How Republicans Lost The Election

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Re: How Republicans Lost The Election

Post by Netmaker »

KitemanSA wrote:
Stubby wrote:
Diogenes wrote:No. One that reports news which is damaging to Democrats. You know, like Benghazi, like Fast and Furious, like the Inspector General Scandal, like the Dealergate Scandal, the Green Energy Boondoggle wastes, The Obama Illegal immigrant relatives, the 1.5 billion dollars of family travel expenses, The Menendez underage hooker scandal, the Rezko / Blaygoyavitch scandal, the law license scandal, and other stuff you only find out about by reading the foreign press. ... president/
What does this link have to do with anything D said?
Diogenes wrote:the 1.5 billion dollars of family travel expenses
Factcheck wrote:A Continuing Pattern

These latest chain e-mails are part of a continuing pattern of indignant, anonymous authors spreading false and misleading claims about the travels of the president and the first lady.

In November 2010, we wrote about the "highly doubtful" claim that Obama's trip to India would cost $200 million each day. That figure was based on only one report from an Indian news organization that cited an unnamed official, with no additional evidence to support the claim. The White House called the claim "wildly exaggerated."

I didn't see anything about 34 warships in the factcheck article however Googling "34 warships Obama" gets you: ... -security/

This was with respect to that trip to India. It could certainly be used by a troll to contribute to a purported $1.5 Bil in travel expenses.

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Re: How Republicans Lost The Election

Post by paperburn1 »

Why cant we get presidents like this anymore instead of this. :D

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Post by Stubby »

or like this
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Re: How Republicans Lost The Election

Post by Stubby »

KitemanSA wrote:
Stubby wrote:
Diogenes wrote:No. One that reports news which is damaging to Democrats. You know, like Benghazi, like Fast and Furious, like the Inspector General Scandal, like the Dealergate Scandal, the Green Energy Boondoggle wastes, The Obama Illegal immigrant relatives, the 1.5 billion dollars of family travel expenses, The Menendez underage hooker scandal, the Rezko / Blaygoyavitch scandal, the law license scandal, and other stuff you only find out about by reading the foreign press. ... president/
What does this link have to do with anything D said?
Are you serious? Really? The whole article is about presidential travel expenditures and how EVERY president's costs are more or less the same.
And that the most recent president is NOT the biggest spender in this regard.

Thanks Netmaker
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Re: How Republicans Lost The Election

Post by Diogenes »

Stubby wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
Skipjack wrote: I shiver at the thought of what you would consider a conservative station then... The vatican channel?

No. One that reports news which is damaging to Democrats. You know, like Benghazi, like Fast and Furious, like the Inspector General Scandal, like the Dealergate Scandal, the Green Energy Boondoggle wastes, The Obama Illegal immigrant relatives, the 1.5 billion dollars of family travel expenses, The Menendez underage hooker scandal, the Rezko / Blaygoyavitch scandal, the law license scandal, and other stuff you only find out about by reading the foreign press.
Wow the shotgun assertion approach without evidence or citations. One of your trademarks. The places you get your information are often sketchy or worse just plain loony. Do you hope people will blindly accept these comments of yours?

No, I hope they will use the assertion to look up the available information on the topic. For this purpose, the more outlandish the better. Nobody bothers to look up "dog bites man" stories.

Regarding your other point, the very fact that you have to go out of your way to find out about ANY of these stories is exactly the point I am attempting to make. The National Media boycotts anything that hurts their "god".

Stubby wrote: Please provide links to the stories that have you shorts in a knot.

I guess you missed this entire thread, which I prominently posted and updated with links going on now since October?

If you are paying attention no better than this, what use is it to post other links on your behalf?

Stubby wrote: It might be that some of what you say is somewhat possible but the 1.5 billion line is crap. Just like the crap of it costing 200 million per day and using 34 warships for him to go to India (FAUX NEWS/Glenn Beck/Sean Hannity) reported that story as fact). ... president/

I do not regard factcheck as a credible source. They are, like Snopes, (Husband and Wife, Liberal Democrat A$$hole team.) completely biased, and unwilling to tell the truth when it doesn't suit their needs.

