Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by paperburn1 »

So then its by angry villagers with pitchfork and torches.

I am in. :D :D :D
Seriously there now seems to be a third guy out there making the grade. The press is now slamming Gary johnson as fast and furious as they can.
while he has some thing I do not agree with he is most definitely far superior to the other two candidates and I believe congress can keep those inclinations in check.
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Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

paperburn1 wrote:So then its by angry villagers with pitchfork and torches.

I am in. :D :D :D
Seriously there now seems to be a third guy out there making the grade. The press is now slamming Gary johnson as fast and furious as they can.
while he has some thing I do not agree with he is most definitely far superior to the other two candidates and I believe congress can keep those inclinations in check.
Regarding some people skating and some getting creamed, does Trump know any foreign leaders? We know he admires Putin, and we know he has an endorsement from Kim Jong-un.

Johnson could not name a current foreign leader he admires. Honestly, I'm having trouble doing so right now, myself. I can think of some FORMER ones I admired, and I can think of plenty of foreign leaders I don't admire. Besides, Libertarians are supposed to have an isolationist mindset. You hire a Secretary of State to handle that stuff, and likely the SecState relies on a staff of career diplomats to keep track. Looking at the early Presidents, I'd suspect that few of them could name many world leaders other than the British or French, maybe Spain. Germany and Italy were not even countries then. Jefferson knew a few but probably had to look most of them up.

A little un-reported question from the post-debate CNN poll, asked if the respondents wished Gary Johnson had been in the debate. A rather impressive 45% answered "Yes." Other polls are showing widespread craving for the choice of a third party candidate, some up in the 75% range.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by ladajo »

"Name a foreign leader you admire..."

What a bullshit question. There is no right answer, you are going to get slapped no matter what you say. It is a 'Setup Question' pure and simple.

It is like asking, "Name the U.S.'s most important ally or partner".
The development of atomic power, though it could confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells. (Hazlitt)
What I want to do is to look up C. . . . I call him the Forgotten Man. (Sumner)

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

Tom Ligon wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
And this is the salient point you and I both are making. The Left-Wing Media monopoly deliberately attempts to steer elections by focusing primarily on the faults of one candidate regardless of their severity as compared to similar or worse faults of the Left-Wing Candidate, and covering up (by not reporting it) detrimental information regarding their preferred candidate.

They need to be stripped of this power, either by law, or by angry villagers with pitchfork and torches.

The one-party monopoly is too powerful and is now a threat to the nation.
Ahem. Please read the entire text of the tidbit below:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I would suggest that if you do not agree with the First Amendment, you are un-American.

I agree with the premise and intent of the first amendment, but I also believe it has been hijacked by technology. We have a defacto monopoly in existence, and utilizing a technology that is more akin to mind-control than it is to printing presses.

There is no means by which alternative opinion can gain access to the public (which was the ENTIRE POINT of freedom of speech and the press) because all access is controlled by a left wing cartel.

We have ~ half the nation voting Conservative, but we have All of the information streams controlled by Liberals.

So tell me, do you believe in the first amendment?

Tom Ligon wrote: There is no one-party monopoly of the press.
No, it just heavily leans Democrat. There are still a few Republican newspapers out there, but the "press" is dying, and will soon be completely dead. It has been replaced by this brain bypassing technology called "video" and which is now being transmitted on millions of different communications channels all controlled by Liberals.

There is definitely a one-party monopoly of this "Video" stuff, which is how *MOST* people get their information nowadays.

Tom Ligon wrote: There may be a lot more people in the press with less fascist views that your own,

I very much doubt that. The vast bulk of them are Liberals from Liberal cities. They are highly favorable toward's Fascism, as demonstrated by their current Fascist leader, Obama, and their desired future Fascist leader, Clinton.

Tom Ligon wrote:
And please, if you must cite Professor Harold Hill, at least cite the REAL one, played by Robert Preston.

I thought I had. Are you telling me that isn't Robert Preston? You see, I wanted to find the right pose; One which made it clear that he was some sort of flim-flam man trying to con a crowd, and so I started my search with "Robert Preston" as my keywords. I found lots of him as Professor Harold Hill, but none in the right pose. When I found that one, I thought it was the best I could do to convey the " con-man" vibe I was looking for.

I thought it was Robert Preston.

Eh, I think you're right. Upon magnification, it doesn't look like Robert Preston.

Here's one of the others I considered, but this one looks like he's only trying to con Shirley Jones.


I wanted something that would convey the impression he was trying to con everybody.


Anyways you get the point. Trump's analogous to Professor Harold Hill, and Hillary is analogous to Mussolini, albeit female.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

paperburn1 wrote:So then its by angry villagers with pitchfork and torches.

