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Post by MSimon »

GIThruster wrote:Simon, I'm not surprised and couldn't care less. I've had lots of friends dabble in all sorts of occult practices over the years. Satanism is very different.

Satanists plan to injure others.

http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2008/02/s ... olice.html

They are scum. Years ago I worked shoulder to shoulder alongside a Satanist and got to know him fairly well. I was living in Portland Oregon at the time and there was a very large Satanist church in town. I can tell you over the years I've had angry witches cast spells at me and sorcerers threaten me, but only the Satanists really scare me. They do so because of their deliberately malevolent intent.

BTW, Skippy, Satanists say they don't believe in Satan, or in Hell, until you get to the higher ups, who all do. That's one of the big jokes in Satanism--they lie to almost all their own people.
You should have known me when I was a member of an outlaw MC gang. I learned the Dark Side very well. I have a former outlaw biker friend and we were having a discussion a while back and both agreed that if our kids had ever gone down that route we would have done some serious damage to the kid.

So what is the biggest thing moving people in that direction? Child abuse and the resulting PTSD. All the gang members I knew had that complaint. Every single dam-n one. My buddy and I both mention that in passing. Both of us were extra careful about applying ANY form of corporal punishment to our kids.

What is the best drug for treating PTSD? Pot for the milder cases and heroin for the heavy stuff. I had a (former/current?) heroin user comment on my blog about female heroin users. He said every single one he knew was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. A rehab councilor mentioned the same thing on the blog.

You don't catch drug abuse from drugs. You catch it from PTSD. And the biggest cause of PTSD in America is child abuse. By outlawing the best treatment you are in effect inflicting harm on yourself from the proliferation of outlaws and hookers. Unfortunate? No. Just deserts.

When the prohibition craze started around 1900 our state of knowledge was poor. There is no excuse in 2012. All that is keeping the racket going is people like you who prefer ignorance and the b'tards defending their iron rice bowl. They aren't protecting you. They are stealing you blind while offering you the illusion of safety and in reality inflicting harm on you. Better magicians than I will ever be or ever want to be.

Look into the Satanists further. Question them about child abuse. Then get back to me.

The answer is love. A rare commodity in the world. It would seem that most folks are Satanists to varying degrees. And look at the results we are getting. The Devil lives in politics - both parties. In the church - almost all faiths as practiced. etc. etc. etc. You worry about the extreme Satanists. I worry about the everyday ones. The mass does more damage (they make up for it in volume) than the extremists could ever accomplish.
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Post by GIThruster »

My sister in-law is a psychologist, did her doctoral thesis on PTSD and has worked with PTSD patients now for 25 years. She doesn't use drugs to treat her patients and you are completely unqualified to say these recreational drugs are the best form of treatment. They are not.

Always another excuse for being a druggy and burden on society.

Stop smoking dope and go get a job.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Post by MSimon »


Pay attention. It is quite common for those with unresolved child abuse issues to inflict the abuse on their children. And/or on others. My dad did it to me. It took me until his 60s to straighten him out. I used his love for me to force the issue.


Your culture war only perpetuates your misery. On this issue you are a joke. And the joke is beating you hard. The harder you fight your culture war the more harm it will inflict on you. Just deserts.

I know this is difficult for you but you might want to find the speck of love in your heart and see if you can't enlarge it until it fills the universe. The work is long and hard and painful and worth it. Odds are though you are too old and set in your ways to change. Pity.
Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

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Post by MSimon »

GIThruster wrote:My sister in-law is a psychologist, did her doctoral thesis on PTSD and has worked with PTSD patients now for 25 years. She doesn't use drugs to treat her patients and you are completely unqualified to say these recreational drugs are the best form of treatment. They are not.

Always another excuse for being a druggy and burden on society.

Stop smoking dope and go get a job.
The only druggy I am is a tobacco druggy.

