits like “conservapedia” clearly want to discredit all modern thought contradicting their politics."

So you pretend your certainty that your beliefs are well grounded means that tax money should be spent on it. There's an obvious solution here.

"That is why the news stories about the antics of the Texas State Board of Education are so important. Until quite recently, the majority of its elected members were believers in the same extremism. Before getting voted out, they rewrote school textbooks (that will be used for the next decade or two) to reflect politics instead of fact."

Actually, generally, they rewrote them to be observant of actual facts, not myths to the effect the Founders were abject slavering racists whose revolution didn't mean much, and what good meaning it did hold it has only by virtue of Jefferson being an unChristian Deist and bootlicker to Rousseau, and by extension Marx and Foucault.

"The threat of an extremist political / religious takeover of the US is real. There are but two choices: (1) take back our state and our country at the ballot box, or (2) take it back with guns in the streets.

You decide, then act. Myself, I prefer the ballot box: less mess to clean up afterwards."

Sir, at last you amuse me. It would be none of you and your ilk to be doing any cleaning up afterwards, except mayhap as in a POW coffle performing labor as reparations to mankind for the penumbral results of 120 years of resurgent state worship...absolutism is what you are upholding and the tea partiers its almost literally perfectly inoffensive and peaceful opponents.

"What alarms me is that so many friends and neighbors seem to believe in this movement that threatens our freedom even to think. Look at the idiotic (but viral) political hit pieces they forward around as if gospel truth.

Alarm me? It scares the hell out of me."

You have convinced me you are not very bright. It is even possible you are an ex rocketman, and in the light of the loss of several shuttle crews I am convinced you and other persons of your mentality did not quit nearly soon enough.

I am shocked you were ever thought capable of discerning a shock pattern in a diffuser, if in fact you ever did such. I cannot believe on reading your sad blog your understanding of athodyds ever rose in sophistication above, "air gets stuffed in here, gets hot, and comes out harder here".

You richly deserve the shellacking coming in November.
Last edited by TDPerk on Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
molon labe
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Post by TDPerk »

I was motivated to write the piece above when looking at the rest of his blog.

I was motivated to do that by this post, which contained a casual little gem of leftist untruth about how so very many of Mexico's illegal weaponry comes from the insufficiently controlled US civilian population. I made a comment to this: ... l#comments

Tom Perkins said...

"Most of that is supplied by no-questions-asked arms dealers on the US side of the border."

That is an assertion frequently made by people in the US who want[corrected from the original] more gun control, and by people in Mexico who want to obfuscate the issue of their own incompetence. At most 4% of illegal small arms in Mexico come from US civilian sources.

Many more do come from the US, but these are the result of burglaries from Mexican armories, and when shipments between Mexican armories "fall off of trucks".

No tanks.

No armed jet planes.

The most common gun is an AK47, and not one of US origin.
September 13, 2010 11:07 AM

He might well know something about ramjets, but just like the problem usually is with leftists, the trouble is what they know that isn't so--because it is politically correct "knowledge", coming from the correct political sources.

The tea partiers are not the threat the nation faces within, and they are nothing like the enemy we face without.
molon labe
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Post by TDPerk »

As I read further into his back catalog of idiocy, I see he is a fan of the idea we should impoverish all of humanity to lessen the results of global warming, thinks Obamacare isn't socialism, he doesn't know that if he doesn't like his radio programming, he can start his own station--he's whining to the FCC.

The f*cking FCC!

The Fairness Doctrine and "Pump Up The Volume" are all you need to know politically about the FCC.

And he's begging for them!

I keep on going through his closet, and I'll eventually find he's no fan of the second anymore than he is a fan of the first amendment, and I'll almost bet there's even some violation of the 3rd he thought was no big deal.
molon labe
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Post by TDPerk »

I'm back to May of last year, and so far he thinks TARP worked and so was a good idea, he seems to be a fan of the educational system as it is.

He keeps on prattling about voting all the bastards out.


If we don't do a 180 away from socialism and towards the constitution, and strictly so, towards negative liberties, and extremely so--if we don't do that we are just voting more of the same sort of bastards in.

I suspect he only wants to vote the bastards out because they aren't moving fast enough to the great leveling for him, and by God, there's too many commercials on the radio to suit him.

