Tea Party Destroyer

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Re: Try not to be an utter fool MSimon.

Post by IntLibber »

MSimon wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
MSimon wrote: BTW the Drug War is the last bastion of Racism in America.
The first and last is eugenics.


Uh. D. The GOVERNMENT no longer has a eugenics program. Those who opt out of the future of the human race self select.

But the GOVERNMENT does have a Drug War.

Well not to worry. Since you can't see it coming (despite my explaining it) you will get clobbered by it. Heck. If I can work this right and the Rs choose to remain asleep at the wheel I might even get Obama re-elected. A fitting end to Prohibition don't you think?

A fitting end to a Socialist program. More socialism everywhere else. If the Republicans don't get on this. BTW I'm using the same plan I used to get Polywell refunded on this idea.

The Drug War as a Socialist Enterprise by Milton Friedman

The Drug War is a dagger at the heart of the Republican Party. Either break the dagger or I'm going to shove it in deeper.
The American eugenics program is run by Planned Parenthood, whose centers are in inner city minority dominated neighborhoods, which is why 35% of abortions in the US are performed on black women, five times the rate of white women. The founder of PP was a racist with ties to the Nazi party, this is well documented history.

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Post by MSimon »

The American eugenics program is run by Planned Parenthood, whose centers are in inner city minority dominated neighborhoods, which is why 35% of abortions in the US are performed on black women, five times the rate of white women. The founder of PP was a racist with ties to the Nazi party, this is well documented history.
True. But the program is voluntary. The courts are not mandating it.

They are mandating prison for users and distributors.

There is very little that can be done when an individual makes a bad choice (unless he attacks another). There is a lot that can be done when government goes bad.
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Post by MSimon »

TDPerk wrote:"Though the heavens may fall, let justice be done."

It isn't justice. It's just you picking the wrong time to wail away on your hobby horse.




Justice is hewing to the main chance for the best improvement.

What you want is a job for Palin's 2nd term.

I'm a little fish in a small pond.

What exactly is your counter move when the Ds start using (in a big way) Drug War Racism? And pin it on social conservatives. See Ken Burn's upcoming movie: "Prohibition". Three consecutive days on PBS. In early October.

http://powerandcontrol.blogspot.com/201 ... movie.html

The movie will pin that one on racists and social conservatives.

You think every paper (well all the leftys which is about 90%) will not be on this? And thus give an opening for the #1 Black Man to make it an issue.

Look at what has already happened here from my bringing it up. Dissension in the ranks. They only have to diminish the TEAs by 5 to 15% to win elections. Which is exactly your fear.

Now I admit that the average rank and file D is not smart enough to use this effectively (see Axil above). That is why they have a network to issue talking points. And journolist.

I have been making my points to leftys on this for years. I belong to an anti-drug war list and about 80% are on the left. About 10% are on the right (almost all libertarians) and the rest are a mixed bag.

If the left makes this an issue the right (except for the libs) is absolutely unprepared. And you my friend are a shining example. Instead of figuring out how to counter this you are starting a war with me?

I sincerely believe that if the Ds make the next election a referendum on Drug Prohibition the right stands a very good chance of losing the election. Despite the economy. It worked in 2008. Why wouldn't they use the same thing from a different angle.

Remember, this is one of Soros' top issues. And he is no dummy. And he has the bucks.


On my list are some very smart leftys. When I gave them my points to use against the right they thought it was excellent. You think the word hasn't been passed on?

Due to my former secret clearance and dodgy youth I'm sure I have a minder. Probably not full time these days, but I'm sure I get checked on periodically. Reports will be made. They will be sent up the chain. Someone might notice who can put my stuff to use.

Not to mention that I have between 2,000 and 4,000 readers a day (about 50% from Google searches) reading my stuff.


The fact that you have announced your unpreparedness is an excellent indication the tactic might work.


Will the Ds actually end prohibition? Of course not. They are liars and opportunists to the core. It is an election tactic. And the right (which is 80% evangelicals) has no counter. Have they been calling for equal enforcement of the law? An end to Drug Prohibition? Anything? Outside of "lunatic" Ron Paul?