Ah. Well. Unqualified? I'm probably one of the top amateur experts on the subject. Just like Polywell. And the literature on the connection between drugs and PTSD is voluminous. I'll leave you with a few links which I'm sure you will ignore. But it is not for you. It is for those whose minds have yet to harden on the subject:

http://israel21c.org/health/marijuana-c ... s-of-ptsd/

http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archi ... na/251466/

http://www.haaretz.com/weekend/magazine ... c-1.372173

PTSD: Medical Marijuana Clinical Studies Confirm Benefits

http://www.benefitsofmarijuana.com/ask/ ... with-ptsd/

http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/ ... e-approval

And note you are making war on the druggies and they are returning the favor by inflicting socialism on you. Too funny. Just deserts.


You make war on them and they return the favor by stealing from you. Enjoy your ObamaCare because the Republicans are not going to repeal it.

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/mcconne ... obamacare/

I love your hate my friend. It is strangling you. Soon you will be choking on it. Heh.
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Post by MSimon »

The above (particularly the hate) is why I intend to work with the victors of the current political wars. I have no dog in the fight (I do have my preferences). I intend to rise to the top no matter what system is inflicted on me. Enjoy.

As a betting man I'm putting my money on the socialists. They want it much worse than their opposition wants liberty. In fact most of their opposition fears liberty. Thus they aid and abet the socialists. Or as I like to call it - the ratchet.

Let your hate flow. It puts you on the dark side as much as it does your enemies. The only way to defeat your enemies is to stop fighting. And you are not strong enough to do that.
Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

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Post by TDPerk »

MSimon wrote: The only way to defeat your enemies is to stop fighting. And you are not strong enough to do that.
Two things occur to me. One is that you evidently haven't looked hard at shooting them or setting them on fire. Explosives work pretty good too.

The others is that we aren't already at that point because of the strength it takes for a normal, non-sociopathic person to take someone else's life.

But as the title goes, If This Goes On, we'll get there.
molon labe
montani semper liberi
para fides paternae patria

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Post by TDPerk »

"Always another excuse for being a druggy and burden on society. "

I look at it as just your excuse to get the jack boots to do something you like to see done, when it's none of your business. Most of the people I know who do drugs aren't a burden on anyone, and that has been a constant since history started keeping track of such things.

Thing only thing the war on drugs got us was an ignored constitution and an army pointed at us.
molon labe
montani semper liberi
para fides paternae patria

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Post by GIThruster »

Most of the people I know who do drugs aren't a burden on anyone
Yes well, Simon has admitted many times that he uses drugs daily and has been unemployed for 12 years. It's only just the last week or so he started lying about it. All the months he wrote about it and no one responded by telling him to get a job he went right on explaining he is indeed a druggie who cannot pass a piss test and who blames all his life's failures on prohibition. If only he could get his illegal drugs legally, he would not be living on the dole.

Believe that and I have a bridge for sale.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Post by Skipjack »

I don't think Satanism has the kind of segmentation you're suggesting. Every Satanist church likely has theists, deists and atheists. The real distinctions between Satanist churches depend whether they attend the "Feast of the Beast" conference once every 5 years. It is at these conferences that they set their agenda. For instance, at least since 1980,there has been a deliberate intention to sexually and ritually abuse children as part of a program to generate larger numbers of Satanists over the long term. This is why even though Satanists make up less than a single percent of the population, they are responsible for at least 13% of all the child abuse that occurs in day care centers, and so far as I know, 100% of all the ritual abuse that happens in such places. It was at the Conference in 1980, that we have testimony this was made an official agenda, though reports of this go back generations.

You may recall the astonishing situation that occurred about around 1985, where a group of day care workers at West Point Military Academy were all closet Satanists and sexually and ritually abused all their charges--several dozen very young children--and were caught. Since that time, the same kind of thing has happened over and over, always with Satanists at the core. Anyone researching ritual child abuse will find that this is a deliberate act of malice, intended to so violate very young children so they become abusers themselves.