Holy sh!t, is he the sort of dweeb that gives rise to the filk song that goes,

"If it weren't for f*cking NASA, we'd at least have walked on Mars..." ?

This guy can't see he is the problem.
molon labe
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Post by MSimon »

There are far to many Americans who pray to the gods of Power and Control.

Thanks for delurking to post that.

Kudos, TD!
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Post by MSimon »

TDPerk wrote:As I read further into his back catalog of idiocy, I see he is a fan of the idea we should impoverish all of humanity to lessen the results of global warming, thinks Obamacare isn't socialism, he doesn't know that if he doesn't like his radio programming, he can start his own station--he's whining to the FCC.

The f*cking FCC!

The Fairness Doctrine and "Pump Up The Volume" are all you need to know politically about the FCC.

And he's begging for them!

I keep on going through his closet, and I'll eventually find he's no fan of the second anymore than he is a fan of the first amendment, and I'll almost bet there's even some violation of the 3rd he thought was no big deal.
I used to work on the transmitter he had in the back of the jeep when I was in the Navy. Many years later I also worked on modifications and redesign of it.

A point of technical accuracy though. It would not go down to the AM broadcast band or up to the FM band.

The AN/URT 23.
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Post by MSimon »


Could you give a link to the thread that set you off?
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Post by TDPerk »

It's here. ... l#comments

And I see from Pajamasmedia a figure that 8% of the weaponry seized in Mexico come from US gun stores--but not because there isn't enough gun control. It is, wait for it...

...wait for it...

...It's because criminals don't obey the law.

People like GW Johnson--and the President, and the President's cohorts--they need to be hounded by laughter, so they are less able to do harm to people.
molon labe
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Post by Diogenes »

TDPerk wrote:It's here. ... l#comments

And I see from Pajamasmedia a figure that 8% of the weaponry seized in Mexico come from US gun stores--but not because there isn't enough gun control. It is, wait for it...

...wait for it...

...It's because criminals don't obey the law.

People like GW Johnson--and the President, and the President's cohorts--they need to be hounded by laughter, so they are less able to do harm to people.

I'm confused. You found a nut liberal and you are surprised at how wacked out they are or something? Geeze, the internet is full of them. It's a waste of time to attempt to reason with them. They suffer from greater cognitive dissonance than does most people.

GW Johnson
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Wow! Reactions!

Post by GW Johnson »

I get reactions like that a lot. Not exactly sure why. I am no stereotypical liberal. Neither am I a stereotypical conservative. I am a dyed-in-the-wool independent, and I try to think for myself. Whether I succeed is always arguable, of course. But I do try.

Actually, I think the agendas and platforms of both parties (and the Tea Party) are the most egregious crap, worthless as public policy. It takes the process of debate and compromise to wring workable ideas out of party agendas. I haven't seen significant debate and comprise in the US Congress for well over 20 years now. The last 10 years are the worst I have ever seen. People all around me, not just in government, seem to be eat-up with ideology instead of real ideas. That's exactly what we are fighting overseas! Most of the folks slinging the labels "socialist" and "Marxist" around really need to look up the definitions of those words.

As for Mexico, the most common gun is an AK-47, yes, but that's true everywhere on Earth that you might look. It ain't just AK-47's and other civilian arms out there. As far back as 1970, armed convoys of armored vehicles were observed on highways in the mountains where the drug runners were centered. None of these vehicles were identifiable in any way with the (admittedly corrupt) Mexican government. Most of the vehicle types were not even in the Mexican Army inventory. This is direct eyewitness stuff, just not me, myself. A close friend that I trust, who was working for the CIA.

In those same years, the Mexican air force was still flying cast-off USAF P-51's as its front line fighters. So who owned the unmarked F-86 jets seen over those mountains? Plus, consider that something as obsolete as an F-86, equipped with missiles and a slightly-modified Radio Shack radar warning receiver, and piloted by someone with real combat experience, is a credible match in most respects for anything flying today, up to and including even the F-22. That has been known since the Red Flag series at Nellis in the late 70's, where similarly equipped but also horribly obsolete jets did astonishingly well against the then-brand new F-15 just finishing operational trials. You think those heroin dealers cannot afford to buy stuff like that on the black market? You're crazy.

