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Post by taniwha »

Josh Cryer wrote:Indeed, I am less likely to trust a "skeptic" which is why I know most of the rebuttals to their nonsense offhand.
This statement pretty much says it all. You are relying on canned responses without putting any real thought (ie, re-evaluating your standpoint) into what you are responding to (whether or not the rebuttals are correct or the "nonsense" is nonsense is irrelevant). The most important person to not trust in my "trust nobody" is yourself. The most import thing to not trust in my "trust nothing" is your own beliefs.
Of course all scientists should look at other scientists and determine flaws in their methods. And that does in fact happen in the global warming field.
Sure, it might be happening, but those determinations are being silenced or discredited on non-scientific grounds.

The pro-AGW scientists have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. Their data is suspect and their interpretations are worthless. I wouldn't trust them with the time of day, even if we were looking at the same clock (I'd wonder if the clock had been tampered with).

However, I don't trust the skeptics, either. It's impossible to deny something is going on when I could see for myself that the Athabaska glacier had retreated 50-100m (I didn't measure) between visits (23 years separate), and weird weather patterns are showing up everywhere. But how much of it is "global warming", and how much is something else? If it is global warming, what is causing it? Is it CO2, or something else? Is it humans, or something else? Most likely, it's an incredibly complex machine and we haven't found all the knobs.

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Post by Luzr »

Josh Cryer wrote:Luzr,
Also, "80s onward".... Why it was not warming before 1940-1980? CO2 was rising at unprecedented levels these times...
The whole discussion is revolving around "data adjustments" and "measuring methodology." I pointed out that satellites have raw data available which is "uncompromised" by the scientific process since about 1980.
Then you are completely missing the point. The whole discussion is revolving around "data adjustments" that put 1980 onward "unprecedented". It is not about about satellite record since 1980, but about everything before.
Anyway, all in all, we will see in 5-10 years which party is correct.
I find it comforting that at least you see it this way, because this is one position that you share with Gavin from RealClimate. 2010 is going to be a big El Nino year, and it could be another 1998 (1998 was followed by cooling). I believe it is and if I was a betting man, I would wager cold hard cash on that one. (I'm not a betting man because the last time the guy didn't pay up!)
So, seriously, if 2010 is not in 10 warmest years on record, are you going to change your position?
Another 20 years we will have guaranteed ourselves 2.0C or higher.
Based on what? 2.0C means 10C at the end of century, that is much higher than IPCC's worst scenario. Do not you think you are pushing the envelope too hard?
You don't get it. Temperature doesn't match the curve of CO2. The ADJUSTMENTS TO TEMPERATURE match the curve of CO2.
So you're saying temperatures that make absolutely no adjustments for time of day, station moves, and the urban heat island effect are reflective of reality? Are you really trying to push that meme?
As I said, I am little bit undecided about the issue, but statistically it sounds a little bit strange that the sum of adjustments is pointing downwards if you are going back in the time. I would expect that statistically, there should be the same chance for going up as going down so the sum of adjustments over the time should be at most about zero.

If you take into account UHI, it perhaps should be going down.

That is what my common sense suggest. If your common sense is different, explain.
worry about, OK? I just hope that when the warming trend continues in the next decade
The real question is what you do if it does not... Will you continue to be believer?

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Post by djolds1 »

TDPerk wrote:
Beyond that, the scientific process and trust in scholars do matter.
He didn't say the scientific process didn't matter, I gather he said you don't know what it is is.
Wasn't me in the generic "quote" Dave was replying to.
TDPerk wrote:Since you seem to think trust in scholars (especially in the face of contrary evidence) is part of it, I agree that you don't.
Where did I say trust in scholars regardless of evidence is a good thing? I said trust in scholars (enforced via academic misconduct investigations) is important to the enterprise of science. And that is exactly whats broken down. However, thank you for proving my point about the uselessness of ad hominem.
TDPerk wrote:
djolds1 wrote:Betrayal of the craft of science (scientific process) is exactly what is at issue here, and the apparent scale looks to tar the entire enterprise of science for generations. :(
What, you think it isn't well deserved? :shock:
Yes, I do think its deserved. I also think its tragic.
Vae Victis

