Media "Control" of the Elections?

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Post by MSimon »

Skipjack wrote:
I think that no sane or sensible person would have voted for Barack Obama had they been able to see what lies behind that door.
I looked both the options and while I did not particularily favor him, he looked much better than the alternative. So far he has not done any big mistakes either. At least not in my opinion. The biggest problem I have had with him so far is that he has not really done much at all.
Run up debts that make Bush look like a miser?

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Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
I think that no sane or sensible person would have voted for Barack Obama had they been able to see what lies behind that door.
I looked both the options and while I did not particularily favor him, he looked much better than the alternative. So far he has not done any big mistakes either. At least not in my opinion. The biggest problem I have had with him so far is that he has not really done much at all.

I take back what I said when I called you "Astute."

In what possible manner could Barack Obama have been superior to John McCain?

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Post by MirariNefas »

So, the primary complaint against Obama is that he's spending money when we're in an economic downturn? That's it?

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Post by Skipjack »

In what possible manner could Barack Obama have been superior to John McCain?
Uhm, in any aspect? I mean really there was NOTHING that John McCain said in any of the confrontations that made me want to vote for him. I really mean NOTHING. His solutions to problems were bad. His way of thinking was sometimes outright silly.
Run up debts that make Bush look like a miser?
Well, in Obamas defence, Bush started with a much better situation than him. When Obama started, the damage was already done (by the previous administration). Fixing that pile of shit up will take time and money. It can not possibly done over night. It might mean making some more mess on the road. So I dont see that as a sign of something bad yet.

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Post by Skipjack »

Ok, the "nothing" above was not completely fair. I admit that. He did say a couple of things that were agreeable. One was his take on the way the US treats veterans. I was completely agreeing with him on that. That was not a really pressing issue though.

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Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
In what possible manner could Barack Obama have been superior to John McCain?
Uhm, in any aspect? I mean really there was NOTHING that John McCain said in any of the confrontations that made me want to vote for him.

I know i'm going to regret this, but do you have any examples where the Affirmative Action manchild from Chicago ( who never held a real job in his entire life ) had better judgement than John McCain ? Was it regarding the Russian Invasion of Georgia where Obama said that BOTH sides need to show restraint ?

This is like someone telling a rape victim and a rapist to both stop fighting each other.

John McCain said Loudly and Clearly, "The Russians need to get out of Georgia."

Oh, incidentally, three days later, Obama changed his statement to "What HE said..."

That's just the first example that comes to mind. You can pick any subject, and in virtually every case Obama looks like a fool compared to McCain.

Skipjack wrote: I really mean NOTHING. His solutions to problems were bad. His way of thinking was sometimes outright silly.

What solutions to what problems? A Bit vague here. It's easy to call something silly when you don't provide examples.

Skipjack wrote:
Run up debts that make Bush look like a miser?
Well, in Obamas defence, Bush started with a much better situation than him. When Obama started, the damage was already done (by the previous administration). Fixing that pile of shit up will take time and money. It can not possibly done over night. It might mean making some more mess on the road. So I dont see that as a sign of something bad yet.
I see what the problem is. You are working with an insufficient knowledge base regarding the Financial mess in the USA. Bush deserves some credit for the financial mess, but the Lion's share belongs to Liberal Democrats and their Ideas.

Check out this video for a quick course on the Financial mess regarding Housing.

The Original was much better, but YouTube kept yanking it.

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Post by Skipjack »

Was it regarding the Russian Invasion of Georgia where Obama said that BOTH sides need to show restraint ?
I did actually agree with that. I personally know people from the area that are now living in Austria and the quite frankly, the Georgians had it coming for them. Sorry to say that.
Of course the US has an interest in Georgia so the US media (see topic, hehehehe), bent the whole story to make sure that the Russians came out as the bad guys. I think calling both sides for restraint was the right thing to do.
I see what the problem is. You are working with an insufficient knowledge base regarding the Financial mess in the USA. Bush deserves some credit for the financial mess, but the Lion's share belongs to Liberal Democrats and their Ideas.
Ah yes, I see. So it was the fault of the democrats and not Bush. Sure.
If it was that way, then McCain would not have been able to make a difference anyway, right? So voting for him would have been completely pointless. According to your logic anyway.