Here is one of those loony news sources to which you are referring. Of course it's a foreign news source. Domestic ones can't talk with their mouth full of his D***.
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Post by Diogenes »

Netmaker wrote:
Regarding your first pick from Newsweek "The Second Coming"
The picture of Obama has no religious overtones. The cover title would have been chosen by the magazine to generate sales. A nice dog whistle for the evangelical right to get their blood pumping but meaningless as such to the left.

The left is only hostile to religions that they don't believe in. You know, the normal and traditional ones. They are very much true believers in Obama the "Savior."

Netmaker wrote:
Your 2nd pic - Obama "halo'ed" by the presidential seal. Identical in nature to the second pic I posted of Bush being "halo'ed" by the presidential seal.

Ah, but far more widely distributed. It's not that something is iconographic, it's whether or not people are actually worshiping it.

Netmaker wrote: Your 3rd pic - the Obama campaign icon lit from behind and highlighting Obama, giving him an aura. Again a common technique used in the 4th and 5th pictures of Bush in my posting.

Show me such a picture of George Bush on a national magazine cover, and perhaps you will have a point.

Netmaker wrote: Notice Bush standing in front of The Cross in the 5th picture of my posting. Significantly everything in this is created deliberately as it's a painting and not a picture that happens where the setting or lighting happens to provide an affect.
Even so, it's not implying that Bush is up there on the Cross, as is "The Second coming" with Barry Obama.

Netmaker wrote:
"You have nothing showing Bush on the cover of a magazine sporting a Halo. Or this:"

Well, what do you have there. Your second set of pictures. Let's see.....

Your first pic from that post is a photoshopped banner from a nutjob site

Somebody trying to make a buck at best.

And you are making my point for me. There are people out there who are actually WORSHIPING this loon!!!! You say they are trying to make a buck, as if to minimize their nuttyness. Were this a conservative group, you would exclaim that they are the greatest threat to civil peace ever!!! A Dire threat to the nation!!!

Here is some of the stuff they say on this website. (which is just trying to make a buck.)
Barack Obama is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This fact was witnessed by the world on November 4th, 2008 when Obama became the most powerful figure in the world. Obama was sent here from heaven to save our world from sin and destruction. Only worthy souls will be permitted to travel to heaven with Obama upon Earth's demise. The Church of Obama Christ has since been formed as a way for the world to worship and praise the new savior. He is the direct reincarnation of Jesus Christ and was placed here by the Holy Spirit. The end times are near and you must repent your sins to the Son of God, Barack Obama.

Now it's YOUR turn to show me the "Bush Christ" website.

Netmaker wrote:
In your second pic, Jamie Foxx, a comedian, gets on stage at the Soul Train awards and goes into his shtick saying "It's like church in here. It's like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama,". Barack Obama, Lord and Savior of Jamie Foxx and the "S o u l T r a i n!". Everybody dance now.

Yes, and now you are trying to minimize what he said by implying that as a comedian, he was only joking. I don't know how much you know about black culture, but you don't joke about someone being "Jesus Christ." Till Barack Obama came along, they wouldn't find that at all funny. They consider it a very bad sort of Blasphemy, and I know many who would have been on their feet screaming at him had they heard such a thing being said.

Netmaker wrote: In your third pic, from the Rolling Stone, Obama is portrayed as either having an aura or giving off electricity and it's entitled "Barack Obama: A New Hope". I'm sure all Jedi everywhere will recognize the play on "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope". The force is strong with this one.

Also a religion. You aren't getting this religious connection thing, are you? It doesn't necessarily have to be Christian. You noticed the Kali picture I assume?

Netmaker wrote: Your fourth pic, Rolling Stone again having Obama Halo'ed by a modified presidential seal with the motto "Will he take BOLD ACTION or COMPROMISE too easily?". Again a common technique but somehow that "BOLD ACTION or COMPROMISE" statement will hardly fill anybody with religious fervor even in a political sense as it's alluding to Obama's penchant for negotiating away his position with himself before even engaging with the opposition.

And of course the "Halo" effect was not intended in the slightest to convey any sort of religious connotation. Right? Get real.

