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Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:18 pm
by JoeP
choff wrote:The way I heard it was the Saudi's and Emirates are sitting on a $875 Billion contingency reserve, so they can ride out low oil prices until all marginal players are crushed, plus Iranian oil will be coming on market. That's why I think you'll see military action involving beheadings, bombings, nuclear saber rattling and all the rest, it's what's called 'price discovery' in the petroleum business.
It is a simple economic tactic for sure, and I don't blame them for having such a plan to protect themselves. They are dumping and a full-on price war is going down, and they have the money and foresight to have had this in their back pocket.

I was also thinking back the other day to the 2008 campaign when Sarah Palin was mocked for "drill, baby, drill" to increase the supply in order to force down prices. The oil industry doesn't work like that we were told. "A simplistic view, etc."

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:52 pm
by GIThruster
At today’s price of $2.09 per gallon, gasoline prices in the US are the lowest in history, adjusting for increased fuel economy and higher wages as the chart above illustrates.
Well no, the chart above does not illustrate that. First off, the world's first "oil crisis" was before the chart here records. It starts in 1975 when the first dramatic rise in gas prices did not occur until 1973. That was when gas was 23 cents per gallon and suddenly went to double that, and led to lines around the block and the first CAFE fuel economy standards in 1975. So it is playing fast and loose with the facts to say today's prices are at an historic low. They are not.
At the estimated average hourly wage today of $20.82, a typical worker would have to work for 24 minutes to earn enough pre-tax income to purchase the gas required to drive 100 miles, and that brings the “time cost of gas” priced in minutes of work to the lowest level in US history.
But why should we compare prices with this criteria? Why not something like minimum wage or the average person's ability to buy bread and milk? There are all sorts of criteria available, but I can tell you, when gas was 23 cents per gallon, the minimum wage was not less than a dollar. It was probably closer to $1.80.
As Jeff describes it, today’s low gas prices are an impressive tribute to the “marvels of the market”. . .

Despite it all — and despite every effort by the world’s most powerful people — all the pressure is downward.
Trouble is, the forces that drove the cost so high as it was still exist and they will not be dissuaded. Increased use in India and China drove the prices to historic highs, and they will again. There is no stopping the growth of use in lands abroad. Only a move away from fossil fuels can stave off the eventual return of the high prices we've seen the last decade.

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:21 am
by williatw
Lowest Inflation Adjusted Price of Gasoline–
$1.46 in 1998

Inflation Adjusted Gasoline Prices ... /gasoline/

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:37 pm
by williatw
Accusations of 'scandal' surround 'adjustments' of global warming data

Earth as seen by Apollo 17

A Sunday post at the Powerline Blog repeats a story that has been reported in multiple media venues that temperature data that has been collected at ground-based sensor sites have been systematically “adjusted.” The adjustments make temperatures in decades past appear to be cooler than the raw data suggests, and more recent temperatures appear to be warmer. Thus, the adjusted temperature data would tend to support the notion that human-caused global warming is taking place where the raw data does not support that finding.

To be sure, scientists who advance the theory of human-caused global warming claim that there are legitimate reasons for the adjustments. NOAA’s National Climate Data Center maintains that the adjustments are made solely to remove what it calls biases and anomalies. NOAA reports that the adjusted data from surface sensor sites is accurate and represents long-term trends that indicate a rise in the Earth’s temperatures.

Some in the media are not buying it. Powerline uses the word “scandal” to describe the situation, harkening back to Climategate in which leaked emails revealed misbehavior among climate scientists. The UK Telegraph proclaims the adjustment of data to be the “biggest science scandal ever.”

The revelation does explain the discrepancy between data derived from surface monitoring stations and satellite-derived data, the latter of which has shown no warming for over the past 18 years. It may also help to explain why there is a discrepancy between computer models that have predicted warming and real word data that has shown to be less or no warming at all.

One thing is for certain. Global warming as a political issue will continue with supporters of the theory proclaiming that the “science is settled” and calling skeptics “deniers” and skeptics claiming chicanery and bad faith ... rming-data

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:04 am
by paperburn1
Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR)This Tuesday space X is going to launch the deep space climate Observatory aboard its rocket. One of the more interesting features of this satellite is that is it has the ability to take a infrared heat reading from the entire sunlit surface of the planet Earth. It can tell exactly how much energy is being absorbed by the planet and how much energy is being radiated back into space. This will effectively put an end controversy of whether there is climate warming, climate cooling, and how much of these effects are directly attributable to man. This will basically allow a relevant climate model to be made and take away a large portion of the disagreement that both sides have about climate change.
We truly do live in such wondrous times that give us the ability to do these things. And with a little luck and some perseverance we shouldn't muck this up

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:24 am
by mvanwink5
All raw numbers are adjustable when the 'correct' values are known.