I am in. :D :D :D
Seriously there now seems to be a third guy out there making the grade. The press is now slamming Gary johnson as fast and furious as they can.
while he has some thing I do not agree with he is most definitely far superior to the other two candidates and I believe congress can keep those inclinations in check.

The feeling among the right about the press gets uglier every year. I see countless comments regarding how these people will be hunted down like animals in the event of a national collapse.

i see them as Fascist collaborators, and I can assure everyone that a LOT of people see them as Fascist collaborators who very badly need some comeuppance for their deliberate manipulations of elections.

What Franklin said is technically correct, but because of certain developments, his solution no longer applies.

5. Printers are educated in the Belief, that when Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter: Hence they chearfully serve all contending Writers that pay them well, without regarding on which side they are of the Question in Dispute.

What we have nowadays are "printers" who will print almost everything the left says, but who will be very stingy and censorous regarding news and information beneficial to the right.

This story lends voice to some of the thoughts out there regarding this collaborator "Press."

https://westernrifleshooters.wordpress. ... -the-coup/
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Diogenes »

Tom Ligon wrote:
Regarding some people skating and some getting creamed, does Trump know any foreign leaders? We know he admires Putin, and we know he has an endorsement from Kim Jong-un.

Johnson could not name a current foreign leader he admires. Honestly, I'm having trouble doing so right now, myself. I can think of some FORMER ones I admired, and I can think of plenty of foreign leaders I don't admire.

Right there with you. Frankly the choices among foreign leaders are about as bad as our own election right now.

I admire Bibi, and I have a grudging admiration for Putin. At least he behaves as a man would who is protecting his country's interests.

I'm liking what i'm hearing from the leadership of former Eastern Bloc nations. A lot of them are behaving rationally, unlike their Euro counterparts.
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
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Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

Diogenes wrote:
Right there with you. Frankly the choices among foreign leaders are about as bad as our own election right now.

I admire Bibi, and I have a grudging admiration for Putin. At least he behaves as a man would who is protecting his country's interests.

I'm liking what i'm hearing from the leadership of former Eastern Bloc nations. A lot of them are behaving rationally, unlike their Euro counterparts.
There are a lot of scumbags out there leading countries. Apart from the usual list of murderous dictators, we now have Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, who has been encouraging widespread extrajudicial killings by the thousands or maybe tens of thousands. I have no great love of drug dealers and gangsters, but this one I hold up as an example of what to expect if a supposed democracy elects someone with zero respect for the law. He actually manages to make our present choices look not so bad, not to say ours are not horrible.

A few years back I videoed some sessions for the National Association of Government Communicators. Editing down and incorporating slides and external video clips requires going thru each 1-hour talk 4-5 times so I probably know the material about as well as the presenters. One session was particularly good, a GC from a former Eastern Bloc nation who described their attempts to push a highly democratic bidirectional form of their communicative art. This part of the world is notorious for government corruption, but the GCs in the whole region have worked up an on-line system for ratting out corruption. Portions of the population evidently do so with some glee. Of course, Ukraine is the hub of this area, and they've got their problems still. I suspect Putin does not want that kind of scrutiny spreading like a disease on his turf. It may turn out, when the dust has settled, this may be the route by which Viktor Yanukovych was outed for corruption (among other crimes).

So yeah, at least the people with local roots there seem eager to embrace democracy and get it right, even if the Russians living among them seem to crave the return of Peter The Great, and Catherine (who took the Crimea in the first place).

Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

Diogenes wrote:
Tom Ligon wrote:
And please, if you must cite Professor Harold Hill, at least cite the REAL one, played by Robert Preston.

I thought I had. Are you telling me that isn't Robert Preston? You see, I wanted to find the right pose; One which made it clear that he was some sort of flim-flam man trying to con a crowd, and so I started my search with "Robert Preston" as my keywords. I found lots of him as Professor Harold Hill, but none in the right pose. When I found that one, I thought it was the best I could do to convey the " con-man" vibe I was looking for.

I thought it was Robert Preston.

Eh, I think you're right. Upon magnification, it doesn't look like Robert Preston.
Alas, in 2003 a great crime was committed in the release of a version of "The Music Man" starring Matthew Broderick. This dull imitation of the Robert Preston movie is so bad it might constitute a rare justification for censorship.

Preston had done the role for years on Broadway, and had the character down pat. Broderick ... well, if you want to experience crushing disappointment, clips are available on YouTube.