Netmaker wrote: Your fifth pic, from Newsweek, shows Obama being portrayed in the form of the Hindu goddess Kali:

Ah, so you DID notice the picture!
Netmaker wrote: Somehow I don't see the Hindu demographic as buying him much and certainly the Christian demographic won't look fondly on him based on this.

Your point would be better made by providing a Bush example with such treatment. To a mostly Secular Atheist Left, one god is pretty much like another, but the implication remains, that he is the closest thing to a god on earth which has come forth.

Netmaker wrote:
And then there's the cover title "GOD OF ALL THINGS: Why the modern presidency may be too much for one person to handle". Yes, again I see the invisible hand of the Liberal Media first raising Obama as being presumptious enough to think of himself as the "GOD OF ALL THINGS" and then oops, he can't handle the job. So sorry. The actual narrative here doesn't match your imagined one.

And you are overlooking the fact that the narrative is implying the exact same thing that I am implying. He thinks he's a god, and so do a lot of his supporters. I think he's a f***** idiot that has a talent for conning the stupid. They are in love with what he represents, not any actual talent which he has displayed. He has never so much as successfully ran a Lemonade stand, let alone anything else.

Netmaker wrote: And the slogan "CHANGE We can believe in", I didn't even believe it the first time around and most Democrats even on that whack job site Daily Kos are very cynical about it. Not something they want to be reminded of given his job performance.

Oh, and what's wrong with his Job Performance? Didn't he heal the planet and stop the rising of the seas?

Netmaker wrote: Your seventh pic, hmmm. What deluded state of mind do you have to be in to see somebody with a fly on their head as being any sort of god?

That you don't get it says a lot about you. I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of people looking at it on this website will understand the reference. It is odd that you have trouble comprehending it.

Netmaker wrote:
"Your last picture just shows the Spirit of Washington and Lincoln Praying with Bush. Presumably this was an after 911 photo. It doesn't show Bush as a "god", it shows him as someone praying. (To a God.) "

You presume wrong on a couple of counts. I've never said that any of the pictures portray either Bush or Obama as a god. Is religious iconography being used. Obviously. But neither Bush or Obama are gods or are being portrayed as gods.

I beg to differ. Obama is indeed being portrayed as a god, and he has engendered a cult of personality not seen since the near worship of "Hitler." Did you not see the two different (creepy) videos of young school children singing his praises? Did you not see the Uniformed Drill team shouting their loyalty to him?

Netmaker wrote:
This pic is not actually a photo of anything. It's the painting "Praying for Peace" produced by Ron DiCianni in 2003. Well after 9/11.

2003 is "well after" 9/11 ? That seems about exactly right for someone to make such a painting implying that the President needs the guidance and prayers from past leaders.

Netmaker wrote: Regarding the "Jesus Camp" video cut. How mature of you Diogenes to quote me and change the url of my posting from to

Why thank you, I believe in truth in advertising. Nice of you to notice it.

Netmaker wrote: Here is what I said about the link "where children are being instructed to bless a cardboard cutout of George W.". Notice I said "TO BLESS". Nothing about praying to him. Is it your reading that's impaired or your maturity level kicking in again?

As the topic is how Obama is being worshiped like a god, "blessings" of another mere mortal man are off topic. I didn't think you would be bringing it up as an equal treatment if it were not, in fact, an equal treatment.

A "blessing" is not the same thing as "worshiping."

Netmaker wrote: Good Grief man, I've never seen Pentecostals before. And it really has no bearing on the matter since I stated that they're being instructed TO BLESS President Bush. I'll include a transcript of what is said in the video for your benefit:

Obviously you thought it had some bearing, else you wouldn't have posted it. Now you are saying it is completely different? Why did you bother then? If it doesn't apply, why waste our time with it?

Netmaker wrote: "Yes, Netmaker, get "some alternative perspective"."

Lol, Well there's certainly no benefit to using your perspective Diogenes.

If you could see the benefit on your own, you wouldn't need my help.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Post by Diogenes »

Stubby wrote:or like this

Why would we want one like that? He was a horrible President. An embarrassment to the nation and all Previous Presidents. Had he a neutral media, he couldn't have even been elected, nor could he have survived his first term.