McCain did say a lot of things that made him appear uneducated, besides not presenting any credible solutions for the real big problems the US was facing. If he did, he did not talk about them. Instead he was focusing on silly topics like "planetariums" that made him appear like a moron.
His choice for vice president was equally appalling. He was trying to be populistic by choosing a woman, but due to Palins absolute ridiculousness both personally as well as topically, he failed.
It would have been easy for Obama to choose Clinton as a candidate for vice president and it would have been populistic (quite a few dems wanted to see that constellation), but he went with a more pragmatic choice. I respect that.

That said, I did not agree with everything Obama said. E.g. I dont think that a preschool education is of that big a need of improvement. I would rather make access to universities easier. This is where there is a clear lack at the moment (with many people either not being able to afford it or being in debt for the rest of their lives). I did agree with the general idea of the importance of education for leadership though. If your country wants to be an international leader, it has to lead in education. School must not be easy, it must be hard and it must be good.

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Post by MirariNefas »

That said, I did not agree with everything Obama said. E.g. I dont think that a preschool education is of that big a need of improvement. I would rather make access to universities easier.
I disagree with you there. Do you have strong thoughts on how to improve education? Open up another thread if you're interested and I'd enjoy hearing your justifications.

Well, okay I don't entirely disagree. Preschool is a so-so issue. But elementary schools are really important to me.

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Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
Was it regarding the Russian Invasion of Georgia where Obama said that BOTH sides need to show restraint ?
I did actually agree with that. I personally know people from the area that are now living in Austria and the quite frankly, the Georgians had it coming for them. Sorry to say that.
Of course the US has an interest in Georgia so the US media (see topic, hehehehe), bent the whole story to make sure that the Russians came out as the bad guys. I think calling both sides for restraint was the right thing to do.

I guessed you missed the part where I mentioned that Obama changed his mind three days later to agree with McCain. So was Obama wrong in the first place or the second ? Apparently his judgment, upon reflection was that his initial response was the wrong one.

Skipjack wrote:
I see what the problem is. You are working with an insufficient knowledge base regarding the Financial mess in the USA. Bush deserves some credit for the financial mess, but the Lion's share belongs to Liberal Democrats and their Ideas.
Ah yes, I see. So it was the fault of the democrats and not Bush. Sure.
If it was that way, then McCain would not have been able to make a difference anyway, right? So voting for him would have been completely pointless. According to your logic anyway.

It's not my logic. It doesn't even resemble logic. It is instead what they refer to as a Fallacy. A "straw man" fallacy to be exact.

You obviously didn't bother to watch that link I gave you. I guess I don't see any further point in discussing this with you.

Skipjack wrote: His choice for vice president was equally appalling. He was trying to be populistic by choosing a woman, but due to Palins absolute ridiculousness both personally as well as topically, he failed.

Sarah Palin was more qualified to be President than Either John McCain or Barack Obama. At least there is no doubt about her "Natural Born Citizen " status. The Same cannot be said of either of the other two. Beyond that, she's the only one of the three that's ever held a REAL job, and had REAL executive experience.

She didn't look ridiculous. The media Proclaimed her to be ridiculous, and kept repeating it over and over with excerpts cut from interviews specifically selected with that purpose in mind.

Biden, on the other hand is a fools fool, and the media routinely spikes the idiot things he says.

This is exactly what the topic of this thread is about. The Fact that the Media, (Who aren't elected to anything) are the deciders of who gets what kind of air time before the American People. The current Media (With the exception of Fox News and various Websites) is mostly just a propaganda corp for Liberal Democrats who make up 90% of the Employees, and are related too, married too, parents of, and members of, the Media organizations.

And you apparently don't get the significance of this.

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Post by Diogenes »

Anyone paying attention to the National News Services may have noticed the Mocking directed at Sarah Palin regarding the notes she wrote on her hand. These very same people were obviously unaware that Liberal Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer did exactly the same thing, and that President Teleprompter can't do anything but mumble without his speaking crutch.

So it is with some amusement that I noticed this today.



And the Media thinks SHE's the Idiot. ... enefit.php

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Post by Betruger »

She's as ridiculous as the rest of the batch in last election. Here we are arguing over which one of this sorry lot is "the best". Yikes.

