Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

williatw wrote:
Trump's biggest error was his apparent decision on lack of preparedness; thinking he could "wing it", he was both ill prepared for Hillary's attacks and the biases of the moderator.

I recall something Scott Adams (the guy who does the "Dilbert" cartoon) said: He said that the debates are going to be like a high school contest between the smart alec Jock and the "know it all nerd." The nerd may be correct on the facts, but the class is going to side with the smart aleck jock because nobody likes the obnoxious nerd.

That would seem to me to be a pretty accurate description of the social dynamics in play.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

Tom Ligon wrote: Evidently you have now chosen to post it all. I'm sorry to all if you took that as license to post every juvenile meme you see.

I perceive it to be as worthwhile as attempting to reason with you. You come into this discussion with a completely different set of premises, and I believe they are flawed. Debating a flawed premise is in my opinion, a waste of time.

Better to laugh.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by paperburn1 »

All I have to say for sure is clinton had one hell of a good makeup artist. look at one good closeup of her face and you can see the changes. made her 20 years younger but you can tell its all fake by looking at her neck.
I am not a nuclear physicist, but play one on the internet.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

williatw wrote:
Yes he should have hammered her more on the private e-mail server; it wasn't merely a "mistake" it was a crime; in spite of what the FBI said in its report the statute doesn't give a by to blundering "good intentions". Unfortunately the public doesn't seem to care;

And here is where I once again attempt to make my eternal point. The public doesn't care because the Media (Liberal Democrat Union Members from New York) do everything they can to subdue public reaction to what she has done. Had the Media treated her as they did Richard Nixon (Constant, 24 hour, 7 day a week assertions of corruption) she would be toast.

As Peter Jennings (Former ABC News Reader) said: "We don't tell the people what to think. We tell them what to think about."

The media steers public opinion, and all the "steerers" are Hyper partisan Left Wing Democrat Liberals. There are no conservatives in any positions of control in those businesses. Even Fox news has made a hard turn to the left now that the Network has been taken over by the Hyper Liberal sons of Rupert Murdoch.

williatw wrote: Trump needs to do a better job of showing how someone with "30 years" experience in government doesn't get a pass for incompetence. He didn't say one stinking word about her incompetent complicity in the Benghazi debacle; he needs to showcase her failures and unwillingness to admit such.

I noticed that, and I was thinking at the time, "Is he going to bring up the Benghazi disaster?" He didn't, and of course the "moderator" didn't either. (Or anything else significantly deleterious to Hillary.)

williatw wrote: He tried to hit her hard on her (&Obama's) complicity in allowing ISIS to grow; mixed results there, she said it was Bush who negotiated the forces withdrawal agreement (true) but sorry you don't get a pass when it (the growth of ISIS) happens on your 8 year watch.

Bush negotiated the initial forces agreement, but Obama didn't want to continue it, so when the Iraqi's demanded more concessions, Obama pulled out because that's what he wanted to do anyway. But this is beyond just pulling our forces out of Iraq, (which was a colossally stupid blunder) the evidence so far appears to indicate that Obama and Hillary were running a "fast and furious" gun running scheme to the "Syrian Rebels" which were in fact the Core group we now know as "ISIS."

Obama and Hillary *ARMED* ISIS. They not only allowed it to be created by removing our troops, they actually fertilized it's growth by sending it weapons and money. They foolishly thought that arming these groups which were fighting Assad would be useful in toppling Assad. (Which I still think they were doing only because Bush toppled Saddam Hussein, and they wanted to prove they were just as "bad ass" as Bush was.)

I read yesterday that Wikileaks is making exactly this charge; That Hillary deliberately sent weapons and military supplies to the forces which mutated into ISIS.

That *IS* what the evidence appears to indicate.

williatw wrote: The bias (on the media's part) of labeling Trump saying we should have taken (secured) the Iraq's oil fields as "crazy" show what he is up against.

I keep telling people that the greatest threat currently facing the nation is one party control of all significant information streams in the country. The Liberal Democrat Media are enabling a fascist-like super-government to coalesce and form around the Democrat-ran nanny state. (80% of Federal government employees are Democrats.)

There is a Media-Industrial complex operating between the Wealthy Elite of New England/New York, and the Washington D.C. money-fountain/power structure. I used to wonder why people would not want to balance the budget and stop deficit spending, but that was because I was looking at the problem the way a patriotic and objective American should look at the problem.

When you look at the problem from the perspective of people getting rich and holding on to power as a result of excessive spending on the part of Government, you realize this better explains the behavior we are seeing. They don't want to rein in spending or government involvement in things like Healthcare, because that is how their bread is getting buttered.

The media does exactly what it's Wealthy power broker owners (This Century's "Robber Barons" ) wants it to do, because this is how they keep their power and influence. That the media should serve the interests of the entire nation I have now come to realize is just a naive fantasy.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

paperburn1 wrote:All I have to say for sure is clinton had one hell of a good makeup artist. look at one good closeup of her face and you can see the changes. made her 20 years younger but you can tell its all fake by looking at her neck.