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Post by TallDave »

Josh wrote:By all means, assault their methodology.
Their methodology doesn't match what's been done to the data.
Josh wrote:Cherrypicking one station among many of the thousands that exist. Fun stuff.
False in one, false in all. The methodology has been proven false. Who gives a flying frick what they put in their papers, the Darwin Zero adjustment says actual adjustments have gone horribly wrong, as does the extremely convenient adjustments vs raw data graph.

BTW, Darwin Zero wasn't cherrypicked as being the worst adjustment. The guy who found this one just randomly grabbed it off the top of a list of Aussie stations.
The adjustments are common sense, basic back of the sheet stuff.
That's denialism.
I asked people here to cite problems with the methodology (which is open and explained in the referenced papers), and I have yet to receive any problems.
That's moving beyond denialism into insanity.
but I am not going to stand up and pronounce that Mars has only blue skies!
Yes, in fact that's exactly what you're doing. You're taking data that says Earth has blue skies, and coming out yelling that it actually has red skies. You seem incapable of understanding that adjustments biased toward warming are not a measure of warming but of bias in the adjustments.
Note the hilarious thing about this is that while Polywell doesn't release raw data, it's OK, because they're contractors. But when scientists don't, because they are held under contracts with the data providers, it's evil.
We aren't being asked to base trillions of dollars on policy on Polywell, or you might have a point.

I mean, really. We need to spend trillions of dollars on AGW.... but we can't afford to buy and publish the algorithms? This is "Question not your God!" religious hokum.
So your problem is you want code algorithms. I should say that you're not going to ever get them since the code is always going to be error prone, so you go by the paper
If you don't understand why this is a problem, then you don't understand science. You don't get to say "trust me" in science, especially after people have found huge holes in what you say you're doing versus what is actually happening.

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Post by seedload »

Josh Cryer wrote:It most certainly hinges on trust. I trust that Bussard and Nebel aren't bullshitting that the idea can work. I can't understand the physics, so I trust that they aren't making shit up.
An old NOAA picture of warming and a potential cause.


Do you trust it. They are scientists after all. Do you? No you don't. But you trust NOAA now. Why is that?
Josh Cryer wrote:When freaking Antarctica is melting, you start to wonder wtf is going on and whether or not the models are actually too conservative (they historically have been). people telling me NASA had a big cover-up with regards to Mars images (they did this for almost a decade over at my site, I finally said frick it and banned them from posting).
Saying that "freaking Antarctica is melting" is pretty similar to claiming that their is an alien face on Mars. Might you be on the other side of this crank wacko theory and not even know it? Who is making the astonishing claim? Who needs to provide the indisputable evidence to support that claim? Who is who in your analogy.

Josh Cryer
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Post by Josh Cryer »


I think that final vs raw is perfectly reasonable when you consider that the stations were in flux for some 50 yearss. Indeed, the TOD changes match the incline you are seeing here:

I am not saying that USHCN is the "final say" in US temperature measurements, indeed, moving from v1 to v2 they dropped about .10C. They're continuing to improve the data from a horrific dataset that was in flux throughout its history. I can concede that they may have a ways to go and that it may even be another .10C they need to drop, however, USHCN is not the final say in global trends. The question is whether or not the science is sound, and I believe it most certainly is, even if "intuitively" they seem to be "cooking" the data (look at the time of day graph, and you'll actually see why the overall trend looks like noise, AM vs PM cancelled each other!).

