2010:warmest year ever since records began

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Post by Diogenes »

KitemanSA wrote:
Diogenes wrote: I agree that there is a problem with someone "getting it." You are the one defining the "boundaries". (Subjectively I might add.) I am the one pointing out that there are no clear delineations. "Lawyer Chess" with words is what you are doing, because you want to believe your position has some objective truth in it.
Nope. Quite OBJECTIVELY, thank you. You just seem too dense to see the objects. Not sure why that should be so, you seem relatively clear headed about most other issues. Guess its that you have sold yourself a bill of goods and can't admit to yourself that you have be duped by yourself. :cry:

You do understands that there is a difference between "self" and "others" don't you? If not, there is no point in even conversing.

Having known victims, and been the victim of someone else's drug use, I am quite aware that it doesn't just affect the user. Perhaps if you had been the victim of someone else's drug use, you could more easily see my perspective.

It's like we are all riding in a boat, and someone wants to drill a hole under THEIR SEAT. That's what recreational narcotic use is. Drilling a hole in society, and letting all manner of evil flood into the system.

This reminds me of the statement from a British officer who ordered his men to retreat under fire. (Napoleon era) They did an orderly wheel about, and slowly marched away. When someone asked him why he did not order them to run, he said "If they are once allowed to run, they will not be usable for anything else for quite some time afterward. "

Drugs work like that. Once someone is exposed to the pleasure center of their brain lighting up from drug use, they will be unable to forget it, and will often want to keep replicating that effect.

I've been told by numerous drug users that crack (Heroin too.) is better than sex. (One of my former drug using friends used to quip, with this crack I can get that crack. :) ) Being addicted to sex is bad enough, who could take care of their responsibilities while pursuing another such addiction?

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Post by Diogenes »

KitemanSA wrote:
Diogenes wrote: What I am proposing is to regard drug dealers and pimps (almost the same thing anyways) as equally bad, and suggesting that if execution is the answer to the white slave trade, then it ought to be the answer for the drug pusher as well. ( Seriously, the two vocations are virtually identical for all intents and purposes. Prostitution drives the drug trade in many cases.)
Watch out pharmacists, he is out to kill you all!

Oh, you mean "dealers of "illegal" drugs. Watch out on-line Canadian pharmacists whose drugs are sold illegally in the US, he is out to kill you all.

Oh, you mean "illegal - non-perscription" drugs.
watch out Canadian drug store owners who sell over the counter meds that are illegal in the US, he is out to kill you all.

Why not just admit that "illegality" is a fickle thing at best and has no real purpose in a discussion about "right" and "wrong" other than to obfuscate?

Oh by the way, he also seems to be a raving racist. Seems white slavery diserves death, but appearantly not yellow or black slavery.
Very amusing.

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Post by MSimon »

Diogenes wrote:
MSimon wrote:This is a perfect example of my thesis: when it comes to their favorite government objective righties get all stupid about economics. Of course the left is no different. They just have different objectives.

I find it especially true of the drug war. You want an exquisite economic analysis? Ask a leftie. The right gets suddenly stupid. And when it comes to the rest of economics the left gets stupid and the right gets smart. You would observe generally that people can't think past their own prejudices.

Unfortunately for me I am incapable of that kind of blinkered thinking. If I got into the habit it would ruin my value as an engineer.
Or, the right could be absolutely correct, and you are being overcome by the fumes of bogus information.
Come back to me when you have studied the literature - pro and con - for as long as I have. It should only take you forty years. With concentration you might be able to do it in ten.

So why don't we start with this. The NIDA says addiction is in part a genetic disease triggered by what they euphemistically call "environmental factors". From the literature of the past 3 years or so provide me some links that say it isn't so. Peer reviewed literature is preferable. I have lots on my side. In fact the literature became so voluminous that the NIDA had to change their tune. It is that solid. But have a go. I'd like to see if I missed something.

Then we can go on to other questions. I'm open to evidence. Got any?

BTW you know the government lies to you about many things. You know the Big Media lies to you about many things. Why wouldn't they lie to you about drugs to keep you enthusiastic about their wallet extractions? It is always about looking for suckers and useful idiots to keep the gravy train running. And people who think they are being entirely rational are the easiest to sucker if the line being sold conforms to some inner need or belief. Just look at the warmists. The prohibitionists are being suckered by the same system.