We are still suffering from the bad consequences of that lying jack@$$. ... and-housin
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Post by Diogenes »

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Post by Netmaker »

What I see Diogenes is that you are projecting inappropriate evangelical interpretations of people's behaviors onto non-evangelicals and your poor deluded mind can't step outside to see or accept another perspective.

Seeing as how I have read DailyKos on regular basis for the last decade I'm sure I would have noticed those lunatics worshiping Obama as a god. It would have thoroughly disgusted me to see that.

As far as Obama seeing himself as a god - get real and take your meds.

He's either a nice guy in over his head as he repeatedly disappoints the left or he's a corporatist pol who is cynically using his base to advance other people's agendas. I tend to see him as the latter so much that I've called him the first black Republican president on multiple occasions on DK.

If you're too far away from reality that you can't shake loose this god nonsense about him then just sit back in your rocking chair and repeat to yourself 2016, 2016, 2016. Just as the left had to do with Bush and his two terms.

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Post by hanelyp »

Diogenes wrote:The left is only hostile to religions that they don't believe in. You know, the normal and traditional ones. They are very much true believers in Obama the "Savior."
About 4 years ago I witnessed a Martin Luther King Jr. parade where it seemed like a great many participants were literally worshipping their recently elected "savior".

Many were also loudly condemning Israel for defending itself from terrorists.

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Post by Stubby »



The one making the assertions, ALWAYS has to provide evidence to back up the assertions. You have often disagreed with some of the available evidence that can be found because it does not suit your needs. So lets cut to the chase, have you present your evidence.


I didn't address Benghazi because I have not reviewed all the evidence pro or con.. I do read that thread but it on ongoing.

Did you have a Menendez thread I missed? Are there threads for the others?

The MailOnline article provides no citations for its story. It does provide a link to the Daily Caller (founder=Tucker Carlson). In the Daily Caller, they cite Robert Keith Gray as the source for the information but do not include any references or citations the Mr. Gray may have included in his book. So we are no further along in determining the validity of the statement or if it is even unique to this president versus any other in the last 20 years.

It is like GiT's illegal appointments thread. While it might be true that the appointments are illegal, many of the previous presidents have done the same thing, BUT NOW it is all about Obama. Witch hunt come to mind.

EDIT you added another link. Too bad it leads to the same source: the book by Mr. Gray.
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Post by TDPerk »

or like this [pic of Clinton]

If you mean,Stubby, a Dem who is intimidated into moving to the center substantially and working with the Republican's mandate after they win big in the midterms, I hope we discover we have that one now in 2014. But I expect he'll fiddle while the country burns the way he did the last time.
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Post by williatw »

Netmaker wrote:What I see Diogenes is that you are projecting inappropriate evangelical interpretations of people's behaviors onto non-evangelicals and your poor deluded mind can't step outside to see or accept another perspective.

Seeing as how I have read DailyKos on regular basis for the last decade I'm sure I would have noticed those lunatics worshiping Obama as a god. It would have thoroughly disgusted me to see that.

As far as Obama seeing himself as a god - get real and take your meds.

He's either a nice guy in over his head as he repeatedly disappoints the left or he's a corporatist pol who is cynically using his base to advance other people's agendas. I tend to see him as the latter so much that I've called him the first black Republican president on multiple occasions on DK.

If you're too far away from reality that you can't shake loose this god nonsense about him then just sit back in your rocking chair and repeat to yourself 2016, 2016, 2016. Just as the left had to do with Bush and his two terms.
Well let's see...the media hated Bush, adored Gore, Bush beat Gore. Much was made about Florida, but Gore lost his own home state Tennessee handily, wasn't even close. To this day very little has been said about that, his own dad had been a Senator from there he should have owned it in a close election, he didn't. The media hated Bush favored Kerry, Bush still won easily, in spite of his inept handling of Katrina and the general unease about the Iraq war. The media didn't like Reagan he nontheless easily clobbered Jimmy Carter and landslided Walter Mondale four years later. The main stream media hates the NRA and adores gun control, doesn't seem to be going their way on that issue the last few years. Obama was beatable in the last election cycle, the repub just ran a weak candidate, (though Obama almost managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with his pathetic 1st debate performance). He is just lucky the libertarian candidate Gary Johnson was kept out of the national debates and effectively marginalized.