taniwha, "canned responses"? Because I keep seeing the same arguments from the denialist side and am familiar with the refutations, I'm using canned responses and not thinking about it. Fair enough, I guess.
Sure, it might be happening, but those determinations are being silenced or discredited on non-scientific grounds.
Well, if their science was sound then they'd stand up to scrutiny. Usually objections to AGW do not understand the problem or make up some other nonsense that isn't supported by the evidence. (Cosmic rays, anyone?)
The pro-AGW scientists have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. Their data is suspect and their interpretations are worthless.
It's easy to make something "look suspect." You cherry pick or just make up some interesting innuendo. Look at the USHCN data. We know that it has been in the peer review for quite some time, and we know that the datasets keep getting improved, *because* of the peer review process you are calling corrupt. But it still looks funny!
Most likely, it's an incredibly complex machine and we haven't found all the knobs.
Sure. No one is saying that. What we have currently is arguments about temperature measurements being faulty, mostly based on innuendo and no real objections to the methods. It's just "look at this graph, does it look right to you! It looks weird to me!" Then you, as a real skeptic, as someone who does want to pursue knowledge, go deep to figure out what is going on.

For instance, this USHCN objection is new to me, and sure, I looked at the defender blogs, but couldn't find it. So I simply read USHCN v2 to see if it had information in there, and low and behold, it did (TOD is their main focus, actually, because it's a pretty nasty thing that happened to the US climate stations over the last 30 years), check the picture out I posted. I also discovered that they reduced their temperature by about .10C between v1 and v2. I hadn't read that either on defender blogs, but they tend to be too focused on beating back denialists to contribute new information.

So I think I am on the ball here actually critically thinking about the problem, and I don't think I am in error for trusting scientists.

It is not about about satellite record since 1980, but about everything before.
I don't need to see "everything before." I can look at raw data that is "uncompromised by adjustments," and still see a distinct warming trend in the last 20 years. I do understand that more data bolsters the argument, of course.
So, seriously, if 2010 is not in 10 warmest years on record, are you going to change your position?
I might consider it. 1 year isn't enough to base a whole understanding of something on. But I would be very shocked if 2010 is not a very very warm year.

But I bet if the solar minimum ends, you guys will say that's why 2010 was so warm. :( So I'm hoping the minimum doesn't end.
Based on what? 2.0C means 10C at the end of century, that is much higher than IPCC's worst scenario.
What? There aren't enough fossil fuels in the ground to bring us to 10.0C. 2.0C would be based on the emissions from the start of the industrial revolution until now (currently at about 30 billion tonnes a year). We're talking about 450 ppm.
If your common sense is different, explain.
v2 of the USHCN dataset explains it more clearly than I could (I posted it earlier in this post), as TOD and temp measuring changes are accounted for and there's really nothing you can say about it unless you object with their station observation data (the stuff that says "this station changed its time of day on this date", etc), which is all well and good, but at that point you'd just have to throw the data out since it would be incomplete.
The real question is what you do if it does not... Will you continue to be believer?
Next decade? If the so called cooling trend continues? Hell no I will be shocked and appalled and have to reassess everything I know about science. I might have to become an existentialistic monk or something.

I'd be more inclined to go by this:

So 5 years. Not long at all. ;)

If in 5 years the trend doesn't continue I will be really frick pissed and angry and annoyed that I was misled by the conspiracy that so many of you think is happening in this thread.

Though if that *is* what is happening, I would be more inclined to call it Cargo cult science:

Rather than some malice.


You're just being insulting and contributing nothing now. I find it unfortunate. I posted a response, feel free to explain why the Darwin data somehow debunks the whole of climate science. Oh, and you might want to read the USHCN paper I posted earlier up.


I agree with that graph* because I think scientists do their best to measure stuff. Why don't you show everyone the post 1980 continuation? :)

It's actually quite capricious that solar variance has dipped and been dipping since then, since it shows that there absolutely is no correlation at all. But it made for some interesting papers, and we do know that solar variance does play some small part.