Let me say this flat out: you have been suckered by the very forces you rail against.

And just in case you don't get it - still:


You want more of that? In the hopes that they will not some day turn their guns on you? You know your history. When was the power of government ever not used to oppress people even if at first the power seemed to serve their needs?
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. - Winnie C.
At this late stage of the game any one calling for more power in the hands of the government is a fool. And I know for a fact that you are smarter than that. At least I hope so.

If we do in fact have the drug problem that exists in your mind the last people you want to go to work on the problem are government people. Because to stamp out vice extraordinary powers are required. No knock warrants. Secret police. Dynamic entry. Forfeiture of property without trial. Limits on police power nullified, etc. etc. etc. Not to mention: problem solving forgotten - it is all about their phony baloney jobs. No problem? No job. So what would be their interest? Never solving the "problem."

Honestly, you can think quite clearly when it comes to the warmist agenda. Or the socialist agenda. Or MSM malfeasance. Mention drugs and that fine mind of yours gets stupid quick. Shame really. Amusing to watch but still. A shame.

But let me tell you this: the lefties are equally amusing. Listen to them discuss drug war economics and you could be getting a Milton Friedman lecture. Sharp. But ask them to apply the same thinking to the Health Care debacle and they get stupid quick too. Well it is a never ending source of amusement for me.

OK. What is the root cause: It is the same for right and left. The belief that you can get what is otherwise forbidden to you by the force of arms you voted for. Well what if some one you don't like gets elected and decides they have a better use for that force? YOU.

Conjuring up forces beyond your control is always a dangerous game. Some one may decide to unbind the demon. Then what?
Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

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Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote:
KitemanSA wrote:
MSimon wrote: Look. I have evidence for everything I have posted. Where in the h3ll is your evidence for the bolded statement?
Sorry, I didn't realize it was in question. My statement is predicated on the understanding, obtained over years of reading about, watching shows on, discussing the issue, etc. that people are seldom, if ever, addicted by the first drug usage. It takes several uses, differing numbers for different people, to suppress the body's natural supply of the chemical which is replaced by the drug.

And if all your links were intended to counter that, sorry, you get so voluminous in your ejecta that I often stop reading after your initial statement.

No, I have neither the time nor inclination to go and find a kazillion sources on the issue. As I said, I didn't think it was in question.
I have studied the matter extensively. And you may be correct for chronic users. You may be correct also in terms of habituation. We can cure that. What we have no clue about is curing addiction: i.e. why some habituated users after detox never go back and why others despite detox can't quit. We are getting to understanding. We are far from a cure.

So let me reframe your studies: Drugs Do Not Cause Addiction. They can cause habituation. Which we can fix. Those in charge of the wallet extraction scheme prefer that people stay confused.

Let me tell you what I have seen over the years. Warmists do not look closely at the science behind global warming. Anti-drug crusaders do not look closely at the brain science and other factors behind what we call addiction. Why? Too much confirmation in the mass media. Each side knows the lies that do not impugn their faith. They fail to connect that maybe they are being lied to about everything. Which of course would call their faith into question. Can't have that. What we can have is sudden attacks of stupid and willful blindness. Humans is such interesting creatures.

The only cure? Doubt. Everything.

You can cite medical speak if you like, but the fact is, when some people are presented with a drug, they are hooked. Others are not. One does not need a biochemical engineering degree to understand this. The Simple fact is, the downward life spiral starts with that first encounter with a drug. Prevent that, and you don't have to worry about an issue of habituation or addiction. This is what interdiction attempts to do. To interrupt or interfere with the first time exposure. That it isn't as successful as it ought to be is entirely the result of applying insufficient negative feedback pressure to the system.

The rudder is stuck in a spiral, and the actuator simply isn't pushing hard enough to correct it sufficiently.

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Post by MSimon »

some people are presented with a drug, they are hooked
Why only some? An interesting question don't you think? But you have moved the discussion forward. You admit that drugs do not cause addiction. It must be something else. Otherwise every one would get hooked after a trial run.

