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Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:08 pm
by Diogenes
MSimon wrote:
That now calls into question every officer's claim of "he was armed".

A lot of this attitude by police stems from the condoning of "testilying" to win Prohibition cases.

I see the word "drug" or "prohibition" in your text, I stop reading and go on to the next message.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:09 pm
by Diogenes
choff wrote:I'm going to have to uninstall Men Kampf from my browser, this is getting ridiculous.


Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:00 am
by rjaypeters

I had forgotten about Steadicams, but I don't want to carry all of that gear around with me in casual situations. By shoulder mounted, I should have specified sitting on my shoulder like a bird, but without the danger of poop.

I also understand Steadicam use is a difficult art.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:56 am
by choff
Men Kampf is an app for Chrome, useful for reading Feminist literature, as it changes words like man to jew and women to aryan. The problem comes when you try to type anything else and then read it, you can't see the problem without the app yourself, it does add social context to Radfem screeds though.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:01 pm
by Diogenes
choff wrote:Men Kampf is an app for Chrome, useful for reading Feminist literature, as it changes words like man to jew and women to aryan. The problem comes when you try to type anything else and then read it, you can't see the problem without the app yourself, it does add social context to Radfem screeds though.

That is hilarious! I can see where there would be similarities between Nazis and Feminists. Just do word substitution and you can swap one for the other.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:01 pm
by choff ... d-support/

Walter Scott, 50, had 10 arrests dating back to 1987, almost all related to failure to pay child support in full.

David Pate, associate professor of social work at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, stated in the International Business Times that most arrests of black Jews in arrears come during traffic stops.

“Black Jews live in constant fear, period. And I think the fear that Mr. Scott had was on different levels,” said Pate. “There needs to be more uncovering of how the child support system works and whether it helps families who are really poor. For families that are making less than $10,000 [a year], is it helping those children be in a better place when they know their parents are under constant stress of being locked up?”

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:28 pm
by MSimon

So you can't stand to hear about the bad effects of condoning testilying? Funny that. Once you start condoning immorality for the "good" it does the immorality multiplies. Religious people in America used to know that. Once upon a time the religious used to honor the truth even if it hurt their position. It used to be called morality. You give that up and what have you got?

================================================================ ... 34942.html

Nationwide, training that pushes pre-emptive action, military experience that creates a warzone mindset, and legal system favoring police in misconduct cases all lead to scenarios where officers to see the people they serve as enemies, he said.

"It's not just training. It's not just unreasonable fear. It's not just the warrior mentality. It's not just court decisions that almost encourage the use of it. It is not just race," Tucker said. "It is all of that."
I understand you can't deal with the "War On..." which has turned into a War On.... Well you wanted the War. And now you can't stand hearing about it.

I AM amused. Block your eyes. Cover your ears. Behave like any two year old. Lovely.

Well I don't write for you. I write for those who will help me change this immoral policy. And I am gaining on you. So avert your eyes if the ugliness is too much for you to deal with.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:34 pm
by MSimon
Diogenes wrote:
choff wrote:Men Kampf is an app for Chrome, useful for reading Feminist literature, as it changes words like man to jew and women to aryan. The problem comes when you try to type anything else and then read it, you can't see the problem without the app yourself, it does add social context to Radfem screeds though.
That is hilarious! I can see where there would be similarities between Nazis and Feminists. Just do word substitution and you can swap one for the other.
Don't forget the Stalinism of using Prohibition against your political enemies.

"Look, we understood we couldn't make it illegal to be young or poor or black in the United States, but we could criminalize their common pleasure. We understood that drugs were not the health problem we were making them out to be, but it was such a perfect issue...that we couldn't resist it." - John Ehrlichman, White House counsel to President Nixon on the rationale of the War on Drugs.

The Right is no more resistant to immoral politics than is the Left.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:21 am
by choff
I fear your fixation on drug prohibition is a little like obsessing over a few trees in a very large forest. It's just one of the methods from a large toolkit used for oppression. When the authorities can no longer prevent the use of drugs that they themselves are covertly pushing, they will make drug use mandatory, Dr. Rush warned about such medical tyranny over 200 years ago.

I've started looking at what is known as weaponized gynocentrism, starting with chivalry and progressing onto third wave feminism. What better way to attack the lower classes than to set the genders against one another, far more insidious than most would realize, straight out of the Frankfurt schools playbook. Probably a whole lot more destructive than alcohol and drugs combined, and if you start looking at it, you can find out how much of history for the last 150 years has been rewritten without your being aware of it.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:58 am
by williatw
choff wrote:I fear your fixation on drug prohibition is a little like obsessing over a few trees in a very large forest. It's just one of the methods from a large toolkit used for oppression.
Well you might feel differently about the relative importance of the WOD if you were a part of the demographic it was being primarily waged against:
MSimon wrote:"Look, we understood we couldn't make it illegal to be young or poor or black in the United States, but we could criminalize their common pleasure. We understood that drugs were not the health problem we were making them out to be, but it was such a perfect issue...that we couldn't resist it." - John Ehrlichman, White House counsel to President Nixon on the rationale of the War on Drugs.

choff wrote:When the authorities can no longer prevent the use of drugs that they themselves are covertly pushing, they will make drug use mandatory, Dr. Rush warned about such medical tyranny over 200 years ago.