Case in point, from the link I posted above:

Satanism Linked To Scores of U.S. Child Abuse Cases Edward W. Lempinen. San Francisco Chronicle 11/5/87 p. A1 Satanism and cult rituals have been linked to scores of child-molestation cases nationwide in the past five years, including dozens in California. Children as young as 2 and 3 years old have come forward with harrowing tales of drinking blood, animal sacrifices and sexual abuse as part of rituals, according to law enforcement investigators, child abuse experts and parents. Others have even talked of cannibalism and ritual sacrifice of children. After hearing similar tales over and over from people across the country, many investigators and child abuse experts now have come to believe in the unbelievable….In San Francisco, police confirmed last week that they are investigating reports by a 3-year-old girl who claimed that she was taken from a day-care center at the Presidio Army base and driven to a home where she was molested by two men in costumes. Police suspect that the home was the headquarters of the Temple of Set, a Nazi-Satanic group, and they have listed the temple’s high priest as a possible suspect. No arrests have been made. Investigators and parents have declined to give details of the cases of at least 58 children who attended the Presidio Child Development Center, fearing that they might jeopardize the prosecution of a former day-care worker. But in other cases across the nation, experts say there is striking evidence of ritualized sexual abuse that recurs in case after case: — At West Point, N.Y., Army families have pressed an investigation into widespread child abuse at a military day-care center in 1983 and 1984….But an increasingly influential group of legal, psychological and medical experts say they are beginning to amass considerable testimony and circumstantial evidence of cult and Satanic abuse nationwide – and dating back four generations or more. Sandi Gallant, an intelligence officer with the San Francisco police and one of the nation’s most influential experts on cults, cautions that many cases are proving unfounded. But she says that there have been 60 to 70 “solid” cases of ritual sexual abuse in the past few years nationwide. She and others have heard hundreds of children and adult – people who have never met and who live a continent apart – tell stories that are fundamentally the same. “Independently, the victims are describing incredibly similar circumstances,” said Catherine Gould, a clinical psychologist in the Los Angeles district of Encino who has counseled dozens of children who claim they were molested in rituals.
You clearly know nothing about satanism...

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Post by paperburn1 »

Schizophrenia is thought mainly to affect cognition, but it also usually contributes to chronic problems with behavior and emotion. People with schizophrenia are likely to have additional (comorbid) conditions, including major depression and anxiety disorders; the lifetime occurrence of substance abuse is almost 50%. Social problems, such as long-term unemployment, poverty and homelessness, are common. The average life expectancy of people with the disorder is 12 to 15 years less than those without, the result of increased physical health problems and a higher suicide rate (about 5%).

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Post by GIThruster »

From the years I spent working with the homeless i can say from personal experience, the very worst thing for a psychotic like a schizophrenic is to give them pot. They immediately start to sound psycho, ranting on and on--pretty much like Simon. I've never met a schizophrenic who was anything other than brilliant, but there are just too many of those connections between right and left side of the brain.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Post by GIThruster »

You clearly know nothing about satanism...
Well, I know it goes back 2,000 years and further still under other names. Its roots can be found in ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion. I know that the recent American version is the result of the writings of Anton LaVey, known as Satan's Bible. I have read it and researched it through contacts with the Satanist church in Portland, and I wrote a research piece about it for my junior level journalism class.

I can tell you that the Supreme Court of the US has formally declared that Satanism is a religion protected under the US Constitution, as result of a case where a prison inmate sued because the prison would not allow him a copy of Satan's Bible. I can tell you that like most religions, the Satanic church is extremely diverse in its beliefs and practices from one place of worship to the next and from one individual to the next. I can tell you there are most certainly theists, deists and atheists in the Satanic church.

I can tell you that Satanism is an international religion that holds a conference every 5 years that brings together Satanist church leaders from all over the world and enables them to plan their agenda for humanity.

And I can tell you, the most fundamental tenant of the modern, American Satanist church is to do evil, and call it something else, then laugh at people who let them do what they do.

So shock us Skippy. What do you know about Satanism? It's not legal in Austria, is it?
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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Post by MSimon »

TDPerk wrote:
MSimon wrote: The only way to defeat your enemies is to stop fighting. And you are not strong enough to do that.
Two things occur to me. One is that you evidently haven't looked hard at shooting them or setting them on fire. Explosives work pretty good too.

The others is that we aren't already at that point because of the strength it takes for a normal, non-sociopathic person to take someone else's life.

But as the title goes, If This Goes On, we'll get there.
Well yes. But if your adherence to the Dark Side is not situational but total, the Dark Side - which you claim to be fighting is then ascendent no matter who wins.