The only possible counter I see is Palin. Who could tell her conservative friends: end it. And most of them would.
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Post by MSimon »

Now TD you can see perfectly well that going after Prohibition will screw up the next election. You think all Ds are so stupid that none of them will see that? Don't get your hopes up.
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Post by MSimon »

TDPerk wrote:"They have lulled you to sleep with false charges of racism and now that they have a real one you dismiss it out of hand, "Just another one.""

It isn't a real one.

It is possible you are unaware the responsibility for the disparate sentences between powder and crack cocaine exists solely at the insistence of primarily black Democrats That "socons" have nothing to do with it!
That is one instance. And the Blacks are moving in the other direction now. Have been for some time now. You aren't keeping up.

But study the stats.

Nice video here that explains it all with stats:

http://www.classicalvalues.com/archives ... ainst.html

http://www.classicalvalues.com/archives ... ainst.html
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Post by MSimon »

You are going to love this:
Url: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v11/n566/a06.html

The third week in July, Republican Gov. Rick Perry said that the U.S. Constitution -- whose 10th Amendment limits federal power -- gives states the right to decide on such matters as abortion and gay marriage. The fourth week in July, the Texan recanted. He now supports a federal ban on abortion and gay marriage. Social conservatives told him they didn't cotton to giving states the right to defy their views on things they care about.

Perhaps it's time for progressives to pick up the freedom banner that was so quickly dropped in the mud of Republican primary politics. Here are examples of intrusive state and federal government, ripped from the headlines
A lot of his points are bogus. But the fact that the left wants to co-opt "liberty" from the right is the important point. And anti-prohibition could work to make that point.
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Post by MSimon »

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Post by MSimon »

Here is a lovely one:

The Progressives' Freedom Agenda

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articl ... 11156.html

Same Rick Perry stuff I posted above. But look at the title.


The Democrats are VERY good at fooling people. I think they can pull this off. I intend to help them until the Right gets a clue. Which they will once they get tired of the beatings at the ballot box.
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Post by TDPerk »

"What exactly is your counter move when the Ds start using (in a big way) Drug War Racism?"

a) If it gets no traction, ignore them. "Racism" isn't what it used to be, since it was equated by the Democrats with opposing the Won.
b) If it gets traction, repetitively play the existing imagery of the Congressional Black Caucus insisting that the government do more to take crack cocaine seriously--along with everbody's favorite guys, Jackson and Sharpton--and then show the CBC voting for the enhanced "racist" sentencing.

That's not an ace in the hole you're holding dude, its a joke on you.

"The movie will pin that one on racists and social conservatives."

It won't stick, the truth will out. Prohibition was a Progressive exercise.

"They only have to diminish the TEAs by 5 to 15% to win elections."

No. They need to reduce the Tea Party to 0 to have a bare chance.

They need every body who voted for the Won to still vote for him this time, and they need the Tea Party too not show up at all. Non-Tea Party R's will show up this time. That would get them around a 3% popular vote victory. At least 1 out of ten of the people who voted for Obama the last time either will vote for the other guy this time, or will stay home.

The minimum realistic margin of victory for the R's this time around is 3%--48.5 to 51.5. A real possibility exists for a 55% to 45%.

The notion the drug war which the Dems have been hawking as the salvation of black America will suddenly become seen as solely a conservative enterprise--that's ridiculous. It's also ridiculous to think most people want and end to the prohibition of most recreational substances.

There may in the near future exists a spare majority who favor the decriminalization of marijuana. That's the best you'll get for the next ten years, barring an actual Mad Max scenario--and the end of Prohibition won't be worth that.

"Instead of figuring out how to counter this you are starting a war with me? "

I am not nearly, as much as you are, a legend in my own mind. Wow.

I'm trying to get you to not put your effort into a misdirection. I think you are being foolish and showing signs of delusions of grandeur.

"I sincerely believe that if the Ds make the next election a referendum on Drug Prohibition the right stands a very good chance of losing the election. Despite the economy. It worked in 2008."

It was possible, in 2008, absent the gales of the Oval Office, for the press to keep enough of Obama's hot air in the empty suit for it to appear properly filled.

They can't do it this time. The small child has stood in front of the crowds and with his own words shown he was an emperor with no clothing. We've all seen it.