*Actually I haven't seen *that* particular graph before, however I have seen a similar graph comparing solar variance with temperatures, and they do match, and I have no problem with it. I can trust you aren't showing me a cooked one and it really is from the NOAA though.
Saying that "freaking Antarctica is melting" is pretty similar to claiming that their is an alien face on Mars.
No, recent satellite data has shown it, beyond all expectations from even the most liberal and crazy people. Even Hansen didn't predict the Antarctic would be losing ice. The models frick that one up big time. ... eo694.html

BTW, guys, it is incredibly difficult to keep this up because it's just me defending the scientists here, with every response in objection, so don't think if I just stop that somehow you've won, I still think you are thinking about the data wrong and being misled.
Science is what we have learned about how not to fool ourselves about the way the world is.

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Post by IntLibber »

djolds1 wrote:
TDPerk wrote:
Beyond that, the scientific process and trust in scholars do matter.
He didn't say the scientific process didn't matter, I gather he said you don't know what it is is.
Wasn't me in the generic "quote" Dave was replying to.
TDPerk wrote:Since you seem to think trust in scholars (especially in the face of contrary evidence) is part of it, I agree that you don't.
Where did I say trust in scholars regardless of evidence is a good thing? I said trust in scholars (enforced via academic misconduct investigations) is important to the enterprise of science. And that is exactly whats broken down. However, thank you for proving my point about the uselessness of ad hominem.
TDPerk wrote:
djolds1 wrote:Betrayal of the craft of science (scientific process) is exactly what is at issue here, and the apparent scale looks to tar the entire enterprise of science for generations. :(
What, you think it isn't well deserved? :shock:
Yes, I do think its deserved. I also think its tragic.
Trusting in anybody is an appeal to authority, which is a logical fallacy. The only thing that matters is an appeal to fact, and not just any facts, but certain types of facts. For instance, it may be a fact that there is a correlation between two phenomena, but it is a logical fallacy to imply that correlation equals causation. Only facts which demonstrate causative process can be considered. Theories are not facts. A theory about the radiative effects of CO2 is not a fact, especially when it is dated to the 19th century and there is plenty of science since then that calls it into question in whole or in part.

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Post by IntLibber »

Josh Cryer wrote:bcglorf,

I'd be more inclined to go by this:

So 5 years. Not long at all. ;)

If in 5 years the trend doesn't continue I will be really frick pissed and angry and annoyed that I was misled by the conspiracy that so many of you think is happening in this thread.

Though if that *is* what is happening, I would be more inclined to call it Cargo cult science:

Rather than some malice.
I am glad to see that you have some standard to which you are holding the authorities you appeal to. To each his own. I would caution that Tamino is a hockey team member and up to his eyeballs in climategate himself. His RL name is Grant Foster and he is hip deep in Climategate.

The MSM continues likewise to trot out various Hockey Team members who are not actually on the UAE faculty to comment on climategate as if they are not involved, when in fact they are clearly part of the emails you can read for yourself, don't trust my word on it, read the emails for yourself. Asking Michael Mann or Gavin Schmidt their opinion is like asking John Gotti if the mafia exists.

Ask scientists in other disciplines if that sort of behavior would be tolerated in their fields, I think you will be surprised.

I should note that a British court has ruled in the past year that a) "An Inconvenient Truth" cannot be shown in British public schools unless a list of 9 of the major falsehoods in the movie are read and explained prior to viewing the movie, and b) that belief in anthropogenic global warming constitutes a religious faith due to lack of legally acceptable scientific evidence.
Last edited by IntLibber on Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by TallDave »


I find your whining a bit much considering your own comments.

Just try to think rationally. You keep pointing at the methodology. Darwin Zero says the methodology is not being followed. The adjustment bias graph says it isn't just Darwin Zero (the TOD changes are more than offset by growing HI effects, as has been pointed out over and over and over by real scientists). The satellites show a different trend. They won't release the actual adjustment algorithms. The people administering the data are rabid environmental activists who actively sought to suppress skeptics. If you don't see a problem with this situation as a whole, you don't understand how science is different than religion or politics. (BTW, Darwin Zero is not trivial; it significantly alters the trend for the whole continent.)

