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Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote:What is the point?

Well the Catholics and Nazis agreed on some things. That did not make the Catholics Nazis or the Nazis Catholics.

Of course instead of agitating about all this indoctrination in the public schools - a project championed by the socons of the day as INDOCTRINATION CENTERS (well doesn't it suck when it gets away from you) - why not do something about it?


I agree about the Vouchers. The rest of your message is not worth discussing.

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Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote:So D you are telling me that Public Schools designed by socons as indoctrination centers is a bad thing when they don't indoctrinate your way?

I see your point. It has got to suck to be you. You set out to do good by telling people what to do and before you know it some one you don't even like is telling people what to do.

It would seem that the desire to tell people what to do is unquenchable. We are going to need some laws.

You are still dancing gleefully upon your perception that some sort of comeuppance is being delivered. You keep steering the conversation back to "Ha ha" (Nelson of the Simpsons) rather than acknowledging the Salient point.

It is obviously more important for you to fantasize about payback than it is to acknowledge a simple principle.

A State run School should not be practicing indoctrination of any sort.

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Post by Diogenes »

djolds1 wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
MSimon wrote:It is a long term strategy. Which is why you hold them until the cultural artifacts destroy the premises of their culture. Best outcome: they destroy themselves.

Women's liberation and prawn are our secret weapons. The internet is our delivery system.
This may actually be a viable solution. As I have said, I've pondered this question before, and the forces involved do seem to move in our direction.
No, its not.

The Islamic Resurgence since c.1979 is a formerly defeated region in the process of regaining vigor and self-confidence. The West meanwhile has been preoccupied with a century's worth of attempted suicide and cultural self-hatred. As to the violence out of the Muslim World, a freebooting Razzia has always been part of its cultural DNA. I.e. the violence is not indicative of decay.

As to women - women have self-enforced their inferior social position for all 5000 years of recorded civilized history. It is the mothers, aunts and grandmothers that hold little girls down to inflict FGM. Women are the conservative sex; do not look to them for revolutions.

I wasn't referring to Women. I was referring the notion that kinky decadence works in our favor. The more pRon surfing done by Arab men, the less likely they are to take their religion seriously.

To put it another way, getting Arabs hooked on Drugs, Sex and Hedonism is a good way to undermine their religious based society, and therefore the threat it poses.

djolds1 wrote:
Diogenes wrote:However, I think the better solution is to make them prosperous. From what i've learned, there seems to be a direct correlation between prosperity and Liberalism. People can only be stupid when they can afford it.
Economic determinism is a fool's distraction, regardless of whether you embrace the Left wing (Marxism) or Right wing (Barnettism) flavor of the creed.

You don't believe that money makes people stupid? (I mean Liberal.)

And your better solution is?

Posts: 6968
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:33 pm

Post by Diogenes »

kcdodd wrote:In response to Diogenes, 1/20 to 1/10 of the children, or young adults, being "indoctrinated" by the "pro-gay propaganda" are gay. Schools are social institutions and there is no reason for those who are gay to not be considered a legitimate member of that society. It is people like you who see being gay as abnormal, and of course any inclusion of the homosexual members into "normal" teaching lessons will seem out of place and foreign to you. However, not only do you find those member abnormal, you wish to actively keep them from being considered normal by them and their peers. I am not only not sorry that someone has prepared lessons that speaks of people not a member of your straight Christian middle class ideal; I see these kinds of initiatives as a positive response to what has traditionally been, and sometimes tragic, process of growing up gay and having no role models, outlet, or positive feedback and having to adapt in a society not only not built for you, but which is filled with people actively trying to derail your life. Is it the only, or even the best, response in a school setting. Probably not. I know of support groups forming in high school to help those in it, but it is rare I think but just an example.

But you can just put a sock in it when you start to say it is evil and in line with the Nazis, who also took great pride in persecuting their own homosexuals, which, by the way, started by banning any books of gays or homosexuals.

I've read several books on Homosexuality. I just wish more people did as well.

Anyway, I'll put you down as being in favor of Indoctrination in the public schools.

So far we have two YES votes. You and MSimon.

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