That leaves the question: if it is only dangerous for some why are the rest denied the benefits? Should we outlaw peanuts because some people are deathly allergic to them? Should we ration water to people for fear some one will overdose on it (it kills due to electrolyte imbalance)? What is your criteria for limits? Should cheeseburgers be exempt? Tobacco? Alcohol? Automobiles? Crossing the street? Jumping out of airplanes? Riding a motorcycle on city streets? Aspirin? Ibuprofin? Five gallon buckets (infant deaths from drowning)? What is the criteria?
Engineering is the art of making what you want from what you can get at a profit.

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Post by Skipjack »

Oh by the way, he also seems to be a raving racist. Seems white slavery diserves death, but appearantly not yellow or black slavery.
Oh there we are again. It is common practice, mostly among the left wing here to barf out the word racist (or fascist, or nazi), whenever someone from the right says something that they dont like to hear.
It is a very lazy and easy way of argumentation. The thing is that it is loosing its bite. Most people here have been so numbed by its repeated use over the last 30 years that all it causes now is a shrug. That is what I usually do in that situation too.

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Post by Skipjack »

You admit that drugs do not cause addiction. It must be something else. Otherwise every one would get hooked after a trial run.
Well, the majority of people will get addicted from repeated use. One time use will get some hooked already though.
There is a genetical factor at play here AND a to a small extent also a circumstancial factor. E.g. drinking when being depressed is the best way to turn you into an alcoholic.

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Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
MSimon wrote:This is a perfect example of my thesis: when it comes to their favorite government objective righties get all stupid about economics. Of course the left is no different. They just have different objectives.

I find it especially true of the drug war. You want an exquisite economic analysis? Ask a leftie. The right gets suddenly stupid. And when it comes to the rest of economics the left gets stupid and the right gets smart. You would observe generally that people can't think past their own prejudices.

Unfortunately for me I am incapable of that kind of blinkered thinking. If I got into the habit it would ruin my value as an engineer.
Or, the right could be absolutely correct, and you are being overcome by the fumes of bogus information.
Come back to me when you have studied the literature - pro and con - for as long as I have. It should only take you forty years. With concentration you might be able to do it in ten.

So why don't we start with this. The NIDA says addiction is in part a genetic disease triggered by what they euphemistically call "environmental factors". From the literature of the past 3 years or so provide me some links that say it isn't so. Peer reviewed literature is preferable. I have lots on my side. In fact the literature became so voluminous that the NIDA had to change their tune. It is that solid. But have a go. I'd like to see if I missed something.

Then we can go on to other questions. I'm open to evidence. Got any?

The best. First hand experience. You can't get that from a study or reading. It is to Reading what experiment is to theory.

MSimon wrote: BTW you know the government lies to you about many things. You know the Big Media lies to you about many things. Why wouldn't they lie to you about drugs to keep you enthusiastic about their wallet extractions? It is always about looking for suckers and useful idiots to keep the gravy train running. And people who think they are being entirely rational are the easiest to sucker if the line being sold conforms to some inner need or belief. Just look at the warmists. The prohibitionists are being suckered by the same system.

Even a liar tells the truth occasionally. I've seen drugs destroy lives. I've seen people who got out, and went on to become productive.

MSimon wrote: Let me say this flat out: you have been suckered by the very forces you rail against.

And just in case you don't get it - still:


You want more of that? In the hopes that they will not some day turn their guns on you? You know your history. When was the power of government ever not used to oppress people even if at first the power seemed to serve their needs?
Yes, the government is very dangerous and frightening, and it does lie to us and abuse it's authority. That does not mean that interdicting the flow of dangerous substances is not within it's legitimate mandate. It would be better if it was more competent in every way, but it IS the legal authority, even though it often performs that task poorly.

MSimon wrote:
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. - Winnie C.
At this late stage of the game any one calling for more power in the hands of the government is a fool. And I know for a fact that you are smarter than that. At least I hope so.
Nope, not calling for more power, just a better use of what they are already using. Drug interdiction really isn't even high on my list of important issues of the day. I'm far more concerned about Lunatic Iran getting nukes, or the economic meltdown from a hundred years of Democrat spending programs.

MSimon wrote: If we do in fact have the drug problem that exists in your mind the last people you want to go to work on the problem are government people. Because to stamp out vice extraordinary powers are required. No knock warrants. Secret police. Dynamic entry. Forfeiture of property without trial. Limits on police power nullified, etc. etc. etc. Not to mention: problem solving forgotten - it is all about their phony baloney jobs. No problem? No job. So what would be their interest? Never solving the "problem."