Actually, the link was there for folks to go get ramjet data that I posted there, for their own spaceflight studies here. Wasn't my intention to stir up a controversy here, on those other things.
GW Johnson
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Post by rjaypeters »

GW Johnson: I appreciated the work you have done in your previous careers and especially the information you have brought to this forum. I wouldn't have minded being a full-capability ramjet man, myself.
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Post by TDPerk »

"I get reactions like that a lot. Not exactly sure why. I am no stereotypical liberal. Neither am I a stereotypical conservative. I am a dyed-in-the-wool independent, and I try to think for myself. Whether I succeed is always arguable, of course. But I do try."

The only trace of evidence of your independence in any of your posts is that you scream throw them all out, but you never show any trace of any principles informing your feelings except that large government is good, and larger government is better. You whine about the FCC not keeping enough commercials off the airwaves. You whine about any broadly applicable and objective standard being used as a yardstick for teachers. You claim CO2 should be restricted when you say there's little evidence it caused higher temperatures--even when that means there's no evidence lowering CO2 would lower temperatures!

You claim you think debate and compromise are the way to make progress, when it's just keeping things in neutral gear at best--we're still careening towards the edge of cliff.

"Actually, I think the agendas and platforms of both parties (and the Tea Party) are the most egregious crap, worthless as public policy. It takes the process of debate and compromise to wring workable ideas out of party agendas. I haven't seen significant debate and comprise in the US Congress for well over 20 years now. The last 10 years are the worst I have ever seen. People all around me, not just in government, seem to be eat-up with ideology instead of real ideas. That's exactly what we are fighting overseas! Most of the folks slinging the labels "socialist" and "Marxist" around really need to look up the definitions of those words. "

Spending less money is excellent public policy. Abandoning policies especially punishing to the productive is excellent public policy. Re-adopting policies protective of negative liberty are not just excellent public policy, it's darn near all that is legal in the case of the feds!

You disagree, but then you think Ares I and V are good ideas. I think Elon Musk will beat them both on the calendar and with a far lower dollar figure, unless Obama returns to his all but universal big government inclinations, and cuts SpaceX off at the knees. Which I'm waiting for that Socialist to do, and he is one.

"As for Mexico...on the black market? You're crazy."

I think the cartels struggle to put together an even vaguely capable cargo submersible, and those are far easier to hide and operate than something that takes runways and thousands of hours of practice to be even vaguely competent in handling, let alone hours of service per hour of flight. Your unmarked F-86's in the 70's sounds a lot like black helicopters in a different decade to me. Shorter rejoinder, prove it.

Also, my point was that you uncritically repeated the leftist meme that the US market is too uncontrolled to prevent guns from getting into Mexico, which meme is definitely bullshit.

Again, it's what the leftists "know" that isn't so that's the problem.

For that matter, we should be sending guns into Mexico to assail the 100 families until they stop making their country such a hellhole so many of their countrymen feel the need to escape north.

"Wasn't my intention to stir up a controversy here, on those other things."

With the idiotic policies you've endorsed in at best a backhanded way, and at worst by pleading for more regulation and praising it, you should expect no peace, you deserve no more than you would leave freedom for others.

Peals of laughter should flow at you.
molon labe
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Post by GIThruster »

GW, I also appreciate your knowledge and experience in ram work. I disagree with all your politics. IMHO, you're best served to share your technical experience here at T-P and leave the politics at home.

Fact is, there are just too many people here who want to argue over poly-sci. Why sacrifice your credibility over such a thing, when we all have so much to glean from your technical expertise?
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Post by Betruger »

Why would his technical expertise suffer from politics (ramjet physics and practicalities, and politics: where's the interdependency?), and how would any such influence on his tech expertise be so inconspicuous that it'd subvert anyone?

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Post by GIThruster »

There are posts that I don't often read here at T-P that cast GW in poor light.

My position is that when it comes to technical expertise, politics need to go to the wayside.

GW obviously has a lifetime of experience that should he deem to share it, we'd all be blessed to hear what he has to say.

If on the other hand you demonize those you disagree with politically, then GW needs to make his own case.

Personally, as one whose twin brother is completely politically opposed to, I have to think there are times politics need to go to the wayside, in order to treat honestly with other issues.

Hope that helps.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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