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Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:41 pm
by paperburn1
In reality in democracies the military does not lead coups ' they just do nothing and and pick up the pieces afterword. becuase that all they need to do.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:46 pm
by hanelyp
No way would the average soldier in the US military go along with a coup against Donald Trump. But the swamp creatures that came to the center of our military and intelligence structures during the last regime are not the average soldier, but a completely different breed.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 5:12 pm
by Tom Ligon
Since we're making up horseshit, how about another alternative?

Alt-White ... or is it Alt-Right ... activists make up a whole rash of fiction like this, and spread it out via Bright Bart and the dubious websites that gave us stories like Pizzagate. This they use to motivate the people dumb enough to believe it (see Pizzagate again) to organize an assault on Congress, seeking to find the Deep State operating out of the basement.

But nothing goes right because, after all, they're an army of total idiots. They are soon rounded up, but not until several hundred people are killed.

Steve Bannon is quickly found to be the ring leader, but spills his guts to the feds and gives up his boss.

85% of Americans back the ensuing impeachment.

Meanwhile, Putin raises a toast ... his plan worked perfectly.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 5:46 pm
by choff
I personally don't believe there will be a coup, instead the POTUS will either be replaced by an identical double or have implants put in his brain to control him.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 6:32 pm
by ladajo
However the implants won't work given his tinfoil lined toupee...

In any event, we'll see how sporty things get this coming week with DPRK. The Little Fat Teenager continues to paint himself into a corner. He is now risking internal legitimacy given all the rhetoric; a good chunk of it for internal consumption. My personal opinion is that LFT will look for an oblique legitimacy option like taking another torp. shot at a South Korean vessel, or some such other 'deniable' event. Maybe a sabotage event in South Korea. He is always seeking to make internal and external point scores against those who he assesses will not retaliate. Right now, he is probably insecure in his assessment of Trump not retaliating to a US directed event. I also note, that Trump and other administration officials have now outright and essentially stated that DPRK threats are as good as action, and could be acted upon. Xi grasped this and is currently seeking to pre-empt with the declaration that they will sit it out if DPRK shoots first, however not so much if the US shoots. As far as I can tell, they left a little ambiguity, given the rhetoric from LFT about striking first or in whatever way he feels. Thus, if LFT says something escalatory and stupid prompting a US strike, they have an out to not act.
Part of the fun would be looking at what PRC and DPRK has on their respective sides of the border these days. My sense is that neither trusts the other, the current relationship is one based in a.) making money off each other, and b.) creating a pain in the ass to South Korea and the "West".
LFT seems to be bent on a path to find out he has no real friends, only conveniences.
My 3.5 cents.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:11 pm
by Tom Ligon
ladajo wrote:... He is now risking internal legitimacy given all the rhetoric; a good chunk of it for internal consumption.
My quibble with this is that it is all for internal consumption. Everything that fat little punk does is to sell himself as the Savior of the People against the Evil Imperialists. But not to worry, we're a mere lump he can crush into jelly with his pudgy little fists.

The trick is not to take this personally. It is not directed at us. But neither can he be allowed to continue to develop nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, because sooner or later his needs to impress his own people is likely to require an attack on South Korea, which he will believe he can get away with because we fear to attack him.

He does need to be disabused of that notion.

He would fall in a week if he could not pay off his oligarchy.

Diplomacy only works with this guy if it provides an out to a very much worse and highly probable military action that will cost him his position and life.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 10:55 pm
by ladajo
I don't take the LFT personally. I think he is a self-absorbed nutjob who probably actually thinks it is His Right to dominate and destroy the people of DPRK in order for him to have The Great Life. After all, He Knows Better. On a side note, sounds like some of the folks in leftist government here.

While I see your point about considering that ALL LFT's actions are for internal digestion, I do not agree. To some degree, I think he (and those like him, Putin, Xi, Assad, etc..) are messaging a percentage to the external. This is done to create uncertainty on the part of the external audience, thus supporting a (for lack of a better word) 'fear' barrier, which they hope to exploit in order to be left alone to do as they wish. Think of it as a Crazy Buffer. When dealing with uncertainty associated with psychopaths, normal folks tend to lend a wide berth. I think these types know this, and seek to exploit it to a degree.

You make this point if you consider this statement from your post;
which he will believe he can get away with because we fear to attack him.
He knows we, and others, are listening, and thus wants some measure of his rhetoric to be absorbed by the external. Albeit, I do believe that the bulk of it is for internal use/effect. Some even to the sentiment; 'look-it my minions, See! They are scared of Me! I can instill such Fear in Them that They DO NOTHING to prevent what I do or want!' Thus, he feels a need to fan our fertile imaginations that he is crazy, so we leave him alone.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:01 pm
by williatw
Tom Ligon wrote:Since we're making up horseshit, how about another alternative?
Let us all hope it is just horseshit...but I did rather like this fictional exchange:
...a city takes a brigade to control – at least. New York would take ten. And that’s assuming they were all loyal to us. There’s police and federal law enforcement too, but we also have 100 million armed Americans who might object.”