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Post by Skipjack »

At least there is no doubt about her "Natural Born Citizen " status.
IMHO this is not the most important criteria for a president. It may be to you, but it is not to me. My most important criteria is that he is smart. Preferably smarter than me. I hate taking orders from people that I think inferior to myself. I have to all the time, but I hate it.
I am not saying that Obama was perfect. He was not my first choice anyway.
I never got the mocking of her regarding the writings on her hand. I was more interested in the things that she actually said, than where she read these things from. I personally found the annectodal stories that both her and McCain presented neither entertaining, nor believable, nor very relevant. I am an entrepreneur myself. I do suffer from high taxes and other payments here, but I do see the merrits of some of these expenses (but not of others and that is where the voting comes in, right?).
Anyway, they tried to "connect with the public" and be "close to the people", by pulling out these really silly stories about Bill the plummer and Joe sixpack. Who cares? The entire country is suffering from the worst economic situation in almost a century and they are bringing up stories about individuals. A country in that situation needs someone pragmatic, who attacks problems without caring about individual problems, but keeping the big picture in mind. McCain did, in no way, convince me that he was the man for that, nor did Palin. I do have to say that McCain did seem likeable on a personal level, but that is irrelevant also.
Palin seemed to me, together with Clinton, the most unlikeable of the whole bunch. I cant stand Clinton. I think she is shallow and waaay to ambitious. That is not the kind of leader that I want to see either.
Palin just comes over as stupid. Maybe she is not, but from anything I have seen from her, she comes over as that, including her voice. I cant stand it. That whole heal family facade that she tried to keep going was ridiculous and shallow as well. Not that I think it is relevant, but it just made me dislike her character even more. As I said, I cant find a single bit where she said anything that I could agree with.
Preschool is a so-so issue.
Ok, let me word it that way: I do agree that any school is important and I did benefit a lot of the fact that I had english classes and some basic math education at my preschool (which is called kindergarden here). But, what help is it if you have a lot of geniuses that were shaped in preschool that will never get anywhere because they cant afford college later?
Maybe that wording is better?

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Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
At least there is no doubt about her "Natural Born Citizen " status.
IMHO this is not the most important criteria for a president. It may be to you, but it is not to me.
It is a REQUIREMENT of the Highest law of the land, the United States Constitution, so yeah, I consider it pretty important. Actually, I regard it as a "Deal Killer." If you don't meet this requirement, or the 35 year age requirement, you cannot Legally be President. Other people seem rather cavalier about this REQUIREMENT.

Skipjack wrote: My most important criteria is that he is smart. Preferably smarter than me. I hate taking orders from people that I think inferior to myself. I have to all the time, but I hate it.
I am not saying that Obama was perfect. He was not my first choice anyway.
From what i've been able to read and discover, Barack Obama is dumber than a box of rocks. He is a person who is successful only because of a program called "Affirmative Action" wherein an unqualified person is able to go through school, and get preferences in hiring, simply because he is a member of an oppressed minority that isn't Jewish or Asian.

The fact that all his College and School Records are sealed, is most likely because they will show how idiot stupid he really is.

Likewise, his birth certificate is sealed because it will show that there is something objectionable about his birth.

My personal theory is that the real Birth certificate will show he was born at home, and the only witnesses to his birth is his immediate family. This results in a born at home Document which was easily obtainable after the fact, and completely obscures the proof necessary to establish him as "Jus soli", or "Born of the Soil."

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Post by Heath_h49008 »

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is Hope! And Change!

Media as we know it is changing. How many of you still watch the homogenizing broadcast news? Is it your major source of information? Do you trust it?

In one of the new polls, 18% of the people said they were "Tea Party"!

That group has been derided and called everything from racist to Nazi by the MSM. Currently, the narrative is "Angry".

The problem is, they cannot control Drudge, or any of the other sites teaching people about what is really happening, or stop the rest of us from spreading the word.

"Times they are a changing"

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Post by Skipjack »

It is a REQUIREMENT of the Highest law of the land, the United States Constitution, so yeah, I consider it pretty important.
Outdated requirement. Besides, according to everything we know, Obama was born in the US. Of course angry losers of an election will never fail to invent conspiracies, right?
From what i've been able to read and discover, Barack Obama is dumber than a box of rocks.
You are fishing in the dark.
And McCain was actually known to have been the last of his class at the military academy. That takes some intelligence, I guess.

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