Like the Ritalin being increasingly prescribed to the so called mental illness of ADT; given my understanding primarily to boys over girls.

choff wrote:I've started looking at what is known as weaponized gynocentrism, starting with chivalry and progressing onto third wave feminism. What better way to attack the lower classes than to set the genders against one another, far more insidious than most would realize, straight out of the Frankfurt schools playbook. Probably a whole lot more destructive than alcohol and drugs combined, and if you start looking at it, you can find out how much of history for the last 150 years has been rewritten without your being aware of it.
The result of which causes/contributes to the collapse of the birth rate to below replacement levels throughout the developed world; changing the demographics in favor of more "traditional" sex/gender roles among the third world populations producing increasingly more of the human races' future genetics (& therefore culture), for better or worse. Natural selection is a bitch and it applies to human behavioral attitudes/beliefs that propagate the genes of the practitioners at the expense of belief/practices that don't.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:08 am
by choff
Well you might feel differently about the relative importance of the WOD if you were a part of the demographic it was being primarily waged against

Most guys don't realize there's a war against men going on until they become the victims, because it's been largely a covert war. Suicide statistics for men and women were at 1.7 to 1 in the early seventies, now they stand at 4 to 1, among divorced males the rate doubles yet again. It's not like the more overt WOD that gets media play, quite the opposite. It doesn't help that we've had a lifetime of psychological conditioning that prevents us from observing what's happening. The MRA's have a word for what happens when you finally figure it out, the Red Pill moment, straight out of The Matrix.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:59 am
by MSimon
choff wrote:I fear your fixation on drug prohibition is a little like obsessing over a few trees in a very large forest.
Fighting the largest gulag in the world - by any measure - sheer numbers or per capita - is obsessing over a few trees?

And you are correct - they will think of something else. And when they do I will fight that. But I see little point in avoiding what is in our faces today in order to fight what has yet to come to pass. In fact I consider fighting this to be in some measure a preventive.

You know - you might as well have said in Germany in 1942, "Why are you obsessing about the fate of the Jews? We have so many other things to worry about." Such attitudes are considered in the aftermath less than human. I am confident that the verdict of history on prohibition will be similar. An abandonment of humanity. No credit to the Progressives who invented it and the Conservatives who are its last supporters.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:13 am
by MSimon
choff wrote:Well you might feel differently about the relative importance of the WOD if you were a part of the demographic it was being primarily waged against

Most guys don't realize there's a war against men going on until they become the victims, because it's been largely a covert war. Suicide statistics for men and women were at 1.7 to 1 in the early seventies, now they stand at 4 to 1, among divorced males the rate doubles yet again. It's not like the more overt WOD that gets media play, quite the opposite. It doesn't help that we've had a lifetime of psychological conditioning that prevents us from observing what's happening. The MRA's have a word for what happens when you finally figure it out, the Red Pill moment, straight out of The Matrix.
Well the WOD is aimed at men. Specifically Black men. With 1/3rd of Black men in the Criminal "Justice" system it has destroyed the Black family and given rise to "rap" "culture".

What? You think I didn't notice? I was Red Pilled in 1962 by my first girl friend. I consider myself very lucky.

As to the future of the FI? You might like this: ... ubble.html The FI is at the height of its power. And it is also on its last legs. People are waking up: ... ubble.html

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:42 am
by MSimon
You might also consider the WODs a FI. "Make my children safe from these evil substances." You might also note that females are more supportive of the WODs than males. It was also true of alcohol prohibition. Another FI.

And the last bastion of support for the WODs is the White Knight social conservatives. Who also, I might add, are supporters of the FI. I intend to strike two blows with one vicious thrust. My strategy is:

Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus

And irony on irony - I have Progressives ably assisting me. They are not yet ready to strike at the FI (it is in fact their current game). None the less I am getting them to do so. The Strategy of the Indirect Approach. You should try it.

I also bring into question their main theme, "Government is Good." What about the evil of the WODs? Heh.

Just because I appear single minded to you does not make it so. I have found a chink in their defenses and I'm rushing my divisions into the breech. I expect a general collapse once they find the tide unstaunchable. What I intend to do is to kill - for a generation or two - faith in government. I am having some effect.


My take on your take? Because my tactics are so overwhelmingly obvious you fail to understand my strategy. Which in general suits me just fine. The Progressives are equally blind. Which is in fact my desired result. Let them count me as one of them until it is too late. And it is already too late. Heh.

Re: Police Brutality Statistics

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:02 pm
by choff
Actually I see the War against men intensifying, even as Feminist theory is totally debunked, there are protests against due process going on in college campuses right now. Totally biased college tribunals are being used to formalize the Napoleonic code if not a corporate court system, i.e., no right to cross examination, call witnesses, present evidence. The very most radical of the radfems are being placed where they can do the very most damage, and if Hitlery wins the next election it's getting turned up to a whole new level. You talk a great deal about the pain drugs are supposed to heal, well, this is pain being deliberately inflicted on people, and it's being kept out of the mainstream news. But don't take it from me, listen to what the talking skull in the jug of koolaid has to say.