In my personal life I defeated my father's adherence to the Dark Side by not fighting him.

I see that in the coming political fight. I have a choice between the Communists and The Fascists. I prefer the Fascists because they can run the numbers. Otherwise they have nothing to recommend them. I especially detest their Black Hearts.

The rank and file of the Communists have better hearts but they can't add. At the top of course it is all lies and power and control.
Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

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Post by MSimon »

GIThruster wrote:
Most of the people I know who do drugs aren't a burden on anyone
Yes well, Simon has admitted many times that he uses drugs daily and has been unemployed for 12 years. It's only just the last week or so he started lying about it. All the months he wrote about it and no one responded by telling him to get a job he went right on explaining he is indeed a druggie who cannot pass a piss test and who blames all his life's failures on prohibition. If only he could get his illegal drugs legally, he would not be living on the dole.

Believe that and I have a bridge for sale.
Well I am not lying. The only drug I currently use is tobacco and the occasional (once or twice a month beer). But OK. Let us suppose for the sake of argument you are correct. How did I get so technically adept at Polywell (not to mention electronics) doped out of my mind? Isn't that stuff supposed to make you lazy, crazy, and stupid? If you are correct about me (you are not) it has had none of those effects.

And my unemployment if you must know has been required to deal with family medical issues that required my full time personal attention - not work per se but to be on immediate call to provide interventions.

It has meant considerable hardship but I am not sorry a bit for my decision.

I'm working at some things that should allow me to earn from home.

And I'll repeat my offer. If you want to see less of me here donate to my PayPal so I can do more electronics.

What my "time off" allowed me was to learn Polywell so I could get it refunded. Dr. B thanked me personally. No pay of course but I'd say I have earned my keep.

There is earning money and doing the right thing. My preference - as shown by my behavior - is the latter.

And my work on ending drug prohibition - I like getting you foaming - is going well. According to Rass. (hardly a lefty pollster) 56% favor pot legalization. Up from 50% about a year ago. And I still have room for gains. About 67% say prohibition is not working. Two states will be going for full legalization this fall. Correction three states Oregon, Washington, and Colorado.

http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns- ... 0463.story

Six more states have legislation pending to legalize med pot.

http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view ... eID=002481

My plan is this: end pot prohibition and then get people to look at the other drugs sans iron rice bowl propaganda. i.e. kill the hysteria and let reason take over. I'm sure you can invent a new moral panic to take up the slack.

And this is going to frost you. I AM a Conservative 1900 style. Not one of those new fangled Progressive Conservatives. My intention is to banish Progressive thought from the left and the right. It is working.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

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Post by GIThruster »

MSimon wrote:Let us suppose for the sake of argument you are correct. How did I get so technically adept at Polywell (not to mention electronics) doped out of my mind? Isn't that stuff supposed to make you lazy, crazy, and stupid?
No one ever said pot makes you stupid, Simon. It does make you lazy and crazy, and you are both. Think about it. You couldn't be bothered to finish your degree, so you're out of work and have no prospects. If you hadn't been a doper, you probably would have used that natural talent you have and been earning a living all these years, Instead, you're living on the dole and doing drugs. And now you're lying about it.

You're lying about your situation when you say you can't work because of a piss test, and you're lying about it again when you claim you have issues at home you need to take care of. If you weren't the lazy bastard you are, you'd go get a job and stop with the excuses.

And for cryin' out loud, Simon, how can it totally escape you that your arguments make you out to be quite mad? Didn't you just post a rant earlier in this thread saying basically "you should have seen me when I was REEEEEEEAAALLLY EVIL!"

You're right out of your mind, Simon. That's what drugs do to people. Doesn't mean you aren't really smart, but you'd be a hell of a lot smarter if you had finished school, and you'd have job, and some self respect, and far less time to waste in one thread after the next making a fool of yourself. Simon seriously, patting yourself on the back for popularizing drug use and single handedly combating the evils of progressivism? You sound stark raving mad. You think the national opinion concerning drugs is a direct reflection of your own pathetic blogging?

Please just stop and go get a job. You're pathetic.
"Courage is not just a virtue, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C. S. Lewis

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