That theory requires granting them competence beyond what they have so far exhibited. I don't think secret police is necessary for successful drug interdiction program. Most of that stuff comes in from Mexico and South America, so building a border fence, and more aggressive actions against the Nation's which supply the drugs, might greatly help to solve the problem. Beyond that, engineering viruses that can wipe out the coca plants, might be a workable idea.

MSimon wrote: Honestly, you can think quite clearly when it comes to the warmist agenda. Or the socialist agenda. Or MSM malfeasance. Mention drugs and that fine mind of yours gets stupid quick. Shame really. Amusing to watch but still. A shame.

But let me tell you this: the lefties are equally amusing. Listen to them discuss drug war economics and you could be getting a Milton Friedman lecture. Sharp. But ask them to apply the same thinking to the Health Care debacle and they get stupid quick too. Well it is a never ending source of amusement for me.

OK. What is the root cause: It is the same for right and left. The belief that you can get what is otherwise forbidden to you by the force of arms you voted for. Well what if some one you don't like gets elected and decides they have a better use for that force? YOU.

Conjuring up forces beyond your control is always a dangerous game. Some one may decide to unbind the demon. Then what?

It is an issue of great concern to me. I have little doubt that a national police force may very well use the drug issue as a means to oppress the nation. At least to get their foot in the door. There are many things which they are doing that I believe are illegal and worrisome. (seizure of cash without proof of being connected to drug dealing, etc.) On this, I have some agreement with your perspective.

It is my thinking that you are really in favor of legalizing Marijuana, but philosophically, your reasoning extends to the hard drugs as well, and for the sake of philosophical consistency, you argue on behalf of legalizing ALL drugs.

Marijuana is relatively benign. I've known people who smoke it, and I still know people who smoke it, and it's detrimental effects appear to be trivial compared to Alcohol, or any other harder substance. The worst that can be said about Marijuana is that many of it's smokers turn into lazy slobs.

People could probably put up with legalized marijuana usage, and a lot of people are pushing for this now. However, the harder drugs are simply a bridge to far for most people. And there's the rub. There is also the fear among some that legalizing Marijuana would open the door for legalizing the other drugs, and many people are opposed to it on that basis alone.

Lazy people are one thing, but thieving, lying, dying, and seriously ill people are something else entirely. This is an area where the libertarians could use a few pragmatists rather than ideologues.

I don't know if it would help, but I think people would be more willing to listen to the notion of legalizing (or decriminalizing) marijuana if harder drugs were being denounced as the killers that they are.

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Post by Diogenes »

MSimon wrote:
some people are presented with a drug, they are hooked
Why only some? An interesting question don't you think? But you have moved the discussion forward. You admit that drugs do not cause addiction. It must be something else. Otherwise every one would get hooked after a trial run.
It's most likely a genetic effect. It has been established that American Indians lack the gene that codes for an enzyme which breaks down alcohol in occidentals. It is not surprising to me that there would be genetic diversity in tolerance for addictive substances. Nature is very clever. It spreads the gene pool so widely because it aids in survival. One characteristic which might be fatal in one environment, might be absolutely essential in another. I have read that anemia evolved as a survival response to Yersinia Pestis. (The bacteria uses iron, and needs it to grow and survive. )

MSimon wrote: That leaves the question: if it is only dangerous for some why are the rest denied the benefits? Should we outlaw peanuts because some people are deathly allergic to them?
If it were a significant percentage of our population, then I say yes, we should ban peanuts. I've read of cases where a girl nearly died because she kissed her boyfriend who had eaten something with peanuts. Were it a serious and common threat to a large group of people, it should be regulated as a dangerous substance. Since it only affects a very tiny minority of the population, it doesn't rise to the level necessary to impart greater security regarding it, though I have heard that some schools ban all peanut derived items due to the large quantities of their students that are known to have such allergies.

MSimon wrote: Should we ration water to people for fear some one will overdose on it (it kills due to electrolyte imbalance)? What is your criteria for limits?