"Fake" has always been a Clinton characteristic. (Both Bill and Hillary.)

I remember sitting in a Dentist's chair in 1992 while discussing the election with the Dental Hygienist. She said Bill Clinton reminded her of a "Televangelist" or a "Used car Salesman."

He just put off that snake-oil salesman vibe, she said.

I agreed with her.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

And then there is stuff like this:

The Weaponized Government Continues – U.S. Dept. Of Labor Target Peter Thiel…

When you see that justice is measured, not by due process, but by compulsion; when you see that in order to invoke your sixth amendment right to due process, you need to obtain permission from representatives who rebuke the constitution; when you see that justice is determined by those who leverage, not in law, but in politics; when you see that men get power over individual liberty by graft and by scheme, and your representatives don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you; when you see corruption holding influence and individual liberty so easily dispatched and nullified – you may well know that your freedom too is soon to perish.

This is what Socialist Fascists always do.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

Diogenes wrote: He just put off that snake-oil salesman vibe, she said.

I agreed with her.
I object to your characterization, sir. I happen to LIKE snakes. This is about like calling ISIS a bunch of camel jockeys. Camels may be disgusting creatures, but they're useful and have a role to play. They don't deserve to be lumped with ISIS.

It still mystifies me, if you dislike snake oil salesmen, how you can back Trump. Who wears at least as much makeup as Clinton, and is at least as sleazy in his dealings with women as Slick Willy.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Tom Ligon wrote:It still mystifies me, if you dislike snake oil salesmen, how you can back Trump. Who wears at least as much makeup as Clinton, and is at least as sleazy in his dealings with women as Slick Willy.
The difference is thatTrump is getting raked over the coals because of his ill advised comments over the years about women; "slick willy" has largely skated; how pray tell can one in the media justify attacking Trump's dubious conduct with women yet have myopia when it come to Bill Clinton's escapades? From the the near rape of Catherine Willey (& her subsequently being threatened by person(s) unknown), lying about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky (&likely Paula Jones), through the "Lolita express" ? Hillary is his enabler/defender; that clearly implicates her as well. Trump should have unloaded on her when she mentioned that beauty contest winner who gained weight; Chelsea Clinton being in the front row or not (why Trump said he didn't).

Addendum: Or how about Hillary laughing about getting a child rapist off:

Hillary Clinton LAUGHING about GETTING CHILD RAPIST off charge in 1980's

How come Trump making comments about a woman (or women) being "fat pigs" is fair game but she gets a pass for laughing about getting off a guy who likely raped a 12 year old girl? Funny how Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Mathews, Lester Holt & most of the rest don't think that is worthy of mention.

Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

Clinton laughing about "forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs" ain't exactly what I'm talking about. She clearly thought the rapist was a sack of $#!+

Nor is Trump body-shaming a beauty pageant winner what I'm talking about.

Google "Trump sexual escapades." Trump could have given Slick Willy some pointers on D!(#!n& bimbos. So who exactly is being let off on this?

Now consider, Hillary, so far as I know, has not participated in such escapades, only that hound dog she married. And that hound dog apparently gets street cred for it in certain circles.

Not that this matters. FDR and JFK definitely dipped their wicks liberally. No doubt many Presidents have. It goes back at least to Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Although if you really want your hair curled, check out the movie "Caligula," and then consider that most of those bizarre scenes were documented history.

If you want something to criticize, you might look instead to Hillary's diplomatic record. I'm not talking Benghazi. I'm talking about her propensity to push for bombs as a substitute for diplomacy, one instance of which set the stage for Benghazi. Really, it was not the raid on the embassy that is the issue, it is how there came to be an embassy in such an unstable place in the first place, and how it came to be an unstable place. This bimbo business is a total sideshow to what matters.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Tom Ligon wrote:Clinton laughing about "forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs" ain't exactly what I'm talking about. She clearly thought the rapist was a sack of $#!+
But she used dubious tactics like shaming/humiliating the 12 year old girl to get him off in spite of her doubts about his innocence and seemed indifferent to that. So much for Hillary champion of womankind; my success is for all of us, wrong Hillary cares about Hillary period.

Tom Ligon wrote:Google "Trump sexual escapades." Trump could have given Slick Willy some pointers on D!(#!n& bimbos. So who exactly is being let off on this?

Point is that Trump isn't skating on this...Hillary (Bill's enabler/protector) is
Tom Ligon wrote:Now consider, Hillary, so far as I know, has not participated in such escapades, only that hound dog she married.
Unless you want to Google "Hillary lesbian" or something. Huma Abedin comes first to mind; "she is so beautiful and so tiny..."

Tom Ligon wrote:Not that this matters. FDR and JFK definitely dipped their wicks liberally. No doubt many Presidents have. It goes back at least to Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.