“Ridiculous,” sniffed the senator. “How can a bunch of citizens armed with their deer rifles stop a modern army?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Senator. Ask the Vietnamese. Or the Afghans.
A hundred million armed citizens would make one hell of a resistance...even if only 5-10% proved viable...that is a 5-10 million man insurgency. The sheer size of it once it was publically "mobilized" would probably strongly aid in convincing soldiers on the fence to strongly consider throwing their lot in with it. We would all like to think that patriotism/morality alone would determine one's choices, but there are always those practical considerations. That's the most other countries even if you as a young soldier say had 2nd thoughts about the atrocities you were being asked to commit, you would look around see a bunch of unarmed citizens, realize that you had little practical choice accept to follow your orders or become a victim yourself. Here when our soldiers are ordered to "disperse" the many armed citizen publically demonstrating all over the country in increasing numbers, they would likely have 2nd thoughts wondering if they just might win and you could end up at the business end of a rope..(or bullet).

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:50 am
by Tom Ligon
Yes, a hundred million people would make a hell of a resistance. But nobody is going to raise that without a helluva good cause. You're talking about a third of the population taking up arms. Discounting children and the very old, you're talking well over half of the adult population.

There is a reason for the second amendment, and it is not to defend our homes from burglars or to hunt deer. The reason is so that the people ultimately have the ability to do this. And if a hundred million Americans decide it needs doing, that's the ultimate vote. But what would make them do it? We did not have that fraction of the population under arms in the Revolution.

The military does not swear loyalty to the President. Their oath is to the Constitution. They will defend it. So will most of the population. So will most of the legislators. The only people at the moment who are having a problem being loyal to the Constitution are a bunch in the White House, and some folks like David Duke down in Charlottesville. Should they take up arms, I will be in the fight against them. And so, I hope, will the other participants in this forum.

Timothy McVeigh thought the country would rise up in revolt when he bombed the Murrah Federal Building. His method and choice of explosives was pretty close to what was used in the first attempt to bring down a WTC tower ... the first speculation was that it was Islamic Extremism. But no ... it was American Extremism. Now, I know there are a handful of nutjobs who think he had the right idea, but Americans despised him for the terrorist he had become. And they will do the same to anyone who takes up arms because they don't have the political backing to win in a political fight.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:42 am
by williatw
Tom Ligon wrote:The only people at the moment who are having a problem being loyal to the Constitution are a bunch in the White House, and some folks like David Duke down in Charlottesville.

Not just David Duke:

Pro-Hillary comedian calls for military coup to overthrow ‘idiot-in-chief’ Trump

Comedian Chelsea Handler stirred controversy on social media Friday after she called for a military coup to overthrow President Donald Trump.

“To all the generals surrounding our idiot-in-chief…the longer U wait to remove him, the longer UR name will appear negatively in history,” Handler wrote on Twitter.

Image ... ief-trump/

Not that I care what that ageing booze-hag thinks about much of anything...but others like her (Bill Maher comes to mind) probably echo her sentiment. That's (her comments) is what prompted me to post this fantasy scenario in the first place, various peoples' reaction to what she said (who linked the earlier posted fantasy story). The point (one of them) was that such a military coup would very likely not produce a result that someone like Chelsea Handler (or Michael Moore/Bill Maher/etc.) would like much. Nothing to do with "David Duke" or "white nationalist" and/or what is happening/happened in Virginia. It is the political left that is so unhappy that Queen cacklepants Hillary didn't win, refusing to accept the election results, calling for the electoral college electors back in November to "do the right thing" and elect Hillary Clinton.

After all it wasn't that racist A-whole David Duke who posted:


But she Kathy Griffin is the political it's "harmless" or "performance art" or a "joke"; its only serious if the right/alt right/anything remotely right does it. Don't know what is more disturbing...the depiction of the bloody head of our president or the much scarier image of who is holding it.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:16 pm
by choff
Perhaps after the swamp gets drained president Trump can hold up her head on TV.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:39 am
by Tom Ligon
In bad taste either way. I'm sure you think she's an idiot for doing that (I certainly would agree). But you are suggesting Trump is just as big an idiot?

Regarding that swamp thing, from my perspective, what we have here is that the swamp has gotten even swampier. Rather than draining it, all that has been done is to wreck an ecosystem by introducing invasive non-native species. They're certainly not getting anything done. Where's my $15 a year health insurance? Where's my tax reform? Where is the infrastructure bill?

According to "The Mooch", the people out to sabotage Trump's presidency are people he appointed and working in the White House. And I consider the worst saboteur of his presidency to be Donald J. Trump. If he would take a little time off from attacking his friends and concentrate on jobs that need doing, some good might come of this.