And that's before we even talk about spending trillions of dollars based on extrapolations of these trends.
feel free to explain why the Darwin data somehow debunks the whole of climate science.
That's just asinine. No one claims that. No one here even argues there isn't a warming trend -- just that it's being exaggerated.
Well, if their science was sound then they'd stand up to scrutiny
Oh, the irony.
saying that "freaking Antarctica is melting" is pretty similar to claiming that their is an alien face on Mars.
No, recent satellite data has shown it
From 2002-2009. Antarctica has gained mass since the 1970s.
BTW, guys, it is incredibly difficult to keep this up because it's just me defending the scientists here,
You're defending the advocates, the priests, the anti-scientists. We're defending the scientists.
so don't think if I just stop that somehow you've won,
It's not about "winning." It's about what's science and what's advocacy posing as science to fool the gullible.
Last edited by TallDave on Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:13 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by TallDave »

Fortunately, more people are starting to catch on:

A few years ago, I accepted global warming theory with few doubts. I wrote several columns for this paper condemning what I thought were unfair attacks by skeptics and defending the climate scientists.

Boy, was I naive.

Since the Climategate emails and documents revealed active collusion to thwart skeptics and even outright fraud, I’ve been trying to correct the record of my earlier foolishness. In one of those columns, I even wrote: “And see Real Climate ( for global warming science without the political spin.”

In fact, Real Climate was and is nothing more than the house organ of global warming activists, concerned more with politics than with science.

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Post by TallDave »

Next decade? If the so called cooling trend continues? Hell no I will be shocked and appalled and have to reassess everything I know about science.
Haven't you heard? AGWers are already covered through about 2040. They've accepted the PDO trend.

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Post by djolds1 »

IntLibber wrote:Trusting in anybody is an appeal to authority, which is a logical fallacy. The only thing that matters is an appeal to fact, and not just any facts, but certain types of facts.
If we don't trust that scholars are reporting their results honestly, no findings can be given credence. I.e. no facts are substantiated. And if we don't trust the quality assurance mechanisms (inquiries into scientific misconduct) to catch the bad apples, the entire human enterprise of science implodes.

Science is not some pure, abstract Platonic Form. It is a human activity, and that makes it subject to all human foibles and weaknesses.
IntLibber wrote:For instance, it may be a fact that there is a correlation between two phenomena, but it is a logical fallacy to imply that correlation equals causation. Only facts which demonstrate causative process can be considered. Theories are not facts. A theory about the radiative effects of CO2 is not a fact, especially when it is dated to the 19th century and there is plenty of science since then that calls it into question in whole or in part.
If public trust in scientists and the quality assurance mechanisms of science is mortally damaged, science dies, or at least goes into hibernation for generations to centuries. Science does not exist as an end in itself. It is a disruptive but profitable public service, and tolerated on just that basis.
Vae Victis

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Post by MSimon »

A total phaseout of coal is necessary to avert catastrophic climate change (if you believe the science).
Actually any thing that burns mined chemical fuel. Oil, natural gas, coal. They all have to go.

Especially if you believe that corrupted data, and unknown algorithms prove the case.


BTW Josh,

Moving a Stevenson screen (or modern equivalent) can produce changes of up to 10F (maybe more) at one site. So how do you really correct for a 20 mile move? Or a move from a cow pasture to an airport.?

How can you use a site on a mountain to correct for UHI at an airport on the plains?

How do you get the right numbers for initial conditions for a computer run from data that only gives the daily high and low without a time (closer than 24 hours) to go with it?

And you know those climate models are rather sensitive to initial conditions.

How do you adjust for the fact that sea water temperature sampling was done with buckets by untrained (in measurement nuance) sailors? Or that areas of the ocean with very little traffic are undersampled or unsampled? How do you correct for "gun decking" the logs?
Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

Josh Cryer
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Post by Josh Cryer »

IntLibber, I find it highly unlikely that the scientists will be proven wrong, and I think Tamino's bet is fair, wouldn't you agree? As far as the other conspiracy stuff you have said, well, I won't touch it.