I don't have any formal criteria. I've thought that it would be nice for me to try and derive one, but I have yet to undertake the task. My default position is to follow the societal norm, with the theory being that morals are just hard life lessons learned by ancestors, and that one doesn't need to understand WHY they work to know that they do work. (though it helps.)

From a theory standpoint, I think the basic criteria for any action undertaken by Society or Government relies on how many people are affected, and to what degree, and whether or not there are any benefits that might outweigh the detriments.

If the percentage affected is large enough, (say 1%) and the detrimental consequences are some threshold of severe (say 10% likelihood of death or disablement, and it has no redeeming characteristics) then I think society will feel the need to move and address the behavior.

Much is also modified by historical perspective. Alcohol is probably the most destructive drug ever created, but because it has been accepted in so many cultures for so long, it is tolerated even with it's high death rate, while comparatively benign Marijuana is not.

Alcohol is the beneficiary of a societal "Grandfather clause," though I hear they once tried to eject it from society. :)
MSimon wrote: Should cheeseburgers be exempt?
No, it's a common food. Too hard to regulate even if you wanted to, which only a nut would want to.

MSimon wrote: Tobacco?

In my opinion, yes, but it too relies on a societal "grandfather clause" dating from a time when people didn't know it was deadly. Actually, I read that most of the carcinogens in cigarette smoke are the result of the combustion process temperatures. When the smoke is liberated at lower temperatures, it is far less deadly. At this point, I don't mind seeing it being regulated to death, but on the other hand, I don't like some of the ways they are attempting to force people off of it. It took people a long time to discover it's dangerous, and it took them a long time to get addicted. People should allow for the time it will take to attrite it out of being a popular habit. Eventually the habit will die out, and I for one won't morn it's disappearance. It kills a lot of innocent people because of the fires it causes, on top of the cancer.

MSimon wrote: Alcohol?

That toothpaste isn't likely going back in the tube. I think mankind would be better off without it, but at this point I think we are stuck with it. It has certainly cost my friends and family dearly, but apparently society has decided the benefits of keeping it outweigh the detriments of having to live with it.

MSimon wrote: Automobiles? Crossing the street? Jumping out of airplanes? Riding a motorcycle on city streets? Aspirin? Ibuprofin? Five gallon buckets (infant deaths from drowning)? What is the criteria?

I think the criteria is flexible and dynamic. I can't see any of the above ever meeting the criteria, but that does not change the fact that society will very likely try to regulate any behavior that poses a serious threat to some threshold level of it's population. If conjuring demons was a commonplace activity, and it resulted in some threshold quantity of people getting seriously hurt or Killed, (nothing worse than getting ripped limb from limb by a ferocious demon you tried to control unsuccessfully:) ) society (and the government, who has an interest in maintaining some level of defensive manpower.) will step in and either regulate of prohibit it.

Behavior which is ordinary and typical, and that does not pose a significant threat to most people, (like motorcycling and skydiving) should not be regulated, unless of course it poses a threat to others. (Skydiving into traffic, or driving your motorcycle through children at the playground.)

People ought to have the right to risk their own lives for their betterment or enjoyment, provided such behavior does not constitute a significant threat to others. I believe that hard drugs meet this criteria, while skydiving and mountain climbing does not.

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Post by Diogenes »

Skipjack wrote:
Oh by the way, he also seems to be a raving racist. Seems white slavery diserves death, but appearantly not yellow or black slavery.
Oh there we are again. It is common practice, mostly among the left wing here to barf out the word racist (or fascist, or nazi), whenever someone from the right says something that they dont like to hear.
It is a very lazy and easy way of argumentation. The thing is that it is loosing its bite. Most people here have been so numbed by its repeated use over the last 30 years that all it causes now is a shrug. That is what I usually do in that situation too.
I'm pretty sure he's not serious. (at least I HOPE he's not serious?) I think everyone knows that the term "white slavery" has long referred to forced prostitution, and the race of the victim is irrelevant. (Males can be also forced to prostitute, but it is far less common.)

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Post by MSimon »

Skipjack wrote:
You admit that drugs do not cause addiction. It must be something else. Otherwise every one would get hooked after a trial run.
Well, the majority of people will get addicted from repeated use. One time use will get some hooked already though.
There is a genetical factor at play here AND a to a small extent also a circumstancial factor. E.g. drinking when being depressed is the best way to turn you into an alcoholic.
No. Most people do not get addicted after repeated use they get habituated. And that is different. We can cure habituation. It is called detox.