It matters when one candidate is given a pass while the other is being publically "shamed" in a debate watched by 80 million people.

Tom Ligon wrote:If you want something to criticize, you might look instead to Hillary's diplomatic record. I'm not talking Benghazi. I'm talking about her propensity to push for bombs as a substitute for diplomacy, one instance of which set the stage for Benghazi. Really, it was not the raid on the embassy that is the issue, it is how there came to be an embassy in such an unstable place in the first place, and how it came to be an unstable place. This bimbo business is a total sideshow to what matters.

Can't argue with that...Trump should have eviscerated her on Benghazi; maybe he was thrown off his game by the Hillary attacks; he better re-group and fast.

Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

williatw wrote: Point is that Trump isn't skating on this...Hillary (Bill's enabler/protector) is

It matters when one candidate is given a pass while the other is being publically "shamed" in a debate watched by 80 million people.
Ah, then you should agree with me that Trump has been getting a pass on his egregious immoral behavior that nobody has been looking at, while he attempts to eviscerate his opponent over her husband's similar behavior. Trump is skating on his bimboism like an Olympian. Well OK then.

But frankly, I'd be a poor Libertarian if I thought what happened in the bedroom, or maybe under the desk, mattered much, especially if the target in question is the Wronged Woman. No, if she'd been the girl in the country song, and Bill's name were Earl, maybe we'd have a murder to talk about, but somehow she refrained.

Trump has been getting a pass from his supporters over so much criminal and immoral behavior, I have to wonder what you guys are sniffing.

Both of these candidates are total sleaze-balls. This election is a total tragedy for the nation. But their sexual habits, or those of their spouses, are far less of a concern to me than their propensity to drop bombs, or their creative math regarding taxes and debt.

As for "Trump should have eviscerated her on Benghazi; maybe he was thrown off his game by the Hillary attacks; he better re-group and fast," you ought to be worried about a President whose buttons are so easily pushed. Hillary knew exactly where his buttons were and the poor judgement they would evoke. She couldn't contain her glee when she succeeded (see "Hillary shimmy"). I fully expected her to do this and members of the press saw it coming weeks ago. Any opponent who has done their homework can send Trump off the rails at will. That terrifies me.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

Tom Ligon wrote:
Diogenes wrote: He just put off that snake-oil salesman vibe, she said.

I agreed with her.
I object to your characterization, sir. I happen to LIKE snakes. This is about like calling ISIS a bunch of camel jockeys. Camels may be disgusting creatures, but they're useful and have a role to play. They don't deserve to be lumped with ISIS.

It still mystifies me, if you dislike snake oil salesmen, how you can back Trump. Who wears at least as much makeup as Clinton, and is at least as sleazy in his dealings with women as Slick Willy.

We are through the looking glass now. Clinton set the bar low, and Obama lowered it further. Now I don't care if our guy is a cheesy snake-oil salesman, so long as he's not as bad as the other side.

Trump may be Professor Harold Hill


But Hillary is more or less Elizabeth Báthory with a Hard Socialist edge.


She's F***ing EVIL dude.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

williatw wrote:

It matters when one candidate is given a pass while the other is being publically "shamed" in a debate watched by 80 million people.

And this is the salient point you and I both are making. The Left-Wing Media monopoly deliberately attempts to steer elections by focusing primarily on the faults of one candidate regardless of their severity as compared to similar or worse faults of the Left-Wing Candidate, and covering up (by not reporting it) detrimental information regarding their preferred candidate.

They need to be stripped of this power, either by law, or by angry villagers with pitchfork and torches.

The one-party monopoly is too powerful and is now a threat to the nation.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

Tom Ligon wrote:
Ah, then you should agree with me that Trump has been getting a pass on his egregious immoral behavior that nobody has been looking at, while he attempts to eviscerate his opponent over her husband's similar behavior. Trump is skating on his bimboism like an Olympian.

Since when does "Mr Libertarian" concern himself about other people's naughty bits rubbing together?

Also Trump was a Private Citizen. Bill was President. He also *LIED* about it under oath.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

Diogenes wrote:
And this is the salient point you and I both are making. The Left-Wing Media monopoly deliberately attempts to steer elections by focusing primarily on the faults of one candidate regardless of their severity as compared to similar or worse faults of the Left-Wing Candidate, and covering up (by not reporting it) detrimental information regarding their preferred candidate.

They need to be stripped of this power, either by law, or by angry villagers with pitchfork and torches.

The one-party monopoly is too powerful and is now a threat to the nation.
Ahem. Please read the entire text of the tidbit below:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I would suggest that if you do not agree with the First Amendment, you are un-American.

There is no one-party monopoly of the press. There may be a lot more people in the press with less fascist views that your own, and so you may perceive the press as dangerously liberal, but they get to print what they like, as does Breitbart.

Holt is a registered Republican.

And please, if you must cite Professor Harold Hill, at least cite the REAL one, played by Robert Preston.

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