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:15 pm
by TDPerk
The DSCOVR was sponsored by Al Gore, he is a big part of why it was built.

I have no doubt he has tried, perhaps successfully, to make sure unadjusted thermal balance data from planet is not seen.

For example, is the raw data encrypted, only to be seen by warmist James Hansen's NASA?

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:51 pm
by williatw
mvanwink5 wrote:All raw numbers are adjustable when the 'correct' values are known.
Exactly. After all it has been known for years that the Satellite data indicating no warming for now about 18 years contradicts the "surface" data; one is massaged the other isn't. The explanation I heard was well "everyone knows" the satellite data is less accurate anyway; and besides it is the surface data that is of most interest anyway since that's where we live anyhow.

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:04 pm
by MSimon
williatw wrote:
mvanwink5 wrote:All raw numbers are adjustable when the 'correct' values are known.
Exactly. After all it has been known for years that the Satellite data indicating no warming for now about 18 years contradicts the "surface" data; one is massaged the other isn't. The explanation I heard was well "everyone knows" the satellite data is less accurate anyway; and besides it is the surface data that is of most interest anyway since that's where we live anyhow.
Colder winters, later springs, earlier falls, warming planet.

When does serious cognitive dissonance set in?

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:16 pm
by choff
Global Warming protest cancelled due to cold. ... g-at-yale/

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:01 am
by paperburn1 ... ate-change

.I first started to watch this talk to see what nut job or batch of science fiction this person was proposing to solve or global warming and desertification problem. After the first 5 minutes I stopped laughing. At the end I'm serious the beginning to wonder if this man doesn't have the correct solution that will potentially stop any proposed global warming or desertification that we may experience. Anyway this is not an endorsement of global warming but the logic offered by this gentleman not only seems sincere but by his experimentations has proven he has a viable and quite easy way to reduce carbon in the atmosphere if this is indeed the cause the problem of climate change. Although not a believer global warming I am a believer in desertification.This is something we cannot debate because it is proven, well-documented, and considered to be scientific fact not a scientific question We are rapidly stripping our trees and savannas and leaving behind desert land. And as a small side bonus if he is correct this goes a long ways in helping our food problems
Anyway take a look at this and see what you thinking to me your opinion

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:33 am
by MSimon
paperburn1 wrote: ... ate-change

.I first started to watch this talk to see what nut job or batch of science fiction this person was proposing to solve or global warming and desertification problem. After the first 5 minutes I stopped laughing. At the end I'm serious the beginning to wonder if this man doesn't have the correct solution that will potentially stop any proposed global warming or desertification that we may experience. Anyway this is not an endorsement of global warming but the logic offered by this gentleman not only seems sincere but by his experimentations has proven he has a viable and quite easy way to reduce carbon in the atmosphere if this is indeed the cause the problem of climate change. Although not a believer global warming I am a believer in desertification.This is something we cannot debate because it is proven, well-documented, and considered to be scientific fact not a scientific question We are rapidly stripping our trees and savannas and leaving behind desert land. And as a small side bonus if he is correct this goes a long ways in helping our food problems
Anyway take a look at this and see what you thinking to me your opinion
If you look it up you will find that some deserts are already greening from increased CO2.

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:28 am
by paperburn1
And there is even more on the same subject matter , apparently by applying these techniques these gentlemen, more than one source are claiming that when several decades they could bring us back down to pre-industrial carbon levels in the atmosphere also halt and reverse the majority of desertification that is occurring in the developing world. And also to be used to halt our potential Midwest desert from forming in the coming decades. ... .html#nRlv
So the bottom line is basically the same he can fix any carbon problems that we may be experiencing through simple management of livestock. Being an old farm boy from way back I find this very interesting and for some reason very believable.

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:47 am
by MSimon
With the coming of a Little Ice Age few are going to worry about CO2. The worry will be fuel and its cost.

Re: 2014 hottest year on record

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:52 pm
by paperburn1
Well if that is the course we are talking about the solution for that is easy. Partly due to the advances in hydroponics. And before Simon chimes in. Yes, the pot industry was a contributor to the growth and availability of supplies necessary to make this happen.