"And he is no dummy. And he has the bucks."

Soros may get somewhere with his SecState effort, but this is a losing one if he's even making it.

"The fact that you have announced your unpreparedness is an excellent indication the tactic might work. "

Oh I'm perfectly prepared for it. I know the truth, the truth will only need to convince a little over half the people in the country for such feint by the Democrats to fail. You have yet to show me I should be concerned.

"Have they been calling for equal enforcement of the law?"

Not less than the Democrats have, and that can be shown. In fact, the record shows the disparate impact of the drug war on the poor and even on black Americans is exactly what the Democrats--even black Democrats--begged for.

"Will the Ds actually end prohibition? Of course not. They are liars and opportunists to the core."

So what's you're real angle here? Bouncing up and down on your hobby horse?



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Post by TDPerk »

"That is one instance. And the Blacks are moving in the other direction now. Have been for some time now. You aren't keeping up. "

That doesn't mean they aren't getting what they begged for. Sure, they're allowed to change their mind.

Doesn't change the past.
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Post by MSimon »

It won't stick, the truth will out. Prohibition was a Progressive exercise.
History? No one in America knows it. And you know what - no one will care who started the drug war. What people will care about is who supports it now.

But OK. History:
http://powerandcontrol.blogspot.com/201 ... movie.html

The one common denominator among the temperance crowd was that they tended to be evangelical Protestants
That is going to hurt. Especially considering this:
URL: http://classicalvalues.com/2011/09/rick ... the-tenth/

The third week in July, Republican Gov. Rick Perry said that the U.S. Constitution — whose 10th Amendment limits federal power — gives states the right to decide on such matters as abortion and gay marriage. The fourth week in July, the Texan recanted. He now supports a federal ban on abortion and gay marriage. Social conservatives told him they didn’t cotton to giving states the right to defy their views on things they care about.
Remember the Ds have a much bigger megaphone.
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Post by MSimon »

My angle?

I'd like to see the Right have some principle. If they are as unprincipled as the Left what is the point? If they are as unprincipled as the Left then a lot of folks will vote on the issue of the day. Me included.

Which is why I'm desperately hoping that Palin gets in.
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Post by TDPerk »

"What people will care about is who supports it now."

Some people will. I will guess that of those who are flippable, who are persuadable--they will resent the attempt to distract from what is really important right now, which is the economy.

I don't give a darn, and shouldn't give a darn, if the leftmost 49% of the electorate is passionately inflamed to end the drug war in 2012.

It's first past the post.

"I'd like to see the Right have some principle."

It certainly does, and far more than the left.

Your real gripe is, prudence is one of those principles. Ending the drug was seem to be the most important thing to you. It is not prudent to put any effort into ending the drug war in the 2012 cycle. The idea drug use is all about PTSD--which for you is somehow not a mental illness--is your hobgoblin, one of no demonstrated, replicable reality.

As I keep on telling you, this is a project for Palin's 2nd term.
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Post by TDPerk »

"History? No one in America knows it."

I know it, and so do many others.

"That is going to hurt."

No it won't, all but every Progressive back then was protestant. You gonna complain now water is wet?

"He now supports a federal ban on abortion and gay marriage."

I expect that is being misread. The feds of course should not be able to demand one state enforce another's laws in this matter.
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Post by MSimon »

Just in case you needed some stats.
In 1998 there were wide racial disparities in arrests, prosecutions, sentencing and deaths. African-Americans, who only comprised 13% of regular drug users, made up for 35% of drug arrests, 55% of convictions, and 74% of people sent to prison for drug possession crimes.[1] Nationwide African-Americans sent to state prisons for drug offenses 13 times more often than white men[8], even though they only comprise 13% of regular drug users.[1]

In the late 1990s, black and white women had similar levels of drug use during pregnancy. In spite of this, black women were 10 times as likely as white women to be reported to a child welfare agency for prenatal drug use.[9]

History is not on your side. You better hope that you can keep it under a basket. Because the same folks who were the core of Alcohol Prohibition are the core of the TEA Party.

You see TD it matters not how this affects you. What matters is if the Ds can turn this into a narrative that 51% will buy. I believe they can. But we shall see.
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