A theory about the radiative effects of CO2 is not a fact, especially when it is dated to the 19th century and there is plenty of science since then that calls it into question in whole or in part.
I do think you should look at the IR absorption profile of CO2 in your handy Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, dear sir. High school science teachers (the fun kind) can put up an IR camera with a candle on the other side of a glass container, full of oxygen and nitrogen, and show that when CO2 is pumped into the vessel, the IR from the candle is absorbed, and no longer visible on the camera view screen. This is something high school children can understand and visualize. To deny it is to deny yourself knowledge.

Those pesky climate models that failed to predict Arctic and (especially) Antarctic ice melt? They are based on physical models of the environment.

They get better over time, but will never be perfect. The real experiment is the one we're doing on a planetary scale, every moment.

Darwin Zero says the methodology is not being followed.
Neither you nor your links to denialist screed has established that in any way whatsoever, it is all innuendo, without facts to back it up. I googled "Darwin Zero" out of curiosity (with quotes), 22 thousand (THOUSAND) hits for a post made around two weeks ago. I checked the first 10 pages, they're all the same thing (a few outliers but the vast majority are this non-story).

Hell, all Eschenbach does is says "this is a graph, it looks weird, I don't know why." If you are actually interested you'd go digging and find posts like this, talking about how difficult Darwin data is to divine: ... ent-843553

Of course, Blair here is a really corrupted scientist, we should find out who they are and make them pay by sending in spurious FOI requests for data we're incapable of understanding which we will only use to twist and corrupt the process further because we are not held to the standards of peer review, merely public opinion and the blogosphere.
(the TOD changes are more than offset by growing HI effects, as has been pointed out over and over and over by real scientists)
By "real scientists" you actually mean "scientists I agree with." I myself stick to the peer review and reject nonsense about the process being corrupted without very strong evidence. A few graphs of cherry picked weather stations and a failure to understand the homogenization processes isn't enough, sorry.
The satellites show a different trend.
They won't release the actual adjustment algorithms.
It's not their fault you cannot read a paper. This, btw, is again disinformation, like those 22k hits on Google about this Darwin Zero bullshit.
If you don't see a problem with this situation as a whole, you don't understand how science is different than religion or politics.
My point of view? I spent a decade debunking crazy space alien Mars artifact insano people. I am a skeptic to the core. Denalism is in fact the religion you speak of. It'd be one thing if denalists made some legit objections (some people denialists invoke have, and they have been included in the science), but overall they are mostly spreading innuendo. If you thought the Darwin data methodology was flawed, you, or someone else, could explain to the GHCN guys what is wrong with it and go from there. But because you don't even *understand* how they create the temperature record, you just throw out funny looking graphs and say "that can't be right!"

Note, even the Mars alien guys get it right once in a while. They noticed water droplets on Phoenix Lander, months before NASA came out and said something (NASA knew, of course, but they had to write a paper and that takes time). So denialists actually contributing to the process by pointing out errors or mistakes in the data are simply a broken clock being right twice a day.

As far as private emails are concerned? Well, let me tell ya. When the freaking alien crazy guys were at their pinnacle I myself was getting FOI requests (non-nonsensical requests at that, for logs of the server, to see who was "slandering" them). You do not want to see my private emails during that time, and I'm sure other emails, taken out of context, would be a nightmare. When I read their exchanges I go "I hear ya." Because, really, 22k hits for a posting around two weeks ago about something that is clearly not understood by the many people pushing it. It's sickening. ... 766508.htm
BTW, Darwin Zero is not trivial; it significantly alters the trend for the whole continent.
Darwin Zero is in the lowest acceptable classification station rank. If you used raw data from such a poor station for measurements then Darwin would, certainly, significantly alter the trend, and that would damage the temperature record. What we have are people cherry picking a suspect data set, one that really exhibits homogenization well (not necessarily station to station, simply TOD, UHI, etc), and being upset when that data is clearly not good to begin with (again, lowest rank).