He probably could learn to do the job, but he'd have to grow up a lot, and fast. I had a faint hope he'd learn the ropes, but he keeps hanging himself with them instead.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:10 am
by williatw
Tom Ligon wrote:In bad taste either way. I'm sure you think she's an idiot for doing that (I certainly would agree). But you are suggesting Trump is just as big an idiot?

Not at all just pointing out the double-standard practiced by the mainstream media/Hollywood establishment. One cannot help but wonder if Ted Nugent had done the same with Obama would he have been facing down federal charges (after being crucified far worse in the mainstream media)?
Tom Ligon wrote:Regarding that swamp thing, from my perspective, what we have here is that the swamp has gotten even swampier. Rather than draining it, all that has been done is to wreck an ecosystem by introducing invasive non-native species. They're certainly not getting anything done. Where's my $15 a year health insurance? Where's my tax reform? Where is the infrastructure bill?

Did you think "draining the swamp" would be easy? That the "swamp" wouldn't push back hard? Many of his own party the Republican establishment who hate him as much as the Dems/left does, are part of the problem. Didn't expect an easy route we shall see; he has four years Tom not 7 months. You didn't mention the progress he has made in merely rolling back Obama's executive orders and making judicial appointments (not just SCOTUS). Said judicial appointments (which are being stalled as much as they can by the Dems) could likely turn out to be his most important legacy; imagine 120+ more federal judges who think the Constitution is the highest law of the land, and actually believe judges shouldn't be making laws anyway. And as a honorable mention; 100's of thousands of jobs created & the ~70% or so decline in illegal border crossings I heard since he came to office; wall not even started yet but apparently someone knows when there is a new Sheriff in town.
Tom Ligon wrote:According to "The Mooch", the people out to sabotage Trump's presidency are people he appointed and working in the White House.
Like the soon to be (hopefully) ousted Steve Bannon;

Is Steve Bannon next to be ousted from the White House? ... /23076322/

I expected a volatile 1st term from Trump with many firings and reassignments happening; so it not a shocker for me. Hopefully John Kelly can inject some needed discipline; he seems the type that knows how to command respect, i.e. put the fear of god in people when needed. We elected someone outside the establishment who has never held government office before, so again not surprised/disappointed, to be expected IMHO anyway. Some of the leaks are likely inside jobs but I will bet allot more are from the fallout of those suspicious "unmasking" etc. from FISA authorized CIA/NSA surveillance; the expansion of which we can thank the Obama administration for.

Tom Ligon wrote: And I consider the worst saboteur of his presidency to be Donald J. Trump. If he would take a little time off from attacking his friends and concentrate on jobs that need doing, some good might come of this.

He probably could learn to do the job, but he'd have to grow up a lot, and fast. I had a faint hope he'd learn the ropes, but he keeps hanging himself with them instead.
His off the cuff tweets are both a hazard and an asset; haven't made up my mind yet which they are more.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:56 pm
by Tom Ligon
My contacts at DHS sorely miss Kelly already. Evidently a good man. I have high hopes. Tho' if you look at his record, he's not a Trump supporter. If anybody can turn Trump around, Kelly would probably have the best chance. Kelly is one of those people I believe have total loyalty to the Constitution.

Bannon out ... one can only hope.

Meanwhile, a discussion with a former DHS S&T contact today says they're working on half their former budget, as if fighting terrorism has suddenly become a very low priority. They're supposed to be the DHS Q Division, the ones who figure out how to use this nation's best talents to fight the bad guys. They're not feeling the love.

If Trump would stop fighting his friends and actually concentrate on coming up with really good ideas both sides could support, what a change that would be. Instead, he pushes for things not even his own party could fully back. Even his much-touted base is souring on him. This is not necessarily irreversible, but he needs to stop thinking of everyone else as The Swamp and learn to distinguish wheat from chaff. Kelly, for example, knows the ropes and could steer him right. Bannon? We're talking a swamp creature for sure, from an even murkier swamp than Washington.

Re: Sell The Whitehouse to Trump

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:45 pm
by choff
The way I heard it, McMaster is firing anybody who watches infowars and replacing them with Muslims. I wouldn't be surprised if Bannon is playing the Trump loyalist all the while leaking. I say, Trump should fire them both, AND Kelly if he's a globalist. Andrew Jackson had to fire 10,000 people on his way to killing off the Second Bank of the U.S. Part of the problem with draining the swamp is the same people who elected Trump to do it also elected the Swamp Creatures. Americans love to have it both ways, that's what made Carter so ineffective, trying to govern by opinion poll.

Did anybody else watch the video of the guy reverse driving after hitting 20 people. He might be crazy, but unless you have police/FBI grade driver training, I would never try reversing down a city street at that speed. Most people could never do it without wiping out. This after hitting lots of heavy objects that throw the wheel alignment out, then going backwards over the carnage.

The KKK/Neo-Nazis have been completely infiltrated by the FBI for decades. Can anyone say agent provocateur, we know George Soros pays the other side. The latest riots looked completely stage managed.