I must admit a soft spot for Preston. He did a made for cable movie called "Finnegan Begin Again" with Mary Tyler Moore. The film crew used junk from my parents house (and would have used the house if more parking were available) for the sets. They brought back several times as much junk as they rented. Thus, I have a globe from Robert Preston's desk. The pre-WWII globe is informative to study, as there have been a lot of hard-bought changes since then. Where Israel is, for example, it shows Palestine. Central Europe is hardly recognizable.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by paperburn1 »

Rodrigo Duterte ,Dirty Harry as he is nicknamed in the press has actually been a great motivator in helping stop the Chinese drug trade. There are literally warehouse size drug plants over there that are being closed down. China is the top producer of meth and when the Chinese government start to crack down they moved their operations to the PI. The meth problem went from low to the most used drug in less than two years.The corruption of the ruling elitist is massive over there. He is cleaning house and making change. unfortunately I can see this ending badly as when he is done his posse will most probably be in charge. When he was mayor he took Davo from a place I would not walk the streets in daytime without a armed escort to a place where your relatively safe even at night. The united states saw fit to support the wrong side when the PI government needed our support the most.(another Secretary Clinton mistake based on a money grab) so now the US is no longer in favor or most likely going to be in a position to help the Philippines if the sprattly island thing goes south. The main change was a bad call from the president and state department has put a bad light on Rodrigo Duterte . The press has just outright lied about the situations over there. (I have a satellite feed from the PI for my wife and speak enough to understand what is going on socially and politically.)while the people are not full blown supporters the understand the need to clean up at no mater what cost. and the reporting of him calling the president a son of a whore, he did not. he just swore in the middle of his statement which was : You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum: He was mad because Obama in a mark of brilliant statesmanship dismissed the questions of a standing president and told Durterte He was screwed up. and by the way both presidents meet less than 24 hours later and OBama made nice nice because his staff screwed up the translating, he said Putangina, not Putangina mo!
Edit, sorry went a little over the top but what is portrayed by the media is not what happened over there. Durterte is not a good guy but right now he is perfect for what is needed over there.
Last edited by paperburn1 on Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am not a nuclear physicist, but play one on the internet.

Tom Ligon
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by Tom Ligon »

Fair warning, this will probably give Diogenes a heart attack. It combines his notion of Trump as Harold Hill with a production he'll see as a perfect example of his rants on liberal media.

I dug it, though.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Tom Ligon wrote:There is no one-party monopoly of the press. There may be a lot more people in the press with less fascist views that your own, and so you may perceive the press as dangerously liberal, but they get to print what they like, as does Breitbart.
Nothing in the Constitution is designed even in theory to make the "press" or in modern terms the media, objective, fair and unbiased. There is no real legal way to do that. The problem isn't just that they are biased per see; it is more than that. The issue is that it seems to me that back in the day people knew instinctively that their were pro-unions newspapers for instance and anti-union newspapers. Pro civil rights newspapers and of course anti-civil rights newspapers. They (the readers) just selected what they read accordingly. The problem now days is a vast swath of the public seems to think the main stream media like the three main networks, CNN, MSNBC & especially it seems NPR are "fair" and unbiased. Even on the rare occasions NPR has admitted its liberal bias it doesn't seem to stick with most of the public. The only ones they will allow for as "biased" is Fox news (& of course talk radio that Obama & Hillary would luv to "fairness doctrine" into oblivion). Sean Hannity & Bill O'reilly at least state their biases for Trump openly. I have watched/listened to Rachel Maddow almost literally gush all over Hillary Clinton giddy as a school girl to be interviewing her, yet she/they have cred as objective journalists. The question is how it (the media) got that way. I would surmise one of the vectors is probably our tenured academia professorships; they used academic freedom as a way to systematically stack most of our ivy league universities with professors who have the "right" views, typically liberal leftists. There is no free market of ideas at work at such universities culling ones that don't work in the real world; tenure guaranteed lifetime employment combined with a bully pulpit to mold young minds as they see fit, with little repercussion. They (the professors) at ivy league universities probably groom/cull from the student body select individuals who have the right views into the media by using their influence in hiring. Recommendations from high status professors from ivy league universities who have systematically cultivated relationships with the right people in the media companies who do the hiring. Add to that the sheer power of the mass media; dwarfing newspapers back in the day or even radio; literally beaming images into peoples home's now 24/7; nothing really compares to it. The only remedy I can see off hand is the internet; and of course they are working on controlling that too; that issue that caused Cruz to finally endorse/support Trump. The awarding of ip addresses going from US controlled to controlled by some shadowy international body; don't really understand it (the issue) very well.

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by paperburn1 »

No to keep harping on the drug problem in the PI
But this was another bust of a drug plant, as you ban see its being manufactured on a professional and industrial scale.
These plants are common, that is why the president of the PI has a 90 percent approval rating. (and to paraphrase CNN, so did hitler at first)
FYI most of these drugs are outbound to far east and mexico with a portion ending up in the USA This is one of the things they wanted help with and we politely refused.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Rudolph Giuliani: Trump is right about ‘stop and frisk.’ Lester Holt should apologize

But according to candidate Hillary Clinton and moderator Lester Holt during Monday night’s presidential debate, stop and frisk is “unconstitutional.” They are wrong. In Mrs. Clinton’s case, it’s the usual misrepresenting she does when she does not know what she is talking about. As for Mr. Holt, if a moderator is going to interfere, he should do some homework and not pretend to know the law when he does not. Mr. Holt and NBC cannot overrule the U.S. Supreme Court.