This is my final word on Darwin Zero (difficult to find this given that the denialists have buried it under 22k hits for the conspiracy!): ... scientists
No one here even argues there isn't a warming trend -- just that it's being exaggerated.
OK then what do you say, if the next 10 years are hotter than the previous? Warming trend exaggerated or warming trend confirmed?
Oh, the irony.
Blog postings on right wing shill sites are not the same thing as scientific scrutiny.
From 2002-2009. Antarctica has gained mass since the 1970s.
I spent an hour trying to find your source for that, I gave up, therefore I find it questionable. In any case, the melting that is occurring is massive, beyond all models, therefore it should at least concern you.
You're defending the advocates, the priests, the anti-scientists. We're defending the scientists.
You're defending bloggers and shills. Again, there's nothing that you've said that has established a conspiracy in any way whatsoever.
Fortunately, more people are starting to catch on:
Wait, I don't understand. Let's assume that all of climate science is exaggerated and inaccurate. Small warming trend, no big deal. Since there is *absolutely no evidence that we are moving off of fossil fuels* what would there to be to worry about if people were "misled"? We're not doing anything about it! So who cares, right? For me this is about truth, it's not about activism, because I know that actions are impossible (more than 1GW of renewable or clean energy must be built daily just to stop increasing emissions, it is simply inconceivable politically; we won't have another chance for a COP15 for 10-15 years, perhaps two Presidents).
Haven't you heard? AGWers are already covered through about 2040. They've accepted the PDO trend.
No, you keep enlightening me with new bizarre theories that don't stand up to scrutiny, so I haven't heard this and don't even know what you are talking about. I am talking about Tamino's bet, which is darn reasonable.

Actually any thing that burns mined chemical fuel. Oil, natural gas, coal. They all have to go.
Hansen is the most liberal / crazy / dire predictor, and he calls for coal phaseout. That is the biggest plan I know of. Anyone calling for more is not credible (or insignificant on the scheme of things). Hansen is basically as big of a phaseout you will get from anyone that anyone actually might listen to (note, again, COP15 was a failure, etc, etc, nothing is changing, don't worry you're not getting CO2 tax; you will get health care tax though, sorry, not my fault).

BTW, all of your questions, especially the sailor one? You must have read them from a list somewhere. The scientists try. They're not perfect. The main thing here is that over a large enough dataset statistics kicks in and then the numbers are fairly good indicators of the truth.

No one said it's perfect. Though many of you are saying it's flawed (which should be a given, I thought). It's just that the "flaws" being pointed out are trivialities. It'd actually be cool if you helped improved the method by pointing out real flaws.

I particularly liked this: ... crisy.html

(Don't agree with it fully as some of the examples are hilarious and stupid, but others are dead on accurate.)
Science is what we have learned about how not to fool ourselves about the way the world is.

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Post by Luzr »

Josh Cryer wrote:
From 2002-2009. Antarctica has gained mass since the 1970s.
I spent an hour trying to find your source for that, I gave up, therefore I find it questionable.
Interesting, I spent 10 seconds trying: ... retoday-14
Despite this warming total Antarctic sea ice anomalies have been steadily increasing since 1978 (NSIDC (2006)). 2007 showed the largest positive anomaly of sea ice in the southern hemisphere since records have been kept starting in 1979 and 2008 is currently on pace to surpass last years record.[15] The atmospheric warming cannot be directly linked to the recent mass losses in West Antarctica. This mass loss is more likely to be due to increased melting of the ice shelves because of changes in ocean circulation patterns. This in turn causes the ice streams to speed up.[16] The melting and disappearance of the floating ice shelves will only have a small effect on sea level, which is due to salinity differences.[17][18][19] The most important consequence of their increased melting is the speed up of the ice streams on land which are buttressed by these ice shelves.
In any case, the melting that is occurring is massive, beyond all models, therefore it should at least concern you.
Reading above, I am not really concerned, sorry.

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