Tea Party Destroyer

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Post by MSimon »

The pivot point will be the airing of the "Prohibition" video. Until then I'm going to endeavor to keep silent on the matter here (I can resist everything except temptation. - with apologies to OW) .
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Post by MSimon »

OK. I couldn't help myself.

If Drug Prohibition is a Progressive Policy why isn't the right against it?

Kind of makes you think we have two Progressive Parties. Which has been my position for a VERY long time.

So we have the Progressive Right and the Progressive left. And that is supposed to be an argument in favor of silence on the matter until B-HO is defeated? I'm not convinced.
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Re: Try not to be an utter fool MSimon.

Post by Axil »

MSimon wrote:
TDPerk wrote:Given the abject financial crisis, it would be just that--foolish--for the Tea Party to spend even one seconds worth of political capital on attempting any change in the drug laws.

That ought to be at about the third tier of priority.
Well TD it costs $70 bn a year State, Federal, and Local to keep the war running. At least $25 bn of it Federal. That should help.

And then there are unaccounted costs like higher insurance rates for theft. Those run on the order of $100 bn a year.

But not to worry. I have leftist friends and I'm giving them this ammunition. Eventually some one will pick it up and then the TEAs will either come to grips or be destroyed.

I think they will figure it out given the choices: "Keep the Drug War Running" or "Defeat Obama".

Heck. If Obama proposes it first I'm voting straight Democrat.

BTW the Drug War is the last bastion of Racism in America.

http://classicalvalues.com/2011/09/naac ... -drug-war/

Either the Republicans get out front on this or they will be neutered for decades. "The Racist Party" meme will stick.

Yeah. I'm diabolical and without a (short term) conscience. But Drug Prohibition is a blot on the national escutcheon. It is going to get fixed. Why not this year or next?
But Drug Prohibition is a blot on the national escutcheon. It is going to get fixed. Why not this year or next?
"It's the economy, stupid" was a phrase in American politics widely used during Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign against George H. W. Bush. The phrase, made popular by Clinton campaign strategist James Carville, refers to the notion that Clinton was a better choice because Bush had not adequately addressed the economy, which had recently undergone a recession.

During the upcoming national elections, in this time of economic downturn and concomitant unemployment , this political phrase takes on even increased import to the exclusion of all other national political issues.

When current affairs are distilled to their essence, the incumbent administration is most venerable to the economic argument. Economic hardship are most impactful to all who are under its sway and work to the exclusion of all other political issues.

But Msimon keep heart.
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Post by MSimon »

Its the morality, stupid.

If we don't stop abusing abused children some one is not going to like it. And it starts with me.


And for all you believers. You know how the Head Office feels about mistreating people. "Don't look back"
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Post by MSimon »


Unbeknownst to our other friends here it has already become a campaign issue for Obama. Black opinion leaders from Charles Blow at the NYTs to Wilton D. Alston at Lew Rockwell are pressing him hard. And lots of other commenters in between.

And then there is the movie "Prohibition" coming to PBS in early Oct. That should rip the whole thing wide open.

Judging from the reaction here the Rs are not ready. I pity the fools.

You might want to look up who said:
“the war on drugs has been an utter failure. We need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws … we need to rethink how we’re operating in the drug war. Currently, we are not doing a good job.”
What I get here from anti-prohibitionists even is that "now is not the right time." Proof positive that it is an ideal issue for Ds to run on. Because now is not the right time. It will split the Rs badly. Just look at the fight here. Now couldn't be a better time. For the Ds.

If not now, when? If not me, who?
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Post by ScottL »

Sometimes the worst action is inaction. Might be a worthwhile campaigning tool, but could backfire as well.

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Post by Scupperer »

The people enforcing the laws and prosecuting them are the racists in the drug war - since the laws themselves are "blind". As government employees, these types are 90% more likely to be "D" than "R". Therefore, D's are clearly racist; our government is clearly racist. We need less government, and unbiased government employees.

Then, tie in Big Sis Napolitano to over-zealous drug raids and other abuses of government power.

Failed gambit.
Perrin Ehlinger

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Post by MSimon »

Scupperer wrote:The people enforcing the laws and prosecuting them are the racists in the drug war - since the laws themselves are "blind". As government employees, these types are 90% more likely to be "D" than "R". Therefore, D's are clearly racist; our government is clearly racist. We need less government, and unbiased government employees.

Then, tie in Big Sis Napolitano to over-zealous drug raids and other abuses of government power.

Failed gambit.
Yes. But where does the majority of political support come from these days?
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Post by Scupperer »

Yes. But where does the majority of political support come from these days?
I think you'd be surprised that a large sector, if not majority, of the "tea party" movement has no taste for the drug war and is much more libertarian in nature than evangelical. The "social" conservatives - morality police - already control the Rino faction of the GOP; the tea party really is the "leave me the f' alone" movement, which includes distaste for abuse of government power in drug searches & seizures, racist implementation, and the financial corruption inherent in the drug war that perpetuates the abuses.

The social conservatives - ie: "moderate" Republicans, are happy with the give & take compromise system and perpetual fighting over morality issues between the parties as it gives foundation to their power base and ultimately, there is no resolution of the issues.

The tea party is, for the most part, attempting to cut through such B.S. and get to the heart of matters.

IMO, you'll never get the D's to play along because they're the primary benefactors of the corruption in the drug war system and the police state authority it gives them. You'll never get the R's to play along because they have to maintain their holy moral pedestal, and they also enjoy the police state authority.

Honestly, your best bet in making an issue of the problems inherent with the drug war (beyond medical marijuana) is likely through the libertarian & constitutionalist wings of the Tea Party; they're already in a battle trying to redefine the R's - and are, for the most part, winning.

You could even make your own Superpac, and target any institutional candidate you like. Check out this ad against Janice Hahn, Ca Rep (D) (even though she ended up winning). While she's a D, there are just as many R's across the nation abusing the drug war. Would make for some fun primary campaigns ads in the R elections 2012.
Perrin Ehlinger

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Post by MSimon »

I think you'd be surprised that a large sector, if not majority, of the "tea party" movement has no taste for the drug war and is much more libertarian in nature than evangelical.
You would think so but that has not been my experience. I follow the TEAs avidly since I consider myself one. And non-libertarians make up the majority. i.e CHRISTIAN Conservatives. Personally I'm rooting for a female libertarian social conservative to get in the race.
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Post by MSimon »

My best bet is the movie "Prohibition" coming to a PBS outlet near you on 2 October. T -22 days and counting.

Also the Black community has done a 180 in the last year. That is BIG. It will put a lot of pressure on the pResident. Plus they are a keystone in the arch of prohibition. No longer.

BTW you are making a fundamental mistake in thinking the Ds will follow through. It is a campaign tactic to win back what they have lost re: the youth vote and the Black vote. And create dissension among the Republican ranks. You can see that around here.

How I see it.

1. The Ds will run on the issue.
2. If they win the Rs will change their minds
3. The Ds will do nothing
4. When the Rs get in they will finally fix it

I am already working with those that agree with me. The people I have to reach are those who don't. I'll have more to say about about that next week. My plan for that is coming together.

This board has helped me refine my message. It has also helped me see that a year (time to the next election roughly) is not enough time to change enough minds on the right. Pity.
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