Stop and frisk is based on an 8-1 decision of the Supreme Court, Terry v. Ohio. That ruling hasn’t been overturned or even modified by the court since it was handed down in 1968. Stop and frisk is constitutional and the law of the land. The majority opinion, written by then-Chief Justice Earl Warren, approved the constitutionality of stopping a suspect if the police officer has a reasonable suspicion that a person has committed, or was about to commit, a crime. If the officer also has a reasonable suspicion the person is armed, he can conduct a pat-down—that is, a frisk—of a person’s outer clothing.

Rudy Giuliani ... ogize.html
I wasn’t astonished when Lester Holt tried to prop up Mrs. Clinton in the debate, but actually to interrupt Mr. Trump to insist that he knows the law when he doesn’t was a bit surprising. Perhaps he does know the law and this was planned? He knew the question would come up. He presumably was briefed on the law and Terry v. Ohio. Yet he interrupted Mr. Trump to assert a falsehood. This did not come as an astonishment to many; ... trump.html

One Federal Judge did decree that because more black and Hispanics were stopped and frisked, the practice as employed in New York City was racist. That governs no one in Chicago, where Mr. Trump recommends the practice be applied..
As the NYPD release rightly notes, “Stop, Question and Frisk is not unconstitutional,” and even Judge Shira Scheindlin’s disastrous 2013 ruling never said so.

Fact is, the Supreme Court found it constitutional back in 1968 and has never reversed or even modified that decision. Scheindlin ruled merely that the NYPD’s use of the tactic had shown “deliberate indifference” to constitutional rights, claiming racial bias.

Then the US Court of Appeals threw her off the case because her “impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

And it stayed her ruling — a step usually taken only when a decision is unlikely to survive the full appellate process.

But higher courts never finished examining her decision — because de Blasio, who’d won his race for mayor vowing to end the practice, squelched the city’s appeal.

Trump was also right to call Scheindlin “a very anti-police judge.” One of her own former clerks told The New Yorker that “she thinks cops lie.” ... mps-right/
And Finally:
Trump had said, many times, that he’s not going to discuss strategy for the enemy benefit, and I agree with that. He has said he will do it rapidly, which suggests that he plans to accept the Caliphate’s declaration of war on the United States, and retaliate massively. I’d recommend a Corps sized expeditionary force, including one heavy armored division, with an air support team including both the A-10 Warthogs and a wing of air supremacy SAM busters. That will do it fast and with few casualties. It is an elementary military principle that you use overwhelming force at the point of contact (if you can); this keeps casualties low and actually costs less than trying to do the job on the cheap. As to what we do when we have conquered ISIDS, it will be our territory; we won’t do it as a favor for Iraq and/or Syria. We will own the oilfields, too. We can dispose of that territory as we will, partitioning it into more stable regions. I suggest we give the King of Jordan a reasonable part of Sunni Iraq, hopefully a portion with some oilfields in it. He can use the income, and the Middle East can use the kind of stability he has brought to his part of it. The Kurds also have a high stake here.

The important part to remember is that ISIS rules only if it rules. Its legitimacy is that it applies Sharia to areas it controls; if it controls no area, if it sovereign nowhere, then it is just another terrorist group; perhaps not the Junior Varsity, but not a Caliphate. Its main attractiveness to recruits is that it claims to fulfill the will of Allah, and Allah favours the Caliphate.

I do not know Mr. Trump’s plans; I doubt he does in detail. I do know he does not consider himself a military expert and will seek advice from those he thinks are; just as when he decides to construct a new building, he does not start with blueprints of the men’s room (or whatever the Federal regulators require in the area he will build it). He will have to decide on policy, he may even choose a plumbing company, but I’d be much surprised if he spent much time on ball cocks. Eisenhower built highways, but he wasn’t a civil engineer. ... r-matters/

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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by hanelyp »

My take on "stop and frisk" is the cop needs an articulable probable cause to make the stop. Once they have probable cause to make the stop they have an interest in insuring their own safety.
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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Post by williatw »

Diogenes wrote:Bush negotiated the initial forces agreement, but Obama didn't want to continue it, so when the Iraqi's demanded more concessions, Obama pulled out because that's what he wanted to do anyway. But this is beyond just pulling our forces out of Iraq, (which was a colossally stupid blunder) the evidence so far appears to indicate that Obama and Hillary were running a "fast and furious" gun running scheme to the "Syrian Rebels" which were in fact the Core group we now know as "ISIS."

Somewhat related and touches on more valid points:

The DECLINE of American Empire

Black Pigeon Speaks

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