You know it might be wise to learn the terms of the art before engaging in a technical discussion. Seriously. Would you engage in a discussion of plasma physics with Art Carlson before learning a few things? Like Langmuir probes. Ambipolar. Quasi neutral. etc. Now why not actually study the literature on addiction and habituation before sounding off?

I mean seriously. Even the people who are in agreement with my position around here are a disgrace (mostly).

You know what I hear?

"I don't know what I'm talking about and here is what I think the policy should be."

Do you design from ignorance too? "I don't understand the application and I have written some very good software that will solve your problem. Trust me."

Your point on depression though is excellent. It points directly to my self medication hypothesis. Thank you.
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Post by MSimon »

The Simple fact is, the downward life spiral starts with that first encounter with a drug.
Is that what you read in a newspaper or do you have some evidence? You know a recent peer reviewed article. Maybe something by a respected practitioner in the field.

And all you know are the failures. The people who successfully use drugs are silent. Why? Well that sh*t is illegal and can get you serious jail time. Best to keep your head down and let the stupids take the rap.

Here is what medical doctors and drug counselors know. Care to refute it? With cites?

http://powerandcontrol.blogspot.com/200 ... ecret.html

You know what I see around here a lot? People steeped in phlogiston theory arguing plasma physics. The stuff being peddled is 20 year old drug war reefer madness propaganda. We have learned (a few of us) some things since then. And none of it matches the tired old rhetoric.

Even the NIDA has come around to the fact that drugs do not cause addiction (I beat them to it by two or three years). So why still spout your tired nostrums? I suppose it is a lot easier than learning something new. Faith is always easier than reason. Which is why God invented Death. It prunes stupid ideas. Over time.

William Halsted - the father of modern surgery was a heroin addict. While he was slicing and dicing folks. How did he manage? Well for one he kept it a secret while he was alive.

Edison? A coke head.

I'm still waiting for an answer on this question: how can policing fix a genetic problem? Evidence please.

I'm still trying to figure out how drugs make people that don't use them stupid. Pavlov's dogs. Utter the word drugs and the brain freezes. Very convenient for those interested in Power and Control.

You see it on the left too. Mention CO2 and reason takes a vacation. Very convenient for those interested in Power and Control.

Can you see why your Masters hold you in such contempt? So easily led by the ring in your nose. Some get a CO2 ring. Some get the drugs are the spawn of the devil ring. Everybody gets a ring. Almost. And then the Masters encourage a fight between the tribes with the different nose rings in order to rob you blind. And I must say they are doing a darn good job. They understand your psychology better than you do.

And the most amusing thing is most people think they were born with rings. That they are natural. Well yes. It is true. It is natural. And so is being ruled. Liberty is more difficult. It requires removing the ring. A scary thought for most. "Who will love me if I don't have a ring?" Some one else without a ring.
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Post by KitemanSA »

Diogenes wrote: Let's flip that assertion over. How many Mexican police have to die because we won't execute every drug dealer we catch? Treat em like they do in Malaysia, and we could save the Mexican police officers.

How does that shoe feel when it's on your foot? :)
As sick as when it is on yours :!:

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Post by KitemanSA »

Skipjack wrote: Anyway, I would not really call these guys frauds, they are more on the same level as meth cookers.
If they sell something that is NOT Viagra and call it Viagra, they are frauds. Why is it that folks who seem all hot and bothered by vice are so often willing to excuse away crime? Makes no sense. May be what the lawyers are aiming for.

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Post by KitemanSA »

Diogenes wrote: Oh yes. Do let us regard this as a case of LYING rather than wrecking someone's life. I personally consider the life destruction as more serious than the lying.
Do you support the death penalty for attempted suicide?

Ending someone's life thru force, fraud or coersion is some form of homicide, a crime. Destroying someones life thru the same means (force, fraud...) might be considered an attempt at the same end. Also a crime.

Helping someone end their own life when that person volunteers is assisted suicide. In some places it is "illegal" and others it is not. In neither place is it a crime. Assisting someone in an act that MAY (but certainly need not) "wreck" their life when that person volunteers is not a crime either, no matter what its legal status.

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