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Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:34 am
by Keegan
Tom Ligon wrote:Keegan,

I'm no longer sure I'm correct about that assertion you can't see the wiffleball.
I was thinking about this the other day. Its not that anybody is particularly wrong or right, its just going to be pending on the power density and timescale of the machine. At the moment the machines are pulsed and are at a low density, which would make it hard to see anything at all. Probably a good reason why a "money shot" of WB6 running with a wiffle ball never existed. WB7 will have a higher density but a lower timescale, which means we probably wont see anything for a while still, unless EMC2 is planning some very special photography. (which really might be worth it for the public eye)

Net power machines are expected to be continuous and have power densities of at least 2.5e22/m3. On the road to achieving that we are bound to see start seeing something sooner or later.

On the topic of Duodecad Coils Torul2 has managed to render a pretty viable coil shape. I think they are a bit on the thin side tho. Its nice to know that any shape is possible with Bitter Magnets. But the coil shape is the same argument about where to place the electron emiiters. One of the most important aspects of the machine is electron flow through the cusps. More experiments are needed to understand this better. This will largely dictate the coil shape.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:49 am
by MSimon

Re: coil shape. They pretty much have to be circular to make the field lines conformal to the shape.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 12:18 am
by Torulf2
Thanks for your comments.
its looks Its looks like I suck at the pictures links again Image

There is a different ways to making illustrations. First is to make it as it looks real.
The second is to make the invisible things visible. Light can illustrate invisible form of radiations. I’m not clear over how things in the polywell looks like. In the movie of the plasma focus sequence al things is dramatically slowed down compared to the reality.

Plasma focus devise and spheromak machine have lots of similarities. But watt the plasma ends up in is completing different. In spheromaks the plasma is partial controlled by outer magnetic field and in plasma focus the plasma is complete free do develop due to its own magnetic field. Plasmafokus works in short pulses and the spheromak is meant to work in long pulses or continuous drive. The spheromak use an external gas puff to create plasma and make a large “stabile” thoroid plasmoid. The plasmafokus use the thin gas in the reactor container for creating the plasma and the plasmoid is topological complex, tiny and self compressing. The plasma focus is not a small tokamack as somebody said.

Paul Koloc has after the spheromak developed a small devise called plasmak. Its essential same plasma configuration as the spheromak but the outer magnetic field is replaced with atmospheric pressure. The fusion is obtained by atmospheric compression of the plasmoid. Here is an animation showing how I understand the plasmak.

Speromak plasmoids in atmospheric pressure have been made in a different way by ElectronPowerSystems, Colliding Plasma Toroid Fusion. Here the fusion is thought be induced by collisions by the plasmoids. I think there susses depends on the mechanism in the plasmoid collision. They have published lots about the plasmoid formation but I have not find anything abut the collisions. An earlier invention of this type of fusion device was theoretical made by Eric Witalis
And there is Generalfusions MTF “stempunk” D+T fusion, using colliding spheromaks and compression by a liquid metal shock wave.
I think this devise if it works will have lots of malfunctions and leakage of tritium.

I have seen the poly art. Its grate! What software was Tony Rusi and Skip Bakers dodecahedral polywell made in?
It’s also fascinating how the elemental symmetry repeats in art, technology and nature. The Dodekahedral -Ikosahedral symmetry is seen in nature in radiolarian planktons, pollen, virus, fullerenes and quasi crystals.

About the placement of ion guns and electron guns, look at the picture of the WB7 at the E=mC2 site. There are some cylinders with cables at the triangular sides, but also a cylinder in the middle of the octagonal front side. This can be these guns, or something else.

CINEMA 4D Release 10.5 can import AutoCAD formats as DWG and Allplan. Read more about it on the Maxon site.

I’m grateful for suggestions for more pictures and animations. How dos the wifflebal looks likes in 3D? I have to do a dodecahedral polywell with circular magnets.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 3:20 am
by Tom Ligon

I assure you, your English is far better than my Greek. Without your courage to communicate, we would not be treated to your great graphics and interesting insights.

I met Dr. Koloc when he visited the lab in the late 90's, at which time he was interested in the spheromak/plasmak as a model for ball lightning. Just listening to his arguments, I was convinced he is a very clever fellow, and Dr. Bussard shared the opinion.

While my money is on Dr. Bussard's scheme, I'm personally delighted to know several outfits are attempting non-tokamak fusion by different means, and I find it interesting all three think they can burn p-B11.

Fixing html images

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 7:01 am
by PolyGirl

Thank you for your art work, I am using your spinning pentagon polyhedra on my mobile. To fix your image link you need to remove the ' / ' from the first [/img]


Edit: Removed Torulf2's Image.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 11:44 am
by dch24
Torulf2 wrote:About the placement of ion guns and electron guns, look at the picture of the WB7 at the E=mC2 site. There are some cylinders with cables at the triangular sides, but also a cylinder in the middle of the octagonal front side. This can be these guns, or something else.
MSimon, you probably know this...

I believe the device center-mounted on the face of WB7 is the Photo-Multiplier Tube, which would put the electron guns at the cusps.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:36 pm
by Torulf2
Here are some new renders.

Energy in 1 litre water equivalent to 300 litre gasoline.

Animations of the dodecahedral polywell.

Different render of the polywell.

The Z-pop fusion reactor.

The Colliding beams & Field-Reversed Configuration.
Developed by tri alpha.

The MIX. IEC fusion developed by FPGeneration.

A inter planetary space ship with polly-fusion drive.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:44 pm
by tonybarry
Torulf, these pix are fantastic. Thank you for the work that must have gone into them.

Tony Barry

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:23 pm
by drmike
Absolutely gorgeous! Inspiring too, Makes me want to start building things in my basement. :D

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:49 pm
by vernes
drmike wrote:Absolutely gorgeous! Inspiring too, Makes me want to start building things in my basement. :D
Torulf2, your designs are increadible.

I'm going to paste some on my background :)

I wonder if I still have access to my school's full color plotter...

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:06 pm
by Torulf2
Here is some renders. I’m grateful for your comments and point outs errors.

FUSOR a simple electromagnetic devise how can produce neutrons from fusion.
Red arrows-electrons. Blue arrows-ions

A surface showing the geometry for the magnetic field around a polywell.

Continues truncation of the regular polyhedrons.

Pulsed High Density (PHD) Experiment. Using FRC.

A single stage to orbit (SSTO) reusable vehicle.
Its using the dense plasma focus (DPF), and air breathing MHD engines ... 6_8100.pdf ... Page1.html

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:19 pm
by MSimon
Saving them at photobucket seems to be the key.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:10 am
by Torulf2
some of them is saved at photobucket and some at flickr.
Its dos not mater. Its must be my error. How exactly dos I write the code for putting in the link text?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:46 am
by MSimon
I fixed your code to make it work. The one photobucket image disappears - I think you have the wrong url.

The rest of your code displays the right form. It looks like flikr doesn't display. I'm going to fool with your code to make it work.

It might help you to do a single post for each picture so fooling with the form is easier.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:52 am
by MSimon
Ok this url displays:

however it is an empty page.

The form is:

[img ][ /img]

with no spaces.

If you move your images to photobucket and give me the correct urls I can fix your code if you make an error.