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Post by Diogenes »

Netmaker wrote:What I see Diogenes is that you are projecting inappropriate evangelical interpretations of people's behaviors onto non-evangelicals and your poor deluded mind can't step outside to see or accept another perspective.

Yes, i'm sure that's what you see. That's not the same as what is there, but that is certainly what you see. Perhaps your vision will improve with more education.

Netmaker wrote:
Seeing as how I have read DailyKos on regular basis for the last decade I'm sure I would have noticed those lunatics worshiping Obama as a god. It would have thoroughly disgusted me to see that.

I think I see your problem, right there.

Netmaker wrote: As far as Obama seeing himself as a god - get real and take your meds.

The Oceans recede and the planet heals.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Actually, I don't know why he wouldn't think he was a god. Other people keep saying that he is.

EDITORIAL: Obama greater than Jesus

And no we are not thinking of Jesus Christ, whose birthday has just been celebrated - - but rather the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama.

For some time now, comparisons between the two have been a tool of cynical opinion that quickly became fatigued of the rapture that Obama instilled prior to and after the presidential election last year.

From the start, Obama’s critics have claimed that his supporters have idolised him as a saviour, thus attempting to dismantle the concrete hope that Obama has represented for most Americans.

The idea was naturally that the comparison between Jesus and Obama – which is something that the critics developed themselves – would be comical, blasphemous, or both.

If such a comparison were to be made, it would, of course, inevitably be to Obama’s advantage.

Netmaker wrote: He's either a nice guy in over his head as he repeatedly disappoints the left or he's a corporatist pol who is cynically using his base to advance other people's agendas. I tend to see him as the latter so much that I've called him the first black Republican president on multiple occasions on DK.

He is a vicious thug from Chicago who only has a talent for rubbing the erogenous zone of leftists and media people (same thing) and he augments that by using corrupt Chicago tactics. Beyond that, he is an idiot and a fool. Yes, he's in over his head, but he doesn't care. His only desire is be in power, not to actually solve any problems.


Netmaker wrote: If you're too far away from reality that you can't shake loose this god nonsense about him then just sit back in your rocking chair and repeat to yourself 2016, 2016, 2016. Just as the left had to do with Bush and his two terms.

2016 my @$$. I shall be somewhat surprised if we make it to 2014 without some sort of economic cataclysm. The Debt clock says 16.48 trillion dollars, (Someone pointed out it gained nearly 1/2 a trillion since December) and it doesn't even include Social Security and Medicaid financial obligations, which some estimate to be as high as 100 trillion dollars. ... -to-blame/

I don't think you have a grasp of the big picture. You think this is about some petty politics thing, but from where I sit, Letting this guy back in was national suicide. We are in such BAD financial condition, I'm not even sure if Romney could have fixed it, but with an idiot that is completely oblivious to the problem? We are screwed as a coherent nation.

Add to that the probability that Iran will likely nuke Israel, and you've got a formula for World-Wide Armageddon.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Post by Diogenes »

hanelyp wrote:
Diogenes wrote:The left is only hostile to religions that they don't believe in. You know, the normal and traditional ones. They are very much true believers in Obama the "Savior."
About 4 years ago I witnessed a Martin Luther King Jr. parade where it seemed like a great many participants were literally worshipping their recently elected "savior".

Many were also loudly condemning Israel for defending itself from terrorists.

What's funny is that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Religious Republican who opposed Abortion and Homosexuality, and who believed people had a right to defend themselves with guns.

William Worthy, a journalist who covered the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, reported that once, during a visit to King's parsonage, he went to sit down on an armchair in the living room and, to his surprise, almost sat on a loaded gun. Glenn Smiley, an adviser to King, described King's home as "an arsenal."
By today's Media Standards, he's a right wing kook. You see, if you don't keep pace with what the "in" crowd believes, you are an extremist, even when